LIVE: Azeroth

Chapter 1817 I predicted your prediction

For Rakesh, who has lost his past memory, even if he is sent to his biological father, there is not much practical significance.

Sarlayan didn't even expect that he could "return from his lost ways" after being completely brainwashed, so he could only seek peace of mind.

In any case, Lakish is the biological son connected by blood with Velen. Even if he wants to kill his relatives out of justice, it is not Sarlayan's turn to point his fingers. He believes that Velen can make a relatively rational choice.

Well, relatively.

Thanks to the arcane communication network that already covers the entire Azeroth, Sharlayan, who is hiding in the "remote mountainous area" of Highmountain, can still receive the latest information from Suramar efficiently.

Combined with the images directly observed through the naked eye, every move of the Burning Legion cannot escape his monitoring.

Rakish, the front-footer, had just said goodbye to Elisande and left Suramar. The next second Sharlayan could accurately capture his whereabouts...unless this old boy opened the evil portal and left without practicing martial ethics.

However, the evil energy portal cannot be opened casually. This is not Argus after all, and the concentration of evil energy is far from the level that can open the door casually.

In most cases, the twins Rakish and the Eredar...and even more legion demons will use regular transportation methods to travel between Suramar and the Tomb of Sargeras.

As the war preparations of various countries in Azeroth are gradually coming to an end, Elisande is steadily advancing the progress of negotiations with the Burning Legion under the full control of Sarlayan.

In February of the 23rd year of the Black Gate, the war preparation progress of the countries of Azeroth was transferred to Sharlayan through Valeera, who was in charge of intelligence work.

"it's time."

Sarlayan looked away at the Broken Shore, narrowed his eyes and ordered: "Valeera, convey my instructions to all parties."

"All the armies of the Eastern Kingdom will gather in Dalaran in an orderly manner while ensuring confidentiality."

"The armies of Kalimdor, Pandaria, the Lost Islands, the Dragon Islands and Northrend are temporarily on standby, but they also need to be ready to cross the sea at any time."

"As for Secret Blue Island..."

Sarlayan frowned slightly and asked, "Is there any new contact with Yrel?"

While Valeera was distributing Sarlayan's orders through the base station terminal with ease, she still had time to answer his questions.

"No, that means everything is business as usual. Velen hasn't discovered Rakish's existence yet."

"very good."

Sarlayan held his neck with one hand and twisted his neck in place: "In order to avoid overacting and arousing Kil'jaeden's suspicion, we will also have to move a little tomorrow."

Considering Kil'jaeden's fear of Sharlayan, the Deceiver doesn't think that Sharlayan, who has a strong control over the situation in Azeroth, will never discover the strangeness of Suramar.

In this case, Sarlayan, who had predicted Kil'jaeden's prediction, decided to go with his wishes and give them a "surprise" before Suramar officially opened the door to the Burning Legion.

"Right." Sarlayan suddenly remembered something, turned around and asked Valeela, who was also starting to pack her bags: "Is Aegwynn back? Don't let her complain that we acted secretly without notifying her. "

As we all know, Aegwynn has a bloody feud with the Burning Legion.

If it weren't for that old Bidden in Sargeras, Medivh would not have encountered so many tragedies in his life, and Aegwynn's husband would not have died trying to protect his son.

It can be said that Sargeras and his Burning Legion are the culprits who destroyed the happy life of the Aegwynn family.

Aegwynn is not a good-tempered person. Anyone who knows her knows that this former guardian of Tirisfal is extremely vindictive.

Even though the long years have gradually smoothed her edges and corners, as the saying goes, the situation is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

After the Conference of All Nations, before Aegwynn was sent to the Shadow Realm by Sharlayan himself, he had specifically asked him to wait until she returned from the Shadow Realm as much as possible before launching a full-scale counterattack.

Of course, Aegwynn is not someone who only cares about the overall situation. She can't ask the entire world to wait for her return before taking action, so she just uses the word "as much as possible" without forcing it.

As long as it doesn't affect the overall situation, Sharlayan doesn't mind complying with Aegwynn's request. Anyway, it's just a casual notice.

"Wait a minute, let me check first."

Valeera put down the things in her hands, sat back in front of the terminal, and typed on the keyboard with flying fingers. By the way, the terminal Valeera is using is the product of an iterative update of portable communication equipment by Mimiron and others.

Although the size is much larger than a mobile phone that is easy to carry, its function is correspondingly more powerful. It can receive all signals from the world anytime and anywhere without any delay, and there is absolutely no possibility of being intercepted by any force.

So far, there are only three terminals of this type in the world.

One of them is permanently stationed in Sharlayan in the palace complex outside Vardraken, one is placed in the office area of ​​the Dragon Aspect Seat, and the last one is carried by Valeela so that it can be used when going out. Handle official business at any time without being affected.

About 3 minutes later, Valeela obtained Aegwynn’s latest whereabouts.

"Aegwynn has returned from the Shadow Realm and is now in the Guardian Temple of Dalaran. Do you want to inform her?"

Sarlayan nodded: "Well, let's send a message for now. As for whether she will come...that's not our decision."

Aegwynn's trip to the Shadow Realm has long been finalized. From a certain perspective, this is also to relieve her symptoms of wear and tear, because Aegwynn is going to find the soul of her long-dead husband, Nielas Ellan. .

Speaking of Nielas Ellan, based on the known intelligence, Sarlayan thinks he is a quite interesting person.

Nielas Ellan was born into a noble family in the Kingdom of Stormwind, and there is no need to go into details about his family situation and childhood experiences.

Nielas showed extraordinary arcane talent at a very young age. After obtaining his parents' permission, he left Stormwind City and went to the Magic Kingdom of Dalaran to further his studies. During this period of schooling, he was awarded the Invited by the Council of Tirisfal, he became Aegwynn's nominal colleague.

Yes, in name only.

At that time, Aegwynn had already fallen out with the "old antiques" of the Tirisfal Council. She firmly opposed the Tirisfal Council's excessive interference in the internal affairs of mortal countries.

At this point, Sarlayan is too lazy to find out who is right and who is wrong.

All in all, in order to capture Aegwynn who was going his own way and reclaim his protective power, the Tirisfal Council established a subordinate organization specifically to target Aegwynn - the Mystery of Tirisfal.

The mages who are eligible to join are all combat mages with excellent practical abilities. Those academics were kicked out in the first round of interviews.

Nielas Ellan is one of the battle mages who successfully joined the Tiris Mystic Order, and his fighting talent can be seen from this.

There must be additional benefits for joining the Tiris Mystical Society, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people rushing to sign up.

Including Nielas, all the battle mages involved in the roundup of Aegwynn can receive a powerful artifact from the treasury of the Council of Tirisfal.

The artifact Nielas received was called the Forbidden Demon Orb.

Yes, it was the thing that Sharlayan and Khadgar found from the underground treasure house of Karazhan a few years ago. At that time, they also killed the cursed Black Knight leader Eredin.

Sharlayan didn't know what kind of grudges Nielas and Aegwynn had experienced between them. Judging from the result, after a long period of pulling each other, the two people actually looked at each other as enemies.

Then there was Medivh's birth.

In addition to being a member of the Mystical Order of Tiris, Nielas Ellan is also the court mage of the Kingdom of Stormwind.

It was precisely with the connections of the Ellam family that the guardian tower that Aegwynn built in Deadwind Pass, Karazhan, was recognized by Baratheon, the then king of the Kingdom of Stormwind, and the entire Deadwind Pass was placed under Aegwynn's name. territory.

From a long-term perspective, the Kingdom of Stormwind is not at a disadvantage. Medivh, who inherited the position of Guardian of Aegwynn, grew up with Prince Ryan of the Kingdom of Stormwind.

Among the seven human kingdoms, his personal stance is undoubtedly biased towards the Kingdom of Stormwind.

The reason why Sarlayan found Nielas interesting was precisely because of his choice that went against his own position and class.

You know, at that time, Aegwynn's reputation among the seven human kingdoms was already notorious due to the propaganda of the Tirisfal Council.

But Nielas, who held the dual title of Tiris Arcana and Court Mage of the Kingdom of Stormwind, ignored the pressure of public opinion and married Aegwynn.

It can be seen from this that regardless of Nielas's strength and potential, at least in terms of the overall situation, he is much stronger than those members of the Tirisfal Council who only know how to obey orders from their superiors.

"By the way..." Sarlayan touched his chin thoughtfully: "Did Aegwynn come back empty-handed this time? I thought that with her tough character, she would destroy Nielas Ellan's soul. We brought them back together, could it be that we didn’t find anyone?”

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