After wearing the book, she got the wrong script

Chapter 191 My pigs are not picky eaters

Chapter 191 My pigs are not picky eaters
The next day, Xiaosi came to rub the bed again, bringing newly made clothes along the way.

Wearing new clothes, Bai Fu looked left and right in front of the bronze mirror, and from time to time he scratched a shape on his head with his hands, dissatisfied, spread it out, grabbed another one, still dissatisfied. With a bitter face, he looked very distressed.

Xiao Si couldn't wait for a long time before Bai Fu ran out of bed and saw this scene, a little bewildered, she tilted her head and asked:

"Xiaobai, what are you doing?"

Bai Fu looked back at Xiao Si with no soul, "Can you tie your hair?"

Xiaosi shook her head.

"Dad used to tie my hair, but now it's Mama Gu, do you want to tie my hair?"

Bai Fu pursed his lips without answering, got up and went to the door to call for Luo Jin's.

"Help me with a few women's hairstyles, and I'll see which one suits me."

Luo Jinshi is dexterous, and in a short while she tied four or five of the most popular hairstyles at the moment.

But Bai Fu was not satisfied with it, and felt that it was too complicated and awkward, so he kept asking Jin to simplify and simplify, preferably the kind that she could handle by herself every morning.

Luo Jinshi had no choice but to divide the top of her hair into several sections and braid them, then put them together at the end to create a hanging bun effect, "Miss, it really couldn't be simpler."

Bai Fu took a closer look, and felt that it was a bit like the hairstyles commonly used by girls in Hanfu in modern times. It was simple and beautiful, and it also matched this fancy new clothes, so he nodded in satisfaction:

"Not bad, this is more in line with my aesthetics."

"Xiaobai looks so pretty!"

Xiao Si looked at Bai Fu with surprise on her face, her eyes were bright.

Speaking of which, this was the first time she had seen Bai Fu dressed up, and sure enough, she was even more beautiful than she had imagined!
Since she was a child, others have praised her for being beautiful. Xiao Si didn't feel much after hearing such words, but at this moment, she had a new understanding of the word "beautiful".

She just thinks.

Xiaobai at this moment is like a ray of light, even without a bit of feminine posture, it can easily shine into people's hearts!
Xiao Si couldn't help thinking.

If daddy saw Xiaobai like this, would he still say so calmly that he wanted to respect Xiaobai's thoughts?

Bai Fu tugged at his clothes awkwardly, and touched his hairstyle carefully. He was really worried that his hair would fall out and his clothes would be messed up if he moved too fast.

See it.

Sure enough, being a woman is so inconvenient!
But what Huang Qiuyang said today made her very upset!
What does it mean to be curious about what she looks like pretending to be a woman?
Does she need to dress up as a woman?
Come to a real performance for you to see!
After all this tossing, it was already a bit late, thinking that Xiao Si would have to get up early for school tomorrow, so Bai Fu hurriedly turned off the lights and went to bed.

Xiao Si is usually a sleepy sleeper, and gets dazed after hearing a bedtime story, but today after Bai Fu finished telling her, she was still moving around quite energetically, so he asked:

"Is there anything you want to tell me?"

In the darkness, Xiao Si gently hummed with a prolonged tone.

The voice sounded like grandma's, and Bai Fu's heart softened when he heard it.

It's too cute, isn't it!

"Speak, I'm listening, don't hesitate." Bai Fu said with his eyes closed.

Xiao Si stood up and looked at Bai Fu sideways. Although she couldn't see anything clearly, she just wanted to look at her like this, "Xiao Bai, do you really refuse my father's marriage?"

The tone was inexplicably resentful.

Xiao Si was actually a little sad.

Daddy never lied to her, she knew it must be true, but she just didn't want to admit it.

As long as you don't admit it, there may be hope.

She really likes Xiaobai.

"Well, really"

Bai Fu didn't think much, and asked lightly after answering:

"Didn't I tell you earlier? Why did you ask again suddenly?"

Xiao Si's voice was muffled, "I see that Dad is not very happy, and he told me not to disturb you, can I come to sleep with you in the future?"

Presumably Mr. Fei is expressing his position and attitude in this way.

Bai Fu was silent for a moment, then turned sideways to Xiao Si:
"Xiao Si is still a child, your father is your guardian, you should listen to his words."

Xiao Si opened her eyes wide in disbelief, and asked:
"Didn't you say that rejecting Daddy won't affect us?"

The little girl's astonishment was beyond words, and her tone of grievance was as if she had been abandoned by someone. Bai Fu was speechless for a while, so she could only comfort her:
"If you're willing to come, I welcome it. It's just that your father may not like some of the things I do. He doesn't want you to be influenced by me. This is called different positions and cannot be forced."

"I do not care!"

Xiaosi didn't care whether she understood or not, she directly retorted angrily, "Daddy is Daddy, I am me, his difference is his business, I just want to be the same as you."

Children sometimes have their own set of logic, regardless of whether the facts allow it or not, it cannot be refuted or rejected anyway.

Bai Fu didn't know what to say for a while, so he fell silent.

Xiao Si hugged Bai Fu's arm and acted like a baby:

"I want to be like Xiaobai. Whatever Xiaobai does is right!"

Bai Fu couldn't laugh or cry, but at the same time felt comforted by Xiaosi's childish words.

But children are allowed to play tricks, but adults can't, she sighed, and didn't say any more, she put Xiaosi to sleep with a few comforting words.

On the second day, when Bai Fu woke up, Xiao Si had already gone to the college. After Bai Fu got up, he had nothing to do, so he decided to go for a walk.

Before going far, he saw a woman busy by the river, probably washing clothes, Bai Fu walked over, sat under a dead tree by the river and watched quietly.

Xiaoxi Village is quite different now than it used to be.

Xiaoxi Village used to be mostly old and weak, but now the town is not the same as it used to be, and her workshops are all recruited by local laborers. Many people who make a living outside heard about it and came back to the village to find jobs.

The men are back, and the women are naturally busier.

But Bai Fu couldn't see complaints from their faces, instead they were all beaming, scolding their men while washing clothes.

Is this the day when the husband and wife sing together?
Bai Fu couldn't help asking himself this question that he had never considered before.

In the previous two lives, she didn't have time to think about personal issues. In the last life, it was because she was too young to think about it, and in the modern life, she was too busy to think about it.

But ever since he knew that if he wanted to live and make money in this world, he had to abide by the rules of this world, Bai Fu began to think about it occasionally.

Well, if you must have a spouse, you must find someone who suits your heart.

I don’t want to help her, but at least I understand her and support her, and I also have to be handsome, sweet-mouthed, and carefree, the kind who only looks and listens with comfort and no worries.

But, do such people really exist?

It is estimated that it is also difficult to find.

Otherwise, why are there so many leftover men and women in later generations, and so many unmarried and divorced families?

Her eyes fell on the woman who was washing clothes in the ice water with a smile on her face again. The satisfaction on their faces was beyond words, which made Bai Fu suddenly feel that this winter was not so cold, so he smiled unconsciously.

"It's so cold, why is Mr. Bai sitting on a rock!"

A woman finished washing her clothes first, went ashore with a basin and a mallet, saw the white fur under the tree, and shouted enthusiastically.

All the women in the village had a loud voice, and Bai Fu suddenly regained his energy when they shouted. Several people who were still washing clothes also looked over when they heard the voice.

Seeing that it was the God of Wealth that even the village chief worshiped in their village, the smile on his face became wider, and they all put down their work and came around.

A woman handed over a hemp futon.

"Master, you are tired from walking and want to rest for a while? Shitou is cool, sir, please sit on this."

Bai Fu didn't refuse, took the futon with a smile, and casually said:

"How can this stone be as cold as the river water? It's really hard for you to wash clothes in the cold weather."

She said it with all her heart.

Because apart from the baby's underwear, Bai Fu hardly washed clothes by hand.

Are you working hard?
Several women looked at each other, some didn't know how to answer this.

In their minds, women's laundry and cooking are normal jobs that do not need to be questioned.

The man in their family has never told them how hard it is, but the handsome young man in front of him said that you have worked hard.

A young woman burst out laughing and said carelessly:

"Young master is so considerate, whoever will marry you in the future will be really blessed."

Bai Fu didn't think a word was considerate, so he asked:

"What do your men usually do at home?"

This is a topic that several women love to talk about.

"My man used to work in your field, but recently he is helping in the coal workshop."

"My man also worked in the fields before, and went to the mountains to hunt and sell them to your shop."

"My man is building a house for you, and now I'm picking up work with Old Carpenter Li."

"My man is working outside to make a living. Xiao Sier said that the coal workshop is not enough manpower. I have sent a message to him to stay in the village after he comes back. It is hard work to run outside without seeing anyone all year round."

The wives were chattering, and Bai Fu understood that they were all typical male protagonists and female protagonists.

"Who will watch that child?" She asked again.

"The younger ones are naturally watched by mothers. If they are older, let the older brothers and sisters watch them. It's very worry-free."

"Don't the men go home and help babysit?"

"How can men look after children!"

"That woman is working hard." Bai Fu murmured.

"We don't know how to do other things. It's hard work to do some housework for the family."

A round-faced woman smiled kindly.

Bai Fu had seen this woman before, she was a village woman who was on good terms with Aunt Le, her surname was Yu, and she would occasionally help Aunt Le clean the house.

Seeing this, several other women agreed yes and yes, and the clumsy ones also nodded cautiously in agreement.

Bai Fu's eyes fell on their hands, the rough hands were red from the cold, they should be the hands of years of hard work.

These days, there are no washing machine gloves or anything. It's really embarrassing for these women.

Bai Fu smiled and chatted with the women again, seeing that it was almost noon, he let them go first, and went down to the river by himself for a few laps before walking home slowly.

"Young Master Bai, you are really here!"

The village head's grandfather led two people to chase after him, and said with a smile, "I didn't believe the people in the village said they saw you here just now."

"Grandpa, the village head, has something to do with me?"

Bai Fu stopped, and waited for the village head to approach and asked politely.

Running all the way, the village chief was still panting, and he stopped for a breath before speaking:
"Master Bai, this is my youngest son."

The village chief pointed to one person, then turned to the person who approached slowly, and introduced respectfully:
"This master is my son's boss. He said he wanted to negotiate a deal with you, so I brought them here."

Bai Fu looked over.

The village head's son nodded to Bai Fu as a greeting, and then turned to whisper something to the richly dressed master, who smiled and bowed to Bai Fu after listening.

Bai Fu returned a salute, looking at him secretly.

The ancients were already old, and both of them had beards, so they couldn't tell their real ages, and they didn't know how to address them properly, so they could only say vaguely and politely:
"I don't know what business you two want to negotiate with me?"

Seeing a few people talking about business, the grandpa of the village chief felt that his task had been completed, so he smiled and stepped aside.

He never likes to get involved in his son's affairs, let him talk about it himself.

At the same time, the son of the village chief stepped forward and introduced with a smile:
"Mr. Bai, this is rich man Zheng from Ximiao Village. I heard that Mr. Bai can make a kind of greenhouse that burns briquettes. Rich man Zheng wants to ask you to help build the house."

During this period of time, there were quite a few similar inquiries, and it was the first one to directly find Bai Fu. For the sake of the village chief's grandpa, Bai Fu politely said to Mr. Zheng:

"Thank you Mr. Zheng for taking a fancy to our house, but I have handed over the construction of the house to Old Carpenter Li. You can ask someone to talk to him directly."

Since the authorization was given to Carpenter Li, naturally it would be more appropriate for them to talk directly.

Seeing what Bai Fu said, Mr. Zheng knew that she had misunderstood, so he simply made his words clearer:
"To tell you the truth, my family also has a craftsman's shop, which is larger than that of Old Carpenter Li, so I want to cooperate with you to build it myself."

Bai Fu suddenly realized.

What Ganqing just said about asking someone to help build a house is not to build a house for him, but to help him build a house for others.

This difference can be big.

The former is to take care of the business of the old craftsman Li, while the latter is to steal the business of the old craftsman Li.

However, after more than half a year of running-in, Bai Fu now feels that Old Carpenter Li is a partner worthy of long-term cooperation——
Reliable work, perseverance and love to study.

When the cash flow was not working well before, she allowed her to default on the payment for the goods. Years ago, she was busy rushing to get the delivery into the yard and did not rest until the day before New Year's Eve. Other cooperation is also very smooth, and she usually actively discusses and communicates with her about anything.

Worried that he said that Carpenter Li was an exclusive authorization would make Carpenter Li's shop very popular, so Bai Fu thought of a suitable reason--
"Master Zheng, I'm afraid this won't work. The recipe was worked out by us and Old Carpenter Li. It's useless for you to look for me alone."

After Mr. Zheng finished speaking just now, he kept observing Bai Fu's reaction. Seeing that the young man was as he had heard, he didn't consider other cooperation opinions at all, and he was not annoyed. He smiled and said:
"Little friend, don't rush to give an answer. I have dealt with Old Carpenter Li's shop for many years, and I know it well. If they don't have your son's guidance, they will definitely not be able to come up with such a formula."

Mr. Zheng's workshop is relatively large, and it has been developing rapidly in recent years, so he doesn't like Lao Li's workshop at all.


Bai Fu waved his hand, "It's my advice, but the advice is limited, they really figured it out by themselves."

"Master Bai can't bluff people."

The village chief's son suddenly interjected:
"Others don't know, but I do. That thing was first brought out by Xiao Si'er, and Old Carpenter Li just used it."

After that, he turned to Master Zheng with a flattering attitude, "Master, you believe me, I have seen it with my own eyes, it is absolutely true."

Master Zheng nodded, and looked at Bai Fu again, with an expression that you have to give me a reasonable explanation.

After finding out that Mr. Bai was only working with Old Carpenter Li before, he rested his mind, but after hearing what the village chief's son said, he decided to make this trip.

What happened to the village chief's son?

Bai Fu frowned slightly.

Without any evidence, just opening his mouth made people believe him.

This Mr. Zheng is even more inexplicable.

Did you come to talk to me about cooperation, or did you come to talk to me?
Who are you posing this for?

Xiao Si'er did put a lot of thought into researching the cement formula, but it's not all due to him. When Xiao Si'er took it out, it was Xiao Si'er alone?
And even if it's all due to Xiao Si'er, if Xiao Si'er and I don't admit it, can you still force me to cooperate?

"Then you must be mistaken."

Bai Fu didn't want to get entangled with the two people who were not clear about this topic, so he said something casually.

"Impossible, I read that right!" the village chief's son insisted.

Bai Fu: "."

stupid guy.

Bai Fu was a little impatient, and lowered his face:

"Business is all about what you like and what you want. Sit down and talk about everything, and there will always be a way. You have your own shop, so you can try to talk to Old Carpenter Li about other ways of cooperation. As long as you are sincere, you can always reach an agreement. It won't do you any good to mess around with me here."

She said it without mercy.

Master Zheng and the village chief's son both understood, and their expressions immediately turned ugly.

The village head's son had a more complicated expression on his face, but Bai Fu didn't bother to think about him, so he was about to leave.

On the other side, the old village head had just chatted with a passing villager, and when he turned around, he felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere among them.

Just as he was hesitating whether to go forward and ask, Bai Fu over there had already turned around to look over, bowed and said:
"Grandpa, the village chief, we're done talking, so I'll go back first."

The village chief didn't know why, so he really thought they were done talking, subconsciously nodded and said:

"go Go."

Bai Fu bowed slightly to the two people on the opposite side again, then turned and left.

Bai Fu didn't pay attention to the little episode just now, and forgot about it when he turned his head, humming a little tune while walking to enjoy the scenery.

Although the weather is still quite cold, you can still feel that the temperature is slowly warming up.

Spring is late but arrives.

Presumably it won't be long before the spring blossoms.

Not far away, a few little girls came in front of them with bamboo baskets on their backs. It seemed that they had seen the snow melt and went to pick pigweed on the mountain. When they saw Bai Fu, they greeted Bai Fu shyly and were about to leave , but was stopped by Bai Fu.

"There are local vegetables now?"

Bai Fu approached a little girl and rummaged through the straw basket, "Is this also used to feed pigs?"

The little girl snatched candy from Bai Fu's door during the New Year's Eve, and secretly watched Bai Fu a few times. Seeing the nobleman approaching at this moment, she was at a loss and froze, not daring to move.
"My pigs are not picky eaters."

Bai Fu burst out laughing.

"Then your pigs are really easy to raise."

Bai Fu held back a smile and said, thinking for a while, "You have picked so much, can you sell me some?"

Without looking at the count, he grabbed the copper coins from the purse and handed them over, "Is it enough?"

The little girl was stunned, and then her eyes widened. How valuable is this weed?

"Chun Ni, what are you doing here, give it to Mr. Bai!"

The other little girl reacted quickly, gave Chunni a push, and then unloaded her straw basket and handed it to Bai Fu, "Young Master, do you still buy it? I picked a lot too."

The bamboo baskets are full of green vegetables.

Bai Fu nodded, and gave the copper plate in his hand to Chuni, who was still dazed, and grabbed another handful for this clever little girl, "What's your name?"

The little girl accepted the money with a smile, her eyes were bright but she did not forget to answer, "My name is Xia Liu, my lord. What do you want so many weeds for?"

"Of course it's food." Bai Fu said, "By the way, if you're not busy, can you do me a favor?"

Chun Ni was about to say that I had to go home and cook, but Xia Liu stopped her mouth, "My lord, what is there to do for us little girl, just tell us what you want us to do!"

Bai Fu said: "It's very simple, you go to the village and ask, who has a lot of eggs, I bought them all, and those who are willing to sell them will be sent to my house."

Xia Liu immediately complied, dragging Chunni and the other girls to run away.

When Mr. Fei came back, he saw Bai Fu sharing local vegetables and boiled eggs in front of the temporary big pot at the door. full."

"Young Master Bai spent money to buy our eggs, and gave us to eat them after cooking. How dare you do that?" A woman said, and she was about to stuff something into Bai Fu's hand, "I'd better return the money to you."

Bai Fu held the spatula in a gesture of surrender.

"You give me back the money, but I have no way to return the eggs to you. I have to go to the town to buy them. Auntie, don't bother me."

She pointed to the big and small children who gathered together to eat happily:

"I happened to see Chunni's local vegetables. I thought it was a pity that I didn't eat boiled eggs with local vegetables on March [-] this year. So I asked my neighbors to eat together. You are welcome."

"Is there a custom of eating eggs on March [-]rd in your hometown?"

Huang Qiuyang was waiting for the boy to peel the eggs, so he leaned over and asked.

Bai Fu gave him a disgusted look, he is so grown up, it's really hard to eat an egg and have to be peeled.
"March [-]rd, local vegetables are used as a panacea." Xiao Liang cheerfully replied for Bai Fu while peeling an egg.

"Then I can eat a few more."

Huang Qiuyang took the peeled egg and took a bite. Although he didn't taste anything special, why did he feel that it was very fragrant?

The young man heard that the young master said he wanted to eat a few more, so he looked at Bai Fu, meaning to bring a few more, and Bai Fu only gave him one, "You eat this, don't give it to your young master, people who can't even peel eggs are not eligible." Eat eggs."

Huang Qiuyang: "."

"Xiao Bai, I know how to peel eggs." Xiao Si giggled, and gave Huang Qiuyang a proud look.

Xiao Si shook her head and ate the eggs, and suddenly saw her father not far away, and hurried to pull him closer to Bai Fu, "Xiaobai, Xiaobai, my father can peel eggs, he is qualified to eat."

Bai Fu raised his head to look at Mr. Fei, seeing Mr. Qingjuan's embarrassment, he hurriedly smiled and handed over two boiled eggs, "Then you can only eat two, too much is not easy to digest."

Mr. Fei reached out to take it, and before he could thank you, he heard Xiaosi shouting, "Daddy, peel one off and show Xiaobai!"

Mr. Fei: "."

Bai Fu: "."

"Xiao Si said that you haven't been to the academy for the past two days." Bai Fu changed the subject to try to ease the embarrassment.

Mr. Fei nodded his head, "I happen to have something to ask you, let's go into the room and talk about it."

Bai Fu didn't know why, seeing that Mr. Fei had turned around, he handed the spatula in his hand to Huang Qiuyang, "If you don't know how to peel eggs, send them eggs."

Huang Qiuyang: "."

(End of this chapter)

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