LIVE: Azeroth

Chapter 1908: The AI ​​​​is down again!

Now that she had taken leave and was temporarily out of duty, Liressa, who sent blessings to her second daughter, was not in a hurry to return to Silver Moon City immediately.

Sharlayan happened to take advantage of the fact that the Minister of Defense was still there and chatted with her about the reform process of Quel'Thalas in recent years and the many changes that had occurred in society due to the reform.

In name, the gradually expanding cabinet has as many as hundreds of officials at all levels.

But in fact, there are only about a dozen cabinet ministers who really hold great power, and Leleza, who serves as Minister of Defense, is one of them.

As the saying goes, if you are not in your position, you will not be in charge. Leleza very wisely did not talk about policies other than her own job. She only described the recent years of Quel'Thalas to Sharlayan from the perspective of the Minister of Defense. The development of the military industry and the iterative progress of combat methods.

What? State secrets cannot be disclosed to outsiders?

Come on, although Sharlayan nominally left Quel'Thalas, Kael'thas never took off his title of Grand Duke, so naturally there is no outsider's opinion.

Thanks to the good foundation that Sharlayan laid for Quel'Thalas during his tenure, Quel'Thalas' military and civilian magic technology has developed rapidly in recent years.

Take the mobile communications industry as an example. With the help of Mimiron, who had settled in Quel'Thalas for a long time, the magic base station and the portable communication terminal-mobile phone sold to everyone have been sold more than ten times. iterative update.

Sarlayan has ready-made "creative ideas" from another world. Under his guidance, relying on the powerful technological research and development capabilities of the great inventor Mimiron, the latest generation of portable communication terminals has evolved into the smartphones mentioned in the barrage, with functions more than The original "moving bricks" was countless times stronger.

The evolution of mobile phones is just a microcosm of the Great Leap Forward in Quel'Thalas' magical technology. With the vigorous promotion of Kael'thas, all walks of life are promoting rapid technological progress and supporting industrial upgrades.

No joke, although today's Quel'Thalas is still not as good as the eredar civilization in its heyday, it has gradually grown into a beacon of magical technology in Azeroth. Almost all cutting-edge technologies on Azeroth were born. In this small border kingdom.

Speaking of Mimiron, Sarlayan mentioned it in passing.

After completely defeating the Burning Legion, the research and development burden that had been on Mimiron's shoulders could finally be put down.

With the victory of the army, Mimiron returned to Ulduar happily.

From now on, he can follow his own wishes and make inventions that may not be so practical, but that make him feel interesting.

It is inherently unreliable to pin the scientific and technological progress of an entire civilization on a single genius.

What if this genius suddenly meets with misfortune and passes away? Without a backbone, scientific researchers who have long been accustomed to being led by big bosses will be at a loss for a long time.

Previously, this was forced by the situation, but now that there is more time and space to promote the natural progress of Azeroth's technology, Sarlayan does not intend to encourage it anymore.

To kill the donkey? nonexistent.

In recognition of Mimiron's hard work over the past few years, all the resources needed for his interesting experiments and inventions will be reimbursed by the Azeroth Alliance, so that he will not be short of available resources.

Yes, Alliance of Azeroth.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to unify global resources for the expedition to Argus, Sarlayan intended to knit together all the countries and races in Azeroth to form a relatively unified organization.

Don't get me wrong, Sarlayan does not intend to break up the original national organization, but to establish a higher-level joint organization on this basis that accommodates all races, similar to the alliance and tribe that previously existed independently of each other.

Although both the Alliance and the Horde have many member states, not all races in Azeroth have chosen sides between the two.

For example, the sister countries of the Dark Night Republic and the Dark Night Empire have no interest in joining either the Alliance or the Horde. The same is true for the Zandalari Empire. Of course, the existence of the Azeroth Alliance at this stage is only a preliminary idea.

After experiencing this large-scale expedition and seeing the broader universe beyond Azeroth, the leaders of relatively enlightened countries should agree with Sarlayan's proposal. As for those countries and races with more conservative systems... just I can slowly try to persuade.

The Burning Legion is the strongest enemy Azeroth has ever faced, but it is not the only extraterrestrial force that covets Azeroth.

After this relatively long vacation is over, Sarlayan plans to interrogate some relevant information from the Dual Realm Walker who is imprisoned in the alien time before heading to the Shadow Realm to deal with the finishing work of Zoval and Denathrius. Information about the Lord of the Void and the Great Hollow in the Universe.

Sharlayan's trip to the Shadowlands does not require the mobilization of Azeroth's global resources again.

After several years of development, the four major kingdoms of the Shadow Realm, which were once harmed by Zoval and Denathrius, have basically recovered their strength.

After Denathrius was expelled, the Maw, which was their last base, did not receive any anima replenishment. Instead, the two equally ambitious Eternals broke out in the Maw due to competition for resources. More than one conflict.

Under the circumstances, even if he only relies on the strength of the Shadow Realm, Sarlayan is still confident that he can defeat the increasingly weakened Abyss forces.

But when it comes to the Shadow Realm, Sarlayan is a bit dumbfounded.

The soul of Argus the Annihilator, who was killed by Sarlayan himself, fell into the Shadow Realm as expected.

Although Sarlayan had warned Oribos in advance to prepare for the impact, and there were no Denathius and Zoval behind the scenes this time, the terrifying soul quality of the Titan, the Destroyer, was still there. Still, the AI ​​Arbitrator was temporarily shut down.

Through this strange and speechless encounter, the worshipers of Oribos finally realized a problem.

The AI ​​arbitrator created by the Eternals alone cannot cope with unexpected emergencies. Once the limit set by the program is exceeded, a crash like this time will occur.

In other words, the position of the arbitrator still requires a living intelligent soul as the main body, and the AI ​​program can only be used as an auxiliary at best to help the new arbitrator handle those less important but very heavy daily affairs.

But speaking of the new arbiter, the Godservers and Eternals are also a little troubled.

The Arbitrator responsible for sorting souls is undoubtedly important to the Shadow Realm, and can even be said to be the most respected one among the five Eternals.

Therefore, the God-Servers hope to select one of the three existing Eternals to succeed the Arbitrator, but they are still unable to determine who should be entrusted with this important task.

In terms of qualifications and abilities, the Soldier Master is undoubtedly the most suitable person, but he has made it clear that he has no interest in the position of Arbitrator.

The Arbitrator does hold a high position of authority, but once he takes that position, he will never leave it easily in the future. This is obviously not in line with the character of the military leader, otherwise he would not have sent his soul to various planets in the universe in the first place. Wandered around.

Coincidentally, the Winter Queen also showed little interest in becoming an arbitrator.

In Sharyan's opinion, this position will most likely fall to the eldest daughter Gristia, who has a strong sense of responsibility but is quite rigid in her behavior.

With the assistance of the AI ​​system, it can just make up for Gristi's lack of ability. Coupled with the assistance of a large number of servants of the gods, she should be able to shoulder this important task, and she does not have to worry about the rigid Gristi. Ya will do something fancy like Zoval.

But the question also arises. After Gristia's transfer, who should succeed him as the leader of the fortress? (End of chapter)

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