LIVE: Azeroth

Chapter 1571 Exoskeleton Armor, boy

Even with the in vitro fertilization technology developed by Inas, it is not easy to reduce the high cost of use or even completely popularize it.

To take a step back, even if in vitro fertilization technology successfully enters thousands of households in Quel'Thalas, the fertility rate of high elves is still far from being comparable to short-lived species such as humans and orcs.

This is limited by the rules of nature and cannot be reversed by humans. In other words... Sarlayan does not want or dare to reverse it too much.

There is a reason why nature stipulates that the fertility rate of immortal species is low. Sarlayan has previously explained the problem of resource allocation to the senior officials of Quel'Thalas headed by the Sun King, so I will not go into details here.

All in all, the national policy of limitedly relaxing the fertility rate of high elves has already been unanimously agreed by the royal family and the cabinet.

Since the population growth of Quel'Thalas cannot completely take off, the policy of elite soldiers that has been in place for many years does not need to be changed much.

In view of this, when Sarlayan commissioned the National Defense Research Institute to conduct research on individual soldier exoskeleton armor, he specifically mentioned that the first version of the test machine does not need to be too concerned about the finished product. At least make a finished product and try it out first.

Once the test is passed, subsequent mass production and cost reduction issues will be officially put on the agenda.

Quel'Thalas is the most advanced mortal country in Azeroth's magical civilization. High elven researchers will definitely not study armor in the direction of humans, which is stupid and thick.

Defense?Just use magic to make up for it.

The various types of armor worn by active soldiers in Quel'Thalas have a unified design idea - lightweight.

After Dongdu came to settle in Yonge Forest, the upper elf's originally tall figure of about 2 meters gradually shrunk and became the high elf it is today, and its physical fitness also declined significantly.

As the saying goes, every gain must come with a loss. The high elves exchanged a lower physical quality for a stronger arcane affinity, which is generally not a loss.

Even the warriors of the high elves can use their racial talents to perform a few arcane tricks to confuse their enemies. Arcane magic is an innate talent that has long been engraved deep in the blood of the high elves.

In order to enhance the defense as much as possible, human soldiers can only increase the thickness of their armor. This will naturally increase the weight of the armor and reduce the flexibility of the armored soldiers.

And because of very real military investment issues, not all human soldiers are qualified to wear thick armor.

The wealthy Quel'Thalas can all wear armor, and the armor of high elf soldiers is much lighter than the standard armor of human kingdoms.

In addition to its own sufficient wealth, Quel'Thalas has always pursued a policy of elite soldiers. The investment required to arm 100 million soldiers and 10 soldiers is obviously not the same.

When the National Defense Research Institute developed the exoskeleton armor, it was no surprise that it followed the lightweight design ideas of Quel'Thalas.

The entire set of exoskeleton armor is roughly composed of two parts. One is the lightweight armor worn directly on the soldier, and the other is the exoskeleton kit used to assist the soldier in his efforts.

According to Danmaku, the exoskeleton armor they know uses a portable energy source called a battery.

Sarlayan is not a scientist, and his understanding of electrical energy is only superficial. He only knows that it is a clean energy source that netizens in other worlds have long been accustomed to.

Due to the differences in civilization between the two worlds, Sarlayan does not intend to invest too much energy in the research and development of electric energy. Anyway, there is arcane energy, which is also a clean energy source, as a substitute.

However, Sarlayan still absorbed some of the ideas provided by Danmaku. He commissioned the research institute to develop an energy storage device called mana lattice in advance. Its use is similar to the battery mentioned by Danmaku.

The so-called mana lattice is to highly compress arcane magic power and then inject it into a specific constraint container. In actual use, the magic power output frequency can be freely adjusted according to needs by using the auxiliary functions of the mana lattice.

Once this technology came out, it quickly spread to the entire Quel'Thalas army.

Everything from magic rifles to chariots and tanks, and even spaceships that are being jointly researched with the Draenei can be charged using modular mana lattices. It's just a matter of how much mana is invested.

Of course, the first-generation exoskeleton armor testing machine also used the mana lattice to provide energy.

With the help of Valant's dedicated researchers, Sarlayan quickly donned the entire suit of armor.

Sarlayan was not busy adding an exoskeleton. He kept his armor and tried to move around in place, nodding with satisfaction.

"It will basically not hinder me from making various tactical moves. The whole set of armor only weighs about ten kilograms. How is its defensive power?"

Canter Bonin, the chief researcher of the exoskeleton armor project, explained unhurriedly: "Under normal conditions, the defensive power of this armor is basically the same as the standard armor of Quel'Thalas soldiers."

"Once the amplification mode given by the exoskeleton is activated, its defense will be greatly improved."

"Words are not valid, we might as well test it in practice."

"Okay." Sarlayan followed Kanter's guidance and looked at another set of target armor on the side of the laboratory that was not equipped with an exoskeleton.

After Kanter and others adjusted the armor and signaled that it was ready to start, Sarlayan adjusted the output and fired a series of arcane missiles at the elite peak output level.

The silver armor covered with a thin layer of arcane shield unequivocally absorbed the entire set of attacks. The shield on the surface was still bright. The intensity of this attack obviously had not reached its theoretical defense limit.

"Oh? Interesting."

Even though Sarlayan is always surrounded by peak mortals and demigods with high-end combat power, on large-scale battlefields, elite soldiers are the backbone of the armies of various countries.

Being able to defend against arcane missiles at the elite level means that this set of armor can at least ensure that the user has sufficient protection when encountering general-level enemies.

Sarlayan successively converted several spells of different energies to continuously bombard him, which can basically confirm one thing.

As long as the energy supply is sufficient, elite-level attacks cannot break through the enhanced defense mode of this armor.

Of course, in an actual combat environment, the exoskeleton armor with the boost mode turned on cannot maintain sufficient energy supply at all times...unless it is fighting in Quel'Thalas itself.

Backed by the sunwell with infinite energy, the high elves' army can be built at will.

"How's the energy loss?"

Sarlayan did not continue trying and turned to look at Kanter who was recording experimental data.

"Fortunately, the saturation attack of the Deep Shadow Archduke in the past few minutes has reduced the armor's standard energy by about 15%."

"Is that so..."

Sarlayan further adjusted his output, raising the attack power to level 55.

This time, cracks finally appeared in the outer shield of the armor, but it was quickly repaired with subsequent energy replenishment.

No need for Saraian to ask questions, Kanter took the initiative to report the situation.

"This blow consumed 10% of the armor's reserve energy... Sure enough, it still cannot withstand the attack of an epic enemy for a long time."

"It's been pretty good."

Sarlayan said with satisfaction: "The exoskeleton armor was originally meant for ordinary soldiers. On a conventional battlefield, they are unlikely to face a large-scale epic-level mixed soldier attack."

Even the Burning Legion cannot guarantee that all the soldiers have epic strength. According to Sarlayan's understanding of the Burning Legion, such an army can definitely be regarded as the elite among the elite.

Sarlayan would not be stupid enough to use his own medium horses to defeat the enemy's superior horses. If he really encountered the legion's ace troops, the top leaders of the coalition would naturally find another way to solve it.

However, considering that the exoskeleton armor currently being trialled is a test machine regardless of cost, the defensive power of the finished product that will be actually mass-produced in the future should be reduced.

Even so, Sarlayan was quite satisfied.

His requirements are not high, as long as the mass-produced armor can defend against epic-level attacks in a short period of time, it is enough. After all, it is not so easy to encounter epic-level enemies on a huge battlefield.

After testing the flexibility and defense of the armor, Sarlayan formally assembled the armor and exoskeleton kit with the help of researchers.

With the assistance of the arcane magic of the exoskeleton kit, Sarlayan, wearing the armor, gained strength and mobility far beyond the norm.

After actual testing, Sarlayan came to a preliminary conclusion that this set of armor that emphasizes individual combat capabilities is very suitable for Quel'Thalas, which pursues an elite soldier policy.

This is just the initial trial version.

Kanter plans to add a special function to the exoskeleton armor to assist in spell casting in the future. The function is similar to the built-in staff, helping the wearer to shorten the casting time on the battlefield, and even instantaneously cast small spells.

However, the cost reduction required for mass production is also an issue that they need to consider. The basic material used in this trial armor is the extremely precious Titan Iron.

Even Quel'Thalas, which controls the Titanium iron veins in Wintergrasp, cannot fully mass-produce materials of this level. The high-end version of the exoskeleton armor is destined to only be supplied to the officer class. (End of chapter)

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