Restricted area grave keeper

Chapter 228 Underground Space

Chapter 228 Underground Space
As early as when a large number of people left the market, Bai Mo noticed something was wrong - the change in the number of people in the market was abnormal.

Although many people are leaving through the branch tunnel, the speed of the reduction of the number of people in the market is a bit weird, faster than normal.

In other words... Under the cover of the flow of people leaving, some people are disappearing unknowingly.

Hearing Bai Mo's words, a fierce light suddenly flashed in the eyes under the mask of the man in black. A dagger slipped out of his wide sleeve and fell to the palm of his hand. The chest of white ink.

His attack was too sudden, beyond everyone's expectation, no one reacted for a while, and the speed was astonishingly fast, like a bullet fired from the chamber, the sharp tip of the knife touched Bai Mo's left chest almost instantly .

Zhang Rouzhu covered her mouth, but she was powerless to stop it, so she had to close her eyes subconsciously, unable to bear to see the tragic situation that followed.


The expected scream did not sound, she only heard a muffled grunt and a crisp sound - the latter sounded like the sound of a broken bone.

He opened his eyes suspiciously, and saw that Bai Mo was not only unscathed, but instead held the dagger of the man in black across his chest with one hand, performing a wave of empty-handed and white-blade!

It has to be said that the timing of Bai Mo's catching the dagger was too dangerous, because even if it was a second later, the sharp dagger would have pierced his heart and killed him.

However, Bai Mo was terribly calm. The moment he took the dagger, he twisted his backhand. The reaction was astonishingly fast. The man in black didn't even have a chance to throw away the dagger, and his wrist was broken by the sudden force.

But the man in black was not an ordinary person, even though his wrist was broken, he didn't scream at all. He just snorted, took the dropped dagger with his other hand, and quickly distanced himself from Bai Mo, sizing him up carefully.

The battle between the two was split at the touch of a button, and it happened between lightning and flint. However, due to the cover of the wide black robe, many people did not see the dagger in the black man's hand, and there were no strange sounds, so few people paid attention to it. The movements here——

Even if he noticed, he just watched from a distance, and didn't dare to go forward, so as not to cause trouble to his upper body.

In the buffer zone, meddling is dangerous.

But Bai Mo could clearly sense that many people were quietly approaching this place, and they seemed to be planning to surround them, perhaps they were under the guy on the opposite side.

The charm stall owner realized something was wrong early on, and quickly put away the cart, sneaking towards the tree branch tunnel.

He obviously didn't want to wade into this muddy water, he didn't even bother to ask about the way to survive Bai Mo's mouth, he just wanted to get away from this trouble as soon as possible, so that he could live every day.

"You are a master."

The man in black stared at Bai Mo opposite for a long time, and said in a cold tone, "So we won't let you leave here alive."

"But we have no grievances or enmities." Bai Mo said calmly.

What kind of master is he now, but the strength of his arm is strengthened by the vines in his hand, otherwise he would not even have the strength of the dagger just now.

The other party was obviously an extraordinary person, estimated to be around C-level. An extraordinary person of this level didn't even care about hot weapons. If they really wanted to fight, he wouldn't get any benefits now.

But he didn't show any timidity at all, and secretly gestured to the Zhang Tao brothers and sisters to keep calm and not to show fear.

Neither of them were idiots, so they quickly suppressed their flustered emotions and pretended to be calm. Anyway, everyone was wearing black robes, and no one could see their respective expressions.

"You know our secret, so you deserve to die." The man in black said coldly.

While speaking, the "we" in his mouth had already moved closer. There were about six or seven people, most of whom were supernatural beings, and they quietly blocked all their escape routes.

The owner of the talisman stall complained in his heart, because before he had time to leave, he was forced to retreat by several people. It seemed that these guys regarded him and that kid as a group and were unwilling to let him go.

But the problem is... It's none of my business for this guy to talk badly?
Although he didn't know what that kid just said to the man in black, but thinking of his own experience, he was afraid that this kid knew some ulterior secret of the other party... and he managed to tell it out.

I bother!

Call you a fucking wolf with a big tail!It also made me tired!He kept yelling in his heart.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the other melon-eating people around realized something was wrong after a while, and hurriedly fled in all directions. The man in black and the others did not stop them and let them leave.

When the sword was on the verge of breaking out, Bai Mo still calmed down: "Don't you wonder why I know your secret?"

"Not curious."

The man in black waved his hand, motioning for everyone to join hands. Obviously, keeping the secret of the grassland is the most important thing to him, and everything else doesn't matter.

"The seeds of this meadow were brought from the dark forest?"

At this moment, the other party's indifferent voice sounded again. Although he was asking, his tone was extremely firm.

The man in black was startled, but he still didn't intend to stop everyone from doing it.

However, in the next second, the other party's words made him instantly change his expression——

"As far as I know, this kind of grass can't be planted in the soil, it can only grow when it takes root in the flesh... So, are you going to let this seed grow?" Bai Mo asked with a half-smile.


This sentence seemed to have some magical power, which made the man in black stunned for a moment, and when he regained his senses, he quickly stopped everyone's movements with a loud voice.

Perhaps it was because he was too emotional, his speech speed couldn't help being a little bit hurried, and it took a long time to calm down.

"You know what we're up against?" He took a deep breath, his voice less gloomy.

"What do you think?"

Bai Mo was noncommittal, and there seemed to be some teasing in his tone.

The man in black seemed to be thinking about something, and it took him a while to withdraw his thoughts, and asked hesitantly, "Then do you know what the solution is?"

In fact, he was a little afraid to ask this question because he was afraid of getting a negative answer.

All his subordinates couldn't help holding their breath, as if they were looking forward to Bai Mo's answer.

Bai Mo was silent for a long time, hesitant to speak, as if he didn't know how to answer.

Seeing this, the man in black's heart sank.

It seems that no one knows yet...

However, just when he was disappointed, he heard the other party's calm voice.

"It's just a solution. Isn't this a very difficult thing?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience fell silent for an instant.

The man in black was taken aback for a moment, and then he was ecstatic.

What does this guy mean...

The owner of the talisman booth sighed in his heart, this kid is even more pretentious than me - but in this way, if the other party is really so well-informed, then maybe he really knows the way to keep himself alive ...

His mind instantly became active.

Although Zhang Tao and Zhang Rouzhu didn't know what was going on, they kept the question to themselves in a tacit understanding.

After a short period of excitement, the man in black calmed down instead. While playing with the dagger in his hand, he said, "Since you know our predicament, I won't say much - I need a solution to the problem, and your last It’s good to be responsible for what you say.”

"of course can."

The man in black spoke slowly: "If you can really help us, we will naturally repay you, so you can rest assured."

"I never thought of paying back." Bai Mo said lightly.


The man in black let out a sneer of unknown meaning, and then said, "In that case, you can stay here tonight."

"Live there?"

"It's so big, you can live anywhere you want."

Hearing this, the brothers and sisters of Zhang Tao and the owner of the charm stall looked blank at first, and then they seemed to realize something at the same time, and their hearts were horrified——

Could it be that... this meadow and the market belong to these people?
Bai Mo didn't speak, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"There is a risk of being swallowed when entering the tunnel now, this is for your safety."

Perhaps because some people were worried that he had ulterior motives, the man in black explained, "Even if it is really a stupid decision to nourish this grassland with corpses, at least until tomorrow morning, this matter cannot be changed."

"What do you mean by that?" Zhang Tao couldn't help asking.

He had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Huh?" The man in black glanced at Bai Mo and said thoughtfully, "It seems they don't know..."

"Then I'll just tell you guys directly - this branch tunnel is alive, it will eat people randomly every afternoon, even I can't completely control it, if you don't want to die, stay here tonight, understand ?” he whispered.

As soon as this remark came out, the surroundings instantly fell silent.

Zhang Tao and the others were terrified. They turned their heads to look at the tunnel formed by the branches and the long queue in front of the tunnel, and their hearts sank bit by bit.

Tunnels are alive...

In other words... Will anyone die in this long line?
"This is a secret. Please keep your mouths shut. If it weren't for the need to exchange solutions, you would be dead now."

Perhaps seeing the thoughts of some people, the man in black warned sternly.

Bai Mo shook his head slightly, telling the brothers and sisters Zhang Tao not to act rashly, the latter remained silent, which also meant that they had to watch others die.

Zhang Tao suddenly asked: "In other words, this grassland is actually your site, and the market was also created by you, right?"

"That's right." The man in black said, "Regarding this point, you also need to keep it secret."

"Then the purpose of your creation of the market is..."

"People will eat when they are hungry, and plants will also eat people when they are hungry. As you can imagine, one of the important purposes of creating a market is to collect food, all kinds of food? Including people."

The man in black spoke the cruelest truth in a calm tone.

"Crazy, you are simply crazy!"

Zhang Tao was furious. He didn't know the purpose of these guys, but there was no doubt that these guys deliberately used people to feed plants, and they undoubtedly ignored life to the extreme!
In vain, he thought that the design of the bazaar was very good, and the interval opening of the tunnel could prevent tailgating, but who knew that this was actually a tunnel that would eat people... When a person goes out and cannot see his relatives and friends, he will wait no matter what No, how uncomfortable would that feeling be?
The man in black said as a matter of course: "There has never been any fee for the opening of the market, so let's consider it a small interest."

"In addition, I have no time to argue with you meaninglessly. We just need to wait until the matter is over tomorrow morning, and we can say goodbye."

He should have written a date in white ink.

Bai Mo signaled Zhang Tao not to be impatient, and then said: "Although I know something about this grass species, you should tell me the specific situation so that I can find a solution."

"That's natural. After all those guys have left, I'll take you to dinner, and I'll tell you the details in the evening," said the man in black.

The time soon came to six o'clock.

Except for Bai Mo and the others, almost everyone has already left the market through the branch tunnel, but I don't know how many people have been reduced to the rations of the tunnel.

Every time they think of this, Zhang Tao and Zhang Rouzhu feel a little uncomfortable.

"Second brother, there are a few sneaky guys over there, and they seem to be planning to stay here secretly." At this moment, someone pointed to a few figures in the distance and said to the man in black.

"Just kill it, check it as usual, find out all the guys who everyone plans to stay, and then solve it together." The man in black said indifferently.

His subordinates took orders and left with a few people.

Soon, there was a shrill scream in the distance, which made people palpitate.

The man in black looked at the people and said lightly: "There is an unwritten rule in the market, that is, you can't stay after the time is up. Everyone should be very clear about this. I'm not doing too much, right?"

The owner of the talisman stall was silent, not daring to say more.

Bai Mo didn't answer, but asked, "Should it be time for dinner?"

The man in black was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "It's almost done, come with me."

He turned around and walked towards a certain direction, while a group of his subordinates walked at the back, closely monitoring Bai Mo and the others in case they made any small moves.

The grass was green on all sides, and I don't know how the man in black found his way. After walking for a long time, he came to an open space. Somehow he used some method to uncover a piece of turf on the ground, revealing a staircase leading to the ground.

This is an authentic entrance, the entrance is two meters wide, which is very wide.

"Although the probability is small, creatures in the restricted area may still visit here at night, so our residence is underground." The man in black explained.

It has to be said that after reaching an agreement with Bai Mo, he acted quite calmly, and had no intention of hiding any of these secrets.

But Bai Mo is very clear that this may not be a good thing, because the other party may not be worried about them leaking the news——

After all, as long as everyone who knows the secret is killed afterwards, there is no need to worry about the secret being leaked, right?

Not long after, a sudden change occurred.

When going down the stairs, Zhang Rouzhu accidentally fell and let out a soft cry, but she reacted quickly, and luckily she didn't fall.

Hearing the sound, the man in black stopped suddenly and turned to look at her.

"What are you looking at?" Zhang Rouzhu felt terrified at the sight.

However, the man in black did not answer her question, but said in an inexplicable tone: "A woman?"

Bai Mo found that with the appearance of these two words, many of the people surrounding them became short of breath instantly, and some even let out a strange "hehe" laugh.

- The meaning of laughter is self-evident.

"Why, you haven't seen a woman before?" Zhang Rouzhu said coldly, trying not to show fear.

The man in black said, "Take off your hat and let me see."


"You just have to do it."

Zhang Rouzhu's heart tightened, and she saw Bai Mo and Zhang Tao suddenly standing in front of her, and asked the man in black, "What do you want to do?"

"We can't leave here, so we can only see people when the market is open every month."

The man in black said slowly, "...and I rarely see women."

Bai Mo understood what he meant, and said coldly: "As long as your problems are solved, going out is not a difficult task for you."

"That's for later."

The man in black said, "You have to make it clear that we are not in an equal transaction relationship. If you solve the problem, you live; if you can't solve it, you die...Your life and death are in my hands, understand?"

Now that everyone has entered the ground, he finally has no scruples and directly expresses his thoughts.

Through the fight just now, he already had some understanding of Bai Mo's strength, even if the opponent's strength was higher than his own, it would never be much higher.

After all, if the other party is really that powerful, there is no need to make false claims with them.

The other guy selling fake talismans should be an extraordinary person, but he is not much stronger, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

The other pair of men and women are even a pair of waste, which can't do much.

Therefore, he is confident and can handle these guys with ease.

(End of this chapter)

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