Chapter 37
The vermilion wooden door has obviously been baptized by the years, large chunks of red paint have peeled off, and the entire door panel is mottled, resembling spattered blood.

Bai Mo took a few steps forward and pointed the camera at the gate directly in front of him.

Before pushing the door, he couldn't help but glance back at the strong man named Wu Qing, and an absurd thought inexplicably came up in his heart, and he felt a little shocked.

"Why do I have a sympathetic feeling with this guy? I can even guess what it means when he raises his eyebrows. It's weird..."

He turned his head frequently, thinking back to the previous scene, goosebumps arose.

Seeing this, Wu Qing's face darkened slightly, thinking that this kid was unwilling to explore the way, so he touched the tattoo on his neck, smiled coldly, and the threat was beyond words.

Bai Mo couldn't understand what he meant. He put aside those messy thoughts, and after repeatedly confirming that his sexual orientation was fine, he took a deep breath and pushed hard towards the door.


The courtyard door was far more fragile than everyone imagined, and there was a painful wail. The door seemed to be cracked at any moment, and thick dust rushed in, blurring the lens of the camera.

Bai Mo's eyes went dark, and he quickly lowered his head to wipe the camera, so he didn't notice the strange scene in the courtyard.

He didn't see it, but the others saw it clearly, and their expressions changed drastically.

Especially He Lanlan, if it wasn't suppressed by the silence talisman, she would have almost screamed!
There was no house in the courtyard, only an abandoned deep well, and a pile of mutilated corpses piled up in the corner. The corpses had grim expressions, and most of their bones had melted, as if they had melted into the soil.

There are several tall and strong fruit trees growing in the courtyard, with many branches, and thick rhizomes protruding from the soil, like dense dark blood vessels, clearly belonging to different varieties, but the rhizomes between each other are intertwined and almost connected into a ball.

The branches were covered with rotten and blackened pieces of flesh, the branches and leaves were overgrown, and the black hairs were faintly visible hanging down. In the emerald green tree crown, a few pale dead faces were looming.

Everyone saw it clearly, there were several human heads hanging upside down on the tree!
All the dead had empty eyes, wide open mouths, no tongues in their mouths, and only black throats could be seen.

The blood flowed down the trunk, most of which had dried up, clinging to the trunk like bloody streaks.

The strange thing is that some heads are not hanging upside down on the tree, but seem to be completely integrated into the trunk.

These people don't seem to be completely dead yet...they are still suffering until the day they die!

Wu Qing's expression changed slightly. Even he had never seen such a weird scene before. The tattoo on his neck was so hot that it shone with a dazzling red light. A burst of ferocity suddenly burst out, as if something was about to come out of his body. Jump out of the skin.

"It seems that you can't do it without doing it."

As he thought this way, the white tiger on his body was about to move, but before he could make a move, a sudden change occurred in the yard.

A few blue hands suddenly stretched out from the pitch-black soil, dragged all the corpses in the corner into the soil, and did not forget to compact the soil before retracting.

The branches and leaves squirmed, and all the dead heads on the tree were hidden, as if they had never appeared before. A tongue that was tens of meters long popped out of the deep well, as if countless human tongues were connected by black lines.

The long tongue was like a pink poisonous snake, extremely flexible, it licked the tree trunk in a circle with lightning speed, and then quickly retracted into the well.

The blood clots and pieces of meat on the tree trunk were swallowed up, and the scene like Shura's purgatory before was like an illusion.

This place seems to have turned into an ordinary dilapidated small courtyard.

The corner of Wu Qing's mouth twitched, and for the first time a blank expression appeared on his face.

what's the situation?
No, even if you want to hide and scare us, you can hide in front of us... Isn't it too late?
The tattoos on his body were still hot, reminding him that the malice from the monsters in the restricted area had not disappeared.

All of this happened between lightning and flint, and Bai Mo just wiped the lens clean.

Hearing the movement behind him, he looked back suspiciously, and saw that everyone's faces were not very good-looking, especially that He Lanlan, it was like seeing a ghost.

Mo Qingcheng was fine, but her face was also pale, and she was quite frightened at first glance.

"what happened?"

He opened his mouth in doubt, and quickly turned his head to look at the small courtyard. At this time, his tongue just retracted into the well.

He was dazed for a moment, his eyes widened, and it took him a long time to make a sound with excitement.

"These trees are so strange, the roots are all connected together... so interesting!"

Bai Mo had never seen such a tree before, so he was inexplicably excited for a while, and quickly took pictures of everything in the courtyard with a camera, secretly praising the uncanny craftsmanship of nature.

He licked his lips, unable to understand why other people were so scared... It's just a few trees, and there are no dead people, so what's there to be afraid of?

Looking back again, I saw that the expressions of the people behind him were extremely exciting, and Bai Mo was bewildered... Could it be that what we saw was different?
He didn't know why, thought for a while and turned his head to look at the small courtyard again.

"Huh? Did fruit grow on the tree just now..."

He Lanlan and the others were completely dumbfounded, their mouths grew so big that they almost didn't let the gag talisman fall out of their mouths.

Just when Bai Mo had just turned his head to look at them, something happened again.

In the small courtyard, a wrinkled old woman's face suddenly popped out of a certain fruit tree with lush branches and leaves. She hung a few apple-like fruits on the tree furtively, and then quickly retracted into the crown of the tree.

"What is this……"

He Lanlan's expression changed drastically. What happened in front of her was so weird that she almost lost her ability to think.

The most terrifying restricted area she has been to before is the D-level restricted area. She thought she was mentally prepared to face the C-level restricted area, but now it seems that she still underestimated the horror of Silent Village.

Must evacuate immediately!

But her wealth and life were under Wu Qing's control at this time, and Wu Qing obviously had no intention of leaving. He stared at the fruit on the tree and looked again and again, on the surface calm, but his heart was beating wildly.

This actually this thing!
Not to mention the other people present, perhaps in the entire safe zone, few people know what the use of this fruit is.

Its function is actually very simple, but it will definitely make countless people flock to it——

Prolong your life!

Even today, with the development of genetic medicines, human beings still cannot get rid of the shackles of lifespan. They can only live to be more than 150 years old at most, and the average lifespan is about 80 years old.

Of course, there are not many people who can naturally live to the end of their lives. Even if most monsters can only survive in the restricted area, the safe zone does not mean absolute safety.

Few people know that the stone tablet in the forbidden zone is not just a simple record of the name and danger level of the forbidden zone, it actually hides a lot of useful information, but it is difficult to dig out.

And Wu Qing happened to know some ways to interpret the stele.The information including the fruit on the tree was what he had obtained from the stone tablet before.

Increase the life span of a hundred years, this is the role of this fruit called life fruit.

As the name suggests, the cultivation of life fruit requires human beings as fertilizer, and hundreds of deaths can be exchanged for one person's hundred-year lifespan, which can be called a cruel "luxury".

Fortunately, the method of growing this kind of fruit is unknown, otherwise Wu Qing would dare to guarantee that once this thing gets out, the safe zone will never be as crowded as it is now in less than half a month.


He looked hesitant.

The monster in the silent village hangs life fruit on the tree in front of me... is it trying to catch me in the open?
(End of this chapter)

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