LIVE: Azeroth

Chapter 1066 2 Bread Clamps Are Coming

Chapter 1066
The three-color dragon's breath that covered his head and face made Kazak, who was annoyed and fell behind, was quite embarrassed for a while.

He subconsciously raised his heavy two-handed giant sword in front of him to block the dragon's breath, and unconsciously stepped back a few steps, just letting out the door of darkness that he had been blocking the entrance to.

Salayan had been waiting for this opportunity, and Stellagosa and Tinagosa, who followed closely behind him, took advantage of this opportunity to speed up their charge, rushing into the green and revolving gate before Kazak recovered his senses.

After regaining his footing, Kazak became furious and slashed down the huge sword that was bigger than Sarean's body.

"Bold reptile! How dare you fool the mighty Kazak!"

As the senior general of the legion and the lord of the doomsday guard family, Kazak undoubtedly has the status of a demigod, and he is not the kind of demigod goalkeeper, he can be regarded as a veteran demigod powerhouse.

Sharlayan did not confront Kazak head-on, at least for now, he is not Kazak's opponent.


Sharlayan had long anticipated Kazak's possible counterattack, and before his weapon fell, he leaned sideways in mid-air to avoid the attack.

Before Kazak could strike the second sword, Sharlayan vigorously flapped his wings to get out of his attack range, and before leaving, he swung his thick dragon tail and slapped Kazak on the face.

This blow didn't do much damage, and even failed to break through the fel energy shield on Kazak's body, but it was extremely insulting.

Just as Kazak, who was burning with anger, turned around and tried to kill the flying lizard, Sharlayan plunged into the door of darkness that was unguarded and opened the door without looking back, making Kazak Zach's anger had nowhere to vent.

"Stupid people who are played by emotions, forget my existence?"

At this time, Kazak faced the Dark Portal in order to kill Sharlayan, and turned his defenseless back towards the direction of the Azeroth coalition forces.

The joking voice and violent inhalation sound from behind made Kazak instinctively feel the deadly threat.

When he dragged his huge figure back to turn around, the huge shadow that shrouded the battlefield had already launched a long-prepared attack first.

"hold head high!!"

The overwhelming shadow flame dragon's breath completely engulfed Kazak who was guarding the portal of darkness, and it also affected the Legion anti-aircraft guns beside Kazak who were constantly firing at the coalition air combat units.

As a senior demigod, Onyxia's deep breath really caused Kazak a lot of damage.

When the doom lord struggled to break free from the dragon's breath, the skin on the surface of his body was carbonized in a large area, and the scorched flesh was directly exposed to the air.

When fighting against opponents of similar strength, whoever seizes the offensive first will take a lot of advantage in subsequent battles.

Sharlayan's purposeful assault made Kazak unconsciously aroused. When he was dominated by anger and turned around and tried to continue chasing Sarlayan, Onyxia, who seized this opportunity, showed no mercy. launched a raid.

This raid was communicated through the soul link in advance.

As the strongest combat power and military commander of this legion, as long as Kazak can be killed, the subsequent battles can be completely handed over to the Azeroth coalition forces, and there is no need for extraordinary combat power like Onyxia shot.

Sharlayan made a plan to hide his strength and bide his time long before the start of this war, intending to show the enemy as weak as possible.

If Kazak, a difficult guy, hadn't blocked the entrance to the Dark Portal, Sharlayan didn't even intend to let Onyxia participate.

He planned to hand over this opportunity to train soldiers with demons to the mortal coalition commanded by Gavin Ladd, so as to lay a good foundation in advance for facing the main force of the legion in the future.

Sharlayan, who rushed into the Dark Portal, was no longer worried about the battle situation behind him, and he believed that Onyxia would never miss the opportunity.

From the moment Kazak turned his back on Onyxia, the outcome of this battle between the demigods was basically sealed.

When Sharlayan entered Draenor through the Portal of Darkness, Stellagosa and Tinagosa, who were one step ahead, had already cast spells from behind the legion's defense line to destroy it.


As soon as he looked up, Sharlayan saw the few space battleships not far away that were still pouring firepower.

"Good things, I hope to bring them back to Azeroth to study slowly through negotiations with the Legion of the Holy Light, but before that..."

Sharlayan suppressed his restless heart for the time being, and turned his attention to the demon defenders who were being attacked back and forth in a hurry.

"Sure enough, the defense is much weaker than that of Azeroth, so it's simple."

They were already caught off guard by the Draenor coalition's lightning raid, but now they were waiting for reinforcements from the other side of the Dark Portal, and the morale of the demon defenders suffered a heavy blow.

The demons here are very clear that the other side of the Dark Portal is guarded by the doomsday lord Kazak himself, so they can still let people come over just like that.

This means that Kazak has no time to take care of his duty of guarding the Dark Portal.

Regardless of whether Kazak was in a bitter battle or was killed, it was terrible news for the demon army on Draenor's side.

In contrast, watching the reinforcements enter Draenor from the other side of the Dark Portal with their own eyes, and under the encouragement of Danas seizing the opportunity, the morale of the Draenor coalition immediately rose.

Under the ebb and flow, the Burning Legion's morale collapsed and they fled in all directions.

If Kazzak led the main force of the Burning Legion, those well-trained demons would not give up the fight so easily.

Anyway, if you die, you can return to Argus to read the article and be resurrected. I'm afraid of shit.

It's a pity that what Kil'jaeden handed over to Kazak was an unimportant motley army that was only piled up in numbers, and the low-level demons recruited temporarily accounted for the majority.

After these low-level demons die, it is not worth reviving Argus Star Soul wasting energy.

With the last demon officer torn apart by Sharlayan's transformed bear, the battle on Draenor's side basically came to an end.

At least thousands of demons, big and small, fled into the wilderness of Hellfire Peninsula in a panic. Sharlayan had no time to pay attention to these miscellaneous fish for the time being.

The Portal of Darkness was not prepared for teleportation warships from the beginning of its construction. It is impossible for the storm fleet suspended above the battlefield to go directly to Azeroth to help in the battle.

Although it is a bit regrettable, this is also expected in advance.

Meeting with the four heroes of the Expeditionary Army again after more than 8 years, Sharlayan, who had transformed back into a human form, hugged Aurelia, who had a gratifying smile on her face, as no surprise.

"I haven't seen you for 8 years, Deep Shadow 'Duke', you were still a Viscount when we parted last time, right? Your title has risen really fast."

Sharlayan smiled and patted Alleria on the back: "Sister, the crisis has not been resolved, so let's save the reminiscences for later."

Feeling distressed, he looked at Aurelia, who had a rather weathered face, and Sharlayan took a deep breath, raised his head, and said in a deep voice to Danas and the others who were still standing by: "Doomsday Lord Kaza K is still blocking the gate on the other side of the Dark Portal."

"Our high-end combat power is fighting with him. Before entering the Dark Portal, please be mentally prepared. The number of demons on the Azeroth side is several times that of the Draenor side."

As the interim commander of the Draenor coalition forces, Danas nodded solemnly: "It's hard to see the hope of returning home. We will not relax at the last moment."

"Soldiers! Take your weapons and fight back to Azeroth with Duke Deep Shadow!"


When the Expeditionary Army and Draenei followed Sharlayan into the Dark Portal one after another with high morale, the Mag'har orcs and Arakkoa exiles who were natives of Draenor seemed a little hesitant.

Garrosh turned his head to look at Agna who was not far behind and asked, "Are we going to pass through this thing too? I always feel that this thing is very unreliable."

Agna shook her head with a calm expression: "According to the plan, we don't need to go to that strange world. Our mission is to clear up those escaped demons and maintain the order of Draenor."

"As for Azeroth..."

Agna's eyes flickered slightly: "In the future, we may go to look for relatives, but at least not now."

"Looking for relatives..."

The simple-minded Garrosh with well-developed limbs suddenly became sad, and he thought of his sinful father who was reviled by countless Mag'har orcs as the chief culprit.

After all, Grom Hellscream was the first orc to take and drink the demon's blood from Gul'dan, and he single-handedly kicked off the fall of orcs.

As good friends who grew up together, Dranosh and Jolin knew what Garrosh was thinking, and reached out and patted him on the shoulder at the same time.

"Now is not the time to be depressed, we still have tasks to complete."

"That's right, if you feel guilty about the father who drank the blood of the devil first, then use practical actions to wash away the stains on the Hellscream family."


Garrosh in this period is still very young, and he is not the kind of headstrong boy who does not listen to human rights.

Under the persuasion of his two partners, the single-celled him will soon adjust his mood.

"I know, let's use the blood of the devil to wash away the shame that person left for the Warsong clan!"

Sharlayan didn't have time to pay attention to the mental journey of Nao Canhou right now.

After passing through the interstellar portal twice in a short period of time, he himself was fine despite his physical fitness, but he was slightly dizzy, but Stellagosa and Tinagosa felt severe discomfort to varying degrees.

After ordering the dizzy two sisters to return to human form, Sharlayan planned to temporarily hand them over to the priests of the expeditionary army to take care of them.

Sure enough, the expeditionary force had just left the Dark Portal, and immediately received a "warm welcome" from the Burning Legion.

A large number of evil spells fell from the sky, and Stellagosa's face turned pale. Stellagosa endured the discomfort and managed to prop up an arcane defensive barrier.

However, due to poor physical condition, the thickness of this barrier was not satisfactory, and it only persisted for a few seconds before being penetrated by successive evil spells.

The few seconds that Stellagosa gained were very critical, and the expeditionary military mages who came out from behind immediately took her place, and began to repair the damaged barrier under the guidance of Khadgar.

As the battle raged, Sharlayan looked at the place where Kazak and Onyxia fought through those green fel spells.

As expected, Kazak gave Kazak a ruthless shot, and Onyxia completely gained the upper hand in the subsequent battle.

Under her deliberate targeting, Kazak was forcibly driven from the door of the Dark Portal to the other side of the pit.

The doomsday lord is still trying his best to maintain it, but if no miracle happens, his defeat will be within ten minutes.

More and more soldiers of the expeditionary army came out from the Dark Portal, and after gathering enough troops, Danath decisively ordered a counterattack, and Maraad and his garrison officers rushed to the forefront as usual.

I don't know if he was stimulated by the outstanding performance of his former adjutant, but Akama, who had already changed his fighting style, also led the Broken to follow closely beside the Vindicator Corps to fill in the gaps.

Marshal Gavinrad, who was standing on the top floor of Fort Watcher and observing the battle with binoculars, noticed the latest movement near the Dark Portal, and excitedly punched the city wall in front of him.

"It's done! The overall situation is settled!"

"Send me the order! The whole army assaults! Together with the colleagues of the expeditionary force, attack the Burning Legion from both sides, and win this victory in one go!"

(End of this chapter)

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