Chapter 161 Pure Natural

"Many years later, the first emperor unified the six countries, and the rulers of the flower growers were called emperors. Then there was the prosperity of the Han and Tang Dynasties. Foreign residents felt honored to be able to pay tribute to the flower growers, but the long-term prosperity Prosperity made people a bit complacent, and after a period of self-isolation ensued, the situation of florists hit rock bottom for a while..."

After talking for a long time, Si Ningning was so tired that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the four little ones were listening seriously, she raised her eyebrows and continued: "At this moment, some cute and powerful little animals appeared."

"Small animals?" Sanya's eyes were full of curiosity.

Si Ningning nodded, "Well, for example, the rabbits of flower growers, and other eagle sauces, white elephants, woolly bears, camels, etc."

He Gu's cheeks bulged into buns, he frowned and asked in puzzlement, "Are these animals the protagonists of the story?"

He was almost dizzy.

Si Ningning nodded, and patiently explained: "It's okay to understand in this way, and the follow-up content will revolve around the little rabbits of the flower growers."

"So it is!"

"Well, keep listening." Si Ningning smiled and continued to explain:
The rabbits struggled hard, and finally got a little bit of relief, but they couldn't find it, and there was a staging inside, and the strength of the rabbits was divided into two groups, one was the rabbit, and the other was the bald man.The bald man insisted on his own opinion and kept provoking controversy. Many rabbits fell because of this. The controversy lasted intermittently for ten years... until an incident broke out later, a group of chickens appeared to bully the rabbits for ten years. The controversy came to an end, and the little baldy and the rabbits united to fight against the outsiders.

"You know, the bald man and the rabbits are very strong. Even though the process was difficult, everyone was very united and never thought of giving up. Also because other small animals appeared one after another, with everyone's indirect help, things changed again." Si Ningning raised his index finger and smiled slightly on his lips.

Yingjiang lost two super powerful mushrooms in the home of the chickens in the foot basin. The chickens in the foot basin were frightened and couldn't take care of themselves, so they had to evacuate from the flower planter's site.

As soon as they left, the florist temporarily settled down, but the good times didn't last long, and the war between the rabbit and the little baldy started to be controversial again. Of course, the result ended in the rabbit's victory, and the baldy was forced to go to the florist's hometown of Wanwan.

Later, on October 10st of a certain year, a new flower grower was established, and the rabbit became his own master, determined to use his own hands to create a flower grower who could eat well and dress warmly, and would not be looked down upon by others... …

Si Ningning intermittently described an abstract yet real world for the little carrot heads.

The times are backward, and remote places like the third team don't even have electrical circuits, let alone watching news, cartoons, or short stories on TV.

The children not only have a blank view of history, but also have a blank understanding of the world. The stories told by Si Ningning are very novel and curious.

Because of this, there will always be some weird and unorthodox questions:

"Where is Wan Province?" He Gu asked.

Si Ningning patiently explained: "Guan Province is an island for flower growers."

He Gu asked again: "What is that foot pot chicken?"

Si Ningning replied with a smile: "The foot pot chicken represents a country, an island country."

He Gu asked again: "What is Ying Jiang?"

"I know, I know, Ying Jiang must also represent a country!" Zhou Xiaocui's mind turned quickly, and she raised her hand to answer before Si Ningning could speak.

Si Ningning nodded with a smile, "That's right. At that time, Eagle Sauce had the strongest combat power, so there were many supportive friends behind it, and the foot pot chicken was one of them."

"What is that mushroom bomb?"

"Mushroom bombs..."

Mushroom bombs are yuan bullets. These things may be more sensitive in the current era. I am afraid that children who are ignorant will go out and talk nonsense. Si Ningning thought about it and explained: "You know the firecracker? The mushroom bomb is a super big firecracker."

As he spoke, he casually pointed to the hilltop outside the production team, and Si Ningning said, "I can blow up the hilltop over there in one go."

"Wow! That's amazing!" Perhaps most of the boys are more sensitive to such topics, and Hegu quickly realized, "That Yingjiang set off two such powerful firecrackers, and the chicken's house was blown up, isn't it Should you be angry? Why did you still become Eagle-chan's partner?"

"There are many reasons for this." Si Ningning thought for a while, and explained in plain English: "Probably the most important thing is that the eagle sauce helped them restore their homeland, and then gave them enough food."

Sanya, who hadn't spoken all the time, said: "Blowing up someone's house and then helping them, this Yingjiang is really strange."

Sanae looked at Si Ningning with her black eyes, and asked curiously, "Sister, what happened next? Are there any more? How are the rabbits?"

"Rabbits are the representatives of intelligence, tenacity, hard work, and passion. Their stories are very long, and I will tell them slowly later." Si Ningning smiled, clapped his hands and said, "Okay, little guys, it's getting late, everyone Go home."

A few little carrots came back to their senses, only to realize that the sun had turned to the west mountain before they knew it.

Si Ningning took the rice bran bag aside, poured the rice bran into the trough of the pig pen, scooped in four scoops of swill and mixed the pig food neatly.

During this period, Zhou Xiaocui and San Miao said "Oh" to Si Ningning, who did not expect the time to pass so quickly today.

After the two left, He Gu and San Miao also stood up.

He Gu said: "Si Ningning, will you still tell the story of the flower grower tomorrow?"

"Of course, there's no half truth in the story?" Si Ningning laughed.

He Gu nodded, turned around and planned to go home with San Miao, but Si Ningning suddenly stopped them both: "I'm going to town tomorrow morning, you guys leave late, or you'll miss out."

"Know it!"

The two little ones answered the words, and ran out of the alley.

During the period, he could vaguely hear He Gu muttering: "San Miao, you are a chicken, I am Ying Jiang, and I will blow you up with a mushroom bomb!"

"Second brother, I don't want to be a chicken! I want to be a little rabbit. Si Zhiqing said that little rabbits are smart and hardworking, and I am also smart and hardworking..."

The child's voice faded away, Si Ningning shook his head and sighed with a smile, and muttered with emotion, "I really hope that the little rabbits in the flower planter can grow up healthy and happy..."

As soon as the words fell, she had stepped into the pigsty through the gap in the fence, entered the space in a flash, and when she came out of the space, she had already carried a bucket full of water in her hand.

After washing the pigsty several times, Si Ningning went into the space and prepared a pot of lemon tea on ice, then clapped his hands and packed it up and went back to the educated youth spot.

In the evening, after stumbling and eating dinner, everyone sat in front of the door to enjoy the shade and chatted. They waited until it was completely dark and the house was not so hot, and then went into the house to wash and sleep.

Si Ningning was lying on the bed, listening to the breathing of the girls around her gradually steady and long, she quietly got up, put on her shoes lightly and entered the space.

The small space farm is becoming more and more abundant. Following the melons and vegetables planted earlier, Si Ningning has planted carrots, lettuce, and spinach. The onions and garlic that he planted are also growing well. a piece of land.

It looks vibrant, but in fact, there are still some shortcomings.

Alive, bouncing...

Si Ningning couldn't help but think about it, several pigs had already spotted her, they all raised their front hooves and put them on the fence, grunting and clamoring for food.

Si Ningning picked a big pumpkin in the field, carried the pumpkin to the side of the fence, went into the house, took a kitchen knife, chopped it into several plate-sized pieces and threw it into the fence.

A few pigs turned their heads following the parabolic falling pumpkin in an instant, and swarmed close to the pumpkin to fight and snatch it.

"What else, grab what?"

Si Ningning threw in a few more pieces of pumpkin, and the pigs that almost started fighting gradually dispersed.

It took a few minutes to cut a large bundle of pigweed and throw it into the fence. It was probably enough for a few pigs to eat, so Si Ningning went into the villa to do other things.

Si Ningning took the dish basin and kitchen knife to the plastic pork basket, cut off some pork and took it back to the kitchen. She dug out a small kitchen scale from the cabinet under the stove, put a layer of oil-absorbing paper on it, and He took a piece of meat from the basin and put it on.

A catty and a half of meat is 750g.

Si Ningning's original plan was that since the educated youth didn't have a scale anyway, she would probably weigh it, and the weight would not be discovered.

When she saw the numbers on the electronic display box, she was dumbfounded.


More than three catties!
Just now, she just thought that the piece of meat satisfied her in terms of its size, but she forgot that meat is already very heavy on the scale.

Si Ningning gave a "tsk", and had to take off the meat and divide it into two, take half and weigh it again, but the result was still too much!
Take it down and cut it again, continue to weigh it, it’s still too much...

One or two taels more is easy to fool, but if it is half a catty more, no matter how dull the brain is, one can detect one or two taels.

Si Ningning had no choice but to continue cutting and reducing, and finally managed to get a pound of meat.

The pork is weighed, even if it is given two taels more, there is still not much pork put together. If you want to share it among seven people, it will be great if one person can eat two bites.

Staring at the pork on the weighing pan, Si Ningning looked solemn.

Suddenly thought of something, and her expression brightened again.

Pork is hard to distinguish, but what about stick bones?

Stick bones with bits of pork!
As soon as he thought about it, Si Ningning ran to the plastic basket of pork again with a kitchen knife.

Usually, meat is cut casually, without paying attention to any "methods" at all. Now, when it comes to digging out the bone from the rear of the pig, Si Ningning's movements become more and more clumsy.

After working for a long time, I managed to dig out a whole big stick bone. A big hole was sunk in the back of the pig, and the meat at the edge was too thin to look at.

However, Si Ningning acted as if he hadn't seen it, put the stick bone into a basin, then fiddled with the pig's offal basket, found a whole pair of pig livers and put them in a basin together, before finally turning around and returning to the kitchen.

A whole pair of pig liver weighs one and a half catties.

The whole stick bone is one, but it is actually two joints. After weighing three catties, the weight of the two together is almost five catties, but neither of them belong to pork, so the selling price is more than half cheaper than pork. And no tickets.

Si Ningning thought about it and thought it was very suitable.

Bang Bang separated the two stick bones in the kitchen, and then cut them in half. Si Ningning harvested four pork stick bones.

Packing the pork bones and liver, and preparing it for tomorrow, Si Ningning washed the blood off his hands, and casually took out another pot to pick some juicy lettuce and cucumbers from the vegetable field outside the villa.

During this period, in the vegetable ditch, I bumped into a chicken that stuck its head in the soil and was having fun. When the chicken heard the movement, it immediately spread its wings and flew far away.

Si Ningning didn't have any warning signs, and was taken aback by the surprise. Afterwards, she put the dishes in the kitchen and went to the backyard to look.

Looking at it, there was another surprise discovery.

The chicken coop that was temporarily built earlier had been collapsed by two chickens at some point, and a vortex was pressed out of the woven bag. In the center of the vortex, two eggs with pink and white shells lay quietly.

The chickens in the educated youth spot have just lost their hair tubes, and the hard tube feathers have not yet fully grown, but the chickens in the space have already begun to lay eggs.

The hen ran off somewhere, and Si Ningning stood there looking at the eggs. The rooster with the red crown grasped the fence with its two paws, stood firmly on the fence of the guard yard, and was also looking at Si Ningning.

Si Ningning is only afraid of soft and invertebrate creatures, like roosters, no matter how fierce they are, she is not afraid of them.

Her small face was sullen, and with a wave of her hand and a stomp of her feet, the majestic General Hongyu faltered instantly, and jumped out of the backyard with a "ohhhhhhh" flapping her wings.

Si Ningning picked up the egg as he wished.

Although eggs are cheap these days, four cents each, Si Ningning has money in his hand, so he can buy dozens or hundreds of them at will, but the channel is not so easy to find. selling.

To be honest, it's been a while since Si Ningning had eaten an egg, looking at the egg in his hand, Si Ningning's mouth was full of saliva, and he felt a little hungry.

After laughing and cursing for nothing, Si Ningning didn't treat her badly, went back to the kitchen to wash the eggs, she filled the pot with water, put the eggs in and covered the pot, then boiled on low heat.

Si Ningning was not idle during the interval, went to the bathroom to take a shower, and came back to dry her hair after the shower, just in time for the eggs to be cooked.

Because the two chickens settled in the backyard, they could not be seen immediately when they entered the space, and sometimes they would forget to feed them, and they were worried that they would starve to death.

Now not only is he alive and well, but he has also laid eggs. It should be that the "wings are hardened" in the later stage, he escaped from the chicken coop, and pecked vegetables everywhere to eat.

While eating boiled eggs, Si Ningning patrolled the vegetable field for a walk, not to mention, some places could really see signs of being pecked.

These dishes should also belong to pure natural food, right?

In addition to free-range, I don't know if it's an illusion, but Si Ningning thinks that eggs taste extraordinarily delicious.

After eating two eggs, the stomach already had a strong sense of fullness, but Si Ningning still felt greedy, so he went to the refrigerator to pull half a piece of watermelon out. After eating, he felt completely comfortable, holding the chubby watermelon as he wished. Stomach out of space to rest.

A good night's sleep without dreams.

The next day when everyone went out to work, Si Ningning took out the things he had prepared the night before from the space, put the vegetables under the kitchen table for the educated youth, and replaced the pork liver and stick bones into the wooden basin for washing vegetables.

I originally planned to take it to the pool by the well, but I was afraid that passers-by would see it and ask, or steal something when the educated youth point was empty.

Digression: Ah Yao is updated steadily, but the review has been slow in the past two days! !
If you don't understand clearly, I suggest you watch the first episode of the first season of "Those Things That Rabbit That Year", a few minutes is very short~

(End of this chapter)

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