Chapter 242 Dragon!
"Dead? This guy... just died like this?"

Wuyu pretended to stand silently in front of the corpse of "Bai Mo", his expression was no longer calm, he just felt that the scene in front of him was extremely absurd, his scarlet eyes were filled with disbelief and inexplicable anger.

There was a huge arm-thick wound on the abdomen of the corpse, which ran all the way to the back, from which the internal organs could be seen. There was not much blood flowing out, and some of them hadn't dried up, as if they had died not long ago.

The death conditions of the other three corpses were similar to that of "Bai Mo". They were also penetrated by some kind of thick object, and the blood was suspected to have been sucked.

Wuyu quickly judged that the vines of the boundless grass plant were probably the ones who killed them, that is to say, it was probably the woman named Wen Ziya who killed them.

Combining the fact that Wen Ziya himself was dead, and the sharp knife stained with green blood next to Bai Mo's body, it is not difficult to deduce that there may be a battle between these two groups of people, which led to the death of both.

—but how is it possible?

Just as Bai Mo understands Wuyu, Wuyu certainly understands Bai Mo.

Even if this is just a false body, in order to cut off the connection and only have a very small part of the memory of the main body, but the throbbing that seems to come from the soul keeps telling him that no matter what, this guy cannot die so easily.

Died at the hands of this kind of trash... Are you kidding me?
"Are you so weak already?"

Wu Yu carefully inspected Bai Mo's body, and there was nothing unusual overall, but this body was so pitifully weak that it would be penetrated by that kind of weak weeds, unlike Bai Mo's body.

Of course he would doubt, could that guy Bai Mo be pretending to be dead on purpose?Or is it really, as he said before, that this is not his real body?

Strictly speaking, the false body is a new individual, and because his consciousness is not connected to the main body for the sake of insurance, he can only think on his own, but he still has no clue.

Wuyu thought about it, and planned to look around again.

The guy he wanted to kill died, and the crop that he valued so much also died. Wuyu's fake body couldn't help but fell into a daze, feeling inexplicably depressed, but he knew that things were not that simple, so he forcibly pulled himself together.

His thinking became dull, but he didn't notice that under the body of the corpse, a dark green branch quietly poked out of his head, and quickly retracted.


Time goes back a little.

"Why don't you bring me to see these corpses? You haven't got any clothes on, you don't have any eccentricities, do you?"

Looking at these naked corpses on the ground, Yang Yiyi's expression changed again and again, and she looked at Bai Mo warily.

"Aren't you very good at 'reproduction'? Now I want you to pick out five corpses and make them look like us." Bai Mo said calmly.

"What do you mean?"

"To put it simply, it is to make them look like us, so that some people think that we have died here..." Bai Mo lowered his voice, "Using false certification, I believe you can do this."

"Are you kidding me?" Yang Yiyi was stunned for a moment, then said angrily, "I won't touch these corpses, they're so dirty!"

... Actually she was just scared.

"Of course you can refuse, but believe me, if you don't, at most 10 minutes later, you will be like them...into a disgusting dirty corpse, or even worse."

Bai Mo's tone was calm, but there was a hint of threat in his voice.

"You fucking... Who are you scaring?" Yang Yiyi cursed.

Bai Mo said unhurriedly: "Did you see that guy over there? He is good at manipulating desires. Once you wake up, you will most likely become his puppet. As expected, you should be stripping while doing a striptease." Cut off your own flesh piece by piece, and then eat your own flesh into your stomach..."

He pretended to think, and said with great interest, "Of course you will be in pain, but you will never tire of it, and you will even be very excited, because you will not be in control of your body, and you will become a beast dominated by desire."

Yang Yiyi shrank her neck from his terrible description, and said bravely: "I'm not scared!"

But she said so with her mouth, but her body was very honest, and she had already squatted down to pick out the corpses when she was speaking——

Her intuition told her that what Bai Mo said was true.

"Since I want to reproduce your appearance, I must know your appearance, right?"

Halfway through the selection, she suddenly raised her head and said angrily.

Bai Mo didn't hesitate, quickly took off his hood and mask, and directly exposed his pale and handsome face to the other party's eyes. The other party muttered and didn't know what they were scolding him for.

Immediately afterwards, he directly put his face close to Yang Yiyi's head, getting closer and closer, so frightened that the latter quickly backed up a few steps, and was so nervous that he recovered his original voice: "What do you want to do?"

This is a very soft and soft female voice, it sounds like it should come from a cute girl, and she has a desire to protect and bully when she hears it, it is difficult for people to associate her previous image of swearing.

Yang Yiyi knew that Bai Mo had already seen her gender, so she didn't panic too much after revealing her voice, and even snorted coldly.

It's just that she still can't understand, how did this guy see it?She clearly disguised herself very well...

Bai Mo didn't care about the girl's voice at all. He had clear eyes and said seriously, "Listen to me, other people's corpses, including yours, can be made a little rough, but mine must be delicate. 100% restored, so it is attractive."

Yang Yiyi hesitated for a moment: "You... Is there something wrong with your mind?"

"Can it be done?" Bai Mo asked.

"I don't know, I have never used false authentication on corpses..."

"I believe in you, you have that talent."

"Even if you say that, I will..."

"It doesn't matter if you don't have talent." Bai Mo smiled slightly, his tone was unusually gentle, but he said something that made Yang Yiyi's hair stand on end—

"Then we'll die together."

He raised his head again, glanced inadvertently at Wuyu not far away who hadn't woken up, and murmured, "Striptease, cut into pieces, eat your own flesh..."

The tone became more and more perverted.

"Okay, okay, I'm talented, so it's okay!"

Trembling, Yang Yiyi interrupted Bai Mo's words, and opened his mouth in grief and indignation. He didn't know how many times he had greeted the eighteen generations of his ancestors.

In the next second, she took a deep breath, took out the false certification from the box, stamped the seal on the corpse, and then carefully changed the overall shape of the corpse so that it gradually became closer to Bai Mo's body.

Bai Mo looked at it for a while: "I need to remind you that the speed should be fast."

"It's so annoying!" Yang Yiyi cursed loudly, but still speeded up, gritted her teeth and said, "You must compensate me for the price of failure!"

"Failure? Then there's no need to make up for it. We'll just wait here to die. We're all dead anyway, so you don't need to worry about that bit of existence." Bai Mo cast her a cold look.

Yang Yiyi gritted her teeth angrily, not daring to stop.

To put it bluntly, the effect of false authentication is professional fraud. The ability can only be activated against dead objects, and corpses are also a kind of dead object. After being printed with a seal, the ability can be activated naturally, but the specific method depends on her craftsmanship——

"In this process, the individual with the seal will become extremely plastic, and the user can adjust it as he wants to make it a replica. The attributes given should be real and cannot be imagined. If If model creation is required, it is necessary to prepare swallowable individuals as replica templates for false certification."

"After 3 minutes, a judgment will be made, depending on the degree of similarity to the template and the user's imagination, false attributes will be given to it. If the pass rate is higher than 50.00%, the judgment will be successful, and the false attributes will be successfully assigned; if the pass rate is lower than 50.00%, the judgment fails, and the false authentication seal will remain on the user, reducing its existence attribute by one to three."

It has to be said that Yang Yiyi is indeed very talented in forgery. It didn't take long to reproduce a lifelike corpse of Bai Mo, and at Bai Mo's request, she left a huge wound on the abdomen of the corpse.

Perhaps because of the threat of death, her potential exploded, and even triggered the effect of making the corpse more real——

"Note [-], there is a probability that fake and genuine replicas have part of the utility of the real thing. Realizing this judgment will increase the user's existence attribute by [-]."

With the experience of re-engraving the first corpse, and the remaining corpses do not need to be so realistic, after checking the appearance of other people, Yang Yiyi quickly re-enacted the corpses of Zhang Tao's brothers and sisters and her own. .

But before the engraving, she repeatedly asked Bai Mo to stay away from her face, and Bai Mo also respected her idea, anyway, he didn't care who this guy was.

It is worth mentioning that Yang Yiyi was very reluctant when she learned that Wen Ziya's corpse still needed to be reproduced, because she dared not approach this scary-looking woman who was glued to the plants.

However, under Bai Mo's "striptease" warning, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and obey, and once again greeted the eighteen generations of this bastard's ancestor several times in her heart.

If it weren't for this guy, she wouldn't have encountered such a mess.

Fortunately, the woman who called herself Wen Ziya was more talkative than she imagined, and after seeing Wen Ziya when she took off her mask, Yang Yiyi was stunned——

It was a face you could never forget once you saw it.

Slender eyes with willow brows, flaming red lips, a black rose tattooed under the left corner of the eye, connecting to the left corner of the mouth, adding a bit of style to it, the perfect combination of intelligence and charm on the same face, bright and moving, Even abnormal skin color and green veins can't affect her charm at the moment.

Bai Mo stared at the rose for a moment.

In his current memory, the word "beautiful" only appeared on the flat-chested Xia Yuxi in Dongyang City before, but he didn't expect that it could also be used on this woman at this moment.

And different from Xia Yuxi, Wen Ziya's beauty is more impactful, like a blooming delicate rose, it is the kind of fatal beauty that can't be forgotten at a glance.

He suddenly understood why the group of this woman's subordinates coveted her so much...

In the following time, under Bai Mo's various requests and urgings, Yang Yiyi finally completed the task and successfully reproduced five "customized corpses", and then put masks on them and displayed them in a row, covering them with leaves their bodies.

"It's unbelievable. I thought I was really lying there dead." Wen Ziya's voice was soft, and she couldn't help expressing emotion.

The item under the effect of false certification is not just a false shell, it will endow the item with false attributes, almost have all the breath of the original item, and even reach the point of confusing the real.

In addition to being useless, bluffing is still very effective.

...For example, the charms that Yang Yiyi sold before.

"If my plan fails, then the death of this corpse is indeed a reference method of death." Bai Mo took her words and said lightly.

"What plan?" Wen Ziya recalled the tragic death of his men, and couldn't help breathing a little more quickly, "Can you kill that guy?"

At the moment, there are only her and Bai Mo in the same place. The Zhang Tao brothers and sisters are useless to this incident, so naturally they can't get in the way; while Yang Yiyi shrinks to a corner where no one is around, so as not to be affected by the negative effects of using false authentication. influences--

"Note 10, within [-] minutes after the existence attribute is reduced, the user will be labeled as a 'fraudster', the credibility will be greatly reduced, and it will even cause disgust. For safety reasons, please try to perform the review in a remote and uninhabited place. Get to work."

Although Yang Yiyi reproduced it very well this time, and has not been reduced in existence, this guy is obviously a stubborn and timid person, so just to be on the safe side, she decided to avoid the limelight for now——

The main reason is that she doesn't want to be ordered by Bai Mo anymore.

Bai Mo glanced at the figure in red in the distance, and said, "The strength of Wu Yu's fake body created through [Turning Fiction into Reality] should not be underestimated. I guess it has the level of an A-level extraordinary person, and it is invincible."

"A-level?" Wen Ziya's complexion changed, as if thinking of something, she said in disbelief, "Every fake body has A-level, so his main body..."

She didn't doubt Bai Mo's words, because the aura of that guy made her a little afraid.

The so-called A-level transcendents are terrifying existences known as "natural disasters". They have completely escaped the cognition of ordinary people. It is very easy to crush B-level.

"That's not something you should be thinking about right now."

Bai Mo was noncommittal, and said calmly, "But don't worry, the fake body is a castrated version of the main body with all attributes, and there is a high probability that Wuyu will not dare to separate the mental manipulation fake body, so this fake body is at most empty. Level strength, other aspects will be much weaker.”

What is Empty Level A?
A-level is A-level, even if you only have A-level physical fitness, it is enough to annihilate an army with a speed and strength beyond ordinary people's comprehension.

Wen Ziya smiled wryly, "For example?"

"For example, these corpses can't fool Wuyu himself, but there is still a chance to fool this fake body." Bai Mo seemed to smile.

"Just a 'chance'?"

Wen Ziya was taken aback for a moment, and then a worried look appeared on her face.

"Yes, after all, I'm not sure whether Wuyu will have other arrangements in the fake body." Bai Mo said calmly.

Wen Ziya sighed, thinking of something, hesitated for a moment and asked: "But... But didn't you just say that you are the most terrible taboo in the world, why are you still worried?"

What she meant was, why do you still do all these things when you are so awesome? Why don't you just do it?

But Bai Mo ignored her, and continued: "It is likely that the strong killing intent that gave you the power to move is the strong killing intent that was taken away from you just now, so as expected, that thing will desperately want to kill me—— That's his job."

"And once he sees my corpse, even if he has doubts in his heart, the killing intent will be reduced, which will affect his ability to move. At that time, he will be the weakest moment, and you need to kill him with all your strength. he."

Without the intervention of the main body, the actions of the false body are more driven by desire, and this is the same as a person's desire to survive, which can drive him to work hard in a certain direction. Once this core desire dissipates, it will naturally be greatly reduced. Affects a person's spirit--

Bai Mo is very familiar with [Turning Fiction into Reality], so he also understands some of the flaws.

"If I can really kill that guy, then of course I wish for it..."

Wen Ziya was full of resentment towards Wuyu, her tone was extremely cold, but she was a little puzzled immediately, "But is this really that simple?"

Is it really possible for a dignified A-level powerhouse to show obvious flaws and move slowly just because he sees some corpses?

"No, it's not easy."

Bai Mo shook his head and said, "First of all, if we were not lucky, we would not have been able to produce such a corpse that could be faked. Secondly, if Wuyu suddenly manipulates the fake body from the air, then we must also be prepared to wait for death."

Wuyu's [Turning Fiction into Reality] should not be underestimated. It was only because he had concerns about Bai Moxin, coupled with his haste, that he had to use the desire to kill to empower the false body to intervene in this matter instead of the main body. .

——And this gave Bai Mo a chance.

No desire after the event can be analyzed by receiving the memory of the fake body, which is equivalent to real-time monitoring of delay.However, once the main body suddenly takes over the false body, the trick of using the corpse to eliminate the false body's desire to kill will not work.

In layman's terms, the autonomous action of this fake body is now more like AI hosting. Actions for a certain task have limitations that can be exploited. Once Wuyu's body takes over, it is equivalent to a high-level player directly intervening, and there is no such thing as For the program.

Bai Mo was betting, and he was betting that Wuyu would never dare to put his energy on the fake body, so as not to encounter the trap that Bai Mo might set up, so that he could follow the clues to find him and lose his freedom again.

"If you are willing, I will remove the seed of desireless grass for you." After a moment of silence, Bai Mo said suddenly.

The sudden words made Wen Ziya stunned for a moment, her eyes were not excited, but sad, she nodded and said: "Thank you, of course I am willing."

Bai Mo reminded her: "But you have to understand that a large part of the reason why you can empathize with these plants on the ground is due to the seed of the No Desire grass. After you understand it, you will not have this kind of power."

"I understand, but I need freedom more than strength." Wen Ziya smiled, "And the reason why you have someone prepare a corpse for me is that you have already planned to remove the desireless weeds for me." Plant it?"

Bai Mo sighed faintly: "Of course, I need your combat power."


Time goes back to the present.

Wu Yu would never have imagined that Bai Mo and the others, whom he had searched for a long time but could not find, were actually hiding in a secret room in the camp at this moment.

That's right, the Chamber of Secrets.

This is a secret room that only Wen Ziya knows. It is a semicircular room located near the wall at the end of the camp. The password to open it is also "Open Sesame".

According to her, this underground space was not built by them, but was discovered by chance. It has not seen the sun all year round, and it may have been established a long time ago. The specific time and location.

But being able to integrate with the wall without being turned out, and being able to isolate Wuyu's large-scale perception is enough to show that this secret room is very good. Bai Mo was quite happy when he knew it at the time, and it just solved a lot of his troubles.

In the face of questioning, he said that he did not know the origin of this passage, and the fact is true. The construction of this underground space may be at a later time in his knowledge, and the reason for the construction is unknown.

He didn't say a word, just waited silently.

The secret room is not big, just as empty as the camp. All the walls are made of a transparent material like glass. It is not crowded when several people stand in it, but no matter whether you look up, down, left, or right, you can see yourself from the wall. Somewhat weird.

"This may be a shelter built a long time ago." Zhang Rouzhu guessed.

"Idiot, if it's a place of refuge, how could there be no stockpiling of supplies?" Yang Yiyi said angrily.

She is very angry now, and everyone except Wen Ziya dares to say something.

"So what, can't it be built but not used?" Zhang Rouzhu retorted.

"Impossible, if it is a place of refuge, how come there is no emergency exit?"

"Not all refuge places have emergency exits..."

"Ha ha."


At this moment, Bai Mo suddenly said coldly, "This place is soundproof, but it doesn't mean it won't be discovered at all. You you want to die?"

There is no emotion in his words, which makes people feel afraid.

The secret room fell silent for a moment.

After hesitating for a moment, Wen Ziya closed his eyes and felt it for a moment, then said, "That guy has already seen your body, as you expected, he is in a trance."

This is her own ability [Hua Musheng], which can manipulate plants, and even without the help of boundless grass seeds, she can perceive part of the outside world.

At this time, Wen Ziya had been separated from the plants, with long hair draped over her shoulders, she was not wearing anything underneath, and her graceful body was wrapped in a black robe.

Perhaps it was because she had just gotten rid of the boundless grass seed not long ago, her face was still a little pale, and some blood vessels were still green, but the color was much lighter, not only not scary, but added a bit of strange beauty to it.

Although Bai Mo's perception at this moment is not as strong as Wen Ziya's, he has barely learned the situation in the passage through the feedback from the hand vines, and nodded.

"Then I make a move?"

Wen Ziya's eyes flashed with hatred, but she still restrained herself and did not act rashly, but waited for Bai Mo's response.

After getting along for a short time, she chose to believe in this mysterious man.

"No, don't do it." Bai Mo said.

Wen Ziya was taken aback for a moment, and raised her beautiful eyebrows: "But isn't now the best time to do it?"

"Don't rush..."

Bai Mo didn't know what he found. He looked around the secret room with a smile on his lips, "Maybe you don't need to take action."

In the underground passage, Wuyu suddenly stopped and looked at his feet with the help of the torchlight.

The ground was covered with red floor tiles, which seemed to be made of scales of different sizes, reflecting the light of the torch.

At this moment, those floor tiles that looked like scales were floating slightly, opening and closing continuously as if they had come to life.

The passageway vibrated, and a deep roar could be heard vaguely, coming from nowhere.

The look of Wuyu's fake body became uncontrollably serious.

"This is... a dragon?"

(End of this chapter)

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