LIVE: Azeroth

Chapter 1072 The other half of the answer that cannot be told to outsiders

Chapter 1072 The other half of the answer that cannot be told to outsiders

Just as Khadgar guessed, there was indeed a reason why Sharlayan put aside a lot of things after the war and followed Khadgar to Deadwind Pass to deal with Karazhan.

Part of it was as Khadgar said.

Whether Sharlayan himself is temporarily wandering abroad and does not return to the country, or deliberately slows down the speed of the return of the high elf army, it is all to give Ner'zhul that coward further courage and let him invest more cards in the attack on Lordaeron .

Today's Sharlayan is no longer the little-known half-elf warrior 10 years ago. As his layout ability gradually resounded throughout the Eastern Kingdoms, Ner'zhul naturally respected the rapidly rising Duke of Quel'Thalas. Increased vigilance.

Because Valeera and Jaina have always adopted a low-key policy of action, and Kel'Thuzad, the hidden ghost, helped to cover up, Ner'zhul still does not know that Sharlayan has already arranged for people to secretly intervene in the Scourge and War of Lordaeron.

The initial stage of this war, waged in the rear of Lordaeron, progressed rapidly as Ner'zhul had predicted.

Relying on the banner of "putting order out of chaos" launched by Prince Alsace of Lordaeron, a large number of hardline lords who were deeply dissatisfied with Calia's gentle diplomatic strategy have attached themselves to Alsace...or the Scourge.

With the end of the first round of the Civil War, calm had returned to the East Weald.

Baron Rivendell, the lord of Stratholme, who had been personally received and commended by Queen Calia, took the lead in raising the rebellion flag. In just half a month, the flag effect ignited the flames of war in East Wylde again.

Except for the Light's Hope Chapel, Colin Crossing, and Tyr's Hand controlled by the Knights of the Silver Hand, most of East Weald quickly fell under the iron heel of Alsace.

Quel'Thalas, who had been prepared for a long time, closed the gate of Salas on the border as soon as the war broke out. Foreign Minister Calpurnia also quickly conveyed the sad news to Queen Calia who was far away in the royal city of Lordaeron. .

Knowing that Alsace raised the rebellious flag again with the support of Stratholme, Calia's mind went blank for a moment. She had no idea why Alsace and Lord Rivendell did such a move that was not beneficial to the country. .

Leaving aside Baron Rivendell, who is a foreign minister, in Calia's perception, although she and Alsace have serious differences in the concept of governing the country, the starting point of both sides is to strengthen Lordaeron.

Not long after the civil war ended, Lordaeron, whose national strength has been declining for many years, is still waiting to be rebuilt.

The smug Jialiya is planning to make a big effort in the country by virtue of the great reputation gained by rebuilding the alliance, but her closest family members stabbed a heart-breaking sword from behind at this juncture.

Lordaeron's ministers were equally shocked and angry. Some nobles who wanted to weaken the royal power took the opportunity to attack and accused Calia of being too kind to Alsace. turmoil.

Fortunately, during the recent period, Jialiya has a high prestige. After she stabilized her mind, she quickly stabilized the political situation with the help of some ministers who fully supported her.

Even though she still had doubts about Alsace's motives for raising the army, at the moment when he clearly raised the flag of rebellion, the urgent situation left Calia with no time to care about the relationship between her siblings.

As a matter of urgency, Lordaeron must quickly suppress the rebellion raised by Arthas and the hardline lords.

Once the time dragged on for too long, the land of Lordaeron would probably be divided into two. This is something that Calia, who is dedicated to revitalizing Lordaeron, absolutely does not want to see.

However, the subsequent development of the situation did not follow Calia's wishes.

Alexandros Mograine took many soldiers to the Blasted Lands to fight against the Burning Legion, and the number of troops that Calia could still control dropped sharply.

In addition to the armies of various hardline lords under Alsace, there is also the undead army of the Scourge that Ner'zhul has operated for many years.

As far as the total number of troops is concerned, at least at this point in time, the rebel army has far surpassed the Lordaeron official.

Fortunately, Lordaeron's ace army, the Knights of the Silver Hand, just stayed in the country to clear up the remaining demonic forces.

After receiving the counter-insurgency order issued by Queen Calia who forbears her personal emotions, Uther the Lightbringer, who has been sitting in the king's city, led the elite Silver Hands to the front line with a sinking face and went straight to the Sodoril River. and go.

Thanks to the timely information from Quel'Thalas, Calia also uncharacteristically gave the order decisively.

When Uther met with Tirion Fordring who came from Hearthglen for reinforcements, the human and undead coalition led by Alsace had just initially suppressed the resistance in East Weald and pushed the line of troops to the shore of Lake Longmere nearby Gaylorne Farm.

Determined to clean up the door, Uther led the elite of the Silver Hand to rush there, blocking the rebels on the banks of the Sodoril River and fighting fiercely.

Valeera and Jaina, who foresaw the development of the situation in advance, set off ahead of schedule and arrived at Keldron Island in the center of Lake Darrowmere.

The vast Darrowmere Lake is a buffer zone between Lordaeron and Alterac, and the island of Kell Darrow in the middle of the lake is undoubtedly the best place to observe the changes in the battle situation.

Keldaron Island has been the territory of the Barov family since more than 2000 years ago.

Because of Sharlayan's help to the Barov family during the Battle of Alterac, the current Barov Patriarch Alex Barov was very enthusiastic about the arrival of Valeera and Jaina.

There is undoubtedly animosity between the Barov family and Lordaeron, and this is a historical issue created by Terenas.

With the rebuilding of the alliance, for the sake of the overall situation, the Barov family could only put aside their hatred temporarily and rebuild the trade route with Lordaeron.

This time, the civil war in Lordaeron has nothing to do with Barov... or even the whole of Alterac. The Alex family can safely and boldly sit in the golden spectator seats and eat melons happily.

Like Lordaeron, most of the troops in Alterac were sent to the front line of the Blasted Lands under the joint decision of the high-level alliance.

It has only been a few years since Alterac was restored to the country, and the security conditions in the country are still not very good. It is necessary to leave enough troops to deter Xiaoxiao. Even if they want to send troops to reinforce Lordaeron, they are powerless.

Quel'Thalas, who had already prepared the plan, also gave the same reason. Kel'Thuzad also cooperated and specially sent an army of undead to station directly opposite the gate of Salas, but the two sides did not really fight from the beginning to the end. got up.

Sharlayan's counterattack by deliberately taking time out of the alliance's armies finally came.

At least before going to the Blasted Lands to fight against the Burning Legion's army, Lordaeron can only rely on the small number of existing troops in the country to prevent the further expansion of the rebel army.

Counterattack?Go to sleep, dreams have everything.

Even if Uther can really be a thousand horses, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Before leaving Watchfort, Sharlayan specifically contacted Valeera and Jaina.

After ensuring that the situation would not change drastically for the time being, he followed Khadgar to Karazhan with peace of mind, dropped the hook and waited for the big fish to come to him.

Time was a scarce resource for Ner'zhul.

In order to use Lordaeron's population to expand the Scourge as much as possible, he must get enough results before the main force of the alliance rushes back, so that he can snowball and further expand the Scourge's sphere of influence.

Sharlayan took advantage of the gambler mentality that Ner'zhul was forced out by him.

According to the information recently sent back from the Northrend branch of Backlight Blade, which has been closely monitoring the movements of Icecrown Glacier, Ner'zhul obviously made up his mind to gain weight.

According to the intelligence obtained by the nerubians from underground surveillance, the Scourge recently entered the water in large numbers through the underground passages dug by the undead nerubians.

The undead don't know heat or cold, and don't need to breathe. They can dive all the way from the extremely cold seabed of Northrend to land in East Weald, and become the last straw that overwhelms the defenders of Lordaeron.

As for the other half that Khadgar didn't guess...

Kael'thas has prepared high-concentration Sunwell well water in advance.

Not many people in Quel'Thalas knew about Inas killing Dar'Khan, and Lordaeron knew nothing about it.

Under the secret cooperation and propaganda of Kel'Thuzad, the inner ghost, and Quel'Thalas.

Darkan Drahir, the former chairman of the Silvermoon Council, has long been dissatisfied with the Sun King who monopolizes power.

Word quickly spread within the Scourge that he attempted to cooperate with the Scourge to overthrow the Sunstrider royal family.

When the time is right, Kael'thas will secretly smuggle the water from the Sunwell to Kel'Thuzad in the name of the long-dead Dar'Khan.

Eight years ago, Sharlayan complied with Khadgar's final commission before closing the door, and only returned the Violet Eye among the three artifacts stolen by Ner'zhul to Dalaran, and kept the Book of Medivh for preservation. Inside the vaults of the Sunstrider royal family.

Anyway, Khadgar took the initiative to take the blame. Although Dalaran was dissatisfied with this, he did not hold on to it all the time.

When "Darkhan" handed over the water from the Sunwell to Kel'Thuzad, the Book of Medivh would also be sent out, and this assist teammate was considered as benevolent.

So far, the preliminary preparations for the plan to summon Archimonde without harming Quel'Thalas have been completely completed.

Solas' escape was also an unexpected factor for Sharlayan, but his actions would not have any impact on the overall situation, and at most needed to fine-tune the plan.

After Ner'zhul and the two idiots he used as containers are completely resolved, Sharlayan plans to call Alonsus Faol, Kel'Thuzad, and Solas for a tripartite meeting to discuss who should inherit Ner'zhul. The position of the Lich King vacated after the demise of Aozu.

Or in other words, who should become the new master of Helm of Domination and Frostmourne, and continue to make false claims with the "assistants" of the Shadow Realm.

As Khadgar continues to explore the Catacombs of Karazhan, Sharlayan has been patiently awaiting the latest news from Valeera and Jaina from the Warface.

'Ner'zhul the Lich King, continue to develop your remaining value, the time left for you to perform is running out. '

'Rest assured, your legacy will not be in vain, "your" undead army will continue to shine in protecting Azeroth and Draenor. '

(End of this chapter)

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