Restricted area grave keeper

Chapter 267 The So-Called Value

Chapter 267 The So-Called Value

Yang Yiyi's heart suddenly rose, and she immediately clenched the talisman paper in her hand, and then glanced at the white ink beside her from the corner of her eyes.

Under the light of the flashlight, that delicate side face flickered on and off, and his expression was as calm as ever.

Unlike Bai Mo, who can see in the dark, Yang Yiyi can see very limitedly in the dark, and can only barely see the scene ahead with the light of the flashlight, while other directions are pitch black.

—but she was well aware of what was around her.

Thinking of such weird human-skinned spider monsters in all directions, she felt her scalp go numb.

Bai Mo didn't notice Yang Yiyi's expression at this moment, all his attention was focused on the surrounding environment at the moment, staring at the strange human skin monsters in front of him.

In his gaze, these monsters seem to be undergoing some unknown changes——

Their bodies soon began to twitch strangely, their flat bodies writhing like waves, and twisting and moving closer together, their bodies sticking to each other.

And as these human skin monsters twisted, more and more things peeled off the surrounding walls, and they quickly got up from the ground and continued to twist——

And Yang Yiyi didn't realize until now that there were more of these weird human skin monsters stuck on the wall, layer after layer, as if endless.

A terrifying idea even came to her mind, maybe... there are no walls in this passage at all, all the walls are made of this kind of human skin monsters piled up layer by layer...

She shivered suddenly.

What is worth noting is that the human-skinned monster that fell this time was not in the form of a humanoid spider like before, but a monster of another species—but it was also disgusting enough.

Under the watchful eyes of the two, countless pieces of human skin were quickly spliced ​​together in constant twisting, and it didn't take long to form a huge black cloth, completely blocking the passage.

All the facial features and limbs are crowded together, forming extremely ugly folds on the human skin, which looks distorted and weird, and then drifts towards Bai Mo and Yang Yiyi at a slow speed——

More and more human skins fell off, and huge human skins were also formed behind and around the two of them. The huge human skin curtain was like a moving barrier, mixed with the breath of death, moving slowly in a siege, as if intending to Sandwich the two in the middle.

Bai Mo narrowed his eyes.

His intuition told him that once they were covered by this disgusting 'black cloth', they might immediately follow in the footsteps of these monsters and turn into two fresh human skins, floating in this dark passage from now on.

His expression remained unchanged, but his thoughts moved, and he saw the shadow under his feet suddenly squirm, and then narrowed suddenly, forming a hair-like black thin line, which suddenly bounced off the ground, along the surrounding "curtain" Take a quick walk around.

There was a cutting sound in the air.

Invisibly, it seemed as if someone was holding a pair of sharp scissors, trying to cut the huge black screen from the middle.

The passage was extremely dark, and Yang Yiyi couldn't see the black lines wandering around, but felt a chill on her neck for no reason, and the hairs on her back stood on end, as if the surrounding air seemed to be cut apart by some invisible thing at a certain moment .

Fortunately, this feeling quickly disappeared.

And Bai Mo stared slightly.

He clearly felt that the shadow's blow had cut the surrounding human skin firmly, but this thing was much stronger than he imagined, and it didn't suffer any damage.

Suddenly, accompanied by a loud noise, the space behind Bai Mo flashed suddenly, like a fire that suddenly lit up and then went out suddenly, he turned his head slightly——

This is Yang Yiyi's move.

It turned out that just now, she threw a spell at the huge human skin that was floating towards it, causing an explosion behind her.

However, her expression at the moment was very ugly, and she said solemnly: "No, my attack seems to be ineffective against them."

Under the brief illumination of the lighted fire, she could clearly see that the huge human skin was not harmed by the explosion, but swelled even more, and the faces of the huddled ghosts showed strange smiles at the same time, as if Laughing at her incompetence.

She quickly tried a few more times, and soon realized helplessly that she had nothing to do with these human skins, so she clenched her fists.

In the darkness, the huge curtain of human skin was gradually advancing at a slow speed, like the horn of death. The human skin seemed to know that the two people in front of them could not do anything to them, and planned to savor their despair like this.

What made Yang Yiyi even more desperate was yet to come.

There was a sudden movement above his head, and Yang Yiyi raised his head suddenly, and found that a huge spliced ​​curtain had appeared above his head at some point, and it was falling slowly, trying to cover the two of them like a pot lid.

This scene made Yang Yiyi's heart sink instantly, and the idea of ​​trying to climb to the wall above to avoid being surrounded by human skin was shattered before it even started.

Except for the human skin curtain that has not yet appeared under the feet, there are huge human skins slowly approaching in the other five directions, like a tightened pocket, blocking all escape routes for the two of them.

And Yang Yiyi had no choice but to clenched her fists, and could only wait for the arrival of despair like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

She had tasted it long ago - the day she watched her brother die in the middle of the sunrise.

But even so, although Yang Yiyi felt extremely fearful in her heart at this moment, she still had no thoughts of regret.

I don't know why, but compared to the spacious yard before, she felt that the narrow and dangerous space in front of her was more free.

Maybe it's because she can decide everything about herself now.

And even at this point, she didn't intend to give up, but after a short thought, she put her gaze on the ground under her feet.

It can be seen that the ground does not seem to be covered with human skin, it is just an ordinary rock, so maybe I can try to dig through it, as long as I dig enough space, then the two of them can completely avoid the limelight inside.

Yang Yiyi always seemed to be able to find a lot of things on her body. As her thoughts unfolded, a delicate little hoe soon appeared in her hand, and she pasted a spell on the back of her hand muttering.

Power instantly filled Yang Yiyi's arms, and she smashed the hoe hard on the ground.

With a loud noise, a crack quickly appeared on the ground, and the seemingly hard stone loosened a little.

"There is a play!"

Her eyes lit up, and she quickly speeded up and continued digging, and soon dug out a stone from under her feet, and dug a small hole.

However, compared to her digging speed, although the advance speed of those human skin curtains was slow, they could definitely cover the two of them before she dug out enough space.

Yang Yiyi's eyes showed madness, she clenched her teeth and swung the hoe frantically, her arms were numb from the shock, and the tiger's mouth was even split open, but even so she didn't stop the movement in her hand, but worked harder.

——In the eyes of the girl, this is the only chance for the two of them to survive.

"what are you doing?"

At this moment, a calm voice rang in Yang Yiyi's ear, it was Bai Mo who had not moved for a long time.

This guy seems to be ready to lie down and die.

"These human skins have a fixed path of action. As long as we dig a space on the ground enough for us to hide, the human skins may not be able to cover us after we hide in. Then we will have time to find another way."

Yang Yiyi answered with the fastest speaking speed, not daring to stop the movements of her hands in the slightest, and the loud knocking sound was endless.

Now she has to fight for time with those huge human skins.

Bai Mo quietly looked at the shallow pit dug on the ground, and then at Yang Yiyi whose arm was bleeding.

There was no pity in his eyes, let alone the slightest intention to step forward to help.

He just looked at the huge human skin that was gradually approaching, and said lightly: "But it seems to be too late."

These words undoubtedly poured cold water on Yang Yiyi.

"No, in time!"

Panting heavily, Yang Yiyi suddenly dropped the hoe to stop digging, then threw a spell into the shallow pit just dug, and covered the shallow pit with a huge piece of yellow paper, gritted her teeth Lie down and press the yellow paper with your body.

The whole set of actions is done in one go.

next second.


A muffled sound came from under Yang Yiyi's body, as if some kind of explosion had occurred, and her body seemed to be shaken by the shock.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Even though the protective equipment was used as a buffer to absorb a large amount of impact, the shock caused by the explosion still made Yang Yiyi very uncomfortable, as if her whole body had been hit by a train, the pain was unbearable, and her bones were groaning.

Fortunately, it was only an external injury, and no internal organs were injured.

She didn't care about her injury, but immediately lifted the yellow cloth, with hope shining in her eyes.

According to Yang Yiyi's speculation, the explosion of a detonating talisman should be enough to expand the underground space she just dug out, and the two of them should be able to hide in by squeezing together...

However, when she saw the scene under her feet clearly, Yang Yiyi froze for an instant, all the light in her eyes disappeared, and her lips trembled uncontrollably.

"how is this possible……"

Bai Mo has seen this expression many times, it is the most desperate look of a person after his hopes are shattered.

Under Yang Yiyi's feet, the underground space she dug out with all her strength has not changed at all, it is still just the shallow pit dug at the beginning.

The shallow pit is like a wide open mouth, seemingly silently laughing at the girl's incompetence.

Bai Mo just glanced at the stone under his feet and made a judgment in his heart, and said without emotion: "The surface layer under our feet is black rock, which is not very hard, but the blueish stone underneath is just the opposite. There's no way an explosion can destroy it."

Although he didn't say it clearly, Yang Yiyi seemed to have heard what the other party meant - this guy was clearly saying that he was doing useless work.

She lowered her head, looked at her cracked tiger's mouth and didn't speak for a long time.

Bai Mo looked at her silently.

Yang Yiyi didn't complain why Bai Mo didn't say it earlier this time, she looked very depressed, her eyes seemed to have lost all color.

The air became dull.

"This pit should hold one person. You can lie down in it, and you should be able to hide in it by curling up."

After a while, Yang Yiyi spoke in a deep voice, her voice sounded extremely hoarse, but what she said surprised Bai Mo a little.

He couldn't laugh or cry: "Why do we have to hide underground?"

"But do you have any other options?" Yang Yiyi looked up at him with dark eyes.

Bai Mo didn't answer, but suddenly asked: "If I hide in, what will you do?"

Yang Yiyi didn't speak.

The air fell silent again.

However, the huge curtain made of human skin obviously won't stop at all because of their silence, and it is in the final finishing touches.

The surrounding space became more and more cramped, and the human skin was so close that Yang Yiyi could even smell the stench from the human skin.

"You hide in."

She slowly got up with her still numb body, and said to Bai Mo again.

Bai Mo didn't move at all, just looked at her without saying a word.

At this moment, those human skins are only one step away from the two of them, and they may be able to eat their two parcels in the next second.

As for the consequences of being "eaten" by these human skins... Both of them are very clear.

"I told you to go in!"

Seeing that Bai Mo remained motionless, Yang Yiyi finally got anxious and reached out to grab the other's hand.

However, Bai Mo suddenly grabbed her wrist with his backhand. The strength was not strong, but she couldn't break free no matter what.

Yang Yiyi was taken aback, and raised her head to say something, but happened to meet Bai Mo's deep and indifferent eyes.

Her wrist was a little cold, and the other person's body temperature seemed to calm her down a bit.

"You seem to have forgotten one thing."

She heard the other party say.


"Before I came in, I said I would protect you."

Bai Mo always seemed to have that calm expression, and his voice seldom contained emotion.

"So when you are in just need to hide behind me."

As if being hit by a thunderbolt, Yang Yiyi instantly lost her hearing and stared blankly at Bai Mo.

She murmured in a low voice: "Now let's talk about this..."

The next second, her voice stopped abruptly——

Without warning, light suddenly appeared in the dark passage.

It's not the kind of white light that makes people feel extremely warm, but a dead black light.

However, perhaps because the black light was too deep, Yang Yiyi felt extremely at ease.

The huge black shadow began to expand from under Bai Mo's feet, forming a small circle, which just wrapped Yang Yiyi inside, and then suddenly rose to form a huge circular beam of light, wrapping the two of them like a barrier .

The surrounding sounds seemed to disappear. Although she knew she was still in that passage and in the darkness, Yang Yiyi still felt a sense of peace in her heart, and her fast beating heart began to slow down.

The rise of the beam of light set off a particularly violent wind, blowing off Yang Yiyi's hood, her long black hair flying in all directions, and her bangs also fluttering, revealing the cross scar on her right chin.

She subconsciously reached out to block it.

In front of Yang Yiyi, Bai Mo's hair and clothes were also constantly dancing by the strong wind, and the dark light flowed behind him like water, making his face look blurry.

But Yang Yiyi seemed to be able to see that the other party's expression must be very calm at the moment.

Everyone's skin was blocked by the beam of light, and even though the faces on the human skin became more and more distorted due to anger, they still couldn't take a single step forward.

He could only stare at the two people in the beam of light with extremely resentful expressions.

Although it is only a small circle, it seems to be a safe zone isolated from all dangers.

Yang Yiyi was stunned.

The wind stopped, and she put the hood back on as if she had just woken up from a dream, and covered her scar with her bangs.

Everything seems to be calm again.

The same is true for Yang Yiyi, if it wasn't for the fact that the human skin around her was still there, she might have had a good night's sleep.

——In this circle of light.

"How about it, is this barrier really your 'solid arm'?"

At this moment, a slightly teasing voice suddenly sounded, interrupting her thoughts.

Yang Yiyi couldn't help moving the flashlight up, letting the light shine on Bai Mo's face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Tch, that's it..." she said with her lips curled up.

However, that slightly hesitant tone can more or less explain her mood at the moment.

The corners of Bai Mo's mouth hooked slightly, he smiled without saying a word.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Suddenly, Yang Yiyi stared at Bai Mo viciously as if she remembered something.

"Tell what?" Bai Mo pretended to be puzzled.

"You clearly have a way but you didn't tell me, which made me dig a hole for so long!"

"Oh." Bai Mo said lightly, "I see that you worked really hard just now, and I really can't bear to discourage you."

If it wasn't for the smile in this guy's tone, Yang Yiyi might force herself to believe this guy's nonsense once.

But in the end she just took a deep breath and said nothing.

What Bai Mo just said still echoed in her mind, and it lingered for a long time——

"So when you are in just need to hide behind me."

Maybe it's an illusion, now that I think about it, that sentence just now seems to be softer than anything this guy said before...

Although the surroundings were still surrounded by oppressive black light, Yang Yiyi's thoughts suddenly drifted back to a long, long time ago. Her eyes were no longer pitch black, but gradually became hot and bright, which made her almost unable to open her eyes——

It was a morning sun.

She saw her dying brother lying on the grass and smiled hard at herself.

She walked up in silence and squatted down.

Brother touched her head with his last strength and said a lot, but she can't remember much of the content now, only a few sentences are particularly clear——

"Brother can't take you to see the sunrise anymore, I know what you want, and I believe that there will always be a day when you will be able to climb any mountain and wait for the sunrise there - no matter how many times you watch it It's all right."

"I firmly believe in that."

"However... after my brother is gone, you will have to rely on yourself to protect yourself, but don't worry, as long as you persist for a while, this world is completely chaotic, maybe there really is a reincarnation—if that's the case, I will definitely find you again and continue to protect you."

My brother closed his eyes, his face was extremely pale, but there was still a smile on his face.

Everything gradually faded away.

The warm light disappeared, and the face gradually blurred, gradually overlapping with a figure in the darkness.

It was Bai Mo's face.

Yang Yiyi withdrew her thoughts and quickly shook her head. Impossible, my brother is so good, how could this guy be so hateful?
Of course, Bai Mo didn't know what Yang Yiyi was thinking, so he handed her something suddenly and said, "Eat."


"The leftover dragon meat powder, eating a little should be able to stop the bleeding of the wound on your hand."

Yang Yiyi took the small bottle, was silent for a moment, and then said with a look of disgust: "I have this too, who wants to eat your leftovers?"

But as she spoke, she still poured out a little powder on her fingertips and licked it off carefully.

Don't eat it for nothing, this thing is so precious, eating it will definitely make this guy feel bad!

It has to be said that the dragon meat powder really had a miraculous effect, and her wound soon stopped hurting.

"If you had reminded me earlier, I wouldn't have been injured." Yang Yiyi said angrily.

Bai Mo didn't speak, and Yang Yiyi's teeth itch with anger like that.

"What now?" she asked again.

Bai Mo didn't think about it, and said a word lightly: "Wait."

"Why, the human skin is already on our faces, and you still plan to continue to observe?" Yang Yiyi rolled her eyes.

"That's not true." Bai Mo shook his head.

The appearance of these human-skinned monsters is probably inseparable from the taboo sequence, but there is a lack of more information right now, even Bai Mo can't see anything, he is thinking about another thing.

"I thought of a problem before," he said.

"what is the problem?"

"Do you think Wuyu died at the hands of these things?"

Yang Yiyi thought for a moment, then hesitated: "It should be, after all, there are spider silks on his body, and these spider-like human monsters seem to be able to spin silk - although they have never demonstrated this ability."

Bai Mo didn't comment on this, but continued to ask: "Then what do you think will happen to us if we were wrapped in these human skins just now?"

"It doesn't matter, of course it has become two human skins."

Yang Yiyi's tone was very firm. She had just noticed that there were many strange creatures and even suspected human beings in the large amount of human skin that fell off the wall. They were all human skins, presumably because of some kind of attack It just became like this...

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyi seemed to have thought of something, her complexion suddenly changed, and she suddenly raised her head to look at Bai Mo.

"Wuyu's corpse didn't turn into human skin, but was killed with its heart removed—so you think he didn't actually die at the hands of these human skin monsters, and someone else killed him?"


Bai Mo replied, "You must know that although these human skins are weird, their attack methods are too slow. Wuyu will never die under such an attack. No matter how bad it is, they can dig a hole in the ground like you just did. "

Yang Yi ignored his teasing, and frowned: "That being said, when we first saw these human skins, they were separated. Will there be an offensive method between the separated human skin and the connected human skin? Will it be different?"

She suddenly thought of the scene where these human skin monsters stood densely together, presumably even Wuyu couldn't deal with so many enemies at the same time.

"It's possible, but I don't think these human skins will attack his heart... Besides, they have no place to digest them."

Bai Mo narrowed his eyes and continued, "And as long as you pay close attention, you will find that there are no wounds on the chest of these human skins, which means that their hearts were never removed..."

Yang Yiyi was taken aback, but she didn't notice this.

And at this time, even she couldn't help but admire Bai Mo in front of her. Although this guy was hateful, his meticulousness and observation ability were far superior to ordinary people. He never panicked and seemed to be thinking all the time.

And the pattern is far bigger than myself...

Although she was very reluctant, she had to admit that this guy was indeed a very reliable existence, if he was hiding behind his back...

No, I don't want to hide behind him!

Yang Yiyi quickly woke up, not knowing what she was contradicting herself.

"So you're going to wait for that thing to appear?"

She saw Bai Mo's intention.


Bai Mo nodded slightly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, "If that guy is wise enough, maybe these people are his trap..."

"If you say it like this, it may appear in front of us soon."

——There is one more sentence that Bai Mo didn't say.

He suspected that the existence that killed Wuyu might be the taboo sequence that manipulated these human skins.

And if that's the case...

Bai Mo's eyes were fixed, revealing an expression of interest.

That might... be a living taboo sequence.

 I'm too busy today, that's all I have, the rest of the words will be added tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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