LIVE: Azeroth

Chapter 1880 Gradually enters the fierce battle situation

What is Sargeras, the Legion's Optimus Prime who has high hopes from the Antoran Council of Commanders, doing at this time?

In fact, there is nothing worth explaining in detail. Just as Sharlayan expected before the war, Eonar, who was bent on stalling for time, tightly entangled Sargeras, maintaining an embarrassing situation of no victory or defeat.

Of course, the embarrassment was for Sargeras, who was confident and took the initiative.

From Eonar's point of view, she has initially accomplished the task assigned to her by Sarlayan. Next, she only needs to grit her teeth and continue to persevere, prolonging this titan war as long as possible.

Sharlayan would not place all her hopes on Eonar, and who knew how long she could hold out against the wrath of Sargeras.

In mid-October of the 23rd year of Black Gate, after the Azeroth coalition initially regained its strength, Sarlayan immediately issued an attack order. As the frontline commander, Jarod began to arrange vanguards to attack the defenses on the Antolan Wasteland border.

On the other side, Suraya, who learned that the situation was not good, put down the work at hand again with a headache and discussed follow-up countermeasures with her colleagues in the Antolan Council.

And this time, not only Suraya, the mother of the universe, Nora, the mother of flames, Osara, the mother of night, and Dima, the mother of shadows, also attended this extremely important pre-war meeting.

There is no way, the enemy army is about to approach the city, Antorus will soon become the front line of the battlefield, and the aloof witch coven is not in the mood to continue corrupting the Titans.

After a fierce debate, the witch coven headed by Suraya finally chose to compromise.

They diverted part of the star soul energy used to corrupt the Titans, tried to resurrect a cannon fodder unit that had died in Azeroth, and ordered them to rush to the Antolan Wasteland border defense line to support them.

However, contrary to the expectations of all the senior officers of the Burning Legion, the Azeroth coalition, which had already gained confidence through the Battle of Eredas, easily broke through the border defense line that had previously left the Shadow Guard helpless, just like chopping melons and vegetables.

Under Azshara's all-out attack with concentrated superior forces, Argus's space defense fleet completely became history. The Burning Legion, which had lost its air superiority, experienced the dilemma of being bombed on its homeland for the first time.

Under the support of a large amount of enemy firepower from space orbit, the terminal dock in the southeastern part of the Antoran Wasteland was reduced to ruins in just three days.

The two incisor towers guarding Antorus - the Soul Refining Furnace and the Felfire Armory - also fell quickly under the attack of the powerful Azeroth coalition forces.

As the saying goes, misfortunes never come singly and blessings never come singly. It is not just the corrupt situation in the Antolan Wasteland that is giving the Legion's senior leadership a splitting headache.

As a large number of Krokuun's troops were deployed to support the front line, the Krokuun Breakers, who received the full support of the Azeroth Allied Forces, quickly united all the Breakers in the Krokuun region who still had the heart to resist. clan, and ruthlessly wiped out the two devils who were at both ends of the spectrum.

After capturing the Annihran Molten Pool, the Broken Ones, who had finally waited for a chance to counterattack, entered the Nasrax Fortress, the largest and most important legion stronghold in the Krokuun region with high spirits.

It can be seen from the naming method that this solid fortress was originally managed by the Nasrezim family.

As the group of big bats were killed by Kil'jaeden due to thunder explosions, the Nasrax Fortress was handed over to the Annihran clan for management.

As we all know, most of the Annihlan...commonly known as the abyss lords have well-developed limbs and simple minds.

The Annihran guard who stayed at the Nasrax Fortress was not sensitive enough to the changes in the situation. When he received the news of the fall of the Annihran molten pool from the intelligence blockade network led by Valeela, his determination to take revenge was shattered. The enemy's army has already invaded the interior of the fortress, and everything is already beyond repair.

After capturing Nasrax Fortress, the Broken Army's morale increased and they did not stop there. They used the large teleportation circle inside the fortress to directly parachute into the Antolan Wasteland. At the Felfire Armory, they met the draenei who had marched here. The vanguard army successfully joined forces.

At this point, except for the old nest of Antorus, the Burning Legion has lost all important strongholds in Argus, leaving them with only one choice - to defend the Burning Throne. Now that things have happened, the coven, which was quite confident before, no longer cares about corrupting any Titans.

If Antorus cannot be defended, everyone will die.

And with the enemy occupying Antorus, there is a high probability that he will not be able to resurrect once he dies this time.

Although Argus the Annihilator has no self-awareness and acts completely according to orders, someone needs to control him if he wants to use his energy.

If all the defenders are dead, who will initiate the resurrection process?

The four matrons of the witch coven, who had been pampered for many years, finally became ruthless in the face of the imminent threat to their lives.

They completely shelved the Corrupt Titan mission assigned by Sargeras, and when the matter was over, they began to resurrect the demons whose death cooldown was not long on a large scale to consolidate the defense of Antorus.

After overwhelmingly attacking the outskirts of Antorus, the Azeroth coalition, which had been going smoothly before, finally felt strong resistance.

The high-level demons who died in Azeroth a few months ago were also resurrected together with the army. Mannoroth, Brutalus, Khazroga, Zakun and other high-level demons came from Antorus in droves. Welling up from the deepest place.

At this point, the decisive battle surrounding Antorus has truly entered a fever pitch.

In a short period of time, this unexpected force did indeed block the fierce offensive of the Azeroth coalition as expected by the Burning Legion's top brass, but... Azeroth's headquarters was not a vegetarian either.

The high-ranking officers headed by Sarlayan had long predicted this scene.

Once the Burning Legion is in dire straits, in order to save their own lives, the Witches will inevitably implement the selfish nature of the devil.

Sargeras allowed the Witches to make limited use of the star soul energy used to corrupt the Titans based on the actual situation, but he did not agree to the higher-ups of the Witches taking away the pot together.

What? Settle accounts after the fall? I can't even guarantee whether I can survive or not. You are still a piece of cake after the fall.

Moreover, Antorus, the headquarters of the Burning Legion, has become such a ghost, and Sargeras still has no sign of returning to Argus.

To put it bluntly, it has been a long time since they received the exact news. The senior officials of the legion who stayed behind in Argus were not even sure whether Sargeras was still alive. In this case, of course, the most important thing was to give priority to saving their own lives.

Jarod Shadowsong, who was commanding from the front line, was not frightened by the large number of resurrected high-level demons and the massive demon army. He remained calm and made targeted arrangements.

The demigods from Azeroth have never had enough fighting experience in previous battles. The resurrection of these high-level demons just allows them to "renew their relationship" with their old opponents.

Sarlayan, who was staying at the rear command post, was not in a hurry to move out. He needed to wait until Talgas conveyed a precise message.

Kil'jaeden the Deceiver's soul was annihilated by Sharlayan himself, but Archimonde's soul actually escaped back to Argus.

Sarlayan needs to know whether the powerful Defilers will also be resurrected illegally by the Witch Council and the Antolan Commandery Council. This will affect which branch of Sarlayan's follow-up plan will go. (End of chapter)

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