Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 134 Kite

At level 180, so much agility is not added in vain. With so much agility, Lin Shuang's speed far exceeds that of Xiao Qi. Although the energy cannon is powerful, its speed is not fast enough to compare with bullets. It takes at least [-] seconds for the distance of [-] meters, and this time is enough for Lin Shuang to escape far away.


There was a violent roar from behind, and then an astonishing impact came over in an instant. The terrifying heat wave made Lin Shuang feel hot all over his body. Following the astonishing impact, his body rolled on the ground, and his body immediately jumped far away. Drive, escape, this dangerous distance, although it looks quite embarrassing, but the body did not suffer the slightest injury.

The hatred has been transferred, the little hornet has a huge body, running fast on the ground, after firing an energy cannon, it will take at least a few minutes for the energy sequel, and it is impossible to fire continuously, this is an excellent opportunity, although the speed of the little hornet Fast, but such a long distance is enough for Lin Shuang to launch several attacks.

The sg550 was instantly raised, and the bullets were ejected directly from the barrel. At the same time, Lin Shuang was observing carefully, trying to find the real weakness from this iron bump.

The speed of the bullet was extremely terrifying. In the blink of an eye, it had already arrived in front of the little hornet, and pierced towards the center of the hornet's eyebrows.

At this moment, Little Hornet's saber, which had been guarding his chest, was raised instantly, with a bang, the movements within this short distance were almost so fast that it was dizzying, it was almost a bang, The bright trace of the saber flashed in front of his head in an instant, and immediately with a bang, the armor-piercing bullet was sent flying out. This bullet did not achieve the slightest merit. .

With amazing reflexes, the strength of the little hornet is terrifying, and it can even bounce bullets from sniper rifles.This is definitely something that Lin Shuang has never encountered before. Even the strongest boss, the Spider Queen, will definitely not be able to do this step. Could it be that the strength of this little wasp is even more perverted than the Spider Queen?

Feeling ruthless in his heart, bullets shot out in the sky, long and thin marks appeared in the sky, terrifying light flickered all around, all the places that Lin Shuang thought were vital were covered by dense bullets, between the eyebrows, Eyes, neck, chest, joints... Lin Shuang never let go of any vital parts.

But the reaction of the little wasp was even more astonishing. Maybe the little wasp couldn't stop the dense bullets of the machine gun, but the scattered bullets of the sniper rifle were completely within the range of the little wasp's ability to cope. The bullets that were sent flying directly couldn't cause the little hornet any damage at all.

But Little Hornet didn't know that he had fallen into Lin Shuang's trap. The previous bullets were not intended to cause fatal damage to Little Hornet, but to expose Little Hornet's flaws. Only in this way can the sniper really display Come out for a deadly attack.

Between the eyebrows, joints, neck, eyes, no matter where the attack is, the little hornet will immediately chop it away, but there is only one exception... the chest!When Lin Shuang's bullet hits his chest, even if other parts are attacked at the same time, the little hornet will remain indifferent and keep rushing forward. The sword on his chest never moves until the bullet explodes on the chest sword After that, the little hornet will shoot to knock away the remaining bullets in other parts.

Weakness, this is the real weakness of the little hornet!Perhaps other places can also pose a serious threat to the little wasp, but the real fatal weakness is in the chest.

It's just that there is a dense defense on the chest, and the sword in Little Hornet's hand is made of unknown material. It is extremely strong, even if it is the power of armor-piercing bullets.It can't break the sword, and it won't even leave a white mark. It's powerful and terrifying.

Only by drawing the double sabers away can we attack the real weak point!

Just when Lin Shuang was thinking about how to draw the Hornet's double knives away, Xiao Qi, who had been suppressed by the Hornet before, finally turned around and made the decision. He no longer had to run as desperately as before, and jumped out directly from behind , the qbb95-Tyrannosaurus rex in his hand roared like crazy, and the astonishing light curtain appeared again. The dense bullets formed a light curtain in the sky and shrouded the little hornet.

ding ding dong...

Enemy on the back!

Whether it was the front or the back, they were all under extremely serious attacks. A series of injuries appeared, making it difficult for the little hornet to defend against. The attacks on both sides were attracting the hatred of the little hornet, which made the hornet tired of coping.

A shuttle of bullets went down, and immediately caused an astonishing damage of more than a thousand points. Even so, Xiao Qi did not stop at all, and another shuttle of bullets shot out, and the damage became more and more terrifying. This time, Little Hornet was once again enraged , temporarily abandoned Lin Shuang, turned around and killed Xiao Qi.

As soon as he saw that he was attracting hatred, Xiao Qi was unambiguous, turned around and ran away.Hand over the back of the little hornet to Lin Shuang!

With a knowing smile, this guy is quite discerning, knowing that at this time, attack the little hornet and attract its hatred!The strength of this mutant beast is too strong. If the two of them work alone, neither of them can be the opponent of the little hornet, and even if the two of them join forces to fight head-on, they will definitely not be able to beat the hornet.

There is only one way to win, and that is to fly a kite.Fortunately, the area around here is extremely wide, surrounded by giant trees, providing a natural barrier, otherwise, there would be no chance to fly a kite.

The small white dot on the back of the little hornet's head is where the previous attack was made. His eyes are narrowed slightly, and he is rapidly calculating in his head. If he wants to attack perfectly, there must be no deviation or the slightest mistake. This time The attack will not have the desired effect.


The bullets shot out from the barrel, and the bullets drew a straight trace in mid-air, whistling past.


The next moment, the bullet hit the target accurately, and directly penetrated into the wound caused by the previous attack without any deviation. Lin Shuang's marksmanship became more and more accurate.The armor-piercing projectile almost completely pierced the entire head of the little wasp, and it has been deeply immersed in it, and it is doing crazy damage inside, electric sparks, flickering frantically on the little wasp's head.


The terrifying critical damage appeared instantly. The power of this bullet far exceeded the normal value. This super-intensive damage immediately made the little hornet turn its gun.

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