The end of the Ming Dynasty swept the world

Chapter 160 The Deviation of History

Chapter 160 The Deviation of History

The capital is the capital of Ming Dynasty, the most affluent place.

But right now there are refugees gathering on the streets, and there are refugees or victims of disasters everywhere. Because after the Jin Dynasty entered the customs, many people's homes were destroyed, and countless people fled into the capital and became refugees.

There are also places farther away. It is said that they were killed by refugees, and some fled to the capital.

At this time, refugees have already emerged in various parts of the Ming Dynasty, but the capital is still singing and dancing, and Mianxiu is prosperous.

Early this morning, Yang Yong and Ding Shitou found a ruined temple.

There lived a family in the temple, an adult man with two children, the children were around ten and eight years old, and they were all emaciated. If Ding Shitou hadn't helped them two days ago, the family would have starved to death.

But the current cold winter, whether they can survive until next spring is also a question.

Seeing Ding Shitou coming again, the man knelt down without saying a word.

"Master, please do me a favor, buy my two children and save them."

The two children hugged each other in the ruined temple, shivering in the cold wind.

"He's from Shaanxi, and there's a civil uprising in his hometown." Ding Shitou said in a deep voice, "This is fine. I've been looking for it for a long time."

The man didn't know what he meant and was still kowtowing.

Yang Yong nodded: "Don't kowtow, get up and eat." Whoosh, throw a bag of things over.

The man opened it and saw that it was full of hot steamed buns. He was overjoyed and kowtowed quickly, and asked his sons to come over to eat. While eating, he asked them to kowtow: "These two are benefactors. From now on, you will follow benefactors. Listen to Engong, hurry up and call Engong."

"Benevolence." The two children said in fear, devouring the steamed stuffed bun.

Yang Yong remained calm and said calmly: "There are refugees everywhere in the capital. When winter comes, countless people will freeze to death and starve to death on the streets."

The man nodded desperately: "Great benefactor, we will always remember that we will definitely erect longevity cards for benefactors."

Yang Yong continued: "We can take your children away and guarantee that they will have a good life in the future."

The man became even happier, nodded desperately, and wanted to kowtow again.

"But there are so many refugees in the capital, why do we have to save you?"

"..." The man stopped for a moment and didn't bite the bun again.

He stared at Yang Yong and Ding Shitou, and after a while, he suddenly said loudly: "I can do anything, please follow me, my benefactors."

In the afternoon of the next day, news spread among Beijing officials that some Beijing officials had robbed civilian girls, causing a catastrophe.

That day, Jinyiwei Commander Luo Yangxing was on the street with four of his men, when suddenly a man rushed out from the side alley, and the man took a burning jar and threw it at Luo Yangxing.

The hundred households around Luo Yangxing reacted quickly and blocked it with a sideways move.

Bang, the jar shattered, Baihu's whole body was on fire, and immediately screamed again and again, everyone around him, including Luo Yangxing, were also touched by sparks, he fell to the ground rolling and crawling, and finally extinguished the fire, regardless of his embarrassment.

Four people accompanied him, one was burned to death and one was seriously injured.

Seeing that the man hadn't been burned, he pulled out the dagger from his sleeve and rushed forward, his eyes were firm and his expression was fierce, as if he had some blood feud with him, he shouted as he charged, "Give me back my daughter's life."

Jin Yiwei drew his saber and slashed at the man's waist.

The man spurted blood, fell to the ground, did not look back, and crawled desperately towards Luo Yangxing on the ground.

Luo Yangxing's soul flew out of the sky, rolling back, crying and crying.

Jin Yiwei chased after him, thumping, slashing at the man several times from behind.

The man Youyou ignored himself and continued to crawl forward, dragging long bloodstains on the ground, and the Jin Yiwei who was chasing him was also frightened, and finally one of them couldn't help it, raised his knife and fell, pounced, and chopped off the man's head with a knife.

The head gurulu rolled to Luo Yangxing's feet, Luo Yangxing was almost scared to pee, he looked at the man's head in horror, the man's expression was ferocious, the boss with staring eyes still looked at him.

After this incident, Luo Yangxing fell ill from fright and lay in bed for half a month before getting up.

On January 23, after some disputes between the ministers of the court and Chongzhen, the reward was finally set.

The first is to transfer the Pidao navy to Guanning by water. Chen Jisheng proposed to be appointed as the deputy commander of the Longwu Left Association in Guanzhen, and asked Chen to lead his troops to set off before the beginning of March.

There is a slight discrepancy between this and the original history. In the original history, it was Liang Yandong who proposed that the Phi Island navy was useless and asked to be transferred to Guanning, but the time requirement was April.

Now that Ding Yi was here, the court asked Chen Jisheng to prepare everything in early March, and the whole army set off to Guanning, which was as much as a month earlier.

Then Xu Fuzuo was promoted to the deputy commander-in-chief of Pidao because of his meritorious service, and he was stationed in Pidao. Like Chen Jisheng, he took charge of the affairs of Pidao as the deputy commander-in-chief.

There is a bigger deviation from the original history here, because Xu Fuzuo achieved better results than in the original history because he contributed to the capture of Jinzhou and comforted Yuan's subordinates. He was promoted to deputy commander and garrisoned Pidao.

According to the latest verification by the Ministry of War, Chen Jisheng will take away [-] sailors, and when Pidao Dongjiang Army was in Mao Wenlong, the nuclear personnel were [-]. Except that Chen Jisheng took away [-], Lushun [-], Xu Fuzuo's original nuclear personnel should have Eighteen thousand.

But the court gave Lushun nuclear soldiers [-] this time, so that Xu Fuzuo's subordinates were divided into [-]. Although there were [-] less, he really became a member of the party and a general.

For Ding Yi's promotion, the ministers and the emperors had been fighting for a long time, and Liang Yandong couldn't help. In the end, the emperor and Liang Shangshu couldn't compete with the ministers, because Ding Yi's meritorious service was too fast to be promoted consecutively, and this time he hit Jinzhou Among the generals, Xu Fuzuo, Chen Shiyou, and Mao Yongyi were ranked ahead of him, and it was never his turn to make great contributions.

In the end, Ding Yi was still a guerrilla general, and he was in charge of all affairs. His descendants inherited hundreds of Jinyiwei households, and he was rewarded with 1000 taels of silver.

Compared with the last time, the last time he served as the commander of the guards, he was only at the fourth rank. This time, he was at the third rank. It can be regarded as a jump of two ranks. In addition, it is rare for Chongzhen to use 1000 taels of Nei Nu silver so generously, which is also regarded as a favor for Ding Yi. Plus, hereditary descendants are useless. Ding Yi didn't think that descendants were really hundreds of families.

The rest of the meritorious personnel will all be rewarded.

Chen Shishi was promoted to be a general, and Mao Yongyi was promoted to be a general. The two will lead the troops to follow Xu Fu to Phi Island and divide them into two associations.

Ding Yi used 5000 taels of silver to obtain the full command of Lushun from Liang Yandong, and he will still be stationed in Lushun.

With this reward, the changes in the generals of Pidao in the original history have almost completely changed.

But some things cannot be changed.

For example, Liu Xingzuo died in battle, but the court did not award him a reward.

Liu Xingzhi, the governor of Pidao, was furious when he got the news.

Liu Xingzhi was the younger brother of Liu Xingzuo, who was in charge of Xixie in the Fourth Association of Dongjiang Bing on his behalf. Both of his brothers belonged to Yuan.

Chen Jisheng belonged to Mao, and Liu belonged to Yuan. Yuan kept both of them in Pidao, and the second was to restrict each other, but he didn't expect that this would cause conflicts between the two parties.

On the day Ding Yi went to the island, he deliberately said to Chen Jisheng, if you disagree with my terms, I will discuss it with General Liu, so Chen Jisheng later agreed.

Chen Jisheng hated and suspected Liu Xingzhi very much, always feeling that he was left by Yuan to monitor him.

The relationship between the two parties is also very bad.

Later, when Yuan was arrested and his elder brother died in battle, and there was no reward, Liu Xingzhi felt even more unhappy.

At this time, someone informed him, and Chen Jisheng went to the court and said, "Xing Zuo was a thief before he died, and Xing Xian wrote a letter from his slaves to recruit Xing Zhi, etc., and Xing Zhi's leaders are all barbarians, so there is a lot to worry about."

Chen Jisheng also made it worse. Seeing that Yuan was arrested, he wrote a letter saying that Xing Zuo was actually not dead, but surrendered to the Houjin, because in history Liu Xingzuo faked his death like this, and fled from Houjin to the Ming Dynasty. He might not be able to do this again. .

He also said that Huang Taiji sent a secret letter to summon Liu Xingzhi to surrender, and that Liu Xingzhi had many Jurchen soldiers under him.

It sounds serious.

Soon Liu Xingzhi heard the news that the court wanted to transfer him away with the help of soldiers, and took the opportunity to kill him.

Preferring to die rather than die, Liang Yandong wanted to transfer Chen Jisheng to lead the troops away, and Liu Xingzhi's name was also among the generals who left.

It is estimated that when Liu Xingzhi got the news, he was quite desperate.

I believe everyone knows that when a person is in despair, it is easy to take risks and dare to do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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