LIVE: Azeroth

Chapter 1183 Draenei's Daughter of Destiny

Chapter 1183 Draenei's Daughter of Destiny
After barrage of explanations, Sharlayan finally figured out what they were talking about.

Yrel is the absolute protagonist of Warcraft version 6.0, Draenei's Daughter of Destiny.

But this version 6.0 story... is unlikely to happen to the real Azeroth where Sharlayan is located.

Because the entire 6.0 version was triggered in a parallel Draenor world, which was a parallel world where orcs chose to reject fel energy and Gul'dan, and instead established the Iron Horde.

The source of the birth of this timeline comes from the bronze dragon Kairozdormu and Garrosh Hellscream, nicknamed Brain Howler.

Kairozdormu aside, Garrosh Hellscream is still serving Matron Gaiaan in Galadar in Nagrand.

In the foreseeable future, Sharlayan will never allow Brainless Roar to behave like the original history.

What's more, Grom's father, Grom, is still alive and well, and the Hellscream family, who are accustomed to using hands more than brains, are notorious believers in the educational policy of making good people out of sticks.

With his father's control, there is a high probability that Garrosh will not follow the old path of the original history.

If Garrosh is the soul of the Iron Horde, then Yrel is the core protagonist of the Draenei faction that opposes the Iron Horde.

Unlike the main world, the Prophet Velen, who was supposed to lead the Draenei to continue, left the scene with a boxed lunch shortly after the story started.

His death was certainly not without merit.

Velen detonated all the power of the Holy Light that he had accumulated for tens of thousands of years, and re-transformed the dark star Kara into the light naaru with his own power.

Before dying, Velen entrusted the important task of guiding the draenei to his most promising apprentice, Yrel, along with the blessing of the naaru, and he died generously.

A series of subsequent developments proved that Velen was indeed right.

Players almost witnessed the whole process of Yrel's growth from an apprentice to an archbishop. During this process, countless players fell in love with this strong and brave "hoof girl".

Most barrage netizens believe that Yrel in the main world died long ago in the war between the orcs and the Draenei many years ago, and did not survive to the time when the Azeroth Expeditionary Force recovered Draenor. that day.

Otherwise, with Yrel's extraordinary potential and strong will shown in the entire 6.0 version, it would be unreasonable for Velen to abandon such an outstanding reserve talent.

When Valeera talked softly with Yrel about the changes in the situation in Draenor in recent years, Sharlayan looked thoughtfully at Yrel's deformed and distorted right hand from the corner of her eye. leg.

'No wonder he was not entrusted with important tasks, but stayed in the inaccessible Farland Island for the elderly. It turned out that there was something wrong with his health. '

The draenei are a race favored by the naaru and the Holy Light, and they will have their own healers as a matter of course.

However, Sharlayan also mentioned before that the principle of Holy Light healing injuries is very domineering. It is to forcibly repair trauma by overdrawing physical strength.

And when faced with some internal injuries from the bones, the draenei healers who believe in the holy light of the whole family are somewhat powerless.

After the introduction of the shaman school, Draenei healers have some new healing methods, but in the face of wounds from the bones, the shamans can only apply some herbs to wait for natural healing.

After all, orcs have done this before.

Yriel's right leg... or right hoof was seriously dislocated and twisted, it should have been broken by someone with a blunt instrument during the battle... even smashed the ankle bone, but unfortunately, due to the constraints at the time, the system could not be obtained in time. However, due to the intensive treatment, he regrettably ended up with a disability.

According to Yrel's own statement, she had repeatedly applied to her mentor Velen to continue participating in the battle despite her injuries, but was severely rejected by Velen every time.

Over time, Yriel, who was still unable to get permission, had no choice but to accept her fate. She accepted Velen's arrangement and was transferred to the rear of the shelter as the security captain.

Even so, the strong-willed Yrel still didn't give up the daily training, but worked harder than before.

The last time Velen came to Farland was on the eve of the withdrawal of the Draenei family to Azeroth. Facing Yrel's application for another battle, Velen still chose to refuse.

However, Velen gave Yrel a choice at that time, she could stay in Falunlun Island and continue to take care of these old people who were unwilling to travel anymore, or she could go to Azeroth with other compatriots, and he would give Yrel a brand new Work.

This new job still has nothing to do with the front-line battles, and Velen hopes that she can continue to exert her residual heat on the training ground behind with her legs and feet disabled.

At that time, Yrel had settled in Farland for many years, and established a deep bond with the residents of the island.

Anyway, I would still do logistics work in another place, and Yrel would rather stay here and continue to take care of those elders who are already very familiar.

Velen respected Yrel's decision, and he couldn't stay in the retirement home of Falenlon for a long time due to his heavy responsibility. He didn't even have time to tell Yrel about the changes in Draenor over the years and left in a hurry.

Since then, Velen has not seen Yrel who remained in Draenor again.

Sharlayan activated Eagle Eye to check Yrel's level, and he sighed helplessly amidst the barrage of barrages.

'It's's a pity. '

This female garrison officer named Yrel is indeed very talented, even after being severely injured and disabled, she still practiced diligently.

Her paladin level has reached an astounding 58, only 1 level lower than the current Vindicator Archbishop Maraad.

It should be noted that Yrel's age is much younger than Maraad and the former Archbishop Akama. According to her own statement, she has not yet spent the first hundred years of her life.

After listening to the information shared by Sharlayan through the soul link channel, Jaina, Stellagosa and others turned their eyes to him in unison. They saw the shadow of Sharlayan in this Yrel.

Onyxia also said with emotion: "You are really a genius, it's a pity..."


Sharlayan, who had a plan in mind, finally focused his eyes and looked at Yrel's broken leg openly. His undisguised gaze quickly caught the attention of Yrel who was talking to Valeera.

"Excuse me……"

Contrary to Sharlayan's expectations, Yrel didn't jump up sensitively like some disabled people and shouted angrily, but politely raised his twisted right hoof to the outside.

"What happened to my feet? I always feel a little embarrassed to be stared at by the opposite sex."

Sarlayan said apologetically, "Sorry, I was just thinking about some things."

"Miss Yrel, with all due respect, if your foot still has the possibility of healing, are you willing to..."


Yrel jumped in front of Sharlayan at a speed that absolutely shouldn't appear on a disabled person, dropped the heavy hammer in his hand, and clasped Sharlayan's shoulders tightly with both excited hands.

"My feet can still heal?! Really?"

Yrel is an extremely strong-willed warrior, and her physical disability did not dampen her inner fighting spirit.

But at the same time, she is also a good child who respects her teachers. Of course, she can see Velen's intention of keeping herself behind, and it is for her sake.

No matter how powerful a warrior is, once his body becomes disabled, it will become a fatal loophole when fighting against enemies of the same level.

Velen sent away too many outstanding juniors in his life, including Yrel's sister Samara.

As the spiritual leader that the Draenei have relied on for tens of thousands of years, Velen is undoubtedly a strong-willed person, but he also has a soft part in his heart. .

Velen didn't want to see the disabled Yrel lose in the battle with a powerful enemy, and be sent to him in the form of a corpse like Samara.

Yrel could see his exhaustion and pain from Velen's eyes. The prophet who led his people to flee for tens of thousands of years was already physically and mentally exhausted.

If Yrel's body is intact, Velen, who made a major decision-making mistake in Draenor, may really entrust the future of the population to this promising apprentice, but... destiny tricks people.

Sharlayan could understand Yrel's excitement, but he felt helpless right now.

If the head crown height of the male draenei is not counted, their height is about the same as that of the night elves, or even a little bit taller.

When standing in front of Malfurion, who had the standard height of a night elf, Sharlayan, who was only 1 meters tall, could only talk to him face to face by looking up.

That's all, after all, this is an innate racial gap, and it cannot be forced.

To Sharlayan's embarrassment, Yrel, who was over 2 meters tall, grabbed him like an adult grabbing a child.

Although he kept trying to convince himself that this was normal, he was still a little speechless.


Sharlayan shook Yrel's hands away cleverly, and Sharlayan, who was in good mood, smiled and gave the agitated Hoof Girl an affirmative answer.

"Although I dare not be 100% sure, if I use the druid's natural magic and my unique secret method, there is a high probability that it can be cured."

"But that's not now, I still need some time to acquire the power needed to release the secret technique—the power of time."

(End of this chapter)

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