Chapter 318 Ask the Screenwriter to Give Me a Role
"you know me?"

Wen Anyan's voice was just like his name, gentle and gentle.

Without hesitation, Jiang Zhi said, "That's right, classmate Wen is also the class monitor and a top student, how could I not know him."

Wen Anyan turned his head sideways, met her eyes briefly for a second and then lowered his eyes, "You know... what's my name?"

Jiang Zhi's smile froze, and he sat up calmly, "I know, Classmate Wen."

Wen Anyan felt a little disappointed in his heart, looked up at her, and didn't ask any more questions, "Well, student Jiang."

Jiang Zhi was inexplicably made a little guilty by his look, his eyes seemed to see through her, he touched the tip of his nose resentfully, he didn't dare to talk to her, it was the first time since he came back to be seductive, his nose was ashamed After that, I was inexplicably a little timid.

The class bell rang, and after the teacher stood on the stage, after a while, Jiang Zhi's eyes began to fight.

The eyelids are combined together.

She checked the information about her mother's condition on the Internet all night last night.

She didn't sleep all night, and now she is very sleepy. Coupled with the long-lost campus life, once the teacher stood on the stage, she would die.

After a few glances at the teacher, Jiang Zhi couldn't take it anymore, and lay down on his stomach, thinking that it's okay for college students to sleep in class.

But still couldn't help trying to hide it, he opened the book and stood it on the table, and then slumped down.

I fell asleep after a while. The hypnotic effect of the teacher's lecture is really incomparable to any hypnotics.

Seeing her sleeping, Wen Anyan was taken aback for a moment, and coughed low to remind her, but Jiang Zhi was a sound sleeper and had no intention of waking up at all.

Jiang Zhi just picked up a book randomly in class, and the books he picked up were all wrong. At this moment, he held it in front of him majestically, which was even more eye-catching.

Wen Anyan carefully took away her book and replaced it with his own book to keep her out.

But this class is the class of Mr. Sun, the big devil king.

Teacher Sun started his usual questioning again, and when he heard unsatisfactory answers, his brows became tighter and tighter, "Wen Anyan, come and explain to them."

Wen Anyan, who had been peeking at Jiang Zhi, was suddenly called out, so he stood up, lowered his head and pretended to rummage through the books to find the answer.

Teacher Sun looked at Wen Anyan's performance, although he was a little surprised, but knowing Wen Anyan's hard work all the time, it may be the welfare of a good student, Teacher Sun reminded, "Example [-] on page [-], you can take a good look at the second step of analysis. how come."

Wen Anyan bit the bullet and flipped through the wrong books in his hands. Teacher Sun came down from the podium and approached gradually. He kept looking at Wen Anyan, which made it difficult for Wen Anyan to change the books.

Jiang Zhi was still sleeping, under the table, Wen Anyan had no choice but to kick Jiang Zhi's calf to remind her.

"Hey, let me tell you that something is wrong with you today. You didn't make eye contact with me in class. So there is a female classmate sitting next to you."

Jiang Zhigang was woken up by Wen Anyan, his sleepy eyes hadn't reacted yet, Teacher Sun's voice suddenly sounded, his pupils trembled, and he immediately sat upright.

Teacher Sun looked at Jiang Zhi carefully, then asked Wen Anyan with a smile, "Your girlfriend?"


The whole class burst into boisterous laughter instantly, Wen Anyan's ears were rarely red, and he was still calm on the surface, "No."

Teacher Sun took the book in front of Jiang Zhi, and smiled, "Little girl, you are quite courageous. You dare to sleep in my class. I want to see..." You memorized something in class.

Before he finished speaking, Teacher Sun stopped talking.

The book is very detailed, with a lot of expanded knowledge.

He even said that some students who are interested can go to class to check it out.

Basically this kind of content, no one will look it up, but it is all recorded in the book.


What does Teacher Sun think...

This handwriting looks familiar...

Turn to the title page.

as expected
Wen Anyan's name was on the paper.

Teacher Sun glanced at Wen Anyan, "Both of you, stay after class."

Without delaying the class time, after finishing speaking, Teacher Sun put down the book and returned to the podium to continue teaching.

University teachers are not like junior high school and high school teachers. Some university teachers may not know the students in the class after a semester of classes.

Wen Anyan was remembered by Teacher Sun purely because he was a top student and often asked the teacher some questions.

As for Jiang Zhi, Mr. Sun doesn't remember at all.

Jiang Zhi sighed deeply.

She was actually detained in college...

In two lifetimes, this was the first time I had been so ashamed.


Teacher Sun asked them to tell what happened.

The two had to confess.

After listening to Teacher Sun, he smiled and asked, "Aren't you two boyfriend and girlfriend?"

It was also the first time Jiang Zhi saw this gossip teacher, and he was a little ashamed, "You say so."

Teacher Sun clapped his hands, "I'll just say it, it must be, if it's not a girlfriend, it's just a book, Wen Anyan is willing to give the book to you and get scolded?"

"Both of you are college students, you can fall in love, why are you embarrassed?"

"I have to go back and tell your professional teacher. They are still in the office wondering if you will be with the students of this major. I am afraid that you will be abducted by other colleges. It is best to digest it internally now. .”

After finishing speaking, Teacher Sun ran away like an old urchin.

Only Jiang Zhi and Wen Anyan were left looking at each other.

Wen Anyan returned the book to her, "Your."

Jiang Zhi raised the book in his hand, "Are you afraid that I will be discovered by the teacher, so you secretly changed it for me?"


Wen Anyan denied it, took back his book with a stretch of his long hand, and left immediately.

Jiang Zhi looked at his back as he walked away quickly, with his hands folded around his chest, but he was a little puzzled.

Why... why does he seem to know her very well?
His eyes and hesitant expression always made her feel that there was something...hiding her...



The director said.

Today's shooting is officially over.

Editor Liu was extremely satisfied, and the more he watched, the more satisfied he became.

She didn't expect that Yan Yugui's acting was so good, and she praised Yan Yugui a little bit.

Luo Nanshu also looked at Yan Yugui with admiration, it was much better than she imagined.

The behavior of Yan Yuhui looking for her at home last time inevitably made her feel a little repelled.

But now looking at his acting skills, he felt that he deserved this role.

Luo Nanshu had just left, and Yun Qinghan, who had spent a long time with the supporting role in another venue, came aggressively.

Throwing the script directly in front of Director Wu, "Changing the script for me! Who are you fooling with such a broken plot? My dad gave you so much money! You just let me shoot these? I don't care, what about the screenwriter? Hurry up and let her come over, Give me more roles!"

"It is impossible to change the script. This was agreed when the contract was signed."

Director Wu's attitude was tougher than Yun Qinghan expected.

There were staff members around, and when Yun Qinghan came over, there was a lot of commotion, everyone saw it, and upon hearing Director Wu's words, Yun Qinghan couldn't get off the stage, her angry face turned green, "Okay! Wu Tian! Remember what you said! Don't regret it!"

After saying that, Yun Qinghan left immediately.

But it felt a little more desperate and fleeing.

Director Wu immediately went to the corner, dialed a phone number, and said flatteringly, "Boss Shen, look, the investment we mentioned earlier..."

"Hey, that's right, the Yun family will divest if there is no accident."

"Don't worry, we will definitely respect the protagonist and the plot."

(End of this chapter)

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