Niangniang is a squeamish bag, she must be spoiled!

Chapter 738 Sooner or later, it will be a disaster!

Chapter 738 Sooner or later, it will be a disaster!
The old lady cast a sharp look at him, "It's all old, so why not mention it, just let it be old, with your current skills, it would be nice to be able to hunt a hare!"

"Okay, okay, I will obey the old, let's obey the old, old lady, you are not old, the more you live, the younger you are, and you are as beautiful as a flower!"

"You old man, you're so talkative, see if I don't beat you to death!"

The old woman chased after her with a hoe, making a gesture to hit her.

The old man begged for mercy while running, and said good things to him.

The two elders quarreled like a pair of old children amidst the smell of meat all over the yard.

Shen Fei was sitting there grilling meat for them, watching them fight through the firelight, the courtyard was full of fireworks, and the sky was full of stars above his head, suddenly he felt that it was good to age slowly like this.

One porridge and one meal, three meals and four seasons, day and night, day and night, ordinary and long.

Ye Jinchen can't kill chickens, but he still knows how to roast hares. He roasted a golden hare, peeled off a leg and stuffed it into Shen Fei's mouth. He asked expectantly, "Is it delicious?"

Shen Fei nodded, "It's delicious."

Immediately he was greatly encouraged, he stuffed the roasted hare into Shen Fei's hands, and continued to roast with great interest.

Because someone was too enthusiastic, Shen Fei ate a full stomach of the roasted hare, so bad that he almost vomited.

They originally wanted to stay for a few more days, but the next day, Ye Jinchen received a secret letter. The situation had changed, and the emperor asked them to return to Gaoyang City as soon as possible.

Ye Jinchen didn't dare to delay, immediately tidied up and bid farewell to grandpa and grandma.

The two elders were very reluctant to let the two boys go. They prepared a big bag of delicious food and drink for them.

It was hard for Shen Fei to refuse their kindness, so he took the things and secretly left them a bag of silver.

The girl from the village, dressed up in fancy clothes, came over early in the morning. When she saw that they were about to leave, she chased them from the beginning of the village to the end of the village, screaming all the way.

Ye Jinchen didn't even look back, and rode his horse away heartlessly.

The village flower girl saw her son-in-law fly away and sat down at the end of the village, crying loudly!

She is the village flower, the granddaughter of the village chief's grandfather, the object of admiration of all the men in the village, and she is actually abandoned at this moment, wow, wow, wow...

The more she thought about it, the more sad she became. Meng Jiangnu cried like the Great Wall, wishing the sky would collapse.

But crying is useless, the person who should leave still left.

Ye Jinchen led Shen Fei to leave the village on horseback, but Shen Fei was very apprehensive, and said in a low voice, "Would it be inappropriate for me to go back to Gaoyang City now?"

The Southwest King is probably still chasing her everywhere, and she is worried that she will go back and send the sheep to the tiger's mouth.

Ye Jinchen reassured in a low voice, "It's okay, you are with me, who dares to doubt you, Brother Huang told us to go back, then everything must be arranged."

Although Shen Fei was apprehensive, he still nodded.

Here in Gaoyang City, the Southwest King sealed off the city for seven or eight days, but he couldn't even find the shadow of the murderer. He was so anxious that he wanted to vomit blood every day.

Closing the city down for a long time is not an option. The common people complained all over the place and went to the government office and chieftain's mansion. Under pressure, the King of Southwest had to reopen the city gate.

At the same time, the murderer continued to investigate, but day by day, the chances of catching the murderer became slimmer and slimmer.

After thinking about it, he couldn't sit still and wait for death, he had to dispose of the body of the prince of Yue.

A century-old plan is a mess, and if this corpse stays by my side, it will be a disaster sooner or later!

Fortunately, I was wise on the day when the accident happened, and even if I controlled the hidden guards around the prince, otherwise this matter could not be resolved!
After making up his mind, he ordered to kill all the hidden guards of the prince of Yue, and then...

(End of this chapter)

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