Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 677 Confession please be early

After lunch, An Lian didn't have to go back to school for the time being.

The homeroom teacher thought that the young man had just been bullied by Wang Meng and needed time to calm down, so he generously granted him a day off and asked him to arrive on time tomorrow morning.

It is not a secret that An Lian moved out of the dormitory. Banhua knew that Wang Meng forced him to leave, so she felt a little guilty. She knew that Wang Meng liked her, but she also made it clear that she had absolutely no interest in Wang Meng, and now she was implicated. An Lian.

Wang Meng was angrily criticized by Ban Hua, angry and hated, but he was reluctant to do anything to Ban Hua, so he had to find other people to vent his anger.

And that person was undoubtedly An Lian.

Wang Meng didn't take his younger brother with him, he just wanted to teach a transfer student a lesson, and not many people would help An Lian, he alone was enough.

He originally wanted to block people in the cafeteria, but An Lian didn't seem to go to the cafeteria at noon today. He waited for a long time but didn't see anyone, so he asked his younger brother to go out to recruit people. It took a long time for someone to report. An Lian walked towards the abandoned teaching building went over there.

The abandoned teaching building is quite an old building, and A plans to demolish it after a while and rebuild a new teaching building.

Because there are rumors of ghosts here, there are not many people who come here. Occasionally, teachers come to patrol and catch those young couples who are looking for excitement.

Do you think there is nothing you can do by hiding there?

Wang Meng ground his teeth and swaggered towards the abandoned teaching building.

His speed was very fast, and he saw the slender figure disappearing in the stairwell with sharp eyes when he was still some distance away from the teaching building.

Wang Meng quickened his pace and followed An Lian into the teaching building.

The gentle wind is warm, and the October wind is tired, blowing over the lush and green branches and leaves, making a slight rustling sound.

The footsteps stopped on the third floor, and the figure of the boy disappeared.

Wang Meng glanced at the corridor, but found no one. Guessing that An Lian must have noticed his followers, he found a random classroom to hide.

The boy smiled sinisterly. Anyway, An Lian couldn't hide, so he was not in a hurry, and looked for one by one.

When pushing open the door of a certain classroom, Wang Meng keenly noticed that the door seemed a bit too heavy.

But it's too late to quit now.


The plastic bucket, which was half filled with water, shook and fell down in response to the call of gravity.

Cold drops of water slid down his cheeks, followed by the muffled sound of the plastic bucket hitting his head and shoulders, Wang Menglian couldn't open his eyes, and wiped the water on his face indiscriminately.

The high-spirited boy just now became a drowned rat in the blink of an eye.


The laughter was very small, not even ridiculing, as if it was just expressing an opinion on the scene in front of him.

Wang Meng didn't expect An Lian to prepare such a big gift for himself. The boy finally opened his eyes, and his blurred vision gradually became clear, and he saw the boy sitting by the window.

This classroom has not been cleaned for a long time, the desks and the floor are covered with dust, and there is a place for sitting on the windowsill, which is paved with smooth tiles and is easy to wipe clean, just enough for An Lian to sit down.

The beautiful teenager's long legs were slightly bent, and he was playing with a keychain that didn't match his temperament. The fluffy pendant was very cute and looked like a cat.

The black hair hangs docilely on the forehead, revealing the clear, indifferent eyes, the expression in the pupils is sparse, and the lake is as clear and cool as the water, which is cold to the bone.

The corners of the lips tugged slightly, half-curved into an arc that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

"I didn't want to argue with you at first, but since you are looking for death, there is nothing you can do."

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