Weird: I can simulate fate

Chapter 16 The county magistrate died suddenly, Xu Ye went down the mountain

Chapter 16 The county magistrate died suddenly, Xu Ye went down the mountain

"so much!"

A large amount of extracted information appears like swiping the screen.

Immediately afterwards, the familiar dizziness and swelling pain were brought about by the rapid increase in strength and perception——

Feel stronger.

Stretching the whole body, the strength surged like thunder, as if it was about to burst out, causing the clothes on his body to fluctuate.

Xu Ye clenched his fist, and a series of crisp sounds like popping beans came.

"Break two thousand catties? I'm afraid it will be more than that."

In addition, the growth of Destiny is even more amazing.

Although the simulated task was only aimed at the flying knives of Xiao Li's family, during the high-intensity training process, the other related destiny was also greatly polished.

That's why the fusion degree of the four destiny rose at once.

The strength and speed of the vajra legs have increased by [-]%, and the bone strength of the hard bones has increased by [-]%. Even a functional person who is good at water has more effects in the water.

And the most core, the flying knife of Xiao Li's family, has made great progress.

The power of hidden weapons increased from [-]% to [-]% in one fell swoop, and the range increased from [-] steps to [-] steps.

It also unlocks the terrifying new feature "cut off".

The hit part must be cut off!

It is another "law of cause and effect" big killer.

Xu Ye realized it carefully, and found that it was a special kind of "thought", which contained a very domineering belief-"I believe that the thing that is cut must be cut in two."



The idea of ​​dual-core collaborative practice has been confirmed, and the effect is outstanding.

Xu Ye's heart was surging.

"I really hope that a group of criminals or strange creatures will come out at this time. I want to have a good fight with them."

"Of course, don't come if you are over ninth rank, I'm afraid of death."


"Where's Xu Ye? Ask him to come out and meet me."

"Benefactor Xu still has something important to do, please come back another day, my lord."

"Bastard! I'm busy with official duties, and the county is even more troubled. As a head catcher, how can he hide on this Jiming Mountain for leisure?"

The little novice who was in charge of welcoming guests almost cried from fright.

Cautiously replied: "But Grand Master Zhishen has ordered that outsiders not be allowed to disturb Master Xu's important affairs."

County lieutenant Sun Wanquan slapped the scabbard on his waist, and said viciously: "If you are a monk, you should recite the scriptures carefully and obstruct the official duties of the county government. Little master, do you know what the crime is?"

The little novice shrugged his shoulders and said tremblingly: "Yes, what is the crime?".

"You'll be fined twenty sticks, and you'll be imprisoned for half a year. Is it a joke to hit you with a water and fire stick thicker than your arm..."


Xu Ye walked out expressionlessly.

"Master Sun, why do you need to block the gate of the temple to embarrass the little master? Let's take a step to talk about anything."

After thanking the little monk, he led Sun Wanquan to go outside.

Master Sun looked up and down at Xu Ye with squinted eyes.

With a bad tone, he said: "Hey, Xu Butou is safe and sound, I thought you died heroically while chasing the murderer and the thief."

"How dare a humble official walk ahead of the county lieutenant? Isn't that the next crime?"

"Hmph, just based on your words, this official can punish you for humiliating and the crime of being a superior official."

Xu Ye spread his hands and replied with a smile: "You try."

Sun Wanquan really didn't dare to try.

At the beginning, he and Xu Ye competed for the post of county lieutenant, the county magistrate Mr. Zhou favored him, and the county magistrate Liu Ziyuan Mr. Liu recommended Xu Ye.

The two people in power fought openly and secretly, and in the end Sun Wanquan came to power smoothly.

But now, Zhou Daofeng died of illness, and no one backed him up.

So his tone softened for half a point.

"Don't think that if Mr. Zhou is gone, no one in the county can control you. You should know that I am your immediate superior."

"Magistrate Zhou is gone?"

Xu Ye was taken aback.

He had always suspected that the county magistrate had something to do with the evil corpse, and he planned to make further preparations to test it out, but he didn't expect to see him for a few days, and the person disappeared.


Sun Wanquan became more and more dissatisfied that such a big incident happened in the county government, and the guy in front of him seemed to be fine.

"Master Zhou suffered a severe illness six days ago, and he vomited blood continuously. Although he asked a doctor to hang him with strong medicine, he still died last night. It seems that Xu Butou doesn't even pay attention to the county magistrate. Don't ask about big things."

Xu Ye didn't bother to answer his weird words.

Instead, he frowned.

Six days ago...

Isn't it the day when I was trapped in the realm of hungry ghosts by evil corpses?

Later, the evil corpse was forced to retreat by Master Zhiming, and Master Zhou died after he was cured.

There is indeed a great relationship between the two.

Seeing that Xu Ye seemed to be in a daze, Sun Wanquan sneered and said, "I heard that Mr. Zhou left a sentence when he was dying, which is related to you."

"What is it?"

"'Quickly find Xu Ye to rescue', Lord Zhou swallowed his breath after saying that, hehe, it seems that Xu catcher is really capable, and my lord misses you even when he is dying."

Xu Ye became suspicious again.

Who does Lord Zhou want me to save?he?Or someone else?

What does it have to do with evil corpses?
"Nowadays, all affairs in the county are temporarily managed by Mr. Liu, the county magistrate. You disappeared for several days without any reason. Mr. Liu is very dissatisfied with you. Come with me quickly."

Now that Mr. Zhou is dead, at least the ostensibly fatal factors have disappeared temporarily.

What's more, now that I have achieved a small amount of cultivation, and I have two eminent Buddhist monks as backers, wouldn't it mean that I can walk sideways in Jingyang County?

"Success, Mr. Sun, please wait for a while, and I will say hello to the elders."

"Go back quickly."

Come to the meditation room.

Two masters are drinking tea and playing chess.

Xu Ye bowed.

"Xu is on official business, and it is inconvenient to stay for a long time, so I came here to bid farewell to the two Zen masters."

Master Zhishen waved his hand.

"Well, don't fall behind in your practice, you must remember to seek everything from within, the only thing is the precepts."

"Don't dare to forget, you must remember it in your heart."

"In a month's time, if there is nothing wrong, please ask Master Xu to go up the mountain." Master Zhiming seemed to have deep meaning.

Xu Ye didn't think too much, and immediately agreed.

Then they went down the mountain with Sun Wanquan.

On the way, a stone covered with yellow mud tripped Sun Xianwei severely.

He couldn't suppress the pent-up anger immediately.

He got up, pointed at the stone and cursed.

"You're just a broken rock that can't be bitten or smashed. How dare you block my way? You stupid idiot, I can stab you to death with one finger..."

Xu Ye looked at him with a smile, how could he not hear that Mr. Sun was referring to Sang and scolding Huai?
Immediately, he drew his knife out of its sheath and slashed at the stone.


A loud bang.

The stone disappeared, leaving a pit as wide as a person and as deep as half a person.

"Master Sun, I have already killed the criminals below this rock, are you okay?"

Sun Wanquan was stunned for a while.

Then the eyeballs bulged out of shock, pointed at Xu Ye, knocked and hoped: "You, you, when will your kung fu..."

As if thinking of something, his face turned pale in an instant, and his calves trembled.

"What do you want to dig such a big hole for? I warn you, the sun is shining brightly in broad daylight. Don't mistake yourself for the business of killing people and burying corpses. I, I am your superior."

Xu Ye continued to smile, and reached out to pat Sun Wanquan's face.

He comforted him: "Don't worry, Mr. Sun, Xu has always been very magnanimous to those things that don't threaten."

(End of this chapter)

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