Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 176 Plan

"That's right, you're right. This kind of opportunity is hard to come by. If that's the case, the money in the game can be used to make money from money. In terms of economics, we are all idiots and don't understand anything. But that money, we can use it to buy some high-end top-quality equipment, brush bosses, lead training, lead tasks, no matter how bad it is, being a killer is also a good choice... Make money with money, this is the kingly way! What are you going to do in the future? What?" Lin Shuang nodded and said.

"Step by step, first of all, your strength must be improved first, otherwise, you will be too brittle, even if Alice is strong, if you are killed, Alice will be gone, so, you must be killed first. To improve your strength, you need to reach at least level 22, until you can wear those two pieces of gold-level equipment."

After a pause, Xiao Qi continued: "In another month, the system will be completely open for registration, and there will be a large number of new players entering the game. This is a good opportunity for us. Take advantage of this month, We can work hard to improve our own strength and improve our equipment. There will definitely be a good market in the future. In addition, we need to find Ye Xiao. If that guy can burst out a set of equipment, if he cooperates, the explosive power will definitely be stronger. , When the time comes, you can kill the boss with a single target, I will kill the mobs in a group, Alice will fight the monsters, and Ice Orange will heal, our team is temporarily completed."

It has to be said that sometimes Xiao Qi can have some good ideas in his wretched mind, but this is just the best plan, and no one can tell what changes will happen in it.

"Enn, that's right. After the level is raised, we have to refresh our skills. At several skill refresh points, we can get all the skills of this profession. In addition, we can also reserve more. These will be used in the future. Definitely in short supply."

"That's right, in terms of quests, we should hurry up and complete them. Although the rewards for those quests are not as good as those for killing the boss, they are all quests that must be completed. This main quest will accompany the player's life, and it is impossible to miss a link."

"There are also dungeons! Inside the dungeon is the best place to brush equipment. There must be a lot of dungeons in the game, not just the source of mutation."

The more the two talked, the more excited they became. They had fully planned out their plan for the next month. After more than an hour, they stopped.

Immediately, I began to browse casually on the official website to see if there was any news worth noting.

The official forum was extremely lively, with countless posts and tens of millions of clicks, many of which were pushed to the homepage.

"Suspected dungeons appear, members of the Yaoyan Confused gang gather at the 5173 base, and the equipment of the members has been greatly improved!"

This is currently the most clicked post, a post by a player in base 5173, which records in detail the flow of personnel in the base. In addition to the large-scale gathering of players from the Blood Demon League, the number of Yaoyan Confused members has increased unprecedentedly, and the strength of the players , the equipment on his body far exceeds that of other guilds, so this player speculates that he may be a member of the bewitching crowd and discovered the location of the dungeon, otherwise, the equipment would not be able to improve so quickly.

The players who followed the post were all condemning the evil deeds of bewitching the crowd and dominating the dungeon.

This kind of situation made Xiao Qi and Lin Shuang laugh, but it was just a group of sailors, and the bewitching people found the dungeon, why should they take it out and share it with others?You know, they paid hundreds of thousands of hush money, so there's no need to share it with others, right?

Regarding this kind of information, Lin Shuang and Xiao Qi directly ignored it.

The other posts are also popular events in the game. The Blood Fiend Alliance is dispatched on a large scale to surround and kill thirteen mutant beasts.Mythology online game guild sent troops to wipe out another small gang in the 6037 base, life and death are fighting for the power of the gang... There are countless various posts.

There are even posts about Xiao Qi.

"A mysterious player appears, suspected to be a guild electronic token~!"

Click on it to see, isn't it exactly the scene where Xiao Qi, driving the little wasp, whizzed past countless players of the Blood Demon League with the remains of Cybertron.It can be seen that the photographer was very attentive and the angle was quite good. Although the distance was far away, he still captured Xiao Qi's wretched appearance.The comments below are all messages asking to buy guild electronic tokens, and there are even many people who have taken a fancy to Xiao Qi's car, Little Hornet.

"Damn it, which bastard took the video, don't let me see him, otherwise he will be killed, is I so wretched?" This situation made Xiao Qi very angry and quite unhappy.

"Only making a wedding dress, all the trophies of the thirteen mutant beasts were robbed!" "

This post is a post made by a player to gloat over others' misfortune. It is about the fact that Lin Shuang and Xiao Qi partnered to rob bloody loot. All the comments below strongly condemn such immoral things as Wushuang and Xiao Qi. , Asking the two to return the loot and return the game to a quiet one.

Regarding this reply, Lin Shuang and Xiao Qi directly ignored it. Although the two of them didn't know much about things on the Internet, the idiots also knew that these were the sailors under Blood Splattered Sanzhang. Ordinary players, who would be idle? It hurts to leave this kind of comment?

Moreover, these sailors are quite unprofessional, and many of them still wear the vests of the Blood Fiend Alliance. Isn't this looking for death?

The most popular post by my colleague recently is also about blood spattering. I have to say that this guy is definitely a popular character in the game right now.

"Super Guild Leader, Kneel Down and Cry for NPCs! "

The name of the post is quite attractive, and people can't help but want to click on it. Although this post has not appeared for a long time, only a few minutes, it was directly promoted to the home page, and the number of hits is soaring crazily.

"Brother, I beg you, quickly cancel the arrest warrant, I really have no money, if this continues, I will really become a poor man, I was wrong before, I beg you to quickly cancel it... "

Just clicked on the video, a voice came out immediately, Xiao Qi and Lin Shuang couldn't hold it back, burst out laughing, their faces were full of surprise, they looked at the guy in the picture dumbfounded, isn't this blood spattered?

Look at this super gang leader now, with tears and snot running down his nose, lying in front of the arrest warrant officer, grabbing his body, pleading all over his face, that kind of expression makes people laugh!It may be that the photographer is not very professional, and the location is not right, or it may be that he suddenly discovered such explosive news, and when he turned on the camera function, he only captured the scene after that, including the scene of being captured with blood spattering!

33 seconds!It was only 33 seconds in total, but because of this explosive scene, it became the hottest post so far.

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