Chapter 72
Makino was silent.

He plucked his short hair hard, with his mouth slightly open, his face was full of surprise: "Why do you want to reduce the number of awakened people?"

"I'm not very clear." Li Henshui grabbed the wine bottle on the coffee table and took a sip: "Only the three people in the Central Council know this."


Uncontrollably hiccupping, Li Henshui lightly covered his vermilion lips, and said playfully, "Maybe it's for stability?"

"It was the same before the federation was established, because there were too many people left."

"The inner city of Tianjing, which had just been established at that time, could not accommodate so many people."

"Instead of waiting for the crisis to erupt, it is better to take the initiative to solve the crisis first."

Li Henshui's eyes twitched slightly: "You should know about the inner city of Tianjing, right?"

"Smaller than Nanjiang City, almost equivalent to one-fifth of the area of ​​Nanjiang City."

"There were more than 300 million people retained at that time, how could it be accommodated?"

"The outside of the sanctuary is full of alien species and wild beasts that have mutated and risen. Some of them were sent out to explore unknown areas, and most of them died in the premeditated civil strife."

"This is maintaining stability, sacrificing the interests of most people to maintain the survival of mankind." Li Henshui looked at Mu Ye who was expressionless and lost in thought, and smiled lightly: "Maybe too many awakened people are not conducive to their rule?"

When Li Henshui said this, he seemed to put himself on the opposite side of the ruler.

"However, in the past two years of overseas exploration, the investigation department has been wiped out."

"Overseas?" Muye broke away from his contemplation, and said in a deep voice, "I don't even know what it's like outside. I haven't been out of Nanjiang City in the past 20 years."

"Outside, there are vast grasslands and majestic mountains." Li Henshui stood up slowly, looked down at Mu Ye, her face was slightly drunk, she opened her arms, as if making a generous speech, and said: "Still There are magnificent seas."

"Do you know the sea?"

Muye raised his head slightly, looking at Li Henshui's face blocked by two half-covered mountains.

"Well, I'm not sure." Makino wanted to say that he used to live by the sea, and grew up soaking in sea water when he was a child.

"Then I'll take you to the beach if I have a chance." Li Henshui said proudly, "Take the only psychic ship in the Federation!"

He has no interest in visiting Muye on a psychic ship, but Li Henshui is a little interested in describing the outside world.

"You never said you were looking for something outside the city?" Makino asked suddenly.

"I thought you didn't ask." Li Henshui smiled, and said without hiding anything: "15 or [-] years ago, Li Rui came to Nanjiang City once."

"After that, the internal psychic technology project of United Laboratories was launched."

"For the use of psionic crystals, the Federation has been exploring for 300 years, and the progress is extremely slow. But after Li Rui came to Nanjiang City, everything changed."

"What you see tonight is the result of the past ten years." Li Henshui reached out and touched the silver ring on her little finger, and the next moment a small shiny silver pistol appeared in her hand: "In the end, it's all just A poor imitation."

Makino reached out to take the pistol, and weighed it with his hand.

For him, the weight is a bit light, but ordinary people need to hold at least both hands in order to use this pistol smoothly.

The energy fluctuations at the barrel were not very obvious, and Makino couldn't tell the material of the gun body.

Staring at the muzzle of the black hole.


There was a muffled sound, which was different from the violent sound of a traditional pistol. It seemed that a low-quality silencer was installed. The sound was suppressed by the special barrel built inside, making it very dull.

Makino held the pistol in his left hand against the palm of his right hand, and pressed the trigger hard.

Under Li Henshui's astonished gaze, Makino squeezed his right hand, and he caught the blue glow that shot out from the muzzle of the gun.

Feeling itchy palms, Makino spread out his right hand.

Except for a touch of bright red on the palm of the hand that quickly dissipated, nothing remained.

"It's very useful and doesn't pollute the environment." Mu Ye threw the pistol to Li Henshui: "It's really a great invention."

Li Henshui didn't care much about Muye's eccentricity.

"I came here this time to find something to inspire Li Rui." Li Henshui put away his pistol, his voice was dull.

"I think Li Rui should have searched for it many times." Muye pondered for a moment: "Isn't he the one who came to find that thing and developed the many mines outside Nanjing?"

"What confidence do you have that you'll find?"

Muye felt that although Li Henshui's reward was generous, he didn't have time to waste it if it took him a year or so to find it.

"Don't worry, I don't have much time." Li Henshui rubbed his temples with his fingers: "I have my own special method."

"That's fine, I'll take the money too, and I'll be there on time tomorrow." Mu Ye changed the subject and asked the question he'd always wanted to ask: "Why are you looking for me?"

"Because." Li Henshui stared at Muye with a smile on his face.

"Well, you know all of this." Makino didn't know what expression to use to respond to the sudden obscenity.

"Being able to meet an awakened person with an S-level sequence talent here is something everyone would want to make friends with."

"Look, this is the fourth time we've met. We've been able to sit down and talk for so long, and the relationship is obviously much closer than before."

Li Henshui stretched out his hand.

Makino blinked, stood up and shook hands with her.

"I'm approachable and don't like to make enemies. So it's a pleasure to work with."

Mu Ye nodded, Li Henshui was indeed close to a million people.

One shot is one hundred intermediate psionic crystals, which really costs one hundred million.

"By the way, can I ask you a question?" Li Henshui scratched Mu Ye's palm as if to seduce him.

Makino let go of his hand, a little surprised by Li Henshui's body temperature.

It looks like a dead person, cold and cold.

It seems that it was the same when I touched her thigh yesterday, but now the room is obviously well heated, so it shouldn't be so cold.

"What do you want to ask?" Makino put away his strange thoughts and asked.

"Don't you have any thoughts about the upcoming civil war?" Li Henshui's gaze inadvertently passed over Mu Ye's left chest.

"Is my opinion important?" Makino sneered, "If I don't want civil war, it won't happen?"

Li Henshui didn't speak, but just looked at Muye fixedly.

Originally tall, she put on high heels and her eyes were almost at Makino's level.

Mu Ye could see Li Henshui's unreasonable stubbornness, and was a little speechless: "Isn't this the way of the world?"

"These simple and blindly obedient federal people are clearly the creators of history, but I rarely see them in history books."

"These tens of millions of people are just objects in the eyes of the superiors."

"Live more when you need it, and destroy it when you don't need it."

"Weird is eating people, and they are eating people too." Gritting his teeth, Makino said fiercely, "Being humble and weak is the original sin."

(End of this chapter)

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