LIVE: Azeroth

Chapter 1252 Who is smashing his own foot?

Chapter 1252 Who is smashing his own foot?
Seeing that Vereesa's speech attracted the attention of everyone present, Sharlayan gave her a veiled look of admiration.

The newspaper did appear at the suggestion of Sharlayan, and its original purpose was to seize the initiative in the public opinion war with the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

The early newspaper offices could only publish one issue per month because they were not proficient in movable type printing technology and their production capacity was relatively low.

After Quel'Thalas tasted the sweetness of snatching the advantage of public opinion through newspapers, Kael'thas increased the investment of manpower and material resources in the newspaper industry.

Monthly newspapers have gradually become bimonthly, weekly, and now daily.

When the newspapers first appeared, Lordaeron was ruled by Terenas, who was hostile to Quel'Thalas.

Now that Terenas has long passed away, the Silvermoon Daily no longer needs to insinuate Lordaeron all the time for the moderate Quel'Thalas Calia, and the newspaper's evaluation of other countries has become "relatively" neutral and objective stand up.

As for this relative degree... the power of interpretation is still in the hands of Quel'Thalas.

In line with the idea of ​​reciprocating, Jia Liya ordered the lifting of the entry blockade of Yinyue Daily, and other countries in the alliance could only hold their noses and follow suit.

After all, public opinion cannot be violated.

It is rare to have this kind of media that can keep abreast of various foreign trends without leaving home. The public will not check whether the newspaper contains value-oriented content, they just want to watch the fun.

Before the Battle of Seamounts began, the countries in the Eastern Continent realized the importance of newspapers...or public opinion guidance.

However, since the printing technology and papermaking technology are not up to standard, it is not so easy to seize the dominance of public opinion from Quel'Thalas.

The person who takes the first bite of crab usually gets the fullest and most flavorful meal.

When the people of various countries gradually became familiar with the Silver Moon Daily, unless the later newspapers could come up with some amazing skills, it would undoubtedly be very difficult to steal the regular customers of the Silver Moon Daily.

The Silvermoon Daily is published by Quel'Thalas, and of course there will be some views that are beneficial to Quel'Thalas in the newspaper to guide public opinion.

In the words of the barrage, this is like a certain bald eagle country in the world they are in.

Obtaining the absolute dominance of culture can make people who accept this value unknowingly yearn for all aspects of Quel'Thalas, effectively improving Quel'Thalas' status among the countries of Azeroth.

It is difficult for nobles of military origin to deeply understand the importance of seizing the dominance of public opinion, but their concerns are indeed justified.

As the scale of the Silvermoon Daily grew bigger and bigger, the nobles in Quel'Thalas soon realized the importance of this emerging media.

In addition to the main magazine that publishes important news from various countries, there will inevitably be high elf nobles advertising their territories on the various reissue pages that appear.

At first they just wanted to attract more tourists to come to their territories for consumption, but as the lords of different territories began to fight for tourists in newspapers, the nobles gradually realized another use of newspapers, or its true meaning. use.

Orientation of public opinion.

This time the old aristocrats collectively gave a briefing on the opposition to the commoner queen in the reissue of the Silver Moon Daily, which is a typical example.

Even if Vereesa didn't say anything, Sharlayan would find an opportunity to bring up this topic on his own initiative.

But he didn't want to praise the old aristocrat's brains, but to ridicule their useless efforts.

"Vereesa's worry is indeed reasonable to some extent, but everyone present subconsciously ignored a problem."

Sarayan smiled and said: "As we all know, in order to expand the coverage of Silver Moon Daily as soon as possible, the newspaper office has always been trying to make money at a loss, keeping the price of the newspaper very low."

"Then here comes the question, who do you think has the largest audience for Yinyue Daily?"

Although the nobles were slow-witted due to knowledge issues, they were not stupid. With Salayan's reminder that they were almost fed to their mouths, they quickly came to their senses.

"It's a civilian with a large base!"

"So, it's not the Grand Duke Deep Shadow who shoots himself in the foot, but those self-righteous old nobles?"

Sharlayan smiled meaningfully: "Exactly."

"The old aristocrats are indeed commendable for realizing the importance of newspapers so quickly, but as far as I'm concerned...they haven't figured out the real way to guide public opinion."

"With such a blunt blow, do you really think that the public will stand with them against the royal family because of the value output of the newspaper?"


Alleria folded her hands on her chest and sneered, "Of course it's impossible."

"If the Sun King really chooses to marry the Commoner Queen, the biggest beneficiaries will definitely be the commoners of Quel'Thalas."

"Since this is the case, how can civilians stand up and actively oppose decisions that are beneficial to them?"

Sharlayan nodded approvingly to Alleria: "If this matter is handled by me, I will never directly throw out the views that oppose commoners becoming queens."

"I will list examples from various aspects such as etiquette, state system, and family equality, and subtly guide the people who read the newspaper to think independently, what kind of damage will a commoner queen who does not understand the royal family's rules cause the international image of Quel'Thalas."


Cirvanas took a deep breath, and aimed at Sharlayan with a strange expression: "...You still know how to play, which is much more heartbreaking than the old nobles' blunt conclusions."

"But, aren't you afraid that everyone here will start to follow suit after learning this?"

Sarlayan looked around at the nobles present with a half-smile: "Don't worry, it's time for the Silver Moon Daily to make changes."

"In the future, this kind of discussion involving state affairs will no longer appear on the Silver Moon Daily, which is officially sponsored by Quel'Thalas. The Sun King intends to open up non-governmental newspapers, and will also establish the General Administration of Press and Publication to be responsible for the content review of major newspapers. .”

"Entertainment, economics and other sections will be split up and assigned to non-governmental newspapers in the future, and discussions on state affairs will be killed during the review stage of the General Administration of Press and Publication."

"Everyone, please keep in mind that don't talk about state affairs in public."

Sharlayan said meaningfully: "The information transmission system of Quel'Thalas is about to undergo a major change. From now on, if you complain about the high-ranking officials of the kingdom in the tavern, it may be submitted to the cabinet and the government within 5 minutes. Before the Sun King."

"Don't say it's unexpected. Please be as cautious as possible when you speak in the future. I don't want to see you in prison."

When the faces of other nobles change color and everyone is in danger.Valeera's uncle, Viscount Sangunal, raised his hand and asked with a normal face: "Duke Deep Shadow, that is to say, we don't have to... or shouldn't express any opinions on the selection of the Sun King's queen?"


Sharlayan nodded to Viscount Sangunar and said, "I'm here to tell you that, no matter how the old nobles jump up and down, the final outcome will not change."

"If you don't want to be affected by this phishing operation, it's better for you to be cautious in your words and actions. Neither agreeing nor opposing is the best choice."

Countess Liadrin frowned and asked: "I can understand if you don't object, why can't you take the initiative to agree with the royal family's decision?"

"Because it will take up valuable public resources, it is pointless to waste time arguing with the old aristocrats in the newspapers before the industry officially begins to reform."

"Let them keep on dancing. The higher they jump, the harder they fall."

Sharlayan stood up from the chair of the conference table, put his hands on the conference table and leaned slightly, and said with a hint of meaning: "Everyone, although the old nobles and our group of nobles are both nobles, everyone Until, we didn’t go the same way at all.”

"Relying on the background accumulated over thousands of years, they can lie on the merit books left by their ancestors and wait to die. We are 'vulgar warriors' who need to make meritorious service on the battlefield."

"Thanks to everyone's trust, I, a young and inexperienced 'upstart', have been elected as the honorable leader."

"Since I'm sitting in this position, I have an obligation to work for the welfare of the noble circle."

"Listen to my advice, meritorious service can only be obtained from horses."

"If you don't want your descendants to be degraded from generation to generation until they become obsolete, then stop pampering your children too much and send them into the army."

Sharlayan turned his head and glanced at Cirvanas: "It's not just the ranger army, the decision-makers of the kingdom are trying to make the combat professions in the army more diversified."

"I can still be considered in the major legions. If you need help, you can come to me to arrange."

"Of course, this does not mean that I will open the door for your children to be promoted quickly. That is not realistic. Personal ability is the only proof that you can climb up step by step in the army."

"What I can do is to point out a way for them. As for what kind of achievements they can achieve in the can only depend on their own talents, opportunities and hard work."

(End of this chapter)

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