I'm just an actor

Chapter 42 Sacrifice

Chapter 42 Sacrifice
As the saying goes, there are only three things.

In the hotel room, after calming down, taking a bath and changing clothes, Xu Rong sat cross-legged on the bed, prayed intentionally, and planned to give his dream another chance.


Following his thoughts, the system light curtain appeared again.

Acting training system
Name: Xu Rong

Expression: B
Lines: B
Limbs: B
Eyes: B
Rhythm: B
Overall evaluation: B
Experience Points: 33/100
Glory value: 100/100
Traits: None
With nearly half of the broadcast of "Great Qing Fengyun", the system's glory value has reached 100 points again.

In Xu Rong's spare time, he took the time to read the online reviews of this drama.

The typical polarization, on the one hand, is the problem of too serious jokes about the plot, selling dog meat with sheep's tricks, and colloquial lines.

On the other hand, Aunt Xu is praised to the sky, such as the beauty of the prosperous age, the beauty of the country, the dignified atmosphere, the beauty and wisdom, the idioms of praising people's good looks accumulated over 5000 years seem to be free of money.

But well-known film and television critics are generally restrained. Xu Rong actually understands in his heart that the reason why he has not been criticized is all due to the status of Chen Jialin, Jiang Wen, Zhang Fengyi, Aunt Xu and others. There are really not many TV dramas with many wrists.

Otherwise, if a few newcomers come over, the mother who has already sprayed her will not dare to recognize her.

In addition, it is not known whether some film critics who are praising will get paid or not. Ghost fields in theaters have become the norm now, so there is no need to find a few close critics to praise.

Xu Rong also has some roles in the play, but because the overall plot distorts the official history, his views are almost equally unanimously negative, but fortunately, the play itself has not attracted much attention, and there are few controversies about him Pitiful.

"Take a wrong path."

After thinking about it, Xu Rong generally understood the reason, and the root cause still lies in the problem of the book.

Because the general environment is easy to accept romantic dramas, the market has a supply. Many historical dramas and inspirational dramas in name are all emotional dramas that sell dog meat with their heads up, and the content is clear.

As Teacher Cao commented: Therefore, the names of a man and a woman are faked, and a small person must be added to make things messy, just like the clown in the play.

After comparing with Liangjian, for the first time, Xu Rong began to distinguish the difference between a good script and a bad script, thinking of it as a reference for future plays.

After carefully comparing the differences between Liangjian and Daqing Fengyun, he really figured out something, which is the spiritual core of the play.

The spirit that "Bright Sword" wants to express is quite simple, that is, the spirit of Bright Sword, so even if there are not many emotional dramas, no big names, and not so complete props, it is still a mess.

"The Wind and Cloud of the Great Qing Dynasty" is just the opposite. It was directed by a famous director and gathered a lot of big names, but it turned out to be rotten like mud.

What "The Great Qing Dynasty" wants to express, even Xu Rong, as one of the creators, has not really thought about it until now. It can't just be a documentary about Aunt Xu's prosperous beauty, right?

Also as a big drama that flaunts official history, the spiritual core of "The Ming Dynasty" is relatively more complicated. There are all kinds of beings in the era, and each character will show his class and his own position, thinking, and choice in the play, and love is only the most marginal. embellishment.

However, Xu Rong didn't have too much expectations for Daqing Fengyun, and he was already satisfied with the increase in Glory.

The experience value is still far from 100. Therefore, he is going to gamble again. If he can't get something good this time, he will never smoke again in the future.

Click on the big wheel of fortune, and the option of "1 point of experience value" is still there. In addition, there are "photographic memory", "exquisite elegance", "constant peak", "time assassin", and "baji master" Five options.

"Hey, what are these two?"

Xu Rong looked at the interface, it was a bit different from the previous two times, with the addition of "Time Assassin" and "Baji Grandmaster".

But he didn't think too much about it. What he wanted to smoke most was "retentive memory". If this thing was really what he wanted, even if he didn't become an actor in the future, he would be able to do whatever he wanted.

After praying to all the gods and Buddhas in my heart again, the pointer on the turntable began to rotate rapidly with the slight movement of my mind.

As the pointer slowly stopped, Xu Rong couldn't help but swear.


Seeing the pointer stop in the "1 point experience value" area, Xu Rong's mentality completely collapsed.

It's the third time!

Three times in a row is 1 experience point, this lucky wheel is simply poisonous.

Just when his hand was touching the water glass next to the bed again, the pointer crossed the dividing line of the area like a tortoise, and stopped at the edge of the "Baji Grandmaster" area.

"This lucky turntable draws the characteristics of the Baji Grandmaster, and after mounting, it will instill the master-level Bajiquan skills (Note: to mount this characteristic, the pre-characteristics "Baji Introduction" and "Baji Mastery" are required. A trait can consume glory value analysis)."

"Special reminder: Don't use high skills!!!"

"Day, it's not as good as a little experience value."

Xu Rong carefully looked at the contents of the pop-up window, good guy, I was so lonely again, and there was a row of blood-red special reminders below.

Can't use it even if you want to?

The only consolation is that this time I finally got a trait that cannot be used at the moment, and the system has not clearly stated how much glory points are needed to resolve the two pre-traits.

However, he was already mentally prepared to get 1 point of experience points. No matter what he said, he did not return empty-handed, which proved that there was still a chance to get the "photographic memory". As for the glory points, there would always be some in the future.

In the end, Gao Mo used a special explanation. He didn't pay attention to it at all. It's not that he didn't have any scruples, but he didn't plan to use it at all. His fist and kick skills can play an extremely limited role.

In addition, he has no plans to change careers to become a star. As he deepens his understanding of the actor industry, he gradually understands that being a star is not just a matter of lip service. Which star can stay in the hospital several times a year?

It's true that playing stars comes in quickly, but it's all in exchange for life.

Therefore, even if the trait of "Baji Grandmaster" is mounted, it is very useless to him. As for life, it is even more impossible to use it. He is an actor and a public figure. Fighting, even if you beat someone to death, is not a glorious thing.

Zhao Wei's beating of a pregnant woman was not far behind, not to mention the embarrassment, but the loss of the audience's eyesight has hurt the root. Public figures beat people, regardless of right or wrong, they have lost three points first.

The reason why he had such an idea was also related to what happened to Lao Liu some time ago.

The crew is a place where people are specially trained, and it is also a place where people are particularly tortured.

The small living space is a compressed and airtight micro-society. Everyone, especially the actors, will encounter problems in the two major fields of physiology and psychology.

Eating, drinking, and sleeping are actually the shallowest level, and the deeper ones are the subtleties of interpersonal relationships, the impulse and narrow outlet of lust, the magnification of fame and wealth rankings, etc. Although the forest is small, it has all kinds of problems.

Lying on the bed, Xu Rong couldn't help thinking of the previous scene.

After Zhao Junkai finished speaking, Lao Liu did not leave obediently, and he seemed to be fighting with Zhao Junkai. Zhao Junkai is the spokesperson of Hairun, and he is also the spokesperson of another company.

But then, Xu Rong saw for the first time the tricks of the good guy Zhao Junkai.

There is no harsh words, no fights, no conflicts, and no intentional stumbling. Zhao Junkai is a good old man and will not blush with others.

But from a certain moment, Lao Liu suddenly ceased to exist.

Lao Liu still rushes to the set every day, but everyone treats him as if he doesn’t exist anymore. When they meet each other, he is like a mass of air. No one takes a second look. In the past, during the chat, as soon as he interrupted, no one said anything.

In the first three days, Lao Liu lost his temper twice, but no one paid any attention to it. No matter where he sat during the meal, everyone who cheered got up and left immediately.

After three days like this, Lao Liu no longer went to the set, and just drank alone in the hotel, but even so, no one cared.

On the seventh day, Lao Liu left without a sound. When Xu Rong knew about it, the person who replaced him had already arrived, saying that Lao Liu had a little psychological problem.

This is the first time Xu Rong has seen that the whole person can be treated like this.

In the past, he always thought that the biggest harm to people was the direct and painful pain, but Zhao Junkai taught him a solid lesson. The most painful thing was not the bleeding wound, but the wound with a knife. People stabbed in the heart, hurt you to death, heart-piercing, but you couldn't utter a word.

But judging from the whole thing, Zhao Junkai really didn't worry him too much, there was never a shortage of food and drink, and he didn't even say a word of cruelty.

Director Zhao is a kind person.

As the shooting was halfway through, the crew began to enter the most depressing and boring stage.

In essence, three-fifths of the filming process has been completed. This segment has always been the most difficult psychological point for the crew. After passing this point, you can relax, because victory is in front of you.

With Xu Rong's personality, he can't be a director or a producer, because when the mood of the entire crew fell into a downturn, he still didn't notice it.

Until one day, after filming a scene, Zhang Xinyi naturally handed over a tissue and said in a low voice, "Xu Rong, don't you feel anything wrong?"

Xu Rong also took it quite naturally, looked at her suspiciously, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Xinyi's eyes sparkled, she wrinkled her nose and gave him a white look, and said, "I just feel that the atmosphere in the group is too dull."

After she mentioned it, Xu Rong turned his head and looked, it seemed that it was true, but he didn't pay much attention to it, but this is a normal phenomenon, it will happen in any production crew.

"It's normal, it will be fine in a few days", Xu Rong said, lying on the chair with his eyes closed, the weather is hot, and the night scene will be filmed until two or three o'clock at night, so he must seize every minute of rest, Otherwise, it will not be able to maintain the state at all.

Zhang Xinyi didn't take a break, but just sat aside, resting her chin, looking at him quietly, without saying a word.

Xu Rong noticed the change in Zhang Xinyi's eyes a long time ago, probably due to the pressure he gave her. She entered the play very quickly, and her character changed from the carefree at the beginning to the delicateness of "Dou Guan".

As for the inexplicable things mixed in her sight, Xu Rong knew exactly what they were, because the way he looked at her was also similar, he was Luo Peilun, and the other was Dou Guan, if there were no such changes, That's the big problem.

This is also one of the disadvantages of the experiential school. While filming, it is hard to tell whether you are in or out of the film.

But Xu Rong is very clear that the other party has a boyfriend, and he is not the type he likes, that's enough. As for the one-night pleasure, maybe he hasn't been completely soaked in this dye vat, and he still can't accept it now.

He also didn't deliberately keep a distance from her. The subtle emotions at the moment are of great benefit to the filming of the play. At least when it is broadcast, the audience sees the truth.

It can be regarded as a due sacrifice of this profession.

(End of this chapter)

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