LIVE: Azeroth

Chapter 1260

Chapter 1260

Sharlayan still has a lot on its agenda.

However, considering that the threat of the Burning Legion has just ended, the ancient gods will not jump out to make trouble so soon, and there is no need to rush most of the things to be done.

It was rare to return to Quel'Thalas, and Sharlayan planned to straighten out domestic affairs first.

Kael'thas' wedding is one of them, followed by the next strategic development plan of various related industries in the territory, the research and popularization of mobile phones, and so on.

Of course, there is also the final result of the fishing plan that Kael'thas is currently most concerned about.

Even after several rounds of suppression, the founding aristocrats with profound foundations are still reborn like weeds that have been burned by the fire.

Adhering to the ideas left by the family's ancestors, these stupid pigs to be slaughtered who can't see clearly the situation and the changes of the times still want to continue to compete with the royal family for the right to speak.

Kael'thas didn't have so much time and energy to accompany them to pull again and again.

This time, he intends to solve the problem of the founding nobles once and for all.

After simply explaining his next series of plans to Kael'thas, Sharlayan left the Sunstrider Royal Court under the eyes of Kael'thas, who read the papers.

There is one thing to say, Kael'thas is already very busy with work, but compared with Sharlayan who can't relax, he feels that he doesn't seem to work hard enough.

But soon Kael'thas put aside the idea of ​​being biased by the king.

People are different, Kael'thas is just a mortal, his energy is limited, it is impossible for him to be like Sharlayan who never sleeps and does not need to eat.

This point will not change much even after being bound with Anveena's soul to obtain an immortal lifespan.

Because Kael'thas is still a mortal in essence, his life form has not been improved qualitatively, but his lifespan has been prolonged.

Sharlayan's desperate working state cannot be learned by others. Kael'thas decided to continue working and living according to the rhythm that suits him best.

Obtaining the charter from Kael'thas, Sharlayan went directly to the Engineering Guild in Silvermoon City after leaving the royal court, and recruited a group of high-end engineers in the name of the Sun King.

These engineers will secretly participate in the analysis and reproduction plan of mobile phones and base stations under the supervision of Backlight Blade.

At the same time, Kael'thas also informed the Draenei of this secret plan.

Technician Archbishop Romuel was very interested after learning about this.

During the height of the eredar civilization, the eredar had similar means of communication.

It is a pity that the Draenei have lost too much knowledge and technology during the tens of thousands of years of drifting in the universe.

Romuel knew there was such a concept, but it was difficult to reproduce it from scratch with his own ability alone.

Now that the high elves have proposed a joint research plan, Romul, who has long had an idea for this technology, of course will not refuse.

The Draenei were able to enter Azeroth at the invitation of Sharlayan, and Anasterian still maintains a good personal relationship with Velen.

Therefore, the diplomatic relations between Draenei and Quel'Thalas have always been quite close, and a stable permanent portal has long been established between Silvermoon City and New Shattrath City.

Sharlayan, who was used to being a hands-off shopkeeper, didn't intend to personally ask the engineers about the cracking and reproduction process. He never liked laymen commanding experts.

After meeting with the senior engineers of Quel'Thalas and the draenei technicians personally led by Romuel, Sharlayan returned to Unicorn City with a large group of people. On the other side of the city's outskirts, an experimental area was designated for them.

After that, Sharlayan was only responsible for providing resources, equipment, and research sites. The progress of subsequent research was handed over to Romuel and others, and Backlight Blade was in charge of supervision.


Taking advantage of the construction arcane puppets still building the laboratory at a rapid pace, Sharlayan curiously asked Romuel, who was eager to prepare his fists: "How is your spaceship construction plan going?"

"This is..."

When this topic was mentioned, Romuel's originally excited expression immediately collapsed.

Sharlayan: "...not going well?"

"Well." Romul said with a wry smile: "Technology has been out of date for too many years, and we only know a lot of things, but don't know why."

"In order to overcome these fragmented technical difficulties, our research and development progress has been slowed down repeatedly."

"Hmm..." Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "If you can get physical references, can you speed up the progress of research and construction?"

"Of course." Romul said without hesitation: "In the final analysis, we are now building a castle in the sky."

"We know what it should look like after it is built, but we can't always find the right tools when we start, so we can only build tools from scratch step by step."

"If the finished products of these tools can be used as a reference, I dare not say that the research progress is advancing by leaps and bounds, but at least it can effectively shorten the time for the final finished product to come out."

"Is that so..."

Sharlayan lowered his head and pondered for a moment: "Wait a little longer, when I finish the work at hand, I will go to Draenor to finish some things."

"After all the prerequisites are settled, I will find a way to get Naaru to drive the storm fleet to Azeroth."


Regarding this matter, Sharlayan had actually discussed it with Adal long ago.

Regardless of whether Zera, the Mother of the Holy Light, is willing to admit it or not, the Legion of the Holy Light has already fallen into a comprehensive disadvantage in the war with the Burning Legion. If there is no external force to intervene, defeat is only a matter of time.

As Zela's deputy, Adal could see clearly the direction of this unoptimistic situation, and he always wanted to find a chance to break the situation.

Leaving Zera to come to Draenor to rescue the draenei was one of those attempts.

If Velen and other draenei could be brought back to the Legion of Light one by one, Adal dared not say a comeback, at least it would be able to delay the Legion of Light's defeat to a certain extent.

After leading the storm fleet to Draenor, Adal accidentally discovered the people of "Azeroth" that had been widely spread in the universe.

After learning from Sarlayan that Azeroth intends to unite all forces to fight against the Burning Legion, A'dal quickly changed his original plan.

He didn't send the Draenei back to the Legion of Light as agreed with Zela, but watched happily... He even assisted the Draenei to relocate to Azeroth to build a new homeland.

Adal is very aware of Zela's overly aggressive temper. Once he let the Mother of the Holy Light know that he has violated the original plan, and once he returns to the Holy Light Legion, he will definitely be severely punished.

But Adal has no regrets about it.

After all, delaying time is only an expedient measure. Through long-term contact with Khadgar and others, A'dal saw the fire of hope to reverse the situation from these sons of Azeroth.

Sargeras was defeated once in the expedition to Azeroth thousands of years ago, so why can't there be a second time?

Later, after hearing about Archimonde's tragic death in Azeroth and another disastrous defeat of the Burning Legion's expedition, A'dal became more determined in his mind - the hope of completely defeating the Burning Legion lies in Azeroth.

Anyway, he would be punished after going back, so Adal simply decided not to go back for the time being.

After discussing and discussing with Sharlayan, Adal agreed to drive the Storm Fleet to Azeroth, placing the bet of defeating the Burning Legion on the magical planet Azeroth.

But just having A'dal's consent is useless. The Storm Fleet does not have the specific coordinates of Azeroth, and it is impossible to travel through the space through the "narrow" portal of darkness, and it is impossible to talk about starting.

The task of obtaining the coordinates was naturally handed over to Sharlayan.

The technological level of mortal civilization in Azeroth has not yet reached the level of stepping into the universe, but Sharlayan boldly guessed that the city of Titans, Ulduar, should preserve the coordinate information he wanted.

Going around in a circle, the problem is back to the original point.

Many of Sharlayan's plans cannot bypass the crucial node of Ulduar. No matter what aspect is considered, the battle of Ulduar must be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

As for returning to Draenor again, Sharlayan certainly had another purpose.

Under the reception and guidance of the hospitable demigods of the wilderness of Azeroth, Rukhmar has become familiar with the environment of the Emerald Dream, and has a certain understanding of the history and humanities of Azeroth. It is time to take her back to Germany. Lano got his body back.

By the way, the crow demigod Ansu, who silently gave everything for Rukhmar, could also be abducted back together, completely tying the arakkoa of the two factions to the chariot of Azeroth.

(End of this chapter)

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