The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 307 Condemnation

Chapter 307 Punishment (Part [-])
Three days ago · Palace of Funing
Jiang Yuanyao took those letters to the hall to answer, and after staying for less than half an hour, he was sent out of the hall by Li Fu.

Emperor Jin He's complexion was ashen, and a layer of cold air invaded his whole body.

He didn't think it was a big deal how to dispose of these dirty things.

Only the Zheng family.

In the past 20 years, how much he would like to extend his favor and treat him generously, but the Zheng family will always be so unwilling to cherish blessings and not satisfied!
If you are not greedy enough, you deserve death!
Li Fu sent someone back from the outside, seeing that Jin and Emperor's faces were still so ugly, it can be seen that he was not at all relieved.

He pursed the corners of his lips, and hurried forward with his hands tucked in: "The official, Mr. Jiang Dalang knows about it."

As for what he knew, he didn't elaborate.

Emperor Jinhe obviously knew it in his heart, so he hummed heavily: "Where are Dalang and the others?"

"Someone has been sent out of the palace to pass on a message, and several highnesses will come later."

Emperor Jinhe thought for a while again: "When Sanlang enters the palace, send him to Hanzhang Hall. You don't have to go to Funing to answer. Tell him to stay by the queen's bed and take care of his mother's sickness."

But these things are not something you can hide if you want to.

In less than half a day, the city will be full of wind and rain.

The Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Punishment will start to investigate the case, and those who should be arrested will be ransacked immediately.

Li Fu sighed inwardly, he really didn't know how to persuade him.

About half an hour later, Zhao Yu and his brothers rushed to the palace.

It is true that Zhao Yi failed to enter Funing, and Li Fu arranged someone to lead him directly to Funing Palace.

He did ask on the way, but the servants in front of the imperial court were tight-lipped, so he would not ask again.

The two brothers Zhao Yu and Zhao Xing entered the hall one after the other, and after seeing the faces of Emperor Jin and Emperor, their hearts sank.

On the way into the palace, they also listened twice, knowing that Jiang Yuanyao had been here, but no one told him what he was here for, and they had no way of knowing.

The two looked at each other, and Zhao Yu called his father in a slow tone: "What's the matter? I heard from the servants below that Jiang Dalang came to Funing earlier to answer."

Jin Hedi hummed heavily, without even raising their eyelids, they just glanced over lightly, but then they didn't say anything, and clicked on the stack of letters that were left open on the case.

He really just tapped it with his fingertips, and Zhao Yu understood what he meant.

Zhao Xing also stepped forward quickly.

When the two brothers read all the letters, they were all shocked and annoyed.

"Father, this—"

Before Zhao Xinghou could finish his words, Zhao Yu held him down, "Father, are these brought back by General Xiao Jiang from Nanyuan?"

"He captured King Nanyuan alive. These are all things that were found in King Nanyuan's tent, and other things. I just asked Li Fu to take out the correspondence between the Zheng family and Nanyuan."

Jin Hedi's wrath has long since passed.

At the moment when he was the most angry, a tyranny surged in his chest.

How many years have not passed.

In the early years, when the court was in turmoil and the throne was unstable, he only had such emotions.

After nearly an hour now, it doesn't feel much anymore.

"You two sit down and talk."

Zhao Yu was still barely able to hold on, but Zhao Xing looked much more anxious.

Emperor Jin He saw it and shook his head: "You still want to practice more with your brother."

Zhao Xing didn't speak, just kept silent, and Zhao Yu and Zhao Yu went to the side and sat in the official hat chair.

After the two brothers sat down, Jin Hedi said solemnly: "Everything else is easy to deal with, just ask the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of Officials to deal with it strictly according to the regulations, but the Zheng family is the only one."

When his voice stopped, Zhao Yu knew it in his mind: "Is the father taking care of the mother?"

"The news cannot be concealed. If the Zheng family is really going to be moved, can it be concealed from the empress? I asked Sanlang to accompany him in the Hanzhang Hall and not let him come to Funing to discuss matters. This is also for this reason."

Emperor Jinhe looked up at Zhao Yu: "What do you say?"

"The country has state laws, and the family has family rules. Those letters, although there is no collaborating with the enemy and treasonous remarks, can communicate with Nanyuan. This is treason, enough to be convicted!"

Zhao Yu gritted his teeth: "Not to mention the sudden rebellion in Nanyuan this time, there may be some important ministers in the court who tipped off the news, and the Zheng family is especially suspicious!"

Emperor Jin He squinted his eyes, and his eyes became deeper.

When Zhao Xing met those gazes for a moment, his heart skipped a beat: "Father, it's no wonder that the elder brother is excited. If you want to ask the minister to say the same thing."

Jin Hedi snorted, and didn't really care about it.

After all, it was the Zheng family who had done something wrong and committed a huge crime, and the evidence of the crime was there.

What's more, even when he is emotionally unstable, no matter how much you ask the child according to the standards of a wise gentleman, it is impossible to make him have no desires and no desires, and no matter what happens, he will not have the slightest mood swings.

So think about it.

He slowed down: "Let's put the matter of the Zheng family on hold for a while, and it will definitely be dealt with later, but you can't mix with those people, otherwise, once it is dealt with, there will be no room for maneuver.

Your mother is not well, probably can't bear it. "

That is to say, from the bottom of his heart, he still wants to be open to Zheng Jiawang.

Killing or shutting down other people's homes, dismissal from office, and exile are all nothing to worry about.

If it is the Zheng family, it is another story.

Zhao Yu's face turned serious: "I think it's wrong."

Before Jin and Emperor could speak, Zhao Xing followed by and echoed, "I don't think so either!

If the father sets this precedent for the Zheng family, outsiders will inevitably say that the father is partial to protecting and protecting the Zheng family.

Even such a serious crime as collaborating with the enemy and treason can be extra merciful to the Zheng family, so what crime can the Zheng family not afford?

If the government and the public know it, what is the majesty of the court?Where is the law?
The father and the emperor cared about the mother's body, but this was government affairs and had nothing to do with the harem.

Even if it's dealt with, the queen mother shouldn't have anything to do with it.

The father is afraid that the queen mother will find out that the Zheng family has been convicted and punished by you, and the whole family will end badly. Of course, she will be sad and angry. If something goes wrong at home, the condition is bound to get worse.

But father, the royal hospital is serving with all their heart, there are no precious medicinal materials in the world, and the mother's body can still be raised slowly. However, once the national law and monarchy have given the Zheng family a precedent and extraordinary grace, what will happen in the future? What about convincing the public?

Could it be that if such a thing happens again in the future, I will ask others to talk about it. In the past, the Zheng family could not be convicted of collaborating with the enemy and treason, so what will the court use to punish me?

Or, father, are you planning to pick the Zheng family out, pick it up completely, just pretend that this incident never happened, and wait until the incident calms down, and then find another reason to punish the Zheng family? "

(End of this chapter)

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