LIVE: Azeroth

Chapter 1216 Mimiron's "True"

Chapter 1216 Mimiron's "True"

Before coming to this era, Sharlayan's understanding of the concept of time was only superficial, and he could only give Valeria some simple things, and there was no way to talk about deeper insights.

Due to the current predicament, Sharlayan had to brainstorm with the barrage netizens to discuss the essence of time power in more depth.

Sharlayan had a hunch that Nozdormu's bastard hadn't prepared for his and Valeera's return trip.

In other words, even if the singularity of history is resolved and they want to return to their original time node, Sarlayan can only open the space-time channel with his own hands.

"Nozdormu did an amazing job of opening yourself up."

When talking about this topic, Valeera showed a wry smile: "Then... I'm counting on you to activate the bronze dragon's blood as soon as possible, and realize the power of time."


Sharlayan sighed helplessly, and took out the time sand fragments that Anachronos had given him as a thank you gift from the space package.

At some point, Nozdormu had injected the Dragon King's blessing into this shard of time sand, and it was only waiting for Sharlayan to activate it officially after gaining enough insight.

"The power of time... I will try my best, I don't know how long we will stay in this era."

After breaking away from the mirror world, Salayan used the name of Star Soul to ask Freya for assistance in intelligence.

As a member of Titan Guardians who focuses on logistics, intelligence is also one of the tasks that Freya needs to be responsible for.

However, Freya only has a part of the information in her hands. She is mainly responsible for the northern part of the ancient Kalimdor continent, and the southern part is handed over to another logistics specialist - Mimiron.

Mimiron's official title is Guardian of Creation, but most, including his compatriots, would call him the Great Inventor.

Freya's main job was to repair Azeroth's wounds, while Mimiron was assigned the important task of guarding Y'Shaarj's heart.

As we all know, creatures of the ancient gods are difficult to kill completely.

Y'Shaarj was crushed into seven pieces by the hands of Aman'Thul, the father of the gods.

If these fragments are allowed to combine, maybe after tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, Y'Shaarji can still be resurrected by reassembling the body through the still intact heart.

In order to prevent this from happening, the Titan Guardians sealed the seven body fragments of Y'Shaarj separately, and handed over the most important heart to Mimiron himself to guard.

Although Y'Shaarj was dead, because Aman'Thul personally beheaded his death, the huge army under Y'Shaarj did not quickly disintegrate.

Reasonably speaking, Y'Shaarji's ability to become the most powerful main offensive force of the four ancient gods is not only due to its powerful individual power, but also the strongest army among the four ancient gods.

But after all, the leader who was the king of power was lost, and the other three surviving ancient gods did not miss this opportunity to embezzle the power of Y'Shaarji.

After thousands of years of struggle, only one of the most elite troops left under Y'Shaarji's command is still loyally trying to revive the old master and make a comeback. The other peripheral forces were either wiped out by the Titan army or poached and taken away by other ancient gods.

Unlike Freya, who is only in charge of logistics, Mimiron, who guards Y'Shaarj's heart, is also responsible for suppressing Y'Shaarj's remnant party.

This Y'Shaar remnant party is the mantid who later settled in the continent of Pandaria.

Ancient Kalimdor was a complete continent, and Pandaria was also in it, just south of the Well of Eternity.

Sharlayan and Valeera initially landed in the area controlled by the water elementals. Since all the water elementals fished for fish, the intensity of the war in this area was not too strong.

After browsing the Thunder Mountain in the south of Zuldazar, the two of them really saw the front line of the battle between the Titan army and the Dark Empire.

At the western foot of Thunder Mountain, three guardians, Odin, Thorim, and Hodir, took the lead and rushed to the forefront, leading the overwhelming Titan creations to entangle with the same dark and fleshy creatures.

C'Thun in this era has not been sealed, it is a matter of life and death, and there is no room for it to stay in this war.

There are a large number of penetrating eyeballs floating in the sky above the entire battlefield, and each shot of the void eye ridge can destroy a large number of Titan creations.

The main responsibility of the three of Odin is to knock out the compound eyes of these C'Thuns, so as to prevent the participation of the ancient gods from causing a devastating impact on the main battlefield.


The lightning that Thorim summoned with the power of thunder hit one of the eyeballs heavily, and the aftermath of the energy hedging wiped out a large area of ​​both the enemy and us nearby.

Thorim didn't care about the fact that his friend was accidentally injured, and continued to call for Thunder with a majestic battle cry in his mouth. Odin and Hodir also performed their unique skills.

It seems that the war of this era does not need to worry about those ordinary soldiers who were accidentally injured by the aftermath of the battle between the bosses. Seeing this, Sarlayan and Valeera frowned.

"It can be regarded as a preview of Ulduar's counterattack. At least we know that the titan guardian doesn't care about the loss of his subordinates."

Valeera sneered and shrugged her shoulders: "Yeah, who made them just one-click mass-produced tool-less people."

In this era, the melting pot of will has not yet been established, and it is up to the guardians of the titans to do it themselves one by one if they want to endow the creations with wisdom.

The guardians in the war years didn't have this kind of leisure time, so only Freya, who was sitting in the rear, helped some creations to help him manage the logistics.

Without intelligence, cheap, and mass-produced, Titan Guardians will naturally not feel any guilt when consuming these tool men.

The flesh and blood creatures of the ancient gods are similar. Low-level workers can only be controlled by high-level insects using the hive network. Their own intelligence is extremely low, and they don't feel bad when they die.

Those who really need C'Thun's attention are those high-level bugmen and the faceless men of all levels as battlefield commanders.

There is also Keselaki, who is bigger in size and more terrifying in strength.

Thorim's thunderous thunderous bang didn't last long, a huge flesh and blood monster covered in pincers stared at him, and the two sides fought back and forth into a ball.

It didn't take long for Odin and Hodir to be entangled by the other Xeraki, and the freed Xer'thun began to take over the battlefield, and the Titan Creation army gradually fell into a disadvantage.

"Let's go, just like what Montady said, this war is not over so quickly before the Titan Creators exhaust C'Thun's troop stockpile."

After roughly judging the direction of the situation, Sharlayan turned his head and looked towards the east of Thunder Mountain.

There is also a war going on in the region of Pandaria.

However, compared with C'Thun's side, the scale of the war in Pandaria was much smaller. There wasn't even a single Xeraki, and there were only the fearless mantid.

Overwhelmed mantid are storming a smoky valley.

If Sharlayan is not mistaken, this is the future Valley of Eternal Blossoms.

However, compared with the beautiful and beautiful Valley of Splendid Blossoms in Sharlayan's impression, this valley has been devastated by the war at this time.

Y'Shaarj's heart was sealed deep underground in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, and the mantid obviously knew that the heart was the key to their master's resurrection, so they assembled almost all their troops in an desperate attempt to break through the defenses of the Valley of Eternal Blossoms.

Yet all their efforts were in vain.

Seeing the dense array of various weapons in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, Sharlayan and Valeera's scalps felt numb.

As the true founder of Azeroth engineering, Mimiron's creativity in mechanical engineering is really no joke.

A large number of machine guns and anti-aircraft artillery formed an anti-aircraft weapon array, and the mantid flying in from outside the valley would first go through a round of gunfire.

Even if they were lucky enough to break through the first air defense line, there were still countless weapons of various colors waiting for the mantid's "breakthrough" challenge.

"Ha..." The corners of Valeera's mouth twitched slightly: "This is not a war at all, is it? It is completely unilateral death."

Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "Not necessarily, these weapons of Mimiron can only be used to defend against miscellaneous soldiers whose strength is below a certain level, and we haven't seen elite individuals of the mantid on the battlefield yet. Woolen cloth."

"The elite individuals you are talking about..." Valeera raised her finger to the top of the entrance of the underground palace speechlessly: "Do you mean the group of unlucky ones?"

"Aha! More! Let me test the performance of the weapon!"

Strange screams came from the direction of Valeera's finger, and a huge bipedal mechanical creature several times larger than the Titan Guardian stood above the entrance of the underground palace.

Eight flexible mechanical arms are installed behind this huge robot, and two of them are holding a mantid corpse that has long been out of shape.

In front of the robot, there were still two digits of elite mantid attacking with all their strength, but their attacks couldn't even break through the arcane energy shield on the surface of the huge machine.

"...The machine can also activate the spell shield?" Valeera patted her forehead suspiciously: "What is the principle?"

Sharlayan was not surprised by this, he had already seen the titan guardian sitting in the cockpit on the chest of the robot smiling happily.

"This is the principle of the great inventor Mimiron."

(End of this chapter)

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