Chapter 518
Seeing the carriage disappear, Lin Susu turned her head and went back to the wing room, washed and washed, and went to sleep on the couch carelessly.

On the second day of the Dragon Boat Festival, wormwood is hung on the door of every household, the five-color rice is fragrant, and the smell of realgar wine is wafting in the wind.

There was even more commotion in the palace before dawn. The emperor led a group of clan ministers and concubines to complete the sacrificial process. They toasted nine lines each in the outer and inner palaces, and the red tape came to an end.

The emperor changed into military uniform and came out in good spirits, and the lively atmosphere of the day really began.

The water surface of the capital is wide, and the folk Dragon Boat Festival usually starts from the Shuangchun Bridge and ends at the Wangxia Bridge. In previous years, the emperor only came to the Caitai to watch.

This year when the new emperor ascended the throne, he specially selected more than [-] masters from the bodyguards, forbidden army, capital camp, navy division, and five-city soldiers and horses to race against the current, just to boost the morale of the people in the capital.

The Empress Dowager was ill and did not come out to watch the dragon boat race, but the Empress Dowager came here with great interest.

The emperor rode a steed to send the empress dowager out of the palace, the sky was covered with banners and canopies, and splendid officials accompanied by flowers and flowers on both sides.

Luanjia is here, and thousands of people are watching along the river.

The two thousand iron armors in the Beijing camp drove away the crowd and set up defenses, tied ropes as a boundary, and one person turned the iron gun horizontally in three steps, standing upright like a city wall, and the people were not allowed to approach.

In this way, the two sides of the strait are still bustling with people, and the layers are several miles thick.

A group of concubines sat in the carriage, and they could feel the cheers outside without looking, and all of them could not help but show joy and joy.

Concubine Xian and Concubine De were in the same carriage, and they were able to play chess in the carriage, so they won each other.

Concubine Liang and Concubine Yue were riding in the same carriage. Concubine Yue was full of joy, her face was as delicate as a flower, and she lifted the curtain to look at the emperor outside from time to time, her heart beating uncontrollably.

Concubine Ning is gone, there is no place to die, no one in the entire harem competes with her for favor, and she is still the emperor's favorite one, how can it not make people happy.

Concubine Liang took into account Concubine Yue's shy movements, and said softly, "Sister Yue Concubine's complexion has gotten better recently. I heard that the emperor rewarded her with a thousand-year-old ginseng last night. The emperor always treats her differently. I'm really envious." others."

Concubine Yue replied shyly, "Sister Liang Concubine, what did you say, the emperor always treats sisters equally."

Concubine Liang smiled softly, "Treat everyone equally, why doesn't the emperor reward my sister with ginseng?"

Concubine Yue was delighted to hear that, and she became more and more shy, "Sister Liangfei, don't make fun of me!"

"Okay, okay, big sister, don't laugh anymore. The emperor personally went to the dragon boat fight today. After a while, he grabbed the hydrangea ball. Maybe he will give it to his younger sister. The older sisters can only be envious."

Concubine Yue felt relieved and said coquettishly, "Sister Liangfei has made fun of my younger sister again, the emperor is not sure which sister to give it to!"

Concubine Liang smiled and said, "My sister is not as beautiful as my younger sister, she is the only one who is favored by the emperor!"

Concubine Yue's heart was so sweet that it bubbled with sugar, and her face became more and more delicate, "Sister, stop making fun of others!"

Her face was coquettish and angry, but in her heart she was imagining the scene of the emperor giving her a hydrangea in full view.

At that time, I must have been the most radiant and dazzling concubine, the moon concubine who made all women in the world envy and jealous!

The other concubines didn't dare to imagine that the emperor would give them hydrangeas, and they were already very happy to be able to come out.

Concubine Shu was also very happy, she could finally eat cantaloupe unscrupulously in the carriage, but thinking that Concubine Ning's whereabouts were unknown, the cantaloupe in her mouth was slightly blocked.

Suddenly, I feel that the muskmelon that no one grabs is not so fragrant!
Xie Qinghua was by the empress dowager's side, the one closest to the emperor, when the breeze blew, the curtain swayed...


(End of this chapter)

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