I swallowed and killed gods in a strange world

Chapter 50 Can You Do Me A Favor

Chapter 50 Can You Do Me A Favor

Qin Shiyun looked at the text message in the phone, and at the same time stared at Li Xingruo and Yu Xinzhu who were walking in front.

She hesitated for a moment before making a decision, and shouted to Li Xingruo: "I have something to do in the department, I have to go back."

While speaking, Qin Shiyun turned around and went up the stairs, paused for a moment and quickly said, "Something happened to Muye."

After speaking, Qin Shiyun stepped out of the three steps and hurried towards the exit, leaving only Li Xingruo with a sluggish face and Yu Xinzhu who squinted his eyes at the front.

"Which Muye is she talking about?" Yu Xinzhu looked at Li Xingruo who looked uncertain and asked with a complicated expression.

"Yes." Li Xingruo turned his head and a trace of anger flashed across his face: "It's Mu Ye who you said was dead."

Yu Xinzhu opened his mouth, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Seeing Qin Shiyun leave the underground passage, she walked up two steps to approach Li Xingruo and said, "You and he are not from the same world."

"Even if he is now a guard and an awakened one, he is just one of many."

"And you will be the saint of the church, the future Pope."

"The Pope who rules over tens of millions of people in the Federation!"

Yu Xinzhu continued loudly: "The future of the Federation, the hope of mankind."

"Xingruo, you need to know what you are carrying."

The dim light of the fire shone on the side of Li Xingruo's face, and she hid the other side of herself in the darkness.

"I see." Li Xingruo raised his foot down and passed Yu Xinzhu with a solemn expression.

"What's in the basement?" Li Xingruo said without any emotion.

"Bishop Qin is already waiting below." Yu Xinzhu looked at Li Xingruo with relief: "The specific situation is not clear yet."

"it is good."

Deep in the ground of the church, a middle-aged man with square eyebrows and gray hair, wearing a black loose cassock, looked around the blood-stained walls in the basement.

He frowned deeply, the sticky smell of blood in the air and the scattered knives and candlesticks on the ground made him slightly uncomfortable.

An indistinct black circle seemed to be painted with human blood.

Summoning ceremony or sacrificial ceremony?

Qin Yuanqing closed his eyes, and there was a faint fluctuation coming from his body.

"Squeak!" With a soft sound, the wooden door at the only exit from the basement was pushed open.

As soon as Li Xingruo entered the basement, he felt that the air was sticky, and the bloody smell rushed to his face.

It looks like a lot of people died down here.

Yu Xinzhu, who was following behind Li Xingruo, looked up at Qin Yuanqing who was standing in the center of the basement and said, "Did you find anything?"

Qin Yuanqing opened his eyes and looked at Yu Xinzhu. He first nodded at Li Xingruo, and then said: "There have been many sacrifices or summoning ceremonies here."

"Many people have died." Qin Yuanqing pointed to an uneven stone brick on the wall of the basement: "The key items have been lost, so it is difficult to judge."

"But according to the remaining breath of the alien species, it can be inferred that it is at least the seventh level."

"But the breath is too mixed, I don't know if there are other alien species."

On the aisle outside the church, Qin Shiyun held up her mobile phone and asked hurriedly, "Where is the location?"

"Village in the city, Nina's photo studio." Zhu Yi on the other end of the phone answered quickly.

Nina photo studio?
Qin Shiyun frowned slightly. This photo studio is not far from where she lives. The security department has gone in to investigate several times, even including herself, but they have never found anything weird or alien there.

"What about Muye, is it out yet?" Qin Shiyun asked while moving quickly.

When passing the marble slab road leading to the gate of the church, Qin Shiyun subconsciously looked at the copper street lamps carved with pine and cypress patterns lining the roadside.

"He's trapped inside. Some of us have rushed over, but they can't open the door." Zhu Yi replied anxiously, "We're almost at the church!"

Stepping out of the church gate, Qin Shiyun looked at the off-road vehicle that happened to be driving.

Glancing at Wang Chan who was in the driver's seat with a bandage on his head, Qin Shiyun opened the door and sat in the back seat: "Where's the minister?"

"The minister is still rushing back, and it is expected this afternoon." Zhu Yi hurriedly reported.

Wang Chan in the driver's seat beside him turned the steering wheel and drove towards the village in the city without saying a word.

Makino followed the gentleman in front of him into the church, walked along the aisle to the mass hall, along the way, the dome inlaid with blue and red broken glass shot in strands of colored light, the blue was almost black cast a shadow, and The red one is more like a puddle of filth thrown on the ground.

All the high windows here were closed, but the darkness did not become the protagonist, because dozens of kerosene lamps on the wall lit up when Makino stepped in.

Like a rootless fire, he didn't smell the burning kerosene at all.

Looking around at the worshipers who almost filled the entire mass hall with their heads lowered, Makino looked up at the bishop behind the altar.

He had seen this man on TV, the bishop of Nanjiang City, and heard that he was a very nice man.

Amidst the bishop's low, gentle but slightly stiff sermon, Makino quietly followed the gentleman in tuxedo in front of him on the aisle separating the left and right seats.

Finding an unoccupied seat near the aisle, the gentleman in the tuxedo turned around and motioned for Makino to sit down together.

Makino didn't resist, but happily sat next to the gentleman, and watched the gentleman put his cane on the back of the seat in front of him, took off his top hat and put it on his lap, and then clasped his hands against his drooping forehead.

During the whole process, he did it slowly and orderly, really like an orthodox gentleman praying seriously.

Makino slowly closed his eyes, listening attentively to the bishop's sermon.

"They were naked all night, in the cold with no cover."

"They were drenched by the rain on the mountain, and they approached the rock because they had no shelter."

"Some of them snatch orphans from their mother's arms, and take the clothes of poor people as pledges. They are poor people who have been forced to leave the way."

"The Holy Light did not give up on them, the Holy Light sheltered all beings!"


The design of the circular arch played a role at this time. The bishop's voice was constantly swirling and superimposed, and the sound entered his ears. Makino unexpectedly found it pleasant.

Just the sound is nice.

He calmly listened to the bishop's sermon until he finished the sermon and ended the mass ceremony.

After finishing the sermon, the bishop walked quietly to the prayer room on the right side of the door. His steps were light but not fast, and the whole process was dragged very lengthy.

It wasn't until the bishop walked into the prayer room that all the worshipers got up one by one and lined up.

Makino turned his head to look at the gentleman beside him, and only then did he realize that Nina was gone.

"Aren't you going to line up?"

"Holy Light has made arrangements." The gentleman's voice was soft and dull.

"Oh, just arrange it." Makino was silent for a few seconds and said, "Then the Holy Light also arranged for me?"

"You were an accident." The gentleman said dully, "Blasphemer, please do me a favor."

"Can you send me away after doing you this favor?" Mu Ye didn't ask what kind of favor he wanted.

"Also, why do you call me a blasphemer?"

 The new book sets sail and seeks to be collected and pursued.

(End of this chapter)

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