Chapter 317 Deng Ai is Here
When Liu Chan was checking the kit in the palace, the General's Mansion also welcomed an unexpected visitor.

A servant in soap clothes walked quickly into the study, and said to Ma Di who was reading "Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan" attentively: "General, Cao Deng Ai, who has made great achievements in Nanyang Diannong, please see me."

Hearing this name, Ma Di was startled, not expecting that a copy of "Jade New Classics" with pictures would suddenly fall out of "Chunqiu Zuozhuan".

He calmly put the "Jade Girl's New Classic" back into "Chunqiu Zuozhuan", closed the book, put it back on the shelf, and ordered his attendants to invite Deng Ai in quickly.

The attendant bowed his head and walked away quickly.

After a while, a middle-aged man who was nearly 40 years old came in from the door holding a talisman.This person has a square face, broad forehead, thick eyebrows and short beard, and the official robes are so loosely worn on his body, not very particular.Before he had time to salute, Ma Su greeted him first, looked down into his eyes, and asked with half doubt and half joy, "Are you Deng Ai?"

Deng Ai first bowed his hands and gave a salute, and then he replied as slowly as possible: "Hui Hui Hui Da. General. Jun, Xia Xia. Officer. It is. Deng Deng Deng Ai."

After a short pause, he blushed and continued, "I'm an official. Yes, yes. I'm here to report the matter of Tun Tun Tun Tian."

"Oh, don't worry, sit down and talk slowly, I don't eat people." Ma Su nodded generously, and didn't mind Deng Ai's stuttering defect, as long as he was good at fighting, even if he was dumb, it didn't matter.

The two sat down at the table, and Deng Ai took out a volume of official documents from his arms and handed them to Ma Su. After calming down for a while, he said: "The matter of garrisoning the fields was originally ordered by the prime minister in front. , Now that the world has been unified, the Prime Minister has finished the farming work a few days ago, and Deng Aite is here to deliver the errand."

After the tension was relieved, Deng Ai spoke more fluently.

"Oh, you did a good job." Ma Di took the official document and threw it aside, "Since you have done a good job in farming this time, this general has decided to promote you to join the army as a general."

Hearing this, Deng Ai was taken aback, and was immediately stunned by this sentence.

"General, I haven't reported the matter of farming..."

How did you succeed if you haven't reported yet?

Deng Ai is a straightforward person. Although he has done a good job in farming this time and is worthy of a promotion, he cannot accept this kind of unreasonable charity.

You are a great general, you can promote whoever you want, but you have to listen to me!
Seeing that Deng Aiguo was as stubborn as in the legend, Ma Di nodded, "That's fine, you can report, by the way, what do you do for work?"

"The lower official is a Diannong Gongcao, the official in charge of farming in Nanyang." Deng Ai emphasized again solemnly, and said: "This time Nanyang has a total of 20 mu of farmland, with [-] households in civilian villages and [-] households in military villages. Ten thousand households..."

Listening to his words, Ma Su's thoughts fluctuated, and Deng Ai's information involuntarily appeared in his mind.

The Deng family used to be a wealthy family in Xinye, Nanyang. Deng Ai was born in the second year of Jian'an (197), a time of frequent wars and social turmoil. , the hardships of life can be imagined.However, Deng Ai received a good education since he was a child, which had a major impact on his life.

In the 13th year of Jian'an (208), after Cao Cao captured Jingzhou, he forced the local people to move northward. Deng Ai, his mother, and his clan were forcibly moved to Runan (now Shangcai, Henan) as villagers.Because of his young age, Deng Ai worked as a cow herder for a long time to supplement his family income.

Although his family was in decline, Deng Ai had great ambitions since he was a child. When he was 12 years old, he read the two sentences in the inscription of the late Taiqiu Chang Chen Shi, "Writing is the model of the world, and the conduct of the people is the rule", and he admired him happily, so he named himself Deng Fan, and the word was Shi Ze.Later, because there was someone with the same name as him in the clan, he changed his name to Deng Ai.

Among the Tuntian people, there are very few talented people. When he grew up, Deng Ai was recommended as a subordinate official under the command of the captain of Diannong based on his talent. to say.It can be regarded as a way to change the door.But because of stuttering, Captain Diannong thought that he was not suitable for an important position, so he appointed him as a small official who guarded the straw.

However, it is not easy for the villagers from poor backgrounds to stand out. After nearly 20 years of mediocrity, Deng Ai finally survived step by step to become an outstanding farmer and help manage the farm.Once, Deng Ai went to Luoyang to report on official affairs, and met Taiwei Sima Yi.Sima Yi appreciated his talent very much, and recruited him as a subordinate of the Taiwei Mansion, and was later promoted to Shang Shulang.

In the early years of Zhengshi (240-249), the State of Wei was preparing to garrison fields in the southeast area, store up military supplies, and deal with the State of Wu, so Deng Ai was sent to inspect.Deng Ai patrolled from Chen County, Xiang County, and Shouchun.After investigation, Deng Ai put forward two important suggestions: first, dig rivers and canals and build water conservancy to irrigate farmland, increase output per unit area and dredge water transportation; second, implement large-scale military settlements in Huaibei and Huainan.Therefore, he wrote "Jihe Lun" to clarify his point of view.

Sima Yi was very satisfied after reading it, and adopted and implemented Deng Ai's point of view.From the second year of Zhengshi (241), the state of Wei opened rivers in Huainan and Huaibei, and made a large-scale garrison.A few years later, from Luoyang, Kyoto to Shouchun, along the way, the soldiers looked at each other, and the sounds of chickens and dogs were heard, and there was a scene of prosperity and prosperity.Since then, Wei's defense in the southeast has also been greatly strengthened.Every time there is a war, the army can go down by boat and quickly reach the Jianghuai.

It can be said that in the original time and space, the Cao Wei regime can always maintain the strongest strength among the Three Kingdoms, especially in the later period, it can quickly widen the gap with the Shu and Wu countries, and Deng Ai has made great contributions.

Deng Ai is the kind of talent with top-notch domestic and military capabilities and a clean slate of political capabilities.If it is used well, it is a sharp knife; if it is not used well, it will hurt yourself.


Ma Di collected his thoughts and looked at Deng Ai, who just happened to finish his report at this time, looking forward to it.

"Well, not bad, you did a very good job!"

Deng Ai was overjoyed and cupped his hands again and again: "Thank you for your compliment, General."

Ma Su let out a "huh" and then asked: "I heard that you like to discuss military affairs. Whenever you see mountains and rivers, you will survey the terrain there and point out the barracks. You don't mind being ridiculed by others. Is there such a thing?"

Deng Ai was startled, then overjoyed, "Back to the general, there is indeed such a thing."

No matter how idiotic his political ability is, he still knows the meaning of being a subordinate who is paid close attention to by his boss, even asking about old things.

Either to be cleaned up, or to be upgraded.

Obviously, this time it was the latter.

Deng Ai had reason to be happy.

Ma Di looked at this upright and honest farmer without words, "I think, in view of your outstanding performance in the field, I will make you a general in the army, and follow General Jiang Wei to attack the Qiang. I don't know what you want?"

"General Xie, General Xie, how dare you disobey your orders!"

Ma Di waved his hand, signaling to the general's subordinates to take Deng Ai to change his identity talisman.

It was his impromptu plan to get Deng Ai and Jiang Wei together.

He once heard people say that people with incompatible characters are born enemies, even if they are in the same camp, they will be enemies.Now, bring these two enemies together, with Jiang Wei on top and Deng Ai on the bottom, let Jiang Wei treat Deng Ai well.

Hehehe, Boyo, you don't have to thank me
Thinking of this, Ma Su burst out laughing.

Just at this time, Ma Feng, the sixth child born to his original partner, Ma Feng, five years old, ran in with short legs, chasing a bouncing inflatable cuju.

As soon as he sees Ma Feng, Ma Di will think of Ma Feng's twin, Ma Yun, the seventh, but the seventh died at a very young age.

Because the framework of the King of the Western Regions is still under construction, and it will take at least a year to settle in, the whole family is piled up in the General's Mansion in Chang'an, including Axiu who came back from Xiqiang and her son Ma Pang.

Because of his mother's relatively good physical fitness, Ma Pang was fat and chubby when he was a child, which was very attractive, so Ma Di gave him the nickname "Fat Pang", and later he simply called Ma Pang.

Compared with the well-behaved, sensible and lovely Ma Fatty, Ma Di doesn't like this mischievous Ma Feng a little bit less.

Therefore, the moment he saw Cuju rolling over, Ma Di raised his foot and stepped on it.

Ma Feng stopped his short legs, raised his head, looked over expectantly, and called "Father", hoping that Ma Di could kick the ball back to him.

Ma Di also felt that one should not treat one more favorably than another, and should give Ma Feng a little paternal love and interact with this stinky boy, so that he would not be so naughty all day long and cause trouble everywhere.

So he raised his leg, and under the expectant eyes of the little one, kicked.
Stepped on this inflatable cuju.

Ma Feng cried "Wow", and when his small body was tilted, he lay on the ground and rolled over.

Ma Su let out a sigh of relief, feeling extremely transparent all over.

After a while, Mrs. Ma, who was still charming, ran in in a panic, looked at Ma Di in fear, picked up the little one and ran away.


At the same time, the imperial palace, Guangyang Hall.

The chubby Liu Chan stared at the five words on the kit, dumbfounded.

【Listen to the General】

 PS; everyone is so good, you have guessed the plot, cowhide!

  Thank you for the monthly pass, I forgot the codeword.

(End of this chapter)

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