Chapter 491
It may also be a coincidence.

On the third day after Qu Heyuan returned to Hong Kong City.

Wen Qing's mother came back.

This morning.

Wen Qing was still awakened by the vibrating sound of the phone in his sleep, Shang Yinghan pressed the phone to silent.

He stepped on the sound-absorbing carpet under his feet, went to the terrace, and answered the phone for Wen Qing.

Wen Xingzhi's bluffing voice came from the phone——

"Little sister! Mom is back!"

"I'll come to pick you up, get ready!"

Wen Xingzhi finished these two sentences as quickly as possible.

Shang Yinghan replied slowly, "Understood."

Wen Xingzhi on the phone heard Shang Yinghan's voice and asked, "Where's my sister?"

Shang Yinghan: "Sleeping."

"Tell her quickly, hurry up."


"By the way, you don't need to use it, just avoid the limelight first."

"Parents know?"

"...That's not the case, hey, the surname is Shang, your parents call it very easy."

"Since my parents don't know yet, why don't I go."

After speaking, I hung up the phone.

When Shang Yinghan turned his head and went in, Jianwenqing sat there with his messy hair in a daze.

He walked over: "Are you awake?"

Wen Qing raised her head and let out a long breath. She smoothed her hair, looked at Shang Yinghan, and asked, "Uncle Wu, who called just now?"

"Wen Xingzhi." Shang Yinghan bent down and arranged the slippers for her, "Get up first, wash up and have breakfast before we go out."

Wen Qing was still a little dazed.

What did the third brother call and say?
Why go out?

"Will Uncle Wu take me to the company today?" she asked.

Shang Yinghan didn't give a specific answer, so he hummed ambiguously.

She was alone at home, even though the manor was so big, it was inevitable that she would be bored, so he wanted to bring her by his side, so that she could see him all the time and talk to him, so it would not be so boring.

Wen Qing thought so.

But when she got into the car after washing and driving, she realized that the direction was not the route to the company. She became very confused and asked the man sitting beside her, "Uncle Wu, where are we going?"

"You'll know later." Shang Yinghan said.

On the way to the airport, Wen Qing was in a daze, feeling like he couldn't find the north in a maze.

However, due to pregnancy, it is always easy to feel sleepy.

It took only a minute or two to be confused, and soon he fell asleep in Shang Yinghan's arms heartlessly, and slept soundly.

The car arrived outside the airport,

In the distance, Wen Xingzhi saw Shang Yinghan's car, he walked over, knocked on the car window, and Shang Yinghan called Wen Xingzhi directly: "Wen Qing fell asleep."

Then hang up.

He spoke very softly, for fear of waking her up.

After Wen Xingzhi heard what Shang Yinghan said on the phone, he stopped knocking on the car window, but sent a message to Shang Yinghan: Then I'll go in first.

Shang Yinghan replied: OK.


This time, I heard that I fell asleep very soundly.

She felt that she was lying in a very warm embrace, and she thought she had been sleeping in Uncle Wu's arms all the time.

When she woke up, she was in a daze for a while.

A familiar voice came from my ear: "Pig, are you awake?"

Wen Qing was taken aback.

Why does this voice sound so familiar...

Like, her mother's voice.

For a moment, Wen Qing felt that she had fallen asleep and had auditory hallucinations. Didn't her mother not yet determine the time to return to China? How could she hear her mother's voice.

However, when she turned her head and saw the face that was thinking day and night, Wen Qing was completely dumbfounded.

Lan Qulin raised her slender eyebrows, seeing her daughter's dumbfounded face, she couldn't help laughing and said, "Does it feel like a dream?"

Wen Qing's lips opened and closed several times.

The voice seemed to be completely blocked in the throat and could not be uttered.

When she was so anxious that she almost cried, Lan Qulin shouted:
"Smell light."

Then she said to Wen Qing: "Mum is back."

The voice fell.

Wen Qing threw herself into Lan Qulin's arms, at this moment she finally found her voice, choked up and shouted: "Mom."


"Mom is really you."


Wen Qing yelled several times, each of which received a response from Lan Qulin.

The tears that Wen Qing held back fell patter, Lan Qulin freed up her hand to wipe Wen Qing's tears, and said to her: "How big of a man, you are still crying, you are so sorry."

"No matter how big you are, you are still a baby in front of your mother."

Lan Qulin rolled her lips and smiled: "Okay, it's time to get out of the car. In order to wait for you to sleep until you wake up naturally, I sat like this for at least ten minutes."

Wen Qing reacted, and immediately looked around: "...I'm still in the car."

"Nonsense, of course, you never got out of the car." Lan Qulin pressed the button to open the door automatically.

Wen Qing asked: "What about Uncle Wu? I remember Uncle Wu was in the car. Mom, when did you get in the car? By the way, when did you go back to China?"

After crackling and asking a lot.

Wen Qing suddenly realized something: "Could it be that Uncle Wu is here to pick you up, but he just kept it from me?"

"Yes, I kept it from you, just to give you a surprise." After getting out of the car, Lan Qulin stretched her hand in, "Come on, get out of the car."

Wen Qing put her hand in Lan Qulin's and got off the car.

"What about dad?" Wen Qing asked.

"It was originally planned to go back to the country together today, but he couldn't go away because of something, so he had to come back two days late."

Following Lan Qulin's voice fell.

Not far away, Shang Yinghan and Wen Xingzhi walked side by side.

Wen Qing suddenly realized that this was Dijing Manor.

Uncle Wu actually brought her mother to Dijing Manor!
"Sister! Are you surprised?" Wen Xingzhi walked up to Wen Qing's side, and put his arms around his shoulders.

Wen Qing pouted the tip of her nose: "So you know it too, but you didn't tell me."

"I told you that the surname Shang didn't tell you. Who knew that you fell asleep halfway, and when you wake up, you can see our mother. Wouldn't it be a more pleasant surprise!"

It's a surprise!
But there are also scares, okay!
"Auntie." Shang Yinghan nodded and called.

Lan Qulin looked at Shang Yinghan who was coming over, and thought that just before she came back, Shang Yinghan thoughtfully arranged for her to get in this car, and also thoughtfully went to Wen Xingzhi's car in order to give her and her daughter some space to be alone.

Every aspect is meticulous.

Lan Qulin expressed her attitude: "In the past year, you have taken care of Wen Qing. In fact, I should say thank you to you."

Wen Qing looked at Shang Yinghan with a fast heartbeat.

He only heard him reply: "Auntie is serious, it should be."

Of course a husband should take care of his wife.

But in Lan Qulin's opinion, it's the boyfriend's responsibility to take care of his girlfriend, and it should be.

So she said: "I can't say you should, after all, you are not married yet, you have responsibilities but you don't have the necessary obligations, so thank you, you can afford it."

"Mom, mom, mom, Uncle Wu took good care of me." Wen Qing stuttered.

Lan Qulin looked at Wen Qing: "Well, it can be seen that your relationship should be very stable."

Wen Qing immediately looked away guiltily.

She was thinking in her heart that not only was her relationship stable, but her and fifth uncle's child would be born in eight months.

(End of this chapter)

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