Chapter 705
Shen Shikui was actually quite nervous, because he was fighting now not only for himself, but also for his daughter and grandson.

Now Ding Yi's department is divided into Xu Dabao and Dongjiang in private.

While supporting Ruan Wenyan, she supported Shen Chuying.

Ruan Wenyan was married to Ding Yi as the eldest daughter of Huanghua, and she was also the main wife, so she naturally had a huge advantage.

This time Ding Yi's troops were divided into three groups, the first one was commanded by Ding Yi himself, and the two main generals were Shang Kexi and Shen Shigui. They were all from the Dongjiang faction, which had already attracted dissatisfaction from many Xu Dabao factions.

But I have to admit that these people from the Dongjiang Department used to have relatively high official positions and relatively strong abilities.

The generals of the Xu Dabao family all started their careers following Ding Yi. In terms of real skills, they may not be better than them, but these people are also earlier than Ding Yi. People like Zhao Dashan and Zhang Jing are all Ding Yi. Yi's starting brother.

But this time the main generals of the two routes are both Dongjiang, and many people still start to think wildly.

Someone privately revealed that the eldest son Ding Ye was spoiled and spoiled, lacking character, and poor academic performance, so he was very unpopular with Mr. Ding.

Now Ruan Wenlong and Ruan Siqing are in a hurry.

But Shen Shikui was very happy to hear that.

This is my grandson's chance.

But he also has to consider, such as Jeju and Dayuan, these overseas important places are all stationed by Xu Dabao's people.

Zhao Dashan and Huang Bin are all local vassals.

So at present, Xu Dabao and the Dongjiang Department are considered a tie.

Wait, what do I think these are for?Shen Shikui quickly shook his head, assuming that he had settled his eyes first before speaking.

Before Shen Shikui could think of what to say, Chen Shiyou said at this moment: "I have an idea, maybe we can save so many casualties."

Sometimes Chen was using a telescope to look into the distance, and kept looking at the mountains, because Niu Mao Village was surrounded by mountains and surrounded by mountains.

"How to fight? Old Chen." Shen Shikui was overjoyed, there are still people in Dongjiang Town.

Chen sometimes was a guerrilla in Lushun back then, higher than Ding Yi, how could Zhao Dashan, Zhang Zhang, Song Fei and those country bumpkins compare with them.

Sometimes Chen retracted the binoculars, and all the generals around looked at him, looking forward to it.

Indeed, if one had to attack from the only road in Niu Mao Village, there would definitely be heavy casualties.

The high ground in this place is uneven, full of mountain roads, some of which have to climb seventy or eighty degrees, and no carts, artillery, or trebuchets are allowed to walk.

Relying on the infantry to walk over and being under the opponent's artillery all the time, there must be heavy casualties.

"Think of ways from these places, as long as we can go up, we can win, and there will be almost no casualties." Chen sometimes smiled and pointed to the distance.

Following Chen Shiyou's finger, everyone suddenly realized.

It turned out that Chen sometimes meant climbing a mountain.

Climbing to the top of the surrounding hills, they will be condescending instead, and then use a trebuchet to throw petrol bombs into the village.

Because they were at a high place, it was absolutely impossible for the Hongyi cannons in the village to hit them.

Such heavy Hongyi cannons were all erected on the walls of the village. It was impossible for them to shoot the cannons high up on the mountain, and the angle was not good.

And sometimes Chen’s artillery may not be able to take it up the mountain, but the trebuchet is composed of many parts. Just find a way to carry it up the mountain, and then flatten it out to form a trebuchet.

Even if only one part can be formed, it can bring disaster to Niu Mao Village.

"Ms. Nit's Chen Shiyou, okay." Shen Shikui laughed after he understood, and patted Chen Shishi's shoulder heavily.

Chen sometimes laughed loudly: "After following Mr. Ding for so many years, I have to learn a little bit."

"Just now I was thinking, if Master Ding was here, what would he think of?"

"Lord Ding is definitely not willing to attack by ants and increase casualties."

"He must think of some means to make the opponent a headache."

"There is only climbing."

"Hahaha." All the generals laughed, everyone really understood Master Ding's essence.

But it's easier said than done.

First of all, find a mountain that is relatively close to Niu Mao Village, so that the catapult can be thrown.

And they only plan to use small trebuchets, the furthest is 500 meters.

Because after the large trebuchet was disassembled, some parts were quite large, and it was difficult to carry it up the mountain.

Immediately, Shen Shikui immediately deployed troops and horses, first blocked the exit of Niu Mao Village, and then set up camp. At the same time, he sent two hundred teams, 2000 people in groups of ten, to search for the roads on the surrounding mountains, looking for the nearest, most suitable mountain.

When Shen Shikui sent people to act, the defenders were also talking about it.

There are not many defenders here, only about 500 people, and most of them are Han troops, and there are two Qing soldiers.

The general in command is Aixinjueluo Zhu Adai, a man with a yellow banner.

In the original history, after Dorgon's death, he and Aobai were ministers of state affairs, and at the same time entered the ranks of the high-level Manchu Qing.

Aobai was dead at this time, and he was sent by Huang Taiji to garrison Niupisai, and he had high hopes for him.

This is the last pass to guard the hometown of the Qing Dynasty, which is very important.

At this time, Zhu Adai was calling the defenders to discuss.

"The Ming army guarded the entrance and didn't come in. Do you want to take someone out to fight for a while?" Niu Luzhang Jing laughed.

"Presumptuous, the Holy Majesty said it all, if you can't defend yourself, whoever dares to fight, behead." Zhu Adai said in a deep voice.

It is difficult to come here to attack, and it is also difficult for them to go out. It is also difficult to go out. Of course he does not want to go out.

And as long as you keep here, you will get credit, why go out.

It's just that he didn't expect that Ding Yi, who had never fought with Manqing well water and hadn't fought for many years, would actually send troops to fight.

This Ding Yi will really add insult to injury.

Now Manchu, Daming, Ding Yi, and the Peasant Army have formed a chain.

Every time the Ming Dynasty attacked the Peasant Army with all its strength, the Man Qing would come to fight the Ming Dynasty, and then Ding Yi would go to fight the Man Qing.

Then the Manchus would be unlucky, and so would the Ming Dynasty, and the peasant army could breathe again.

Fighting back and forth, only Ding Yi and the Peasant Army benefited.

Of course, the biggest benefit must belong to Ding Yi.

"With our terrain, it is impossible for Ding Yi to attack without killing tens of thousands of people." Someone said confidently.

In Niu Mao Village, there are six Hongyi cannons, various general cannons, and hundreds of Franco cannons.

Many guns are mounted on the half-mountain road on both sides of the road.

If Ding Yi's soldiers and horses dared to come in, there must be no survivors in the 500-400 meters in front of the gate of Niu Mao Village, and the artillery fire would not stop.

Zhu Adai and the generals chatted happily, waiting for the Ming army to attack, but found that the Ming army was standing still at the entrance, and there was no movement that day.

Then, one day, two days, three days, slowly passed.

Zhu Adai is still not in a hurry, the longer he waits, the happier he is.

It's October now, and they harvested the rice ahead of time before the Ming army came. Although the yield was not high, but with the original stored grain, it would be no problem to keep it for a year or so.

For this reason, they still sang and danced in the stockade, eating mutton, and were extremely happy every day.

Some people even said that when the weather cools down in November, there will often be heavy snowfall here, and the road will be blocked by heavy snow, making it even more difficult to walk.

If the Ming army does not retreat, they will freeze to death.

Just when Zhu Adai was complacent, waiting for the Ming army to freeze to death.

Mao Xin and Chen Yang had arrived at the foot of an unnamed high mountain west of Niu Mao Village.

According to reports from sentries two days ago, this mountain is to the west of Niu Mao Village, and the easternmost area is full of pine forests, which can be cut down to form an open space.

It is only about 200 meters away from the Niumao Fortress, which means that after the trebuchet goes up, it can hit at least half of the Niumao Village, especially the section of the wall, and the passage to the north are all within the range of the petrol bomb.

Shen Shikui was overjoyed at that time, so that all the Qing soldiers could be blocked in Niu Mao Village.

Chen Yang was originally the leader of the cavalry, but this time he and Mao Xin also came to help, and they each brought a thousand soldiers and horses.

Then climb the mountain and clear a road to get out.

This mountain is really difficult to walk. The sentry riders climbed from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain the day before yesterday.

But they need to transport the trebuchet, and they need to clear a better way to go.

At this time, the two first led 100 people, each with a machete in their hands, then looked around, and gave an order to go.

200 people were divided into two rows, climbing all the way and chopping all the way. It took about a quarter of an hour to climb more than ten meters. The efficiency was very low.

Then the 200 people turned around and took all the things they had cut down the mountain. When they returned to the camp, they could cook a fire.

Then another 200 people went up, and then behind them, they cut up and cleared the road. In some places, trebuchets may not be easy to walk, and they have to be buried or erected. The whole is like engineering soldiers.

Some raised and raised places even need to be knocked off and broken slowly, and there are also places where nails need to be driven in and ropes should be pulled up to serve as handrails.

Also leave a lot of trees to serve as handrails.

2000 people took turns to fight, and it took two days and three hours to finally clear a path from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

At this time, 200 people were left on the top of the mountain and began to cut down the pine forest to clear out a place where the trebuchet could be placed.

When everyone goes up and down the mountain, they will find that some trees are left every few meters on the mountain.

These trees are used as handrails, which can be used both up and down the mountain.

The Ming army used ropes to connect all the trees together, and the ropes could also be used as escalators.

That night, all the troops rested at the foot of the mountain.

Continue to clear the top of the mountain the next day.

After working for five days, all the cleaning was completed.

On the sixth day, five trebuchets were disassembled and carried by dozens of people, with an average of 15 people carrying one.

There are still a large number of people following behind, and the generals are struggling to carry them up the mountain. Some of the people behind are holding discus, and some are holding petrol bombs.

The hardest thing to get is the counterweight box.

Because the counterweight box is made entirely of iron, it weighs two to three hundred catties.

Clearing the road on the mountain is also to clear the counterweight box.

Six elite soldiers carried the weight box up.

Take a break and send someone to rotate.

All other components went up the mountain that afternoon, and the weight box was carried until noon the next day.

The army was half dead from exhaustion, and then rested for a day as usual, only the craftsmen came to assemble the trebuchet.

It was busy here, and it took seven or eight days from cleaning up to trebuchet going up the mountain.

Over there, Shen Shikui also pretended to send troops to attack directly.

The gunmen took their guns and walked forward cautiously, and sure enough they got within three miles.

Boom, a shell hit from the opposite side.

The cannonball didn't hit so far, it hit more than two miles, but after bouncing, it almost flew three miles away.

The Ming army was taken aback and quickly retreated.

The Qing soldiers on the opposite side laughed, laughing at the timidity of the Ming army.

(End of this chapter)

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