Can you live forever

Chapter 442 Xuanhuang Grand Ceremony, A History of the World

Beijing Normal University.

Zhang Zhixiang was giving a lecture, there was no blackboard writing, no classroom, just on the playground, everyone sat on the ground, and he didn't talk about any profound things, but he was talking about history.

Sima Qian cannot be avoided when talking about history, so he first talked about Sima.

"The Sima clan originated from the Chongli clan, the great-grandson of Zhuanxu. They were responsible for recording astronomy and geography in ancient times. Later, they evolved into the Sima clan in the Zhou Dynasty. They were divided into three branches during the Zhou Dynasty, and went to Qin, Zhao, and Wei."

"The two branches of Zhao and Wei merged later, and the descendant was Sima Yi, who founded the Jin Dynasty."

"The Sima family in Qin State is the branch of Sima Qian. Sima Qian's sons all changed their surnames, and his daughter married Yang Chang, who founded the Hongnong Yang family. Sima Yan's two empresses were both from the Hongnong Yang family."

"Later, Yang Jian, Emperor Wendi of the Sui Dynasty, also ratified it, saying that he came from the Hongnong Yang family..."

"We need to sort out these origins first, so that we can know that Sima Qian is not a pure historian. He has his political identity more often. The origin of the Sima family certainly allows Sima Qian to show his claws and claws in ancient times when writing historical records. More, it was the political impact at the time."

"As a chronological history book, our Ming Shilu of Ming Dynasty can write less, not write, or even write from a different angle, so as to change the true appearance of history."

"Just consider whether there will be inconsistencies."

"And what about biographical history books?"

"It's a history book. To some extent, isn't it just a piece of biography? If you want to rewrite something, it couldn't be easier."

"Let's look at Li Guang and Li Ling who are good friends with Sima Qian, and Wei Qinghuo Qubing who has a bad relationship with him?"

"Is there a big difference in the content of the writing?"

"Then, besides being a history book, what else is Shiji? An extremely powerful political tool."

"Whoever can leave a name in history will remain infamous forever."

"It's just a matter of a pen."

"Predecessors can write like this, but our descendants must unravel the layers of fog and present the history closest to the truth objectively. Only in this way can future generations learn history better and learn from history. draw wisdom from it.”


"I would like to say something to all the students here, in your lifetime, you should write a real history book, describe history from various angles, clarify the important relationship among them, and summarize the development law of history."

"If you want to destroy your country, you must first destroy its history."

"If you want to prosper your country, first understand its history!"

"We must first take history back from the discourse power monopolized by the scholar-bureaucrats...!"

The pre-Qin history is difficult to sort out because it is too far away and there are too few records, but Zhang Zhixiang wants to sort out the history since the Qin Dynasty.

Sima Guang wrote "Zizhi Tongjian" as the book of emperors.

But it is also written in a secretive way.

Why bother?
You might as well write it more clearly, tell the rules clearly to the world, so that the world will know what is right and wrong, and what to do, so as not to be confused by those in power.

In this longevity revolution, Zhang Zhixiang did not intervene in specific changes. After he provided the basic theory, he only wanted to do one thing—to compile history.

Build a different history.

All-round, multi-angle, top-to-bottom record history.

We want to expose those aristocratic families hidden in history and those gentry families to the light, drive their interests, and clearly describe the changes in power.

only if.

Only then will it not be "lamented by future generations without learning from it, and it will also make future generations mourn future generations again."

Why is it "sorrowful but unrecognizable"?Because the vast majority of people don't know it at all, they can't supervise it, and those with ulterior motives are deliberately ignorant so that they can continue to exploit.

Only when the history books are repaired, there will be no need for the Dream of Red Mansions or the Book of Dragon Slaying.

Because history itself is the best dragon slaying technique.

Many students understood the importance of this matter, and then they deeply realized why the national teacher is a national teacher, and also realized what kind of knowledge Zhang Zhixiang's Xiangzong is.

If "Yongle Dadian" records hundreds of encyclopedias.

Then the history book that Zhang Zhixiang will compile will also be a vast and magnificent work.

This cannot be done by one person.

It is a masterpiece that can only be completed by thousands of scholars under the leadership of an editor-in-chief in units of years! !Collect, collate, study, deduce, integrate.

It's hard to imagine what a huge project this is, and how hard it must be to do it well and carefully.

"I have already discussed with His Majesty, this book is designated as "Xuan Huang Da Dian"."

"In order to sort out and revise the "Xuanhuang Dadian", the first batch of investment by the imperial court is 200 billion treasure notes, and the scale of the project is 5000 billion, and the time is at least 20 years. Therefore, it is not afraid to spend money and time on the "Xuanhuang Dadian", I am afraid that the repair is not good enough .”

"This is a vast and great project, and it is also a project that needs to be studied."

"Perhaps you have been studying this book all your life and devoted yourself to it. Fame and fortune have nothing to do with you. Everything you do is laying the foundation for Chinese civilization."

"If anyone here is determined to do this, please think twice..."

Before Zhang Zhixiang finished speaking, he suddenly stopped, and he looked to the southwest direction as if he felt something. When the students gradually started to make noise, an eunuch finally rushed over in a hurry.

Handed over the booklet of Qin Tianjian.

He felt right, something happened to Manthorna, there is an evil god appearing in this world...

Close the folder.

Zhang Zhixiang looked at the students, and the scene became quiet. He said calmly: "Master Yao wrote the "Yongle Canon". As a student, I can't fall into the prestige of a master, so I plan to spend my whole life on this "Xuanhuang Canon". Those who come to repair, strive to be perfect."

"I think in the future, with the development of technology, information query will be more convenient."

"Any citizen of the Ming Dynasty can look up the complete history, and what they see is not the slightest difference from what the doctors saw."

"History should not be secretive."

"History should be generous."

"I hope so, and I hope that those of you who want to do this will have this awareness."

"We can create an era, but how to protect this era is not something that a few people can do, but the tens of thousands of people of Ming Dynasty. Only by spontaneously maintaining it can the country last forever and the world be safe and healthy."

"You have to know that only when the history is clearly recorded can the present be recorded!"

"Even if the emperor returns power to the people in the future, leaving only the power of supervision to patrol the sky on behalf of the people, this is not safe. You can't pin all your hopes on the emperor, the emperor can only assist you."

"You have to be the real supervisors."

"I hope that one day, every word and deed of those in power will be recorded, signed and evaluated by you, it cannot be hidden, and anyone can read it at any time."

"In this way, whoever rapes who is loyal can be seen afterward."

"There are national annals on the top, and county annals on the bottom. There are no details."

"The "Xuan Huang Da Dian" not only needs to be repaired now, but also in the future, and it has to be continued. Only when the historical records are firmly in the hands of the people can you be the real masters of the country."

With the lingering sound in their ears, all the students were still digesting Zhang Zhixiang's words, but he had already risen up with his sword.

One thing, Xu Jie is no match for him.

He is really upright, so he has truly comprehended the dragon slaying technique, so he can speak out the theory of civilization, so he can edit "Xuanhuang Dadian".

He has books, but Xu Jie does not.

The Yongle Grand Ceremony can be compiled even in the prosperous ages, but the Xuanhuang Grand Ceremony has no ancients before, and it is difficult to see newcomers in the future.

This is his... half-step light.

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