Chapter 137 Injured Infection
After Yizhuxiang kung fu, the chariot battle still had no intention of stopping. Bai Fu hadn't used cold weapons much, and his hand holding the machete gradually became weak.

Primal fighting is just that bad.

Bai Fu expressed his disgust.

Looking at the man in black again, the sword is still flying with vigor, but the aim is not as good as before, Bai Fu saw the man's tense muscles trembling from the sleeve of the luxurious clothes.

This is not the way to go.

She took a chance to retreat behind the man in black, and said in a low voice:
"I'm leaving. If you don't want to fight anymore, run away quickly."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the man to give her a response, while beating, she galloped towards the big brown horse that had consciously retreated into the distance.

After fighting with Bagh for so long, Bai Fu's lightness skills can't be said to be invincible now, but it is enough to get rid of a few killers.

She swished and ran happily.

The killers seemed to know that she was a make-shift, so they didn't stop her too much, and concentrated their firepower on the man.

Bai Fu glanced back, the man was trapped.

Hey, is this saving or not?

But she can't even hold a knife, so no matter how she saves people, she can't use her weapon.

While hesitating, Bai Fu finally got close to the big brown horse. Just as he got on the horse, someone jumped up behind him. Startled, Bai Fu subconsciously turned his elbow. The man's big palm wrapped the elbow that was coming hard, and he shouted:

"Come on."

It's a subwoofer.

The action is pretty fast.

Bai Fu didn't hesitate any longer, pulled the rein, and the big brown horse galloped in an unguarded direction.

According to Bai Fu's measurements, the speed of the big brown horse is about [-] kilometers per hour, which is not too slow compared to modern cars, but those killer horses are not bad, and they are dedicated to their duties and chase after them.

Behind him came the sound of horseshoes, the sound of chasing and killing, and the sound of a man blocking a bow and arrow with a sword.

Clang clang.

Bing Bing Bing.

An arrow grazed her hair, and the big brown horse neighed in shock.

Bai Fu was furious.

My sister managed to get a good horse!

She gritted her teeth and yelled "You're in control of the horse", then turned around and got behind the man in black.

Facing the killer who was chasing after her, she curled her lips slightly and activated the bracelet directly.

Fuck your grandma, it's not over yet.

The wristband is fully charged today, so killing this group of people at once is not a problem.

Just for a moment, the black-clothed man's kung fu of controlling the horse suddenly felt quiet behind him, and when he turned around, he was already lying down behind him, and no one came after him.

He stared slightly, and was about to ask what was going on, when Bai Fu suddenly adjusted his sitting posture, sat behind the man, slapped his ass, and did not give the man in black a chance to speak, hugged the man's tall body in his arms, regardless of facing forward. run.

Brother, run away and see what to see.

A certain prince who was embraced by someone for the first time in his life: "."

After confirming that the safe distance was reached, and there was absolutely no possibility for the men to go back and check the cause of death of the group of people, Bai Fu stopped his horse.

"Okay, we're safe now, I'm going to continue on my way, this good man, please feel free." Bai Fu performed a quack salute, politely asking the man to dismount.

The man didn't move.

Bai Fu: "."

What's the situation?Too reserved?

"This brother?"

Bai Fu leaned over from the right side to look at the man in the black robe, and saw that the man was frowning tightly, covering his chest with one hand, his clothes were already wet, because it was in the black clothes, he couldn't tell if he didn't look carefully before.

The man had a pained look on his resolute face.

"Are you injured?" Bai Fu asked in surprise.

Just now I saw that he was very fierce. Using cold weapons is much more powerful than hers. Why didn't she know when she was injured? !

The man didn't answer, but his expression became more forbearing, "Take me to a hidden place, thank you very much."

"Come on, count me as unlucky, and remember to compensate me for the loss later." After pondering for a moment, Bai Fu stopped talking nonsense, hugged the man and continued to run forward.

"General B, there are traces of fighting ahead! There is also a mark left by the prince."

A soldier came galloping on horseback, pointing in one direction and reporting.

Without saying a word, General B urged his horse forward with a sullen face, while a group of black armored guards rushed away aggressively behind him.

Most of the originally mighty team was diverted away in an instant, leaving only a small team guarding a carriage and continuing to move forward in the original direction.

Fatty Le on the carriage looked terrified, "The prince was attacked again?!"

Before the trip, Xiao Shizi said that there would be a wave of extremely dangerous assassinations this time, so he asked the prince to bring more manpower, and repeatedly told the prince not to act independently like before.

But the regent is not a person who will obediently listen to his son, he left overnight after finishing his work in Anzhou.

Lego looked away, "It's not surprising that the prince didn't have any accidents when he went out. Don't worry, the little prince said that the prince is blessed with great destiny, and he is a big character who will go to the end of the whole play."

Le Fat sighed.

"In the past, I only heard about how arrogant and domineering the regent is, but I don't know that the price of this arrogance is so high."

Yuanlue, who was sitting on the chair of the carriage eating fruit, picked up another fruit and began to eat it without raising his eyelids.

It was getting dark.

It is definitely not possible to stay in a hotel in this situation, and the wilderness is not safe. After thinking about it, when Bai Fu passed by a farmer's household, he gave the blind old farmer some silver coins, and took the man to stay.

The man opened his eyes when he got off the horse, and then closed them quickly. Bai Fu helped him into the house, and lay down on the only wooden bed.

"Seeing that you come from a wealthy background, you are definitely not used to such a simple place, but it's not our turn to pick and choose now, so let's recharge our energy and store up energy for tomorrow."

"I was shot."

The man interrupted what Bai Fu was going to say next, and pointed to his chest, "First find a knife and take out the arrow."

Bai Fu: "...I don't know how to take arrows."

Those arrows just now had barbed hooks, and it might be difficult to pull them out after they penetrate into the flesh. It needs a special person to operate to reduce the pain.

"You look for the knife, I'll do the rest." The man said with pain.


Bai Fu found a blunt kitchen knife in the kitchen room, entered the room, glanced at the machete, and finally took out a fruit knife from his bag and handed it over.

"Is this possible?"

Apart from the machete given by Mrs. He, this is the only thing she has in her hand now. After all, she doesn't need a knife very much except for cutting fruits.

The man in black raised his eyelids and glanced at the pink handle of the knife, his temples twitched twice, "You, a big man, carry such a fancy thing with you?"

The tone is rather disgusting.

Bai Fu was a little speechless, when is this, is this the point now?
"So do you use it or not?" she asked, making a gesture to put away the knife.

The man reached out to take it, and tore off his clothes, exposing the wound to Bai Fu before he could touch it.

Subconsciously glanced at the handsome figure, Bai Fu looked at the wound and gasped.

It seems that the arrow has been hit for a long time, and the shaft of the arrow was broken at some point. At this time, the fracture has sunk into the flesh and blood, and the wound is bloody.

How painful should this be?
But the man didn't even hum.
Bai Fu, who had only seen a one-stroke lethal weapon, was shocked at this moment.

Compared with instant death, such a wound that cannot be entered or exited is more tormenting one's will.

She couldn't help shivering.

She is not afraid of suffering, but afraid of pain.

Just as she was hesitating whether to help, the man in black had already stabbed him with a knife, flipped his wrist flexibly, and pulled out the barbed arrow in two or three strokes.

There is still bright red flesh and blood on the barbs, which is shocking.

Very good, familiar technique.

It shouldn't be the first time this kind of thing has been done.

Bai Fu couldn't help but look at this man a few more times, big brother, a man of steel!

The man seemed to have exhausted all his strength, the knife and arrow fell on the bed, and he leaned limply on the head of the bed, letting the wound bleed continuously.

"Do you have medicine for golden sores?" Bai Fu asked.

The man closed his eyes and shook his head weakly, "No."

Bai Fu was silent, got up and took out the medicine kit from the bag, and helped him clean the wound.

"It hurts a little, bear with it, otherwise the wound is so deep, it will definitely be infected."

The man didn't struggle, nodded and lay down with his eyes tightly closed. Perhaps he had exhausted all his strength, but Bai Fu heard the sound of the bed being smashed.

During the disinfection process, the man remained silent, and Bai Fu vaguely heard the sound of his teeth rubbing against each other.

The movement of the hands subconsciously relaxed again.

There is no way, the medical bag is full of routine travel medicines, and she can't change the anesthetics, so he can only let him carry them alive.

She wasn't sure if this treatment would work, but it was better than nothing.

After cleaning the wound, Bai Fu went to the kitchen and asked for some boiling water. After cooling down, he took the anti-inflammatory medicine in the bag for the man, and fell asleep on his stomach on the table beside him.

She was really tired today, so she could fall asleep in seconds while lying on her stomach.

The next day, when Bai Fu was woken up by knocking on the door, the man was still asleep.

She got up and walked lightly to open the door. She saw a blind old woman holding two bowls of gruel at the door. When she heard the door open, she said:

"There's nothing good at home. Here's millet porridge and steamed buns. The two of you are stuffing your stomachs."

These are two bowls of porridge that are so thin that it is difficult to see the rice grains. Fortunately, there are steamed buns to put them on.

Bai Fu thanked him for taking it, and then remembered that he hadn't eaten last night, so he drank his own bowl first, and ate another steamed bun. Seeing that the man hadn't woken up, he went up and touched his forehead. .

It still appears to be infected.

I had no choice but to take out the remaining box of anti-inflammatory drugs from the bag, and fed it to the man, muttering in pain while feeding:
"Ouch, my life-saving pill is gone just like that. We met by chance, big brother. I don't know if you will survive to make up for me."

In the past two years, she was reluctant to take these medicines unless she had to. Occasionally, she used the Fang Zisheng taught by Mr. Yu to carry it over when she had a fever and a cold.

But a human life is in front of us, we have to save it.

"One thousand taels, you took two yesterday, and two more today." She glanced at the tablet of anti-inflammatory medicine in her hand, there were still eight pills left on the tablet, "There are twelve pills in total, you should be able to afford it, right?"

After finishing speaking, she glanced at the man, saw his eyelids move, and hurriedly said what she said just now.

"It's quite expensive, do you want to eat it or not?"

She asked tentatively, seeing that the man frowned, not knowing whether it was painful or too expensive, and said: "If you want it all at once, I can make it cheaper for you."

This time she confirmed that the man heard it.

The man didn't open his eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, "Is 10 taels enough?"

Bai Fu: "!!!!!!"

Enough, enough, that must be enough!
She originally wanted to say that 2000 pieces cost 8000 taels, and it would be [-] taels if the discount was [-].

Who knew this man was so arrogant!

Bai Fu looked at the man again, and felt that the man didn't look so pale anymore, his whole body was glowing golden!

God of Wealth, this is it.

The opening is 10 taels!

"It's a virtue to draw swords to help when the road is injustice. Forget it. Everyone has difficulties, so I won't say more. Don't worry, I will do my best to save you." Bai Fu said very gently.

That's it.

These medicines will expire if they are not used anymore, there is no point in thinking about them, let them make the best use of them.

(End of this chapter)

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