Restricted area grave keeper

Chapter 5 Taboo Sequence S - Grave Keeper

Chapter 5 Taboo Sequence S - Grave Keeper

Seeing Lu Zhan smacking his chest and swearing that he would find the body as soon as possible, Bai Mo felt relieved and left the police station with a brand new wad of cash.

This money was exchanged by him with the old banknotes on his body, and it is also his only remaining asset now.

Just now, Lu Zhan told him that the currency is being adjusted everywhere now, and suggested that he had better exchange the old banknotes for new ones in the police station, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles in the future.

Naturally, Bai Mo didn't suspect him. After all, the police could never lie, so he simply exchanged the money.

But vaguely, he always felt that something was wrong. Isn't it the bank's job to exchange money? If the police station doesn't do a good job of law and order, why do you still have a part-time job...

Tsk, no wonder there were more than 900 informants at the beginning of the month.

I don't know when the corpse will be found...

He left with a heavy heart.

Seeing Bai Mo's figure gradually go away, Lu Zhan's tense nerves gradually relaxed. He seemed calm, but his back was already wet with sweat.

"Keep away these ghost coins, they may be useful in the future. And..." he added, "The money just exchanged will be reimbursed by the bureau."

"Yes." The police officer behind him smiled wryly, and then asked curiously, "Captain Lu, what's the background of that guy?"

"How many times have I said, don't ask what you shouldn't ask." Lu Zhan glanced at him, and said seriously, "Remember, Mingbi must be kept in the storage box, and you are not allowed to open it without my order."

The latter closed his mouth wisely and left with a smile.

Lu Zhan stood where he was, thoughtful.

In fact, including him, not all the people present were the original police officers of the police station, and most of them were from the Department of Prohibition.

Among all the people, only Lu Zhan knew how dangerous the situation just now was.

A little carelessness, maybe the entire No. [-] city may be destroyed.

As he walked towards the office, information about the Forbidden Sequence S-Gravekeeper came to mind.

"Forbidden Sequence S-Gravekeeper, a living creature, whose appearance is no different from that of a normal human male. The appearance characteristics are unknown, the habits are unknown, the special abilities are unknown, and the means of removal are unknown."

"Note that this is the third collection of information on this taboo sequence, combined with the existing information, the analysis results of its characteristics are as follows."

"Characteristic one, the gravekeeper ignores the rules of the restricted area and has the ability to enter and exit the restricted area at will."

"Characteristic [-]. Gravekeepers are proficient in basic human knowledge, language and conventional logical cognition."

"Characteristic three, after analysis, the gravekeeper has his own unique thinking logic, and his cognition of the world seems to be still before the emergence of the restricted area, that is, around 2160."

"For any special thing beyond self-awareness, the gravekeeper will show a certain degree of slow thinking, and may use a series of methods such as ignorance, self-hypnosis, and logical distortion to eliminate the impact of the thing on himself."

"After judging, this may be some kind of self-protection mechanism of the gravekeeper."

"Insufficient information, no further features available."

"Attention! Attention! Attention!"

"The gravekeeper must not be allowed to realize that the world has undergone drastic changes. Please use all possible means to keep him in a state of ignorance...until that moment comes."

"Otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

Is it unimaginable...

Lu Zhan frowned, once again realizing the seriousness of the problem.

The red envelope in the sequence room records a large amount of information about taboo sequences. Whenever a taboo sequence leaves the restricted area, the corresponding envelope will drop.

In previous emergencies, the letters described in detail the consequences of various taboo sequences, and never used such general words as "unthinkable".

Habits are unknown, special abilities are unknown, means of removal are unknown...

Even if it is a taboo sequence with an S-level danger level, this series of "unknown" is enough to explain the particularity of the gravekeeper.

As a taboo sequence prefixed with "S", there is no doubt about the degree of danger of the gravekeeper, but it is not known where its harm is reflected.

Moreover, it seems that this is the first time that the active taboo sequence of the human form has appeared...

Through the contact and testing just now, Lu Zhan has been able to confirm that Bai Mo is a pure human being, which is simply unbelievable.

He never thought that one day he would get along so well with a taboo sequence.But not to mention, it feels quite cool to be called "Lu Brigade" one by one by the S-level taboo sequence...

In fact, as early as two years ago, the containment plan for the taboo sequence S-Gravekeeper was formulated and implemented.

As soon as the tomb guard appeared, Dongyang City launched this unprecedented containment plan without hesitation - the city prison plan.

As the name suggests, the so-called City Prison Project is to use the entire No. [-] city as a "prison" to house grave guards.

The specific plan is to return the entire No. 200 city to the state of life [-] years ago, fully restrict all information sources such as the Internet, videos, novels, music, etc., and prohibit the appearance of "extraordinary", "forbidden areas", etc. in No. [-] city. Key words such as "weird".

In short, it is to make City No. [-] look as familiar to the cemetery as possible.

As early as two years ago, the Bureau of Removal of Prohibition began to transfer more than half of the residents of City No. [-], with well-trained soldiers acting as aborigines, thereby monitoring and controlling the public opinion and information orientation of the entire city.

A very important part of the plan is to transfer as many superhumans as possible.

In a city full of ordinary people, it is naturally more difficult for the grave guards to notice the abnormality.

After all kinds of efforts, a large number of folk superhumans have left City No. [-], and those who really cannot be transferred have signed an agreement, promising not to use any superhuman abilities in the urban area.

Once the agreement is violated, the Anti-Banning Bureau will kill him on the spot and will not tolerate it.

The Bureau of Removal of Prohibition is the most terrifying violent institution in this era of restricted areas. It was originally set up specifically to clear restricted areas, and later it was also responsible for dealing with some restless Transcendents.

Unlike the secret explorers who are active on TV programs, most of the members of the Bureau of Removal of Prohibition hide behind the scenes, and often only take action when performing tasks, like assassins lurking in the dark night, staring at everyone coldly.

This is also one of the important reasons why extraordinary people can coexist harmoniously with ordinary people in this era.

The core purpose of the city prison project is only one.

That is to completely transform City No. [-] into the city recognized by the taboo sequence S-Gravekeeper, and use it as a false cage to contain the Gravekeeper.

This plan has been carried out in secret, and only a few people know the details. Lu Zhan is one of them and the second person in charge of this task.

Originally, Lu Zhan was still worried about how to quickly find the tomb keeper, but unexpectedly received an unexpected call.

Halfway through the answer, he basically concluded that what the other party described was probably the gravekeeper!
It is precisely because of this information that Lu Zhan chose to come to the police station to guard and solve the Mingbi incident with great danger.

He didn't know what the gravekeeper's definition of an abnormal situation was, but normal people would find something wrong with Mingbi, so he didn't dare to gamble.

Judging from the previous contact and temptation, the target's reaction to abnormal events is indeed relatively slow, and it seems to be very capable of self-deception...

According to the red letter, as long as the tomb guard doesn't notice the abnormality, then the other party is probably harmless.

"Until that moment comes..." Lu Zhan leaned back on the chair, thinking thoughtfully, "Which moment is it?"

"Lieutenant Lu, the target has gone to Lambay Street, do you need to send someone to follow?"

Suddenly, a questioning sound came from outside the door, interrupting his thoughts.

Lambay Street?
"No, Lambell Street has arranged for our people... Let's withdraw the people who are following you, and don't disturb the target unless necessary, just let nature take its course."

He pondered for a moment, and his tone was a bit cold: "By the way, I will warn those restless Transcendents again, and ask them to restrain themselves."


The sound of footsteps outside the door faded away, and the air gradually became quiet.

Lu Zhan touched his chin, sighed suddenly, and said worriedly: "Oh, why is this girl related to the S-level taboo sequence, I hope there will be no problems..."

"There is no reason for the corpses on the cemetery's site to be lost. It is impossible for the explorers to go to the S-level restricted area and steal the corpses? Alas, there is no clue at all. Where can I find the corpses..."

"Speaking of which, it seems that there are indeed some cases about corpses recently... There are a lot of troubles, which is really a headache."

He pressed the center of his brow with a troubled look on his face.

"I am the captain of the banning bureau, and I actually want to help a taboo sequence find the corpse, isn't this a mess..."

"I must apply for an overtime pay!"

(End of this chapter)

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