Niangniang is a squeamish bag, she must be spoiled!

Chapter 175 Man loves you, just play with confidence!

Chapter 175 Man loves you, just play with confidence!

Ye Jinchen saw that such a delicate little girl likes to watch such a bloody martial arts contest, and was unable to accept it for a while.

Ordinary little girls would faint from fright when they saw the blood, but what happened to her eyes that were shining brightly?

There are so many people here, and Ye Qianhan doesn't like her hanging out with this group of men, so he finds Xiaoer and opens a private room for her, and asks her to stay in the private room and not wander around.

Lin Susu complied obediently, promising that she would not wander around.

Then the two went to work.

Lin Susu glanced at the two contestants in the arena, and immediately sneaked out, betting one thousand taels on one of the skinny guys.

Seeing her big money, the dealer reminded, "Young master, if you lose the bet, you won't be able to get back the thousand taels."

Lin Susu smiled and said, "If you win the bet, you can get two thousand taels, right? If you give it a try, your bicycle will become a motorcycle."

Dealer: "..."

A group of people: "..."

Suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, did you see that big guy on the stage? He is a victorious general in our martial arts field. He has never lost a hand. It has been a long time since no one dared to challenge him. This skinny guy only went up to challenge him because he needed a beating!

Young man, you buy him to win, be careful to lose with your underwear pierced! "

"That's right, we don't care about affection in the martial arts field, and it will be useless for you to fight back!"

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter if the young master loses the money, when the time comes, he will come to Grandpa's arms, Grandpa will love you!"

"That's right, man loves you, you just have to play with confidence!"


All the men laughed together.

Lin Susu waved a white jade folding fan, smiled suavely with red lips and white teeth, "If I can afford to gamble, I can afford to lose, so I won't bother you guys, boss, make up your mind!"

The shopkeeper wished to earn a thousand taels of silver for nothing, how could he not accept the fool who gave money, and immediately laughed, "Okay!"

A hammer is fixed.

With a sound of "Dang--", the preparatory bell for the competition was rung on the field.

All the men immediately became excited, stopped laughing for a second, and looked at the stage in unison.

The big and thin guys on the stage are ready and have already stood in the middle of the stage.

The big man was bare-chested, exposing his dark and muscular abdominal muscles. He seemed to be full of strength, but he was so weak that the men around him screamed.

The thin man was dressed in black, with a straight back and a cold face, standing there like a sword, indifferent to the screams around him.

"Dang—" sounded, and the game officially started.

The big man let out a snarl, and quickly swung his clay-pot-like fist towards the thin man's face.

The crowd held their breaths intently, waiting for the thin man to take the punch, not wanting the thin man to dodge lightly, dodge the violent wind and rain, and turn around violently...

The fist stretched out quickly, and hit the big man's neck at close range...

The big man felt as if he had been hit by a powerful sledgehammer, his chassis was unstable, he backed up a few steps with a bang, and fell down on the stage with a bang.


The crowd looked at the situation in front of them, and they were all dumbfounded. The huge scene was dead silent for a moment, and there was no sound.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

The big man fell there, showing no sign of standing up at all.

In the silence of Wan Lai, Lin Susu's crisp and joyful laughter sounded, "Hahaha, my son won, the bicycle became a motorcycle, the shopkeeper, two thousand taels of silver!"

(End of this chapter)

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