Niangniang is a squeamish bag, she must be spoiled!

Chapter 721 I found the person I was looking for

Chapter 721 I found the person I was looking for
Shen Fei also got off the horse, squatted by the river, took a sip of the clear and cold river water with his hands, and felt the coolness in his heart, which made his whole body feel comfortable.

The sun has all set, and there are still sunset clouds in the sky. The golden sunset clouds cover the entire sky and horizon, which is extremely beautiful.

She simply sat there, admiring the sunset, her mood was unprecedentedly peaceful.

She still remembers sitting on her father’s horse when she was a child, and letting her ride the horse to take her to chase the sunset. The sunset is on the other side of the mountain. She always felt that she could touch the big and round sunset after chasing that mountain...

The setting sun is so big and round, it looks like a big big sesame seed cake, it must taste delicious!
However, after chasing so many times, climbing over one mountain and another, I will never be able to catch up with the setting sun...

Dad also lied to her, saying that she was still young, so she couldn't catch up with her, and told her to eat well, sleep well, practice hard, grow up quickly, and when she grows up, she can chase after the sunset.

Dad also made a promise to her that when he grows up, he will accompany her to chase the sunset, and then he will shoot the sunset down with a bow and arrow to make her a bride's head covering.

She firmly believes that she eats well, sleeps well, and practices well every day, looking forward to growing up soon...

If she had known what it would be like to grow up, how heaven and man would never see each other again, how she wished she would never grow up, and would always be that seven-year-old sitting on her father's big white horse wantonly happily!

Shen Fei's thoughts drifted away, unconsciously, the corners of his eyes were already icy cold.

This was the first time in ten years that she allowed herself to shed a handful of tears.

"Young Master Shen, Young Master Shen..."

A little soldier called her in a low voice.

Shen Fei came back to his senses, wiped his eyes, turned his eyes to look over, and asked lightly, "What's the matter?"

The little soldier handed her two biscuits, and said with a shy smile, "Young Master Shen hasn't eaten all day, eat some quickly, you have to continue your journey at night."

Shen Fei took the biscuits and thanked them.

Xiaobing scratched his head, embarrassed to disturb her, and sat a little further away silently.

Shen Fei took a bite of the biscuits, but his thoughts were aroused and he surged up like mountains and seas, unstoppable, big drops of tears silently fell on the biscuits, softening the hard biscuits into a lump .

She mechanically ate it into her mouth one bite at a time, swallowing all her sobs by the way.

Ye Jinchen didn't stop, took a breath without stopping all the way, and finally caught up with the large army before dark.

Seeing the soldiers sitting by the river in twos and threes, he just glanced at them casually, and found the person he was looking for steadily.

She was sitting among the crowd, wearing the same armor and the same helmet, but her straight back would never change, always firm and straight, as if drawing a sword could kill someone.

He can always recognize her in the crowd at a glance, his bodyguard Shen!

Ye Jinchen stared at the straight figure over there, not daring to blink his scarlet eyes, for fear that the figure would disappear if he blinked.

The violent emotions in the heart were churning, almost bursting.

He suppressed his emotions that were about to burst, patted the horse and walked over, got off the horse, walked to her side, sat next to her, and after a while he said with difficulty, "Is the sesame seed cake delicious?"

Yes, I had imagined the scene of strangling her to death countless times, but finally saw him, his thousands of anger and thousands of words were gone, only this dry sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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