LIVE: Azeroth

Chapter 1084

Chapter 1084

After negotiating various matters, Sharlayan locked the coordinates left by Jaina in the Guardian Sanctuary, and with the help of the mages of the Tirisfal Council, it was directly transmitted to the Barov family's castle on the island of Caer Darrow Inside.

Led by the waiter who had been waiting for him, Sharlayan slowly followed behind him to the reception hall of Barov Castle.

Barov Castle, located in the center of Lake Darrowmir, seemed unaffected by the looming Lordaeron civil war. Along the way, Sharlayan didn't see any signs of panic from the servants in the castle.

[It's normal, the Scourge is busy attacking Lordaeron right now, so there's really no need to offend Alterac on two fronts. 】

[Besides, Caer Darrow is surrounded by water on three sides, and there is only a bridge connecting the south to the Hinterlands. 】

[If you want to attack by detour, the Scourge needs to take down the border post Icewind Post controlled by Alterac, and this post has been reinforced many times after the Battle of Alterac, so it is not so easy to capture. 】

[Of course, the Scourge can also choose to wade directly from the water. 】

[But with Valeera and Jaina who know the characteristics of the undead, it is impossible for the Barov family to be undefended, and it is basically impossible for the undead to attack the island from underwater. 】

The fact is just like the barrage analysis, it is not that the Scourge has never tried to smuggle from underwater.

But the undead they sent underwater were discovered early by the early warning array jointly set up by Jaina and the hostess of the Barov family, Ilucia. Beat up.

It is true that the undead who do not need to breathe can move underwater for a long time, but this does not mean that they are good at water warfare.

Due to Sharlayan's strong connections, the water elemental summoned by Jaina as his partner is not the kind of low-level mindless thing.

The water elementals ambushing in Dalomere Lake are all elites who responded to the call for reinforcements with the permission of Neptulon. It is not as easy to fight the undead at home underwater as the father beats the son.

And Alsace didn't even think about spending a lot of effort to capture Kaer Darrow. He just wanted to test whether he could steal a chicken and lay a rear position for the Scourge to prove his military ability.

After hitting his head in Lake Dalomere and bleeding, Arthas immediately became honest under Ner'zhul's hair dryer-style scolding, and he didn't dare to do any more casual work.

Knowing that Sharlayan came from Dalaran, Alex and Ilucia warmly entertained him as usual.

In order to ensure the safety of the family, Alex had purposely built a towering watchtower in the castle long before Alterac was restored.

Standing on the top of the watchtower, you can overlook the flat terrain of most of East Tirisfal, and you can have a panoramic view of Lordaeron's ongoing civil war.

This is also the main reason why Valeera and Jaina have been staying in Barov Castle, which is undoubtedly the best place to watch the battle.

According to the original plan, Sharlayan originally planned to go back to Quel'Thalas first, to learn about the details of Dar'Khan's death from his mother, and to report to Kael'thas face-to-face on the harvest of this trip.

After some exchanges with Aegwynn in Dalaran, Sharlayan temporarily changed his plan and went directly to Barov Castle to meet with Valeera and Jaina. How long did the Stellagosa call.

The changes in the situation in Lordaeron are of course crucial, and Sharlayan cannot blindly ignore other events that happened at the same time.

Since the two stupid sons, Alex and Wilton, were thunderstorms in the Battle of Alterac, Alex placed the hope of inheriting the family on his youngest daughter, Jandis.

Regardless of the fact that Ilucia, the hostess of the Barov family, is always dressed as a powerless lady, she was actually a well-known genius mage in Dalaran when she was young, and she had countless suitors.

Although Ilucia slackened in her spell training after she got married, it was more than enough to just give her daughter an entry-level tutoring.

Since being established as the heir of the family by his parents, Jandis's once leisurely life is gone forever.

In the morning, she needs to follow her father to receive education related to the management of the territory and the duties of the lord, and in the afternoon, she learns spells under the guidance of her mother.

In the feudal era of Azeroth, where supernatural power exists, even a lord needs to have a certain combat power, the stronger the better.

Even the king needs to personally go to the battlefield to fight when necessary, how can the lords everywhere avoid fighting completely.

Leaving his wife behind to continue teaching the sad-faced baby daughter, Alex took Sharlayan to the watchtower of the castle in person, and went directly to the top of the tower through the teleportation array erected by Ilucia in front of the tower.

When Sharlayan arrived at Barov Castle, Jaina and Valeera were still guarding the watchtower to closely monitor the progress of the battle.

"How is the battle going? Are there any new changes?"

Hearing the familiar voice from behind, the two frowning slightly turned around.

Valeera first nodded politely to the owner of the castle, Alex, and after Alex left voluntarily, she said to Sharlayan: "Until now, the development of the situation is still under the control of the plan. within range."

Valeera habitually passed the binoculars in her hand to Sharlayan, trying to let him witness the situation on the front line with her own eyes.

Sharlayan laughed and curled up his fingers and tapped Valeera's forehead lightly: "Confused? I don't need this kind of thing."

"Huh? Oh~"

Valli froze for a moment, then quickly reacted and stuck out her tongue playfully.

"I forgot that you have Hawkeye... I've always wondered why you, a warrior Gadruid, have the skills of a ranger."

Sharlayan rolled his eyes angrily: "No one stipulates that skills cannot be cross-professional, so you can just say whether this skill is useful or not?"

Valeera smiled helplessly: "Yes~ You are right, after I finish my work this time, I will find time to go to Vereesa to continue learning Eagle Eye, this skill is indeed very useful for scouts." help."

Under Valeera's guidance, Sharlayan, who activated the eagle eye technique, quickly captured the place where the two warring parties were fighting fiercely - Dalson Farm.

Since the countries of the alliance desperately squeezed out some troops to send to Lordaeron for reinforcements, Uther's successful ambush also hit the morale of the rebels to a certain extent, and the two warring parties were temporarily evenly matched.

The Scourge also wanted to repeat the same trick by letting the undead nerubians burrow into the ground and attack behind the Lordaeron defenders, but Uther had prepared for this in advance, and he let the paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand take uninterrupted shifts on the ground. Consecration of the Holy Light is released near the frontline positions.

This paladin's exclusive spell can penetrate the power of the holy light into the ground and burn the enemy. After a period of maintenance, the land around the Dalson farm showed signs of semi-permanent holy soil.

Under the action of the directional holy light of the paladins, once the undead nerubians sneak into the ground of the defending positions, they will continue to be burned by the holy light, making their souls hidden in the undead bodies miserable.

But this trick is actually a double-edged sword.

If the consecrated land takes too long, the land here will undergo an irreversible transformation like the Holy Light's Hope Chapel.

Although this can create a holy land that undead and demons cannot invade, it will also completely destroy the organic components in the soil, making it impossible to grow any food crops on the holy land.

Influenced by Uther's determined determination to kill one thousand enemies and destroy eight hundred, Lordaeron's defenders, who were still at a disadvantage in strength, miraculously maintained the front line, keeping the Scourge firmly outside the defense line of Dalson Farm.

This situation is unacceptable to the Scourge eager for success.

Ner'zhul knew very well that Lordaeron...or the main force of the alliance was rushing back from the far south of the continent.

If they can't seize the time to take advantage of the emptiness behind Lordaeron to break through this line of defense, once the alliance army returns in time, Zuo Wa will become them.

Valeera described the changes in the battlefield situation, while Jaina was responsible for explaining other issues outside the battlefield.

Jaina: "Perhaps due to the previous round of large-scale suppression by the Knights of the Silver Hand, the number of demons in Lordaeron has been very small, and they have not been able to provide much help to the Scourge."

"However..." Jaina said with a half-smile: "Ner'zhul should not care about this, on the contrary, it can be said that he is happy to see the success."

"Due to the shortage of demon troops, we can only rely more on the undead army of the Scourge to wear down the strength of Azeroth's defenders. We hardly see any demons on the battlefield."

"It's a pity." Jaina's expression became a little more dignified: "As the front line has been unable to open the situation, the anxious Ner'zhul committed the old habit of eager for quick success, and he began to order Kel'Thuzad to seek reinforcements from the Trickster."


Sharlayan's eyes narrowed: "That guy is still the same as before. Once the situation is not going well, he will start to rush to the doctor."

"So, Kel'Thuzad has started to move as planned?"


Jaina said solemnly: "Not long ago, Kel'Thuzad contacted Onyxia who stayed behind in Unicorn Town through secret channels, saying that the time is ripe."


Sharlayan took a deep breath to adjust his emotions, and looked at the frontline battlefield where you were still coming and going with somewhat complicated eyes.

"Sure enough, we've come this far..."

"Next, there must be no major mistakes or omissions in our plan. Once Archimonde escapes the fate of death... we can only turn the cards in advance. This will affect the subsequent plan to calculate Kil'jaeden. It will have a big impact."

Valera interjected with a worried face and asked, "Since you agree, how about I reply to the Sun King?"


Sharlayan stretched out his hands and rubbed his cheeks vigorously, and when he opened his eyes again, his eyes became firm again.

"Let's act, it's time for our 'beloved' Prime Minister to exert his last remaining energy."

 Today I took the old man to the hospital for a lung CT scan. I waited for a long time and had very little time to sit down and type. Tomorrow’s update is only guaranteed to be 4000 characters. Please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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