Restricted area grave keeper

Chapter 251 The Scary White-haired Man

Chapter 251 The Scary White-haired Man
Since there is no restricted area stone tablet outside the cemetery, Liu Qingqing is not sure whether this place is a restricted area, but there is no doubt that the cemetery where the gravekeeper once lived is extremely dangerous.

She knew very well that if she didn't pay for her life to open the way, she would never be able to safely enter the cemetery hut. In the past, there were enough pre-emptive signs, and among those trespassers, there were even A-level existences, and now they have disappeared forever up.

However, for some reason, in such a dangerous place, Liu Qingqing didn't have much fear in her heart.

While enduring the pain to deal with the seriously injured calf, she looked around silently. After seeing the whole picture of the cemetery, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart——

Is this where Bai Mo has lived for a long time?

Alone, no electricity, no water, no one to communicate with, so many years with a pile of tombstones and coffins, even if he has something on his mind, he doesn't know who to tell, that guy must have been very lonely in the past, right?

The pain in the leg interrupted her thoughts. It turned out that she accidentally touched the wound. Liu Qingqing carefully treated the leg with the Speed ​​​​Healing Talisman to ensure that it can be fully recovered, and then rested with peace of mind.

But right now is not the time to relax, it is only temporarily safe, although the group of guys who chased her did not have the guts to follow into the cemetery, but Bao Buqi will not wait for her outside the cemetery.

She had to think of a way out of the cemetery as soon as possible.

Taking out her mobile phone, as expected, there was no signal, which meant that she could not contact people outside through the mobile phone, and lost contact with the outside world.

There is some food in the hut, it should be the snacks that Bai Mo bought before, it seems that they can still be eaten, but there is too little to last for a long time.

There may be other places to eat nearby, but Liu Qingqing dare not wander around.

The life money just gave her the certificate to enter the cemetery safely, but it didn't mean she could go anywhere, Liu Qingqing was very clear about this.

And this means that the plan to stay in the cemetery for a few days to temporarily avoid the limelight fell through.

Thinking of this, Liu Qingqing couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, if she wanted to pass the news to Lu Zhan successfully, she had to leave the cemetery, but it would undoubtedly be very dangerous.

She even struggled to escape to the cemetery from the monsters outside, let alone leave under their noses.

What's more, I am still a disabled patient, unable to run, and the chance of successful escape is even slimmer.

But even so, she still tried hard to think of countermeasures.

Relying on the [Palace of Memory], Liu Qingqing thought of many possibilities in her mind to get rid of the monsters outside, but these methods must be realized with the help of the external environment and other preparations, and this also means that she still needs to leave the tomb first. garden as a prerequisite.

In addition, Dongyang City's inaction made her very suspicious, allowing such a group of monsters to chase and kill her... She even wondered if the group of monsters chasing her came from Dongyang City?
Liu Qingqing kept rubbing her round face, just when she was a little disappointed because she couldn't think of a countermeasure, she just turned her head and saw a tattered puppy doll placed on the table in the middle of the cabin.

This is……

After a short period of sluggishness, Liu Qingqing murmured with some uncertainty: "Forbidden Sequence D-The Lost Dog?"

How could this thing be here?

The reason why Liu Qingqing recognized the lost dog was because the lost dog happened to be a taboo sequence that appeared and recorded in Dongyang City. The Bureau of Removal of Prohibition had relevant files about the lost dog, and she happened to look through it a few times.

...and this is what confuses her.

Logically speaking, the bereaved dog should be in the hands of someone in Dongyang City. How could it appear in Bai Mo's cemetery?

But this is not something to be concerned about. It is common for the taboo sequence to change hands. Maybe Bai Mo picked it up by accident.

Liu Qingqing shook her head.

It's just that that guy Bai Mo was too careless to place the lost dog at random like this. You must know that if the taboo sequence is not properly contained, it may have a bad influence on the people nearby.

Oh, this place is a dead country cemetery comparable to an S-level restricted zone, there can be no other people around, and the effect of the lost dog can't affect Bai Mo...

That's fine.

Liu Qingqing observed carefully for a moment, and when she confirmed that the doll dog on the table was the Forbidden Sequence Bereaved Dog, her eyes lit up involuntarily.

As a genius with an unforgettable memory, she is of course well aware of the abilities and effects of the Lost Dog——

Reduce presence.

Among other things, this thing is definitely effective for sneaking and running. If it is used properly, it may help her leave the cemetery successfully.


"After absorbing about 3 milliliters of blood and being stared at by more than five people at the same time for more than [-] minutes, the taboo sequence D-The Lost Dog will gain mobility, and all living organisms will greatly reduce the sense of presence in its activity area. "

Liu Qingqing clearly remembered the prerequisites for activating the Bereaved Dog, but let alone her weak state now, even when she was alive and kicking, it would be a terrible thing to draw out [-] milliliters of blood, let alone run away at that time, It's hard to lie on the ground.

What's more, she couldn't find five people to watch the bereaved dog together at the moment.

Compared with the preconditions, the most terrible negative effect of the Lost Dog - making the user lose his memory is the easiest, and even poses no threat to Liu Qingqing, because she can completely backup it in advance in the [Memory Hall].

For Liu Qingqing, she will have the upper hand in any game involving memory.

However, since even the prerequisites for launching the Lost Dog could not be met, it meant that the plan to leave the cemetery with the Lost Dog had failed ahead of time, and Liu Qingqing was a little disappointed.

She simply didn't think about leaving the cemetery, and limped to the door of the hut.

Looking around, there are many tombstones in the cemetery, but there is no life, only silence and desolation, depressing, cold, just looking at it makes people feel heavy.

She still couldn't imagine how Bai Mo had lived in this place for so long.

At this moment, Liu Qingqing suddenly remembered something that Bai Mo asked her to do before——

It's not about saying please, but that guy once mentioned that if she is free someday, I hope she can sing a song to those guys in the cemetery.

It was still early at the moment, but Liu Qingqing hesitated for a while, and decided to grant that guy's wish.

...It is considered as a reward for the cemetery for providing her with shelter.

"Sleep well, baby
night has fallen

bed full of roses
accompany you to sleep

little baby, little baby

song lulls you to sleep
sleep well baby

moonlight floods the earth
breeze blowing gently

little baby, little baby

The singing lulls you to sleep. "

The soft singing voice drifted into the distance with the sudden wind blowing, and the world seemed to calm down suddenly.

Although it is also quiet, this is a completely different feeling from the dead silence before the cemetery.

The dense fog in the distance quietly dissipated, the gloomy and cold atmosphere dissipated, and even the sunlight and wind softened.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Liu Qingqing felt that the cemetery seemed to be much friendlier to her, and her restless heart gradually returned to tranquility.

"It's amazing."

After singing the lullaby, Liu Qingqing returned to the hut. When her eyes fell on the table, she suddenly froze in place.

There is still only one doll dog on the table, but it is different from the previous state, it has come to life at this moment, standing on the table, looking around cautiously, as if not daring to breathe, and does not know what it is afraid of ——

The lost dog, it actually came back to life!

But how is this possible?

Liu Qingqing couldn't understand.

You must know the two preconditions of the Lost Dog - whether it is the attention of many people or the irrigation of blood, she has not completed it. Logically speaking, it is impossible for the Lost Dog to enter the activation state for no reason.


Unless it is affected by this cemetery.

After all, as early as when Liu Qingqing first entered the cemetery, she felt that many eyes were on her.

Liu Qingqing couldn't help guessing, maybe those guys in the coffin are still alive...

In the next second, she even had an even weirder idea——

Could it be that the existence in the cemetery learned of her situation and thoughts, and then deliberately woke up the bereaved dog as a reward for singing a lullaby for them?

She didn't know the truth of the matter.

It's just that when she held the chain around the dog's neck, she didn't feel the slightest resistance, and easily won the dog's control.

She thought for a long time, but still had no idea.

The harm of the lost dog will continue to increase as time goes on. Although Liu Qingqing is not afraid of this impact, she weighed it carefully and decided to leave as soon as possible.

There is still a way out of the cemetery.

In case the group of monsters were really guarding outside, and they insisted on attacking her, it was definitely not a good idea to continue to stay, because Liu Qingqing couldn't confirm whether the other party would call for reinforcements.

If that's the case, her chances of escaping will only get slimmer.

Thinking of this, Liu Qingqing cut up the wooden stick she found somewhere, clamped the injured leg with wood chips, and then led the lost dog to the outside of the cemetery.

The tombstone was silent, silently watching her leave.


Pushing open the door, the thick fog in front quietly dispersed, forming a passage to leave.

Liu Qingqing glanced back, no longer hesitated, gritted her teeth and walked on the road wrapped in thick fog.


Liu Qingqing came to a corner carefully.

"After judging, the user can control the path of the lost dog through the 'dog chain', and can designate targets within the eight-meter radius of the lost dog's movement to reduce the sense of presence to varying degrees."

Of course she remembered the role of the dog chain, so she used the lost dog to minimize her sense of existence, held her breath, and carefully poked her head out of the corner, trying not to make a sound.

However, after seeing the scene outside, Liu Qingqing's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

I saw a few burly men sitting on a rock not far away. They were more than two meters tall, with exaggerated muscles, like granite, and their arms were thicker than ordinary people's thighs.

The veins on the neck and arms were bulging, even the head was no exception, and the blood vessels were wriggling like centipedes, looking like they were about to explode and die at any time.

It's their eyes that deserve attention.

The eyes are a frightening dark purple, filled with dark red bloodshot eyes, like wriggling earthworms, constantly climbing in the eyes——

That's right, climbing.

'Bloodshot' appears to be alive.

This dark red 'blood thread' seems to be constantly swimming in the bodies of this group of strong men, sometimes appearing in the blue blood vessels, sometimes in the muscles, it looks very strange——

They are the monsters who chased and killed Liu Qingqing before.

According to Liu Qingqing's judgment, these guys seem to be all genetic fighters. Although they don't have any abilities or methods, their physical fitness is amazingly strong, and they follow the behavior logic of beasts, with only a very small part of their sanity.

And their purpose is also very clear, that is to catch Liu Qingqing, which can be seen from their relentless pursuit and their intention to squat outside.

In fact, if it weren't for these guys' intention to keep their hands back, Liu Qingqing didn't think it was possible for him to escape from them.

Fortunately, these strong men have strength but lack of reason. They tend to be beasts as a whole, and their ability to judge the environment is weak. That's why Liu Qingqing has the confidence to think that he can slip under their noses with the ability of a bereaved dog——

But this time she saw a strange face in the crowd.

The man was not a strong man, but a thin young man wearing glasses.

He was dressed in a suit, with a refined look, and was reading a booklet with great interest.

This guy looks like a normal human being, but the occasional dark red bloodshot eyes are enough to prove that he is not normal.

Those restless strong men in Liu Qingqing's memory were waiting quietly beside him at this moment, which is even more telling.

She secretly guessed.

Regardless of the strength of such a guy, but it looks like he has enough brains, maybe he came here specially to guard her...

As soon as such a thought popped into her mind, Liu Qingqing's pupils suddenly shrank——

At some point, the man wearing glasses had already closed the booklet, raised his head, and smiled slightly in her direction.

It seems to be saying hello.

Found out?

Liu Qingqing was startled, but she didn't panic. Her sense of existence at the moment was extremely low, no different from a transparent person. Although the Lost Dog is only a D-level taboo sequence, as long as it is used properly, it may not be impossible to hide the perception of a B-level extraordinary person. possible.

That scene just now might just be a coincidence.

However, in the next second, her heart sank completely.

The man with eyes stared at Liu Qingqing with a smile on his face, and raised his hand slightly, all the strong men turned their heads immediately, staring at the direction of Liu Qingqing with bloodshot eyes, with hideous expressions.


The stone under his feet shattered instantly, and a group of strong men rushed towards Liu Qingqing at a terrifying speed.

The man with glasses waved his hands in disgust to disperse the smoke, then straightened his collar and watched the scene with a smile——

There is no doubt that Liu Qingqing was discovered.

"It's over."

Liu Qingqing's face was ashen, she didn't expect that the bereaved dog was discovered without showing any effect. She knew that it was impossible to escape in her current state, and she was ready to fight to the death in her heart.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Liu Qingqing only felt the dog chain in her hand suddenly tightened, and then, a huge force erupted from the dog chain, pulling her away suddenly.

The bereaved dog actually took the initiative to run wildly, and the huge force took Liu Qingqing to escape from the place!
Liu Qingqing just froze for a moment, then gritted her teeth and clenched the dog leash tightly, like a kite, her body was swaying in the air at high speed, and the cold wind cut her cheek like a blade, but she didn't care.

It has to be said that the speed of the bereaved dog's escape was so fast that it really deserved its name, but even so, it was still firmly locked by the strong men who turned to run on all fours, and followed closely behind.

There seemed to be some weird changes in their bodies, but Liu Qingqing didn't have time to look at them.

"Where are you going?"

She couldn't help asking, and the wind poured into her mouth.

The lost dog kept walking on its four short legs, desperately running forward, but the direction of escape was not the cemetery, but another direction.

Liu Qingqing didn't think there was a problem. After all, even if she fled into the cemetery again, she would eventually meet the same fate as now. It might as well run to another place, maybe there is a chance of survival.

And if she loosened the dog leash at this moment, maybe her body would fall apart.

It's just... when did the lost dog have the ability to escape?

Liu Qingqing turned her head and saw that besides the running strong man chasing after him, the man with glasses was also slowly approaching in a strolling manner. Although his speed was not fast, the distance between the two The distance is constantly shortening.

Liu Qingqing's heart sank.

This is either ability or Taoism. The other party is a transcendent with good strength, at least C-level.

She is not good at fighting, if she is caught up, she definitely has no chance of winning.

While thinking about it, the whistling wind in my ears suddenly stopped, and the rapidly retreating scenery on both sides gradually slowed down.

The lost dog stopped and remained motionless.

Liu Qingqing panicked, managed to stabilize her figure, and shouted, pulling on the dog's leash, "Why did you stop now, keep running!"

But the Lost Dog obviously wouldn't respond to her.

Seeing that she couldn't count on this thing, Liu Qingqing had no choice but to grit her teeth, enduring the pain and trotting by herself.

It's just that this is undoubtedly futile. Before she ran a few steps, heavy footsteps came from behind her, and then disappeared.

Liu Qingqing knew that she was being chased.

She took a deep breath, turned her head, and a smiling face appeared two meters behind her, it was the weird man with glasses.

"Hello, beautiful lady."

Bloodshot eyes flashed across the man's eyes, and he spoke softly.

Liu Qingqing didn't respond to him. She looked around and felt that the nearby buildings were very familiar. With the terrible memory brought by the [Memory Hall], she quickly remembered where it was——

Silent Village!
...She had watched a video about Bai Mo with Lu Zhan, so she had seen the scene in Buyu Village.

It's just that because the creatures in the forbidden area of ​​the village have long since disappeared, this place is no longer dangerous. I heard that Dongyang City has started to build a city here a long time ago, but I don't know if it hasn't started yet, but there is no change here.

"Why did the lost dog bring me here?"

Liu Qingqing remained calm, secretly thinking of ways to get out.

Seeing that she didn't respond for a long time, the man with glasses was not annoyed, but just shook his head and said with a little regret: "What an impolite lady."

After speaking, he waved at several strong men.

The next second, he frowned slightly.

Because his stupid subordinates didn't move at all.

He wanted to make a sound, but suddenly felt that the atmosphere around him became weird, and the surrounding suddenly became unprecedentedly quiet, and a bad feeling came to his heart.

The sky seemed to suddenly darken.


The ear-piercing sound of metal rubbing reached everyone's ears, and they all turned their heads in a daze at the same time.

At some point, a figure appeared in the distance——

It was a shirtless white-haired man, his eyes were bound by blood-stained red cloth, his mouth was stitched up with fine black thread, his body was full of scars, the wounds criss-crossed, hideous and frightening, shocking.

The two shoulder blades were pierced by metal black thorns, and the ends of the black thorns were connected to two huge and heavy chains, which spread to the man's arms and ankles respectively, and finally wrapped around the neck.

The chain was covered with tiny, sharp thorns, and every time the man moved a step, blood would ooze from his body.

He walked towards the crowd step by step, the chain made a loud noise, and there was a long bloodstain on the ground.

Just looking at it, the body of the man with glasses became completely stiff, as if he no longer belonged to him, unable to move, he could only watch helplessly as the white-haired man approached step by step.

The terrible oppressive feeling seemed to crush the nerves, and everyone felt an infinite sense of trembling in the depths of their souls.

Time seemed to be stretched infinitely, and every second was extremely tormented.

"Who is your Excellency, I am..."

Seeing the man approaching, the calmness on the face of the man with glasses was gone, he spoke hastily, but he stopped abruptly in the middle of the sentence——

A gust of cold wind blows.

Whether it's a strong man or a man with glasses.

Like an inconspicuous speck of dust, everyone who was touched by the white-haired man died suddenly, blood mist filled the sky, and blood rained down from the sky.

They didn't even have a chance to resist. Their fragile lives were like weeds on the side of the road. They could only shut their mouths and wither worthlessly.

The bereaved dog lay motionless on the ground and pretended to be dead.

Liu Qingqing opened her mouth wide and stared blankly at the white-haired man.

The latter also looked at her - although his eyes were blocked by the red envelope.

Surrounded by minced meat.

She was the only one who survived the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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