I have a book of good and evil

Chapter 193: Inscriptions of Moshi's Revolution

Chapter 193: Inscriptions of Moshi's Revolution

"Father, how much gold did you pay for this carriage?"

At sunset and dusk, it was bustling for most of the day, and finally settled in the quiet Fengfu. Feng Bingwen circled a pig iron carriage, then raised his head and asked a wealthy young man standing next to him, who seemed to be standing in a strange posture.

It was the filial son of Fengzi Chuanfeng who had returned to his hometown with honor, wearing embroidered clothes, a hat decorated with Zhu Ying treasures, a white jade ring around his waist, a sword on his left, and a bag on his right. He really looked rich and noble.

"Not much, fifty gold baht!"

Hearing his son's question, Feng Zichuan, who had a few ugly footprints on his buttocks, showed a smug smile, made a gesture, and seemed to take advantage of his words.

"How many?"

Before Feng Bingwen could say anything, there was another voice in the courtyard, full of anger, who couldn't hide his anger,
"You spent fifty gold baht for this iron lump?"

"Father, listen to my explanation!"

Hearing this voice, Feng Zichuan was startled, turned his head, and immediately saw his old father, who had just taught him a lesson, standing at the moon gate of the courtyard, his thick eyebrows were knit together, and the anger that had just rested seemed to surge again Boom.

"Explain what? Fifty gold baht? How much money have you made? You don't take money seriously, do you know how much my monthly salary is?"

"Yes, five silver baht."

This Feng Zichuan knew that since he could remember, his father had been teaching in the county school, but his father's salary was only three silver baht at that time, and it had only risen to five silver baht in the past 20 years. I really have nothing to say.

"Know? Know that you still spend money like this? It takes me 17 years to save fifty gold baht without eating or drinking. You actually bought an iron horse? What's the use of that?"

Feng Lingjun couldn't understand that one gold baht could buy a poor horse for grinding and plowing the fields, two or three gold baht was enough to buy a good horse that could go to the battlefield, and the price of a war horse that could wear armor was more than ten gold baht.

This iron horse is not bad, but it doesn’t sleep, it can only pull a cart, but it can’t run, so why is it worth fifty gold baht? If you buy a rough horse directly, how much money can you get for fodder?
"Father, this is an iron horse released by the Mohist Organ Hall to the public. The leather is durable and can be used for a hundred years. You don't have to take care of this iron horse as carefully as you care for a horse. It doesn't hurt if it gets soaked or burned. It's still the same. use."

Hearing his father's reprimand, Feng Zichuan was very unconvinced. In his opinion, this was enough to change the lives of the people in the entire Dagan Dynasty.

It can be bought for fifty gold baht, which can be said to be of high quality and low price. It is because it has just been launched, and many old-fashioned people have no vision, so they set such a low price.

"Hundred years? Hmph, thanks to the fact that you are still a businessman, others can say that a hundred years is a hundred years? I also said that I can live a thousand years, is it possible?"

Seeing that this useless son dared to argue with him, the old man was furious, and Feng Bingwen's eyelids twitched when he heard it, he hesitated to speak.

"Father, this is made of iron. There is no piece of wood in it. I can still pass it on to my grandson, my great-grandson."

"So what about iron? If it gets wet, it will still rust. As for wood, it's dry for a hundred years and wet for a thousand years."

"Never dry or wet for half a year."

Feng Zichuan spoke along the way, and immediately made the old man furious. He broke off a dead tree and rushed towards Feng Zichuan in three steps at a time, ready to teach Gang Jing's son a good lesson.

But Feng Bingwen looked at the father and son fleeing around the carriage without saying a word. This was not something he should meddle in. He took a few steps forward and carefully looked at the carriage that shone with cold metallic luster.

Naturally, he didn't just look at it. The majestic spiritual consciousness swept across this tall and mighty iron horse, penetrated into it, and scanned its internal structure inch by inch. However, when it reached the core, Feng Bingwen discovered what he expected. objects.

"Father, is it true that this iron horse can keep moving without food and water?"

Feng Bingwen turned his head to look at Feng Zichuan who had been pinned down by the old man, and his face was even covered with dust and grass, and asked.

It is pitiful to say that Feng Zichuan is only in his twenties, he is full of blood and is in his prime, but his strength is not as strong as that of the old man who is over fifty.

The 20-year-old youth was hung and beaten by the old man in his [-]s. Although there was also a reason for not daring to resist, the detour just now proved that even if he escaped, he could not escape.

"of course not."

Feng Zichuan, who had already been hit by the old man several times, stood up grinning, and answered his son's question while arranging the messy clothes on his body.

"It's mostly powered by graphite."

"Ink stone?"

In fact, Feng Bingwen, who has already seen the energy core of the iron horse, pretended not to know it. He watched his father walk to the back of the carriage excitedly, opened a sealed iron box at the rear of the carriage, and took out a palm-sized jet-black cube brick from it. ,
"This is the ink stone. It is said that it was developed by several great sages of the Mohist school. Such a piece is enough for the iron horse to walk for three days and nights without rest, and to run thousands of miles. The price of this ink stone is only as high as Three copper beads."

"Three copper plants?"

This time, not only Feng Bingwen, but even the old man who thought that his son was messing around and spending money was shocked. Without him, the price is so cheap that any family can afford it.

"Is it really so cheap? Three copper plates are enough to travel thousands of miles a day?"

Although the old man is old-fashioned, he is not pedantic, let alone stupid.

"Really, the Tiangong Pavilion opened by the Mohists in Fucheng is in charge of a Mohist, and he personally vouched for me."

Feng Zichuan vowed.

"Mo Zhe, there is no doubt about that incident."

Although Confucianism and Mohism do not have much confrontation in philosophy, everyone still recognizes Mohists' conduct, and the old man does not doubt it, but thinks of other places,
"If this thing is used in farming, the people in Dagan will no longer have to worry about hunger."

"Unfortunately, the price is too high."

Thinking of the high price of fifty gold baht, the old man shook his head again and again. At this price, even if a family of five including all their belongings were sold, they would not be able to exchange for an iron horse.

"Father, this kind of mechanical beast is only sold to me, a merchant who travels all over the world and takes money from all directions. I heard from that Mohist that the Mohist specially developed a wooden ox for mulberry farming. There is no price yet. , but I guess not too high."

"Wooden cows? If the price exceeds that of live cows, no one will buy them."

The old man still didn't realize what the appearance of Moshi meant. His attention was attracted by the unreleased wooden ox in Tiangongge of the Mo family.

But Feng Bingwen's eyes were all attracted by the neatly piled jet black pieces behind the carriage.

He picked up one and looked at it carefully. The price of three copper plates, naturally, there is no fancy printing, ordinary and simple, but such a small piece can allow an iron horse weighing nearly a thousand catties to travel thousands of miles a day. The meaning of representation is epoch-making.

If the government did not set the price of three copper plants at the expense of the national treasury to make it easy for the common people to buy inkstone, but the production and manufacturing of inkstone could indeed be as cheap as three copper plants, it would represent a brand new The time is coming.

Inexpensive, simple, and mass-produced inkstone, as long as it has the above characteristics, the productivity of the Daqian Dynasty will experience an explosive leap.

He listened to the excited discussion between the old man and his father, he was noncommittal and did not participate in it.

Although both the old man and his father are far more knowledgeable than ordinary people, they are still restricted by the times and background after all.

In fact, not only them, but even the Mohists who made the iron horse and wooden ox, Feng Bingwen felt that their thinking was still limited, as evidenced by this iron horse that was restored to the form of a real horse one by one.

It's completely unnecessary. The mechanism beast designed with the bone structure of an ordinary horse is definitely not the best structure.

Another point is the size. Since they are all made of steel and metal, there is no need to stick to the size of ordinary things, and it is completely possible to create a super-large mechanism beast with a body as majestic as a mountain.

Well, no, it cannot be said that others cannot make it, but that he has not seen it yet.The inheritance of Mohism is as long as that of Confucianism, if not worse.

It's just that ordinary people can't see or feel the skills they have mastered.But this time, a change that can benefit the people of Dagan is coming.

Feng Bingwen realized this, his father, and the old man also realized it, and even many people in the county today who saw this mechanism beast thought of it.

It's just that no one can imagine what kind of impact such a change will have. Feng Bingwen can barely imagine it, but he can't say what it will be like in the end, because there are immortals, gods and demons in this world.

This goal is directly aimed at the transformation of ordinary people, and it is only the beginning of it now, and it will take a long time to see clear changes.

For today's Feng Bingwen, in the eyes of everyone in the Fengfu, he should focus on one thing now, the imperial examination in Qiuwei, and the childbirth examination.

His father also heard the news that he was going to take the imperial examination, so he risked being beaten and rushed home all the way to see him off.

Learning is valuable than anything else.

Although Dagan didn't say anything like this, similar concepts are basically rooted in the hearts of the people. Participating in the imperial examination and obtaining fame is the only way for poor people to stand up.

Although practicing martial arts and taking part in martial arts can also achieve class leaps, this is not in the choices of ordinary people. Being poor and rich in martial arts is not just talk, money is indispensable.

If you can excel in martial arts, it must have nothing to do with poverty. Even the best talent needs money to support it, otherwise it will be a castle in the sky, and everything will be useless.

In contrast, the price-performance ratio of turning over by reading is even higher.They also need the advice of a famous teacher, the difference is that the price of books is much lower than that of medicinal herbs that consume more.

(End of this chapter)

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