Chapter 561 Misunderstanding Buddha (55)

The Buddha, who doesn't often show up in front of people, has an incomparably beautiful face, with thick eyelashes drooping softly and docilely, straight nose, fair complexion, cool white color and cool, slender lips even in deep sleep The medium is also lightly sipped, with a slight hint of coolness.

The fox stretched out its front paws slowly.

With a "snap", it slapped the young man's face accurately.

Jikong opened his eyes, Jige's strength was not strong, just like playing, the young man asked sleepily, his voice was a little tired and hoarse: "Are you awake?"

The fox jumped out of the quilt, stood at the head of the bed looking at him, and nodded proudly.

The little guy has a lot of personality.

Ji Kong hooked his lower lip in an unclear manner.

"I'm going to do morning class, do you want to come with me?"

Ji Ge shook his head.

Just kidding, who wants to listen to their chanting.

Jikong didn't force it either: "It's okay to walk around the Fanyin Temple, but don't go too far."

The silent song should be played.

The sound of the Buddhist bell, the heavy and thick bell resounded through the Fanyin Temple.

Morning classes start.

Buddhist monks came out from all directions to go to the place where they had morning classes.

Ji Ge had nothing to do and didn't want to stay in the room anymore, so he ran to the back mountain and found a comfortable place to lie down.

There are many snakes, insects, birds and beasts in the back mountain, singing and chirping endlessly. Occasionally, the figure of a bird flies across the corner of the treetops, and the dense green branches and leaves sway.

Foxiu who was passing by saw the ball of white snow, and felt that there was not much abnormality or disgust in Ji Ge's demonic aura, so he glanced at it and left.

Ji Ge quietly crawled, her fluffy and soft long tail like a dandelion swaying slightly.

Buddha cultivators are a kind of alien among human cultivators, and have never participated in the struggle between the human race and the demon race. In recent years, there have been many self-proclaimed righteous cultivators who are not used to the rampant behavior of the demon race, and have had dirty news with the big monster. Come on, Buddhist practice is rare.

A sparrow fluttered its wings and flew in front of Ji Ge. Its dark eyes the size of mung beans stood not far away and looked at her seriously, and then jumped closer.

Seeing that Ji Ge didn't respond to her approach, the sparrow slowly approached her, carefully placed the spiritual fruit in its mouth in front of Ji Ge, and then pushed it over bit by bit, hiding in the eyes behind the spirit fruit read Closeness and affection.

Ji Ge is not surprised.

Although this sparrow is just a mortal beast that has not yet developed spiritual wisdom, but it is raised in a place as beautiful as the Fanyin Temple, and it is subtly nourished by the spiritual energy, and it also has a bit of spirituality, so it will naturally get close to the demon Jige.

What's more, Ji Ge is not an ordinary demon, her aura is faintly menacing, but it makes the sparrow want to get closer and surrender.

Jige and the sparrow looked at each other, and under its eager gaze, they swallowed the spiritual fruit no bigger than a thumb in one gulp.

The sparrow was obviously very happy, chirped a few times, and flew away again.

After a while, Ji Ge saw a small pile of spiritual fruits and fell into a strange silence.

Did that little sparrow misunderstand something?
Tianhu's ears suddenly moved twice.

The light and slow steps were keenly captured by her, and they landed silently.

A big orange cat came into her eyes, its fur was slender and soft, and its tail was stretched vigilantly.

The big cat stared at Ji Ge for a few seconds, and spoke out.

"Are you the fox that Buddha brought back?"

"Cat demon?"

Jige was really a little surprised, staring at it in a daze.

Although he felt a few wisps of faint demonic aura, Fanyin Temple actually raised a demon, which was beyond Ji Ge's expectation.

"Are you surprised?"

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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