Wandao long distance

Chapter 681 The body of Xiantian!

A picture failed to capture Li Qi's charm, but it did capture the indifferent eyes amidst the chaos.

This is... the Li Qi in Lingxiao's eyes.

She really couldn't figure out Li Qi's charm, and she didn't know how to draw his face and figure.

However, after observing for so long, Li Qi's eyes have the most profound influence on her.

It's like... the eyes of the sky.

The real Li Qi looked at the painting and smiled, "Although he has no face, the painting is pretty good."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the painting.

The eyes in the painting's phantom and chaos suddenly became brighter——

It was as if Li Qi had opened his eyes.

Then Li Qi stretched out his hand and handed the scroll to Ling Xiao: "If you paint my portrait, then this thing will be your reward. You are a little different from others... I guess it's because you really like painting."

If you really like it, it will give birth to real enthusiasm.

It is not forced by survival, not urged by the environment, nor pressured by other people, but a complete love and a pursuit from the heart.

Her motivation does not come from outside, but from inside.

Many people, whether they are practicing or studying, think "you can earn money after you learn it", "my parents think it's good for me to learn this", "it's easy to get a job now that I learn this."

There is nothing wrong with such a mentality. After all, survival is the top priority, but this kind of learning is a kind of pressure for me.

All the stupid rhetoric that "pressure is the driving force" is in essence a forceful push. Pressure is indeed a driving force, but its essence is still pressure. As long as it is pressure, the driving force for progress comes from the outside world.

Once the external environment changes, for example, there is no pressure to survive, is there still motivation to hone your skills?Or should I continue to eat and wait for death with the achievements I have now?

Relying on the motivation given by the outside world, it won't go far, unless someone deliberately makes the pressure continue. Some "strict masters" among the strict masters and apprentices are good at constantly giving pressure without causing people to collapse.

Therefore, if you want to go long-term, the motivation cannot come from the outside world, it must come from your own heart.

The Ling Xiao in front of her, born in the upper class, has no pressure to survive, and because she really loves painting, she has continued to study until now. Unknowingly, she has completed the process of "motivation comes from the heart".

Therefore, Li Qi chose to keep the painting here.

He has already seen that this painting may become Ling Xiao's Taoist foundation, so let's leave it here.

"Senior... are you leaving?" Ling Xiao couldn't help guessing when she saw Li Qi's appearance.

At this point, when she observes Li Qi so carefully, she can already vaguely sense some thoughts of this mysterious Heaven-reaching Realm.

"Yes, I've seen enough, I'm going to visit other places, and... I also have a little guess about my destination, so it's quite rewarding." Li Qi just smiled.

Ling Xiao was speechless, did not answer, but quietly stepped aside, carefully observing every trace of Li Qi's expression again, as if she wanted to draw another portrait of Li Qi.

Li Qi didn't seem to see it, or maybe he didn't care, so he just waited in place.

Two days later, out of the 3000 people in the banquet, there were less than 100 people left, and the others died in the brutal fighting.

Obviously everyone agreed that one person would be safe and sound with a little bit, but they insisted on fighting desperately.

There's no point in competing for competition's sake.

On the other side, a set of unexpected mechanism has been formed in the running water mat outside. They have formulated rules and achieved 'sharing', thereby preventing other violent incidents from happening.

These two things happened in the fairyland.

From it, Li Qi could see a little bit of the intentions from the upper echelon of Immortal Heaven.

He already had a guess in his mind, but still needed a little clue to confirm it.

When the banquet was over, Li Qi waved his hand and released the remaining living people from his inner world.

They took a lot of pots and bowls, and Li Qineitian's pure spirit was all over his body.

However, to Li Qi, this was nothing more than a drop in the bucket. They didn't get any of the really valuable fifth-grade Daoyun. Obviously, they didn't have the ability to pick up the Daoyun.

After they came out, they were covered in blood and wanted to salute Li Qi.

Li Qi didn't say a word, just shook his head, and then left here.

Disappeared out of thin air without nostalgia, just like he appeared out of thin air.

It's just that not long after he left, after the lower level had enough to eat, they still started fighting. Only then did they realize... No one cares at all.

Ling Xiao watched Li Qi leave, then looked at the painting in her hand, then smiled in relief, and tore the painting into pieces.

She didn't know what a 'Dogie' was, but she didn't think it was necessary to keep it anymore.

The things in the painting are not in the painting, but in the heart, it is useless to keep them.

Some people used to have a well-thought-out plan, so they can draw bamboo without looking at it, and now she does the same.


As for Li Qi, he went to other cities.

So slowly and quietly, he has been wandering in the real world for more than 100 years.

Over the past 100 years, he has observed more than [-] cities, [-] settlements, and various celestial wonders.

I have visited other Tongtian Realms and partially manipulated the local society.

It has been nearly 1000 years since he came to Xiantian. During these 1000 years, all kinds of situations he experienced, all kinds of speculations, conjectures, and clues collected, coupled with the cultivation techniques explored by Zhen Zhiyun, made Li Qi Finally got close to this answer.

This is not easy. Li Qi has collected a lot of things and explored many places. He has been to the limit of the sky and the sea, and dug the ground to the depths of hundreds of millions of miles underground. If not, it will come up.

He even passed through the gate of heaven, descended to the mortal world again, and then teleported back and forth.

He is like a ghost, an experimenter, using the fairy world and the mortal world as his own laboratory, constantly testing the answers he wants.

Li Qi has left behind many legends, and many people admire him. He even extinguished his divine fire more than once, because his existence has led to the belief of many people, and there are many sects that specifically believe in him. Established, even if these believers don't actually know what Li Qi is and think that he is a part of God.

The long journey and long life allowed Li Qi to dig out the hidden truth of this first-class world little by little.

For example... He has never seen a fourth-grade He Dao Realm.

For another example, all the Heaven-reaching realms are desperately trying to join the Tao.

Li Qi also searched everywhere for the Tongtian Realm who is about to join the Dao, but unfortunately he has been unable to do so, because the number of people joining the Dao is too small.

Time passed so slowly.

In the end, through these actions, Li Qi felt that he seemed to have obtained his own answer.

That is: the truth of immortality.

After another ten years, Li Qi sat quietly on the spot, deducing the things needed for the sacrifice.

He wants to create an original sacrifice, and through this sacrifice, to verify his conjecture, and directly communicate with the upper layer of the fairyland.

It was difficult, so he found a secluded place to conceive and deduce a little bit.

Under the super computing power, it took ten years, and he was finally ready.

Armed with the answers and the tools, it's time to put all the guesswork into practice.

What Li Qi held was a classic sacrifice ceremony.

Li Qi is a Zhuren of the earth lineage, and originally he was best at offering sacrifices to mountains and rivers, but the top of the immortal sky is obviously not considered an earth, so he can only use the method of offering sacrifices to heaven.

The round jade is like the sky, there is nothing on the ground, only the sky is half-seeing.

Li Qi prepares his sacrifice coins and puts his own jade, the color of which is like the blue sky.

The same is true for the altar itself. The sky is dark and black is used, but although the sky is dark, it looks blue when viewed from a distance.

The utensils used to worship the sky are pottery gourds.Pottery and pottery are the genus of the recommended pottery, and the post Jijiao Tianyun in Shengmin's article "uses beans and climbs", which is also recommended.

Then use Pao Juo to offer wine, offering sacrifices to heaven and quality, so Pao Juo is also used as a respect.

The ancestral temple sacrificial statue is used for offering sacrifices to heaven, which was used by Tao Pao in Li Qijin's case, as described above.

Where it sacrifices to heaven, it sacrifices to the Circular Mound.

The joy of offering sacrifices to the heavens all uses thunder drums.

The god of heaven is supreme, there is nothing to call it, its body should be one, prepare five sets of wine and three wines, there is burnt burnt, and after that there is the main sacrifice, all with animals.

Li Qi was the officiant alone, and he was poured with Yuchang wine.

Then go out a straight line, which is called "big road".

The road is also used to worship the sky, and it is used to worship the sky, so it is called the road. There are many tassels on the road, and because the value is precious and the small is important, it is said that the less is the more expensive.

Walking across the main road, Li Qi offered sacrifices to heaven.

Through the main road, together with sacrifices and sacrifices, the power of communication of the sacrifice itself is formed...

This kind of power goes straight to the sky.

Li Qi's body began to shake involuntarily.

In other people's terms, this is the 'jumping god'.

But this is actually the appearance of Li Qi's consciousness separated from the body, unable to control the body.

Wu Ji's consciousness left his body and drifted towards a brand new, unknown realm.

There, is pure light.

It worked!He communicated with Xiantian, and Xiantian responded to him!

The success of the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven caused a grand white rainbow light to appear in front of Li Qi's eyes.

Light, pure light.

Here, everything seems to melt, and the power is so strong.

There is a special rhythm in the emitted light. If you use the words of humane Confucianism to describe it, it is 'Zhi Shan'.

The ultimate good is not goodness, but the perfection of everything.

There is nothing in this light, but it seems to have everything.

Here, everything exudes an atmosphere of 'everything', and it seems that even the light itself can intersect with perfect geometric figures

Li Qi seemed to hear the roar flowing in the endless river of time, and he could also see the void between the worlds!
He can feel that after coming here, he himself is like a gear in the world, every movement perfectly fits the rest of the world, every move and everything meshes and rotates.

All the gears are in such harmony that the absence of any one would render it inoperable.

He had sacrificed many things and communicated with countless gods, but this was the first time he felt this sense of oppression.

However, Li Qi smiled in relief.

Sure enough, the answer I guessed was true.

He has tried countless times and tried for a long time, whether it is in the immortal world or the immortal world, all the things he does, preaching, observing, or provoking disputes, or other things, Its purpose is only one, and that is to show the real "fairy" to see.

After reading it, Li Qi can use his own feedback to speculate on the real situation of Xiantian, and after going back and forth like this, Li Qi might be able to find out something useful.

Knowing useful things can help Wu Dao and Xiantian establish a friendly relationship, and even gain this ally.

And now, through nearly 1000 years of hard work, Li Qi already knows what the topmost state of Xiantian is.

"Oh? What state is it?" At this moment, a voice came from Li Qi's ear.

Li Qi knew it in his heart.

This is... the voice of a fairy.

This is Xiantian's answer.

"Of course... there are no creatures above the fourth rank, and the fifth rank, reaching the sky, is already the apex of the fairyland."

"Further up, after joining the Dao, there will be only one first rank, and that is you... the Dao of Immortal Heaven."

Li Qi talked eloquently, and told that great being the answer he had observed.

"This is also the reason why Xiantian can exist for a long time. After tens of billions of years and endless mining, it can still maintain the prosperity of the world. The fundamental reason is that there are no practitioners above the fourth rank. Said that the consumption of the fifth grade is just a drop in the bucket."

Yes, this is the answer Li Qi guessed, and it is also the reason why Li Qi dared to perform the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven 80 years later.

"In the whole of Xiantian, the life being raised is actually 'food', and the real 'practice' of Xiantian is actually you... Heavenly Dao." Li Qi sighed as he looked at the majestic light...

It's really... the way of heaven.

All the practitioners in Xiantian are just food, and in the entire Xiantian, only the first-grade Heavenly Dao who has awakened his will is free.

Therefore, the Tao of Evolution has been carried out to the extreme here.

The essence of He Dao is to be eaten by him!
Brutal fighting in the lower tiers, sifting, just for 'different flavors' of food.

Yes, Xiantian wasn't always so cruel, it's just that during these hundreds of millions of years, the 'common food' he wanted was specialized in fighting, so that he could specialize in fighting.

Immortal Heaven is the cruelest world.

Life in this first-tier world has no way out at all!From the very beginning, it is impossible for them to detach themselves. All the promotions and competitions are essentially cultivating their own fleshy qualities in the direction that 'Heavenly Dao' likes!

At the same time, the goal of this Heavenly Dao is also the pursuit of the Daoist School. He wants the ultimate freedom, and may even be the freedom beyond his own world origin.

As the awakening of the Heavenly Dao of the pure first-rank world, he has long been separated from the essence of the Shinto, this extremely selfish and vicious world!
"The goal of your joining forces with Wu Dao... I guess it is to know the method of Wu Dao to strengthen the world, right? After all, this may be your method of cultivation, so...the reason why Yao Ji disappeared is also because of you, isn't it? "Li Qi respectfully maintained the sacrificial offering, so said. (end of this chapter)

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