Niangniang is a squeamish bag, she must be spoiled!

Chapter 343 Are you looking for death?

Chapter 343 Are you looking for death?
The altar is extremely wide and has a very wide field of vision. In front of it is a curved river like a jade belt, and behind it is a magnificent palace with pines and cypresses standing neatly on both sides.

Two rows of stone lions stand on both sides of the temple, majestic and majestic.

Row after row of sacrificial officials were already standing on it, and when they saw the emperor and a group of clan ministers coming up, they immediately led them to their standing positions in an orderly manner.

The emperor was at the head of the sacrificial procession. Lin Susu did not follow the emperor this time, and stood in his own place together with all the concubines.

The sacrificial etiquette was complicated and lengthy, and the priest recited various incomprehensible scriptures aloud above, and a group of people followed the sacrificial officer to worship once, twice, and three times...

Anyway, I'm going to thank you until you feel dizzy, your legs feel weak, and your eyes are full of stars.

Lin Susu knelt up and down with the crowd, always feeling that there was a gaze sweeping over her body from time to time.

She turned her head slightly according to her feeling, but saw that it was Lin Yanyan who was frowning and staring at her.

Lin Susu sneered and gave her a slightly provocative look.

Lin Yanyan's heart skipped a beat, and her heart became more and more uneasy. The sacrificial ceremony will soon come to an end. According to the plan, Lin Susu, the little bitch, should stand up and go crazy. No.

I was anxious, and wanted to draw a spell to summon the ghost to come over and ask what was going on, but found that I couldn't summon it no matter what.

She tried again and again, but it didn't work. She couldn't help but turn pale for a moment, break out in cold sweat, and tremble in her soul.

If she fails again this time, the prince will definitely not let her go!
With a sound of "Dang--", the bell rang, and the sacrificial ceremony was over, and a wisp of black smoke entered her body silently.

Her body froze abruptly, as if being controlled by something, her eyes were slack, and she suddenly let out a hahaha laugh.

The sacrifice just ended, the bells stopped, the chanting stopped, and the spring breeze blew, and everything was quiet.

In this quiet and solemn atmosphere, this untimely laughter immediately attracted everyone to look over in unison.

Lin Yanyan ignored everyone's eyes, laughed, and rushed directly to King Jin, while tugging on her clothes, and said with a charming and sweet smile, "My lord, I have been in love with my lord for a long time. , taking advantage of the clear wind and bright moon, let's complete the ceremony of the bridal chamber.

The ground is the mat, the sky is the quilt, and this bridal ceremony is made, and we will become husband and wife. From then on, there will be me in you, and you in me. The white heads will never be separated, and there will be no doubts about love and love, my lord..."

As the woman spoke, she not only tore off her own clothes, revealing her snow-white arms, but also reached out to pull King Jin's clothes.

King Jin was startled by her strange, bitch-like look, and thought it was part of her plan, so he kept a black face for a while.

Unexpectedly, this woman was so powerful, just when he was astonished, she had already hissed and tore off his robe and belt, revealing the strong muscles inside.

King Jin: "..."

His face was ashen for a moment, and he grabbed the woman's hand for a moment, and said coldly, "Lin Yanyan, are you looking for death?"

Lin Yanyan remained indifferent, smiled charmingly, and called out again sweetly, "My lord..."

The big hands grabbed his neckline and didn't let go.

King Jin was so angry that his teeth were about to burst, and he tried hard to push the crazy woman away. Unexpectedly, the woman's chassis was so stable that she couldn't push it.

(End of this chapter)

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