Chapter 791 Mood
After taking the pulse of the two patients in front of him, Li Chu picked up their examination reports and looked at them.

These two patients are the gastric cancer patients brought to him by the internal medicine department last time.

Today is the second time I came here for a review.

After two stages of treatment, it can be seen from the inspection report that their conditions have changed significantly.

But the difference is that the condition of the female patient is changing for the better, while the condition of the other male patient continues to worsen.

In front of the two of them, Li Chu didn't say much. After prescribing the medicine for the two of them again, he arranged for nurse Xiao Zhou to take them to fetch the medicine.

"Director Tian, ​​do you have something to say?"

After the patient went out, he looked at the internal medicine director Tian who brought two patients here today and asked.

"Director Li, I'm really sorry to bother you again."

"You're welcome, sit down." Li Chu pointed to the chair in front of the desk and said.

"It's like this, Director Li. You read the inspection report just now. I don't understand why the man's condition didn't improve, but got worse instead." Director Tian asked directly after sitting down.

"His disease, which is what your Western doctors call cancer, actually has a lot to do with his mood." Li Chu said after thinking for a while.

"It can also be said that it is the patient's own will to survive. When she came here for the first time, the female patient was actually not in a good mood. Of course, it's strange that she can feel good when she has this kind of disease, but after she learned that there is After she hoped to be cured, her mood immediately changed and she became much more relaxed.

The reaction in the body is that the qi is smooth, just like many people can’t eat after being angry. In fact, the stagnation of qi and blood in the stomach, once or twice once in a while is nothing. Same as the male patient.

I don't know what happened to him, it may be his family, or emotional problems, I have told him what I should say, but the patient can't figure it out, what can we doctors do? "

Li Chu spread his hands helplessly.

Director Tian nodded: "Something happened to his family. After he came to the hospital, we haven't seen his family. According to the registration book, he has a family, but we don't know this. Is there any reason for it?"

"It's not good for us to inquire and participate too much in the patient's family affairs, but if possible, you'd better contact his family members and explain the situation clearly."

"I know Director Li. I'll arrange someone to visit his house later. How long do you think the lesbian needs to be treated?"

"One year is definitely needed. After drinking the medicine this time, she can actually be discharged from the hospital and go home. There is no point in staying in the hospital. When I come back for a follow-up examination later, I can let her have a check-up by the way."

"If you don't tell me, I'm going to do it too, and I don't have to wait for the next time. I'll ask someone to go through the discharge procedures for her when I go back later. She just needs to pay the money.

By the way, I heard that you have submitted this as a project, has it been approved? "

"It's not so fast, it will probably be next month, and Director Tian's strong support will be needed then."

"It's no problem. If we need our cooperation, Director Li, just turn around and say something."

After getting the answer he wanted, Director Tian left Li Chu's consultation room satisfied.

Sitting there, Li Chu thought of the male patient again, feeling out of balance.

Sigh~ He shook his head, hoping that the internal medicine doctor's visit would solve the problem in his heart, otherwise...

"Brother Chu, are you not busy?"

The curtain of the consulting room was raised, and Xu Damao's head poked in.

"I'm not busy right now, come sit down, what's the matter?"

"I won't sit down, go outside and chat?"

"Okay." Li Chu glanced at Xu Damao in surprise, then stood up and walked out of the consultation room, leading him to the side of the outpatient building.

"What's the matter with being so mysterious?"

"Brother Chu, I found out about that incident last year."

"What happened last year?"

"It's about being reported for buying an air conditioner."

"Oh, oh, I remembered, when you were taken away by the Taifeng branch, who did it?"

It's been a long time since the incident happened, mainly because he was also reported at that time, so he forgot all about it.

"It's the second horse my wife mentioned."

Li Chu looked at the inexplicable look in Xu Damao's eyes when he mentioned Ma Er Er, and his heart was slightly shocked. The guy who opened the store?"

"Well, that's right, it's him."

"Now that you know it's him, how do you plan to solve this matter?"

"It's over, I'll find someone to send him away."

"Send..." Seeing his calm expression when he said this, Li Chu was startled.

And Xu Damao also realized at this time that something seemed wrong with what he said, and quickly explained: "Brother, don't think about it, I just sent him to the south, I didn't do anything messy."

Although he explained it, Li Chu understood that the matter might not be that simple.

If you say send it away, then you are a big living person, how can you leave so willingly?

Besides, even if Ma Lao Er had to go to the south for some reason, don't forget where Xu Damao's air conditioner came from.

Ma Laoer's report last year was not just a simple report. If he hadn't continued to pursue the origin of these air conditioners because of his high hand, it is estimated that the person who sold the air conditioners would have become a bereaved dog by now.

Now that the instigator is in front of him, it's no wonder that guy didn't eat Ma Laoer alive.

These days, if some people lose contact, they really can't be found.

Li Chu let out a breath slowly: "Did the seller ask you to send him there?"

"That's right, it is indeed him." Xu Damao responded with a simple nod.

"Ma Laoer not only reported me that time, but mainly because this incident made the seller very uncomfortable during this period of time. They don't just sell air conditioners. Now they are closely watched and lost a lot of money. few."

Li Chuzhuo pondered for a while, and decided to persuade him.

"Da Mao, you are a serious businessman now, you should be more cautious about some things.

I still say the same thing, no matter what you do, think more about whether you are a person with seniors and juniors. You don’t want to work hard all these years for your child’s uncle, right?Sometimes when you walk a lot at night, you will really encounter some unclean things. "

(End of this chapter)

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