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Chapter 1295 Bwonsamdi's Request for Help

Chapter 1295 Bwonsamdi's Request for Help
Since returning from the Shadowlands last time, Bwonsamdi has been obediently squatting in the Hades Palace and rarely goes out.

The Loa of Zandalar who knew his true nature were very surprised by this. This guy who likes to make trouble has actually been quiet for so long this time.

But it was a good thing that Bwonsamdi didn't jump out and mess things up, and no one would think of provoking him, so he just passed through quite a while in peace.

Sarlayan, who knew the inside story, knew why Bwonsamdi was so uncharacteristically honest.

Because he is still digesting the great harvest of the trip to the Shadowlands.

After Mueh'zala was executed, all the souls that had gathered around the primordial death loa were taken over by Bwonsamdi.

As the saying goes, peers are enemies.

When Muezara, who held the same kind of power as Bwonsamdi, died, the old Bwonsamdi who swallowed his soul essence got a power of death tonic.

Of course, this extremely rich Dabu Pill cannot be digested in two or three strokes. If you are impatient, you will not be able to eat hot tofu.

When passing by the other world before, Sharlayan and Onyxia discovered that there were many more troll souls living in this death subplane than before.

Obviously, these extra souls are Bwonsamdi's spoils after eating chicken.

After all, the Nether Palace located in the swamp of Nazmir was built on the territory of Zandalar. It is impossible for Bwonsamdi to easily expose his trump card to the Zandalari trolls.

Therefore, he placed a large number of souls that he took over from Muerzala in the other world, and the Underworld still maintains the previous specifications, making it clear that he wants to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

Even if Bwonsamdi hasn't fully digested Mouezzara's legacy, he's much stronger now than he was before.

In the data template of Hawkeye, Bwonsamdi's level has reached 64, which is only 2 levels behind the five guardian dragons.

Sharlayan is not sure how many levels the Devilsaur Rezan, known as the strongest loa, has, but it should not exceed 65.

In other words, the originally large gap in strength between Bwonsamdi and Rezan is gradually narrowing.

If some external factors are added, even now, it is not completely impossible for Bwonsamdi to defeat Rezan by leapfrogging.

As the loa of the kings, the chief bodyguard of Zandalar, Rezan's power is open and transparent, and it is the same light power as Odin.

Because of different personalities, the power of the same origin will manifest in different forms in the hands of different people.

Rezan's power of light does not have the ability to purify... At least it cannot achieve the effect of purification conceptually, at most it can only "physically" purify.

Therefore, Rezan's power of light cannot restrain Bwonsamdi's power of death like the idealistic holy light, which greatly reduces the difficulty of Bwonsamdi's leapfrog challenge.

Salayan and Bwonsamdi have known each other for many years since they rescued their mother Inas from the very beginning. They have provided a lot of help to each other, and their relationship has long been very close.

After learning about Sarlayan and Onyxia's intentions, Bwonsamdi readily patted his chest and gave a guarantee.

"Leave it to me. Nazmir is originally my territory. I will immediately send the subordinates of Hades Palace to Nazwasa to find clues."

"On this island dominated by trolls, you, as foreigners, are too obvious. In order to reduce unnecessary troubles, try not to go out easily."

Sharlayan has no objection to this: "I know that after the Battle of Mount Hyjal, my identity and position have become more sensitive, and I don't want to make extra trouble at this juncture and bring the Zandalari's hostility to Quel'Thalas. .”

Sharlayan is well aware that there are priorities. The main goal at the moment is to ensure the smooth victory of the Battle of Ulduar. Except for related issues, everything else can be temporarily put on hold.

The ambitious Zandalar will need to be suppressed sooner or later, but now is not the most suitable time.

Seeing that Sarlayan adopted his suggestion, Bwonsamdi said the second half of the sentence with a smile.

"Growing up in the mortal world, you know more about mortal political affairs than I do. I happen to have some questions that I need you to help me with."


Sharlayan raised his eyebrows with interest: "Political issues? Why don't you talk about it?"


There is a saying that is good, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop.

Bwonsamdi didn't want to cause trouble, but some things happened to find him at this moment.

"Under the arrangement of Sharlayan, I have already signed a contract with that little guy from the Darkspear clan. It seems that his name is Vol'jin, right?"

"Yes." Sharlayan asked patiently, "So your political issues are related to Vol'jin?"

"No, no, that's not true." Bwonsamdi shook his head and said, "To be precise, it's related to Rastakhan's daughter, Princess Talanji."

"Woking has only marginal information through my contacts, and I'm not sure whether to involve him in this matter."

"It just so happens that you are here, so why not discuss it face-to-face, lest one more person know and there will be more variables."

"... By the way, Sharlayan, can you really trust a troll who has a feud with the elves? Are you not afraid that Vol'jin will stab you in the back?"

Sharlayan shook his head and said, "I know Vol'jin's character, he's not that kind of person, but it's true, it's best not to let him know about some things that are too sensitive."

"Put these topics aside for now." Princess Black Dragon brought the topic back: "Princess Talanji came to see you? What does she want? The Golden Family wants to change the guardian Loa?"

Onyxia just made a joke casually, but Bwonsamdi scratched her head and said distressedly: "Maybe that old fox Rastakhan really has this idea, but he hasn't made up his mind yet."

"Rastakhan? Didn't Princess Talanji mean it?"

Unexpectedly, her words came true, and Onyxia, who was interested, hurriedly urged: "Keep talking, what is going on?"

Bwonsamdi spread his hands and said, "I'm not sure, so I'm looking for your answers."

"In short, let me first describe the ins and outs of the matter in detail."

Not long ago, about a week after the Alliance Conference held in Quel'Thalas, Princess Talanji suddenly came to the Hades Palace to visit Bwonsamdi, who had been reclusive in recent years.

According to Bwonsamdi's description, Princess Talanji did not set off after making a public announcement to the whole country, but traveled alone in a very low-key way, with only a few confidantes including Woking with her.

Woking didn't know what Talanji and Bwonsamdi had privately talked about in the Nether Palace. Only Bwonsamdi and Talanji knew about the conversation that day.

"Talanji rambled around a lot of unnutritious nonsense, and I probably heard the hidden meaning behind her boring bureaucratic accent."

Bwonsamdi rubbed his chin with his right hand with a half-smile: "That old boy Rastakhan seems to want to abandon Rezan and choose another king loa. He wants to push me to fight Rezan."

Sharlayan frowned and nodded: "It is not a trivial matter to replace the kings of Loa. What prompted Rastakhan to change his mind?"

From the very beginning, Sharlayan didn't believe that Rastakhan, as a generation of heroes, would easily become decadent. The information provided by Bwonsamdi further confirmed his guess.

Rastakhan deliberately retreated behind the scenes, temporarily handing over the ruling power to the Prophet Zul, hiding under the table and operating quietly.

Bwonsamdi shrugged and complained: "This is what I don't understand. I'm not sure if Rastakhan is fooling me or really has this plan."

"Hmm..." After bowing her head and thinking for a while, Onyxia tried to analyze: "Rezan has been the king of the Loa for more than 1 years, and the smooth establishment of Zandalar cannot do without his help."

"Let's analyze from the character of Rezan, the loa of the kings, and his influence on Zandalar's policy direction."

"According to the information we have obtained, Rezan is a warrior-type loa who believes in strength over wisdom. Under his influence, the Zandalari's foreign policy has always been more radical."

"If Rastakhan really wanted to replace Rezan, would it be because he wanted to change the national policy and abandon the previous strategy of aggressive expansion?"

Sharlayan nodded and echoed, "It's possible. If this is the case, the one-minded Rezan will be incompatible with the adjusted Zandalar, and they will no longer be able to complement each other."

Sarlayan took a meaningful look at Bwonsamdi, who had a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Let's make a setup based on Bwonsamdi's character first."

"If Rastakhan wants him to take over the position of the kings loa, then... what kind of adjustments does the King of Gold plan to make to Zandalar's national policy with Bwonsamdi's support?"


Bwonsamdi is self-aware of his abilities and temper. Following the analysis of Salayan and Onyxia, he came to an uncertain conclusion.

"From aggressive expansion to sleek and pragmatic growth?"

(End of this chapter)

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