LIVE: Azeroth

Chapter 1861 The so-called original power

Chapter 1861 The so-called original power

At this time, it would be useless to show off and brag, so Sarlayan told Eonar the truth honestly.

"If you ask me whether I am sure that the situation will be reversed when Argus and Agramazi come out, my answer is... no."

Eonar is also someone who has seen countless storms and waves. She was not panicked by Sarlayan's negative answer because she noticed that Sarlayan's expression remained calm when he said this, and he was obviously confident.

As expected, Sarlayan's next words made Eonar temporarily let go of her worries.

"However, according to the conclusion I drew from gathering intelligence from multiple sources, it is impossible for Titan Argus to easily abandon the mission assigned to him by Sargeras and participate in the battle himself."

Eonar raised her eyebrows: "How do you say this?"

"It's a long story." Sarlayan did not give a long explanation, but simply explained: "Mother of the Gods, you should know the most troublesome characteristics of the Burning Legion."

"Yes." Eonar nodded thoughtfully: "According to legend, the demons of the Burning Legion will not enter the world of the dead after death, but will return to the Twisting Nether and be resurrected."

"Although I don't know the specific principle, but based on the testimonies of survivors of civilizations that suffered abuses from the Legion, this matter should not be false. What do you mean..."

Sharlayan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "If possible, I don't want to scratch my head all day long thinking about these calculations, but in order to protect the hometown that the people of Azeroth depend on for their livelihood, I can only bite the bullet and go ahead. "

With Sarlayan's current strength and progress, he has already touched the threshold of the true god realm, and has some clear understanding of the differences between true gods and demigods.

Sarlayan smiled and nodded: "Although the Pantheon has suffered a catastrophe, fortunately the souls of the Titans are still there. As long as Sargeras and his minions can be defeated, rebuilding the body is not a problem for you who have the power of creation. It’s not a problem.”

"I see."


Eonar looked at the dark starry sky outside the shelter with a bitter look on her face: "If Aman'Thul can have your foresight to be prepared for danger in times of peace, the Pantheon will not... Forget it, there is no point in complaining now, let's start first Just keep your feet on the ground and do the job in front of you.”

"Therefore, the chance of the coalition facing two fallen titans at the same time is extremely slim. As long as we act quickly enough, we have a chance to face Argus, the last line of defense, after defeating Aggramar."

The powers controlled by demigods are only lower-level powers that are differentiated from the origin of the universe. Although it is a dimensionality-reducing blow compared to mortals, it is still powerless when facing higher powers.

"This major change is not only related to Argus, but also Legion demons throughout the universe will be affected, which may lead to the complete collapse of the Burning Legion's dominance in countless stars."

As the mother of the gods, Eonar holds the highest authority of the origin of life, one of the six origins of the universe - creation.

Sarlayan nodded: "In short, the devil's resurrection ability comes from the Titan Argus...or the Argus star soul."

"If Sargeras had not reached the last moment of desperate struggle, Sargeras would not have risked the collapse of the career he had built for tens of thousands of years to liberate the combat power of Argus the Destroyer."

Eonar said with a look of approval: "No wonder Ysera and Alexstrasza hold you in high esteem. Your perspective on the problem is indeed very comprehensive, and you can even calculate things so far away so accurately."

"Once Argus leaves his established duties and joins the battle himself, it means that the Burning Legion will lose the ability to resurrect."

For example, Freya and Alexstrasza also control the power of life, but their power cannot create life from scratch. Even if they rub out a living body with their hands, it will only be an empty shell without a soul.

Ysera's dream power can involve the soul, but her creativity on the physical level is far behind.

Eonar's power of creation is equivalent to merging the powers of Ysera and Alexstrasza into one and then super-evolving them. The animals she created in the battle before were real lives filled with souls. For a while, they were still roaming freely in the forest covering the star area. To put it more simply, demigods can only use power at most, while the existence of true gods represents power itself, and they themselves are the extension of the will of power.

For example, Aman'Thul, the father of the gods, his power is called order, which is also one of the six origins of the universe. It covers a variety of lower powers such as arcana, time and space.

However, not all Titans possess power at the original level of the universe, such as Sargeras.

All the "powers" he possesses are also the highest in the series, possessing the most powerful destructive power to surpass all the Titans in the Pantheon, but they are not one of the six origins.

On the contrary, Sargeras accidentally glimpsed a corner of the origin of chaos after his fall. The power he now controls is no longer just "power", but he has begun to consciously and actively move closer to the origin of chaos.

After all, the Pantheon is only one of the six original forces in the universe that represents the order side. If the Titans of the Pantheon could cover the six original powers, the other forces would have exploded long ago.

The reason why Aman'Thul and Eonar are the father and mother of the gods respectively is precisely because of the original power that this couple has over each other.

Of course, holding the original power does not mean that the combat power will be strong. Eonar is a typical example.

She loves life and doesn't like fighting by nature. She puts far less energy into fighting than Sargeras and Aggramar who specialize in this. It can be said that she has her own fate.


After some in-depth discussions with Eonar about the future direction of the situation, Sharlayan returned to the Enterprise, where he had a deep chat with Turalyon and Medivh, who had been waiting for a long time.

As Medivh said, Turayan had already married and established a family during the millennia of fighting in the Twisting Nether, and his wife was a female lightcast draenei named Faria.

The Lightforged Draenei are the customary name for the people of Azeroth, and the Legion of Light recognizes their official racial name as the Lightforged Eredar.

[Faria... I have some impressions of this name, but I can't remember who it is. 】

[Isn’t he the racial leader from the Lightforged Draenei Novice Village? Tula Yang can be regarded as climbing a high branch. No wonder he can rise to the top like this. 】

[Nonsense, Tula Yang’s status today is not due to...or rather, it’s not just nepotism, his own ability is the key. 】

As an outsider, Turalyon must have to put in far more effort than the eredar in order to integrate into the Legion of Light.

Sarlayan would not laugh at him for taking shortcuts. It can be seen from the attitude of Turayan and Faria when they get along that there is indeed true love between the two people.

After many years of reunion, Sarlayan's feelings were not very deep, but Turalyon, who had been away from his hometown for more than a thousand years, felt as if he had been separated from his hometown.

"Long time no see, Sarlayan."

Turayan, who has always been serious, rarely joked in front of his hometown people: "The speed at which your status has risen is really unmatched."

Sarlayan smiled and spread his hands: "We are forced by the situation, let's get down to business first. What is the current situation of the Holy Light Legion? When can it go into battle again?"

Hearing this, Tula Yang immediately put away his smile and corrected his attitude: "As long as there is need, we can go out again at any time. The Holy Light Legion was originally a military organization created for fighting. The recovery ability of the Light Forged Warriors is far beyond that of ordinary flesh and blood creatures." superior."

(End of this chapter)

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