LIVE: Azeroth

Chapter 1178 The Worries of the Winter Queen

Chapter 1178 The Worries of the Winter Queen

Illidan and Sargeras are also "old acquaintances".

As early as 1 years ago during the War of the Ancients, Illidan reached a deal with Sargeras through remote communication.

The deal was to exchange Illidan's golden eyes for the powerful fel power infused by Sargeras.

Since then, Illidan Stormrage has changed his career from a moon guard who wields arcane powers to a demon hunter.

After being released from prison by Tyrande after tens of thousands of years, Illidan learned in detail about various major events in Azeroth in the past ten thousand years from Vashj.

These include the invasion of Sargeras' clone, and the subsequent fall of Medivh.

So far, Sargeras is still actively seeking to seize Azeroth.

According to the analysis of the information obtained by Illidan through the Naga's intelligence network (in fact, Sharlayan deliberately let Vashj disclose it).

Since Medivh was killed by Lothar and Khadgar together, Sargeras no longer had the same positive attitude towards Azeroth as before, and handed over the plan against Azeroth to the fraudsters and pollution By.

Illidan once suspected that Sargeras, who had always been smooth sailing, had entered a short-term disheartened state because of successive setbacks in Azeroth, but after thinking about it, it seemed unlikely.

Now, Illidan's doubts finally got an answer from Sharlayan.

"The Pantheon...has been destroyed?!"

The news that the Pantheon Titans were completely wiped out by Sargeras has been widely spread in the universe, and even the draenei who have been fleeing have heard about it through the naaru intelligence network.

However, Azeroth, which has been protected by the Titan's legacy, has not yet left the parent star to enter the era of great interstellar navigation. As a native of Azeroth, Illidan naturally knows nothing about it.

Sharlayan nodded, and calmed Illidan's agitated mood by the way.

"Don't be too pessimistic. The Titans of the Pantheon were indeed wiped out by Sargeras tens of thousands of years ago, but their souls were preserved at the last moment by the Dreamweaver Norgannon."

"Because the Titans subconsciously packaged relevant information and sent it to Azeroth when they died, the great guardian Raiden who 'unfortunately' received this information lost his fighting spirit in despair."

"But that's another matter, let's get back to the point first."

After confirming that Illidan had calmed down, Sharlayan solemnly said to him: "Listen well, the next step is the real point."

"According to reliable information, after Medivh's death, Sargeras' soul split returned to the Twisting Nether to merge with the main body."

"It was also during that time that the Burning Legion accidentally discovered the fleeing Titan soul."

"The ecstatic Sargeras personally took them back to Argus, the base camp of the legion. Since then, most of the demon king's energy has been put on how to make the Titans submit, and the attention to Azeroth is obvious. Weaken."

Seeing that Illidan frowned, Sharlayan continued to explain: "Fortunately, not all titan souls were brought back to Argus by Sargeras."

"Eonar, the wife of Aman'Thul, the father of the gods, the mother of life, was lucky enough to escape."

"According to the information I have learned, Eonar has sealed herself in a special sub-plane alone. She is isolated and helpless. She can only delay the Burning Legion's discovery of her in this way as much as possible, waiting for possible rescue. "

Sharlayan resolutely said to Illidan, whose face was gradually showing surprise: "Eonar will become an important boost for us to counterattack Argus. We must get in touch with the Mother of Life before the Burning Legion finds her."

"Originally, I planned to persuade the Titan's ally, Algaron of the Star Saint Clan, to go to the boundless universe to find Eonar's whereabouts after capturing Ulduar."

"Since you took the initiative to ask, I will share this information with you first."

"Perhaps, you can find the shelter where Eonar is hiding while searching for Marton."

After listening to Sharlayan's long speech, Illidan was silent for a long time before digesting the large amount of information contained in it.


Letting out a long breath, Illidan, who has always been rebellious, showed a rare dignified expression.

"I will keep an eye on this matter, but I can't guarantee that I can find Eonar's whereabouts."

Sharlayan smiled understandingly: "Just do your best. I will join forces with all parties to capture Ulduar, the city of Titans, as soon as possible after the nations of Azeroth regain their vitality. I urge Algalon the Observer to set off immediately. A two-pronged approach to find the mother of life."


The heavy news thrown by Sharlayan made Illidan a little dizzy. Compared with Mother of Life Ionar and the Sargerite Keystone, the internal affairs of Draenor have already made him less interested. .

The stronger sense of urgency made Illidan unable to sit down for a moment. After a few days of recuperation, he hurriedly set off again with another batch of elite subordinates who came up by rotation.

After the bombardment of the Frozen Throne, the Eye of Sargeras was severely damaged, and Illidan could no longer mobilize the powerful fel energy contained in it for direct attacks, otherwise the precious gem would shatter on the spot.

Illidan obtained a lot of important information from Gul'dan's head, and obtained the coordinates of many demon strongholds from Shahraz, who betrayed the Burning Legion and took refuge in him.

If the Eye of Sargeras is simply powered, this artifact gem will not be damaged so easily.

With the Skull of Gul'dan as the starter and the Eye of Sargeras providing energy, Illidan can enter various planets occupied by demons unimpeded.

It's a pity that Shaheras didn't know the specific coordinates of Marton, so Illidan could only use exhaustive and stupid methods to eliminate them one by one.

Sharlayan didn't have the patience to maintain this kind of boring and dangerous work for a long time. After all, his base was in Azeroth, so it was appropriate for Illidan to be in charge of this job.

Before setting off again, Illidan readily agreed to return Muru to the Legion of Light, and publicly promised that he would not set up any obstacles to the Legion of Light's recovery of Kara.

In exchange, Sharlayan needs to provide Illidan's evil orcs with a stable source of shadow power, ensuring that they have the most basic self-awareness to obey the orders of their superiors.

After negotiating the deal, Sharlayan returned to Shattrath with Muru, who was imprisoned by the fel spell, non-stop.

A'dal immediately summoned the naru and all the users of the holy light in the city, and managed to gather enough power of the holy light to transform Mulu into the form of the holy light again.

As for Kara... this can only be discussed in the long run.

The Holy Light energy needed to transform Kara is at least ten times that of Muru. The current manpower in Shattrath City alone is not enough. We can only wait until Velen and other draenei who went to Azeroth for training are free.

When Sharlayan rushed to the Black Temple to negotiate a deal with Illidan, Bwonsamdi also hurried to Blazing Wilds.

"Sharlayan wants a wild spirit named Rukhmar?"

Facing Bwonsamdi's request to lower her stance, the Winter Queen nodded in agreement after hesitating for a moment.

"Okay, I will arrange for Sylvan, who takes care of the spirit seed, to help you find Rukhmar. However, you can also send a message to Sharlayan for me."

Bwonsamdi hastily bowed and saluted: "Dear Winter Queen, please tell me that Bwonsamdi will definitely bring the message to you."

The Winter Queen's expression became serious: "After being caught off guard initially, Denathrius began to personally quell the rebellion. He gradually regained the dominance of Revendreth, and the rebel army led by Renathal is retreating steadily. .”

"Gristia and I provided the rebels with all kinds of materials and mental energy as much as possible, but in order not to trigger a civil war that would affect the entire Shadow Realm, we couldn't go to Revendres to fight Denathius head-on."

"I hope Sharlayan can come up with a countermeasure to reverse the disadvantage. It would be best if he can come to the Shadow Realm to adjust the plan in person."

"This..." Bwonsamdi said with some distress: "Azeroth has just experienced a heavy battle, and it was difficult to repel the invasion of the Burning Legion."

"According to what I know about Sharlayan, at least in recent years, his activities will focus on the material world. I'm afraid..."

The Winter Queen nodded understandingly: "There's no need to be in a hurry, we can afford to wait in just a few years, but he'd better help us think of a countermeasure that can continue to delay the time."

Bwonsamdi lowered his head in understanding and replied, "I will convey your meaning to him as soon as possible."

Watching Bwonsamdi leave with a guardian of the Silvain, the Queen of Winter looked at the sky shrouded in eternal night in Blazing Fairy.

"Have you been promoted to a demigod? I'm sure you're right about your potential,'s not enough to defeat Denathius and 'him'."

(End of this chapter)

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