Chapter 1388 Is there a solution?
In the side room, Shen Fei checked Lin Susu's body again, his brows were wrinkled, and his heart was hurting.

Susu's body is already so weak that she can't hold it anymore. What kind of pain has she suffered during this period of time?
And this child, this child is continuously absorbing her blood, although the child will be born in a few days, but she is worried that when the child is born, her body will be exhausted and she will die.

Su Suhuai's child is different from other children. It needs to absorb the endless energy and blood of the mother's body, as if it needs to absorb all the energy and blood of the mother's body before it is born.

Ye Qianhan saw Shen Fei frowning tightly, his heart sinking into an endless abyss, and asked in a hoarse voice, "How's the situation?"

Shen Fei looked at the emperor's face, didn't know what to say, and pondered for a while before saying, "It's not very good."

Ye Qianhan suppressed his heartache, and said impatiently, "How is it not good, please explain clearly."

Everyone only knows how to say it's good or bad, but they can't say how bad it is, it's just useless!
Shen Fei's heart trembled, he lowered his eyes slightly, and after thinking for a while, he said in a low voice, "The moment a child is born may be the time when the mother dies."

Ye Qianhan's eyes instantly set off a huge wave, and soon he was hidden under the endless deep sea. After a while, he said in a trembling voice, "You said it is possible, but it is not certain, but there is a way to resolve it?"

Shen Fei lowered his eyes to suppress the thoughts in his heart, shook his head slightly, "Not yet."

Ye Qianhan's eyes froze for a moment, looking at Lin Susu's pale face, he didn't speak for a while.

Just when Shen Fei was about to resign, Ye Qianhan said in a deep voice, "The moment the child is born is the moment when the mother's body dies. What if the child is born earlier?"

Shen Fei was also thinking about this question, and said in a low voice, "Although labor can be induced, but the empress is too weak, and my wife is worried that she won't be able to bear it."

Once unable to bear it, both mother and child will be in danger, she is not half sure at this moment.

Ye Qianhan held Lin Susu's cold little hand tightly with his big hand, and said after a while, "Find a way to make up for her until she can bear it, and then induce labor."

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will not let it go. He believes in Susu, and believes that she will bear it.

The emperor used an orderly tone, not discussing with her at all, Shen Fei could only nod his head in response, "Yes, my wife obeys the order, my wife will go down to prepare."

Ye Qianhan nodded, "Well, go down, no matter what method you use, no matter what price you pay, Susu must be fine."


Shen Fei gritted his teeth and responded, turned around and left the wing room, thinking of the letterhead Susu gave her, his head was as big as a bucket, and he was so entangled that he couldn't make a decision for a long time.

The letterhead Susu gave her was the same as the emperor's order, which was to induce her labor in advance.

As expected of an empress, she has a tacit understanding.

But the problem is that she can't guarantee the safety of their mother and child if she induces labor early, in case something goes wrong...

How should she explain it!
Shen Fei only felt that she had never faced such a difficult decision, even when she assassinated the prince of Yue Kingdom, she had never been so entangled.

Lin Susu's body became weaker day by day, and the baby in her belly became more and more active, needing to absorb a steady stream of energy. Shen Fei couldn't just watch Lin Susu's body die like this, and finally decided to induce labor early.

(End of this chapter)

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