I'm just an actor

Chapter 87 Interview

Chapter 87 Interview
Xu Rong can't wait to break 1 minute into two flowers, because the screenwriter of the next scene to be filmed suddenly passed away, so he had to take time to study the original while reading the script.

In addition, the teachers also suggested that he watch some classic dramas, learn expression skills, and learn from others.

Therefore, in addition to losing weight and building confidence for Xiao Zhang, he also needs to read books and study, and take time to watch drama performances.

In addition, Jin Fangfang always asked him to learn English every now and then to prepare for the future.

Xu Rong didn't take this to heart.

Film and television works themselves are a medium for the transmission of culture and values. It does not mean that works that are popular in China will definitely sell well abroad, because people don’t accept your values ​​at all, and they don’t want to accept your cultural output.

Just like water flows to a low place, only when the people who endorse behind them stand in a high position can culture flow to a low place.

Just like the films that can win awards or sell well abroad at present, they are either kung fu films or literary films with a critical nature.

Kung Fu movies are due to Mr. Li Xiaolong's forcibly pioneering road, so that the younger generation can enjoy the shade, but even Hollywood Kung Fu movies promote Western individual heroism, not Eastern values ​​of individual obedience to the collective.

As for the literary and artistic films of a critical nature that can win awards, they are purely based on the needs of the camp, because some people need to criticize this ancient nation, and the so-called real literary and artistic films born on this land just give them the materials and materials to criticize. evidence.

It allows some people to demonize and ugline this land and this nation very conveniently.

In Xu Rong's view, this group of unscrupulous people in order to win awards is much more hateful than bad movie directors. Bad movie directors just cheat domestic audiences of money, but at least the audience is willing, and these fame-seekers, In order to gain fame and profit, even his conscience was fed to the dogs.

Just when Xu Rong had just finished watching a drama and came out of the theater, his cell phone rang.

Jin Fangfang called.

"Xu Rong, Nandu has an interview, do you want to take it?"

Xu Rong didn't even think about it, so he rejected it directly. If there is no accident, he will have three films released next year. Among them, "Crossing Guandong" is the opening drama of CCTV, and "Night" is also confirmed to be broadcast on CCTV, so it doesn't need media exposure. .

"But they gave a lot of money." Jin Fangfang gave him a reason to think carefully, "100 million."

Xu Rong took a snack and asked, "How much?"

"100 million!"

"Hey." Xu Rong listened to this number in a daze, feeling a little unreal, even if he is extremely popular in the south, this price is too outrageous, right?
A few days ago, he was shortlisted for the "Most Popular Actor of the Year" selected by Southern TV Station.

"The script is 100 million, but the script is [-], but the interview is extremely unfriendly, and it is likely that you will not be able to get off the stage."

Xu Rong remembered that interview and asked: "You can contact them, they can broadcast live on TV and online, but the price has to be doubled."

Jin Fangfang was silent for a while, then said: "Okay."

Things went smoothly beyond expectations, and the other party actually agreed. The live broadcast of the TV and Internet video and text, 200 million, without a script.

When Xu Rong was chatting with people earlier, he had heard about Nandu's interviews, so he couldn't get off the stage.

But he is not afraid of the shadow slanting, as long as the other party dares to give money, he dares to go up.

Furthermore, after his careful consideration, he still feels that actors should not always hide behind the scenes, and that it is appropriate to increase exposure. After all, "Crossing the Guandong" may be released in a few months, and he participated in a column Interviews are also very necessary. As one of the creative staff, he has the responsibility and obligation to warm up the promotion of the new play.

Doesn't it need publicity for the opening drama of CCTV's prime time release?

After signing the contract, Jin Fangfang immediately prepared the past interview videos of this program, and at the same time, he brought the public relations department over to start a comprehensive training for Xu Rong.

Xu Rong went through the past interview videos in the company, and Xu Rong fell silent.

The question was quite tricky and harsh, and all the big-name artists who were asked swear words on the spot.

But since he picked it up, Xu Rong is right, as he said, he is not afraid of the shadow slanting when he is upright.

The point is, there is really a lot of money.

After signing the contract, Southern Television Station immediately began to promote it. After all, Xu Rong is the hottest actor in the South this year, and it will be broadcast live. This time, he must get his money back.

It wasn't just Xu Rong's fans who followed the live broadcast.

Some friends in the circle called one after another, earnestly suggesting that he push it.

That column is too notorious, it might be overturned, and Xu Rong actually chose TV and webcast, leaving no room for change, the risk is too high.

Xu Rong thanked the other party for their kindness one by one, analyzed the reasons why he picked up, and also told them that he was fully prepared.

But he never mentioned the remuneration, he really didn't have much interest in money, he was just warming up for the release of "Crossing the Guandong".

After a week of pre-interview, Xu Rong flew to the south with Jin Fangfang.

Before getting off the plane, Jin Fangfang still repeated the precautions to him little by little, what can be said, what can't be said, and what needs to be paid attention to.

Xu Rong felt that she was making a fuss too much. The public relations team had been training him for three days, and he was prepared for all kinds of tricky questions. He thought that he would have no problem dealing with it.

When I arrived at the TV station, the reception was very warm. After all, TV and online texts were broadcast live at the same time.

But as the start of the broadcast was approaching, the program team of Southern TV Station discovered a strange thing. The ratings actually rose steadily, catching up to the peak ratings when "Yangcheng" was on the air.

This is the first interview that Xu Rong has participated in in the past six months, and it is an interview in Nandu that stars talk about.

At the same time, friends inside and outside Xu Rong's circle also sat in front of the TV and computer.

Xu Rong's choice was a matter of courage, because they knew too well how ruthless the Nandu interview was.

Those who care, those who watch the excitement, and those who wait to see the jokes have different thoughts.

After exchanging pleasantries, after putting on makeup, before entering the live broadcast room, Xu Rong met the host who interviewed him.

The other party was tall, with short hair, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and had a serious face. When he saw him coming, he got up and said, "Mr. Xu, hello, I'm Yi Lijing."

Xu Rong seemed a little nervous, the muscles on his face were tense, and he said, "Hello, Teacher Yi."

Yi Li looked at Xu Rong and his manager as if they were facing a formidable enemy, smiled, and asked: "Teacher Xu is a little nervous?"

Xu Rong forced a smile and nodded shyly.

After the director signaled to turn it on and the official live broadcast, Yi Lijing blinked her eyes, because she found that Xu Rong suddenly became less nervous, just like acting, her body and face became quite relaxed in the blink of an eye.

But she didn't care too much, and if she didn't ask three questions, she could guarantee that Xu Rong would never be able to maintain her current calmness. She was as usual, her face was like a pool of stagnant water, and she asked in a flat tone: "You like to hate reporters very much. Exposure and exposure?"

Xu Rong smiled and said directly: "I never hate people!"

"You are very confident." Yi Li was stunned for a moment, and then said with a light smile.

Huang Xiaoming stared at the confident Xu Rong on TV, paused for a moment, and laughed loudly: "He's just teasing people."

"Can you tell me who gave you this confidence? Is it because of the rising salary for fame, or is it because of your status in the entertainment circle that the outside world promotes?"

Xu Rong shrugged and said: "I was not very confident at first, I belonged to the middle state, just like most people, because for a while I felt that what I got was beyond my ability, and I felt very unreliable , I didn't know how to fly or stayed in a hotel until I was 17 years old. You may find it incredible, but it's true. As for why you feel this way, it's like I don't have your experience, so I won't As aggressive as you are, you haven't been through what I've been through, so you can't understand me."

Yi Lijing probably has quite a lot of experience in fighting with others, so he paused: "Have you thought about coming here today? After all, the interviewees in the past were all big names like Ge You and Gong Li."

"No." Xu Rong shook his head, his face became a little serious, and he put away the smile on his face, "But you give me a lot of money, so I have to come."

"Haha." Li Youbin, who paused the filming, slapped his thigh, and said to Zhao Junkai next to him, "Don't tell me, this kid is telling the truth."

Yi Li's face was no longer as relaxed as before, and she began to realize that Xu Rong had two skills when dealing with reporters, so she planned to ease it up: "The outside world says you are a capable actor, and you think you are a capable actor?" Pie?"

Xu Rong said without thinking: "I think I am, because I have tried my best in every film, especially during the filming of "The Ming Dynasty", Teacher Ni Dahong shocked me a lot and taught me For me, you have to be in awe of the play."

Yi Li still kept his face expressionless, and after Xu Rong finished speaking, he asked leisurely: "Then do you have any masterpieces?"

"Yangcheng dark whistle, Shanghai beach."

Yi Li smiled suddenly, but quickly put it away, and asked, "Do you think they count?"

Her sudden smile appeared on her expressionless face, and her uncertain tone was also quite intriguing, which meant that you were ashamed to say it.

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, then smiled, and said, "I think as a media practitioner, you should be more confident. If it's not my representative work, why did you invite me?"

For the first time since Yi Lijing opened the interview, he picked up the water glass in front of him and took a sip.

The live video and text broadcast on the Internet suddenly built a building, as if they were watching TV and commenting on the computer at the same time.

"Tactics drink water, tactics drink water."

"Hahaha, it's too much, too much, Xu Rong, who doesn't hate others, turns out to be like Yi Li, who drinks water tactically, hahaha."

Yi Li actually took a breath, put down the water glass, and she planned to take a moment: "How do you think a good actor is defined?"

Xu Rong thought for a while about this question, and then said: "It's very simple. If you play a villain, the audience can't wait for you to die. If you play a decent person, the audience likes you and supports you. It's as simple as that. One reason and one standard. Of course, I understand your point." I mean, you are focusing on life, maybe I don’t understand it deeply enough, but what I can guarantee is that I make a good movie with my heart, mainly because I also have a lot of negative news, so I can’t leave it alone and talk to you. What about Yide, old and young men saw the joke."

Yi Li nodded and seemed to inadvertently ask, "Do you have any wishes or ideals when it comes to acting?"

"Hey." Li Youbin put back the smile on his face, and sighed, "This hole is so big."

But he wasn't too worried, because he could tell from Xu Rong's answer earlier that Xu Rong was prepared.

Xu Rong asked back: "What ideals can you have, what ideals should you have?"

"For example, acting in a work handed down from generation to generation?"

"For example?" Xu Rong looked at her and asked, "What is the method passed down from generation to generation? Were there TVs hundreds of years ago? No, not everyone watches The Dream of the Red Chamber now. Maybe hundreds of years later, TVs will become antiques." Maybe."

Yi Li actually picked up the water glass again, and took a sip more than before: "Then let's change the question, have you ever acted in a bad movie?"

As for the studio, although it was still calm, everyone's expressions were quite strange, because according to the real-time monitoring data from the statistics department, the ratings of the TV station had begun to surpass the highest point of the year.

"Producer, our ad may have lost money."

The producer looked at the director with a bitter face, scratched his head with a wry smile, he didn't expect Xu Rong to be so good, but that was Yi Lijing who asked many big names and swears.

Xu Rong nodded and said, "I acted."

"for example?"

"You might as well just ask me for my ID number." Xu Rong smiled, he couldn't answer this question, "Then let's change the question."

"I'll go, Mr. Xu is too good at dealing with reporters." Li Xiaoran, who was always questioned by reporters, was speechless, holding potato chips, staring blankly at Xu Rong's callback.

Because Xu Rong borrowed Yi Lijing's words just now, although he didn't answer, the burden was broken.

Yi Li didn't expect Xu Rong's counterattack to come so quickly, so he flipped down the top one of the stack of notebooks in his hand, glanced at it, and asked, "Actually, everyone has a doubt, how did you, a newcomer, get it?" Where's the first man from Yangcheng Dark Whistle?"

Xu Rong spread his hands and said: "You want to ask if there is any insider information? You don't need to ask this question. I can't decide who the company favors or not. But since the company is willing to spend money, why don't I dare to shoot? "

"When you came to the capital from the construction site to be an actor, was it purely for money?"

"Yeah, I'm going to earn money to go to college, but at the time I didn't think I'd be a professional actor."

"You like money?"

Xu Rong stared at her blankly, and asked doubtfully, "Don't you like it?"

"I don't know if Yi Li likes money or not, but I know the staff should add water, hahaha."

"Come quickly, fill up the water for Teacher Yi!"

"Why?" Yi Lijing asked again, "It feels like you are very attached to money."

Xu Rong still said: "That's why I said, you haven't experienced what I have experienced."

"What have you been through? What made you feel unspeakable?"

Xu Rong thought for a while before saying, "Have you ever eaten six steamed buns a day?"

Yi Lijing didn't seem to understand what he meant, but looked at him suspiciously.

"I have experienced it!" Xu Rong said with a smile, "but to be honest, at that time, a young man of sixteen or seventeen could carry it in the morning, but he couldn't carry it at noon and night, and he was so hungry. I don’t dare to expect food or anything, I just hope to have two more steamed buns, that’s all, this is my experience.”

"It's not hard to say that it's hard to say, but it's also because of this. At the age of 17, I changed from a student to a migrant worker, but I also felt pretty good at that time, because I lived a very solid life. , of course, now."

Yi Lijing seemed to want to discredit him, and asked softly: "But you have changed your career and become an actor, are you not ashamed of your identity as a migrant worker? Or are you not ashamed of your rural origin?"

"Have you ever felt ashamed of who you are? Daughter, wife, mother, reporter? Have you ever been?" Xu Rong became a little more serious, "I don't think you would, everyone has something that everyone must experience in life stage, just like if I follow the steps, I will go to college, then work, all walks of life are possible, and it is even possible to return to the countryside to farm, but why can’t I face up to my past? I can say it frankly, yes Because I think you can accept it readily, but I didn't expect you to ask such a question."

At the last sentence, he smiled and shook his head.

Yi Li put the water glass gently on the table again, and asked, "Do you hate your biological parents who abandoned you?"


"What do you mean by okay?"

Xu Rong did not answer according to the answer given by the public relations team this time, but said: "Actually, I think that as parents, if they are not helpless, they will not abandon their children, unless they feel that they cannot support me, or because I The existence of them will make their life into an unsustainable situation. If they abandon me, they can live a better life. Moreover, judging from the current situation, I am alive, and they are also living better. It is not a good one something?"

After listening to Xu Rong's answer, Yi Li lowered her head and flipped through the script that she shouldn't have. She felt something different from this young man, his tolerance for people and things, and his pattern.

At the same time, no matter the audience in front of the TV, or Xu Rong's relatives and friends or the Internet, seeing the peaceful smile on Xu Rong's face, they all fell into a brief silence.

Yi Lijing seemed to have heard the prompt in the earphones, raised his head, and asked again: "You have only been popular for half a year, why have you encountered so many controversies, gossip, turmoil, discord with the manager, etc. , Do you think it is your problem or everyone's problem?"

Regarding this question, Xu Rong had already prepared for it, saying: "There is a word called groundless rumors. It originally meant that you would be attacked and criticized because of your own weaknesses, but now, it is groundless to attack you. , This is called groundless rumors, but when people comment on rumors, they always say 'certainly not groundless rumors', but in essence, they are groundless and conjectural, not even speculative, for example My gossip, when have you ever seen a distance of less than ten centimeters between me and Yang Mi? These are all what you think of me, and then I must do something."

Yi Lijing didn't seem to listen to him at all, and said: "When you were involved in controversy before, many colleagues spoke out for you. Are you a person who is very good at taking advantage of human affairs?"

Her words didn't seem to be asking, but the next conclusion.

Xu Rong's eyes widened a little, and he said, "Why do you want to exploit human relationships? Because you need others, and you want to ask others to do things, so you need to exploit human affairs. If you can be honest and honest Actors, earning money according to their duties, why do they have to work so hard to gain sophistication? Besides, making friends is making friends. I always think about how much benefit he can bring me by doing this. Anyway, from my own point of view, I don’t think it’s too serious or a human accident, just like me, Li Youbin and Wang Qingxiang, we have a big age gap.”

"Wait a minute." Xu Rong's words were slick, but he suddenly stopped, grinning, waved his hands at the camera, and said with a smile, "I'll say it again, it's like me and Teacher Li Youbin and Teacher Wang Qingxiang, Our age gap is quite big hahaha. I’m sorry, my public relations team didn’t mention this before I came here, so all the audience friends just pretend they didn’t hear, I have always respected them in my heart.”

"It's amazing." In a certain room, Chang Jihong looked at Xu Rong's embarrassed appearance and sighed.

"Sister Chang, why is this so powerful?"

Chang Jihong looked at his artist and asked back: "What is the question that Yi Li asked him?"

"Is he very good at digging into the world?"

Chang Jihong pointed at the TV: "Do you think the audience will think that he understands human affairs when they see him like this?"

Li Youbin, who was watching the live broadcast, also sighed, and said, "Director, call the two reporters over tomorrow, I knew this kid would have to wipe his ass again."

Zhao Junkai smiled, Li Youbin didn't talk about the artists in his own company, he had to find a way to make Xu Rong's words come true.

"Can you talk about your rumored girlfriend Yang Mi?"

"Why can't I talk about my girlfriend Zhang Xiaofei instead of talking about someone who has nothing to do with me? Do you think she is not good-looking enough? Or is she not popular enough? Does it depend on whether she is famous or not when I talk about a girlfriend? See if others like it or not?" Xu Rongji stared at him seriously, even questioning in his tone.

Yi Li, who was sitting in front of him, choked for breath, but after being reminded by the director, he quickly calmed down and asked, "Do you want me to tease you with your negative news?"

"This is a show, so why do you take it seriously?"

"But everyone thinks"

Xu Rong knew that he had lost a sentence, and immediately started to fight back, saying: "May I interrupt, I think no matter what profession you are in, you must be confident. As a media person, you are the same. I watched your previous interviews before I came here. , found that you like to use the word 'everyone' very much, don't you dare to express your own preferences and attitudes as an individual?"

Yi Lijing was a little embarrassed, but he quickly recovered his composure and said, "Okay, but I think you and Yang Mi are really a good match."

Xu Rong waited for him to finish speaking, his face straightened immediately, and he leaned forward, asking: "What do you think? Why do you think? Don't always think that what you think is right, it may be self-righteous! Could it be that you think the earth is right? If it’s square, the earth will show you right away? Read more books, don’t just binge watch dramas and follow stars, you won’t be able to learn that well.”

Yi Li was stunned, she recalled that Xu Rong used words to provoke her earlier, and then dug a hole here early in the morning to wait for her to jump.

"Hahaha, Yi Li actually talks about mmp, hahaha."

"66 is ok. This wave is 66666. Fuck."

"Teacher Xu is mighty!"

Yi Lijing probably sensed that the situation was a little out of control, and took out his trump card: "What do you think caused the previous incident of false testimony? Your way of dealing with the world?"

Xu Rong said bluntly: "Benefits."

"What benefit?"

Xu Rong glanced at her with a smile on his face, and asked, "I dare to say, do you dare to listen?"

Yi Li actually wanted to say, "Let's listen to it," but the urging from the headset made her swallow her words.

"Say, talk, I dare to listen, I dare to listen."

"Yi Li is cowardly! She is cowardly!"

Zhao Junkai looked at the comments on the Internet and broke into a cold sweat quietly, but he knew that Xu Rong didn't dare to say it, and if he said it, the TV station might directly cut off the live broadcast.

"Do you think you're red?"

"That depends on how you view red. What is red? What is not red? I think I am an actor. As long as I act well and present my work to the audience, the audience will also be willing to watch my play. I am red."

(End of this chapter)

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