Chapter 462
Thinking of this, he hesitated again.

Forget it, don't think about so many houses, but if you can really come across a high-quality yard, then you don't mind buying another set or two.

As he was walking, he turned his head and glanced at the two people standing there just now, what were they talking about?
Good guy, are you all so blatant now?

You two are standing there on the main road, discussing the sale of batches?
Are these people this crazy now?

And these people will play more and more in the future, and they dare to sell no matter what the approval.

It is no wonder that the intensity of the attack will increase in the future.

Really crazy about money.

Those who deal with small things on the black market, including those who deal with foreign exchange or foreign exchange certificates, are really nothing compared to these people.

After wandering aimlessly in the street for a while, he turned and walked towards the hospital.

"Xiao Chu?"

The shout from behind made him stop again and turn his head to look.

The person who called him was across the road. It was Wu Xiaoliu, sitting on a bicycle with his feet on the ground.

"It's really you! When did you come back?" Wu Xiaoliu saw that he was right, stepped on his bicycle and came over.

"Sixth brother, I came back a day or two ago."

Wu Xiaoliu turned his head to look around, and asked, "Are you alone?"

"if not?"

"Qiu Nan isn't with you?"

"Brother Six, it's working time now. She's at work. What are you doing?"

"The person I'm looking for here has built two cabinets for my daughter, come here to see how it is."

"Could it be that my daughter is getting married?"

"That's right. The man is a technician in their factory. This time, the factory has allocated a suite. After the house is tidied up, we can do things."

"Congratulations, Sixth Brother, you have also been promoted to be a father-in-law, and you will have a son-in-law to respect you in the future."

"What is filial piety, as long as they can live their lives well."

"When you do something, you must notify us!"

"Even if you don't say it, it's impossible to miss you!"

"By the way, sixth brother, why didn't I see you come over during the Chinese New Year?"

"I took Lili and the children back to my hometown during the Chinese New Year this year. I took a few days off, and I just came back for two days. I haven't had time to go there yet."

"Is everything all right at home?"

"It's all good. It's all right, Xiao Chu, don't waste time. I'll go over another day and let's talk. I'm still in a hurry to go and look at the cabinet."

"Okay, let's go."

Seeing Wu Xiaoliu riding a bicycle into the crowd, Li Chu started walking towards the hospital.


In the capital city in August, under the sun, even the leaves are wilting.

Headquarters, downstairs of administration.

Li Chu stood there, looking at the jeep that had already driven away, with a gloomy expression on his face.

The two sentinels next to each other glanced at each other, and stood there quietly, not daring to take a breath.

Seeing the vice president standing there like that, with a very ugly expression on his face, the steps of the staff coming and going in and out of the administrative building became lighter.

It was a very hot day, but everyone who passed by Li Chu felt a chill.

After a full 10 minutes, he let out a sigh of relief, turned around and prepared to walk into the administration building.

At this moment, a black car drove over from far to near. He was about to go upstairs when he saw this car and stopped for a moment.

After the car approached, he took a closer look and finally confirmed that it was Uncle Wang's car.

The car stopped, the co-pilot's door was opened, and Zhang Jianshe got out of the car.

Seeing Li Chu standing there looking over, Zhang Jianshe hurried over.

"Uncle Li"

"Jiangshe, what are you doing here if you don't follow the chief?"

"Uncle Li, the chief asked me to pick you up. He is waiting for you in the office."

Hearing this, Li Chu turned his head and said to the sentinel: "Help me report to the Medical Affairs Office, and say that I have gone to the center."


"Let's go build."

After speaking, he walked towards the car.

On the way to the center, Zhang Jianshe, who was sitting in the co-pilot, could also see that this man was not in a good mood, and he didn't dare to say a word.

Sitting in the back row, Li Chu tilted his head and looked outside.

He knew that Uncle Wang must have found him because of what happened just now.

In the center, outside the building where Uncle Wang works, Secretary Liu was already waiting at the door. When he saw Li Chu approaching, he walked a few steps towards this side.

"Vice President Li, the chief is already waiting for you."

"Thank you, Secretary Liu."

"You are welcome, this is what I should do."

In the office, Uncle Wang was sitting behind the desk. When he saw Li Chu coming in, he stood up, went to the sofa in the reception area and sat down.

Uncle Wang looked at the still dark-faced nephew and smiled slightly.

"Sit down, why, let me invite you."

"Uncle, I'm sorry, I lost my composure."

"It's okay." Uncle Wang waved his hand: "It's normal for you to have this reaction. If you really don't have any reaction at all, then you can't be regarded as Li Quanyou's son."

What he said was not insignificant. Secretary Liu, who poured a glass of water for Li Chu, paused slightly after hearing this, and returned to normal. After putting the water on the tea table, he left the office.

Li Chu didn't react when he heard Uncle Wang's words, but just sat there with his head down.

Uncle Wang didn't think about what he could say, but asked, "Can't you figure it out?"

"Uncle, to be honest, I really don't value those two prescriptions. It doesn't matter if the country wants to sell them to anyone, but why did they sell them to those beasts?"

"Hehe" Uncle Wang pointed at him with a smile: "You are still the same as when you were a child, so cynical.

You said it yourself, since it doesn't matter if you sell it to anyone, why can't you sell it to Japan?Anyway, what we get in exchange is the foreign exchange that we are in short supply. "

"Uncle, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart. In fact, it's not impossible to sell them. I just can't understand the face of some people. It's been more than [-] years since the founding of the country. Why are there still people kneeling there? Their backbone Are they all broken?"

"Sigh~" Uncle Wang sighed, "There are always some people who have problems with their thinking."

"But you can also rest assured that the price they said is definitely not enough. Let me tell you the truth. The two prescriptions cost a total of 800,000 knives in the beautiful country, and 500,000 marks in West Germany. As for Dongying , which is equivalent to the beautiful country. What do you think of this price?"

Hearing the price, Li Chu was shocked, and his face was much better than before.

"Uncle, don't there still be French and English in Europe?"

"Their price has not been negotiated yet, but our bottom line is that it cannot be less than that of the beautiful country."

Li Chu nodded. Two prescriptions that are useless at all, can exchange so much foreign exchange for the country, it can be regarded as the best use of everything.

(End of this chapter)

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