LIVE: Azeroth

Chapter 1885 The Demon Hunter Who Never Gives Up

The existence of the witch coven itself is not a secret to the legion of demons. It is like the "ghost stories" that often appear in the mouths of parents who scare children in the mortal world. It has a strong deterrent effect on demons.

However, ordinary demons' knowledge of the Witches' Coven doesn't end there. They only know that the Witches' Coven is a den that they must not break into. Once they get in, they can never get out.

The coven was founded by the Xivalla clan, commonly known as the Demon of Destruction, and has always been trusted and valued by Sargeras.

Although compared to the large base of the Burning Legion, the number of people in the Witch Coven is not large, but there are at least a few hundred people. This is where the internal information of the Witch Coven that Anya obtained before came from.

However, according to the information provided by the insider, the real core members of the witch guild are actually only the four respected matrons. The others are only peripheral members used as tools and can be replaced at any time.

In order to keep the core secrets of the coven, there is no need to think too much about the outcome of those eliminated tool people. All that awaits them is death, and it is a complete demise that cannot be resurrected.

Ever since they received orders from Sargeras to attack Eonar Sanctuary, the Xivalla Witch Coven, which had been developing smoothly before, seemed to have exhausted all the luck it had accumulated in the past, and encountered annoying setbacks one after another.

The witch coven, which has always been pampered, has never suffered such grievances. For a long time afterwards, the four matrons, including Suraya, showed some anxiety, thus neglecting internal management and management. Screening for possible moles.

To this day, Anya's tool-man friend is still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai in the headquarters of the witch guild. Although he is not an important player, he can still get some top-secret internal information.

Talgath's active surrender was an unexpected surprise for Sharlayan. Even without him, Azeroth would have already known the specific location of their headquarters through the coven's spies.

After the two comparisons were correct, the Azeroth Vanguard, led by Illidan Stormrage himself, did not take any detours. After entering Antorus, they continued to break through the encirclement and came straight towards the Witch Coven.

For a real high-end battle situation, Illidan's current strength is no longer enough. However, if this always determined demon hunter is sent to the main battlefield, there are not many high-level demons that can cause him trouble.

Under the full cover of the tacit cooperation of his comrades, Illidan was not entangled by any demigod-level demon, and led his direct troops to march straight to the gate of the Witch Coven headquarters.

There is a reason why such an important task is entrusted to Illidan.

Although most soldiers of the Azeroth Alliance have gradually adapted to the high concentration of fel energy in Argus, the fel energy pollution in the Antoran Wasteland is more serious than that of Eredas and Krokuun. , let alone Antorus, which is the headquarters of the legion.

Among the many military organizations that make up the Azeroth Alliance, the Black Temple under Illidan is the only conventional force that can seamlessly adapt to the extreme environment of Antorus.

Even the Broken Ones who have settled in Krokuun all year round cannot regard the evil energy pollution as nothing like the real demons. They even go a step further and use these high-concentration evil energy as a reserve energy source to supplement their own magic power.

As we all know, Illidan has a very distinct personality.

In the eyes of many people...including Illidan's closest brother and "sister-in-law", the demon hunter is an unruly weirdo who has difficulty communicating normally, but...Salayan has summed up a set of ways to communicate with him normally. Way.

To put it bluntly, Illidan is born in the year of a donkey and has a very stubborn temper that must be smoothed down.

Through many previous cooperative actions, Illidan had intuitively realized Sharlayan's abilities and saw in him the hope of realizing his lifelong wish.

Therefore, when getting along with Sharlayan, Illidan will suppress his violent temper as much as possible.

Sharlayan will also be very measured in choosing words that are more acceptable to Illidan, and the cooperative relationship between the two has always been very good.

No one is more obsessed with destroying the Burning Legion than Illidan, and even if Jarod had another favorite for the raid on the Coven's headquarters, Sharlayan would have stepped in and suggested that he hand over the task to someone who was already gearing up to do something big. of Illidan. Poking out the trap?

The impulsive Illidan may indeed cause some incidental troubles after completing the task, but based on past experience, it seems that none of the things Illidan really wants to accomplish has suffered a complete failure. There will be some accidents in the process that even he himself cannot predict.

By the way, most of the so-called accidents here were caused by Malfurion and Tyrande, who couldn't stand Illidan's behavior and always wanted to correct his misunderstanding.

This time, with Sharlayan behind him to endorse Illidan, even if Jarod really had doubts, he could only adopt Sharlayan's advice.

Fortunately, Jarod is not as neurotic as Malfurion and Tyrande when it comes to Illidan's character.

Although the two had a conflict at the end of the War of the Ancients due to different ideas, it was ultimately just a matter of official business based on their respective positions.

In fact, the always pragmatic Jarod had a higher opinion of Illidan than his biological brother and sister-in-law.

Under the dispatch of Jarod, Illidan, the sharp knife of the coalition forces, lived up to expectations and successfully broke into the Witch Coven headquarters with the help of his comrades.

The four matrons of the witch guild were very angry about this. While they sent their tools to delay time, they also sent a signal to the Antolan Commandery Council for help.

Despite the reputation of the Witch Guild, without the full support of Sargeras, the combat power they can bring to bear is only four high-level Xivalla of around level 4-63.

This time in the attack on Argus, the Dark Temple under Illidan truly came out in full force.

In addition to Illidan himself, the Dark Temple's general manager Shahras, the new deputy general manager Anya, and the intelligence chief Akama and other confidants all joined the expedition team without exception.

Judging from the number of high-level combatants alone, the Dark Temple is not inferior to the Witch Coven.

However, considering that neither Akama nor the Illidari Demon Hunters can exert their full power in the ultra-high concentration of evil energy in Antorus, if they really fight against each other, the final outcome is still uncertain.'s impossible for the genius commander Jarod to make such a low-level mistake.

The Black Temple army that invaded the headquarters of the Witch Coven was just the vanguard of the Azeroth coalition. As more and more demons on the front line were forced to return to the "spring" to resurrect, the mighty Azeroth army was once again on the battlefield. took the initiative.

Although the Naaru leader Adal has joined the high-end anti-pressure bureau on Sarlayan's side, the Legion of Light and Draenei still retain many Naaru at all levels.

Under the auspices of senior high-ranking naaru headed by Lula and Kara, all the light-forged warriors and believers of the holy light gathered together again, gathering a large amount of the power of the holy light with the naaru as the center.

After more than 25,000 years, the long-awaited holy light was once again seen in the sky over Antorus, which had been shrouded in dark clouds of evil energy all year round.

"The Holy Light Realm released with Antorus as the center finally succeeded."

Jarod, who looked up to the sky, quickly withdrew his gaze and said with a serious expression to his sister Maiev, who was waiting for orders beside him: "It's time. Tell the whole army, it's time to launch a general attack!" (End of Chapter)

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